Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The blond shuddered, not so quick to drop the subject. He looked up at Rune, stopping the man dead in his tracks as he tried to head for the apartment. "No. No he doesn't just give off that vibe." Calder's eyes were wide and a little desperate, as was the tone he was using. He couldn't explain what he felt, only that this person was not good...at all. "No, Rune. It's different. He's bad... Evil bad. You know me-I've never acted like this about anyone. Please-he's trouble. Honest."
Rune looked down at the other when he stopped him. He listened to the other and sighed gently. Leaning forward, he kissed the other's lips softly. "Okay, okay. I'll keep my eye out for him. Besides, he's probably leaving tonight anyway so he won't even be here long." He stated, kissed him once more, and then went back to trying to get to the apartment. he did not know what was up with Calder, but well, he would not hang around him again if that was what the other thought. HE did not want to get him even more upset.​
He sighed. It wasn't what he wanted to hear (well, it was, but he wanted to be taken seriously) but it was better than an argument he supposed. Leaning up, Calder pressed a kiss to Rune's lips, nuzzling there for a second. "I know you think I'm crazy. But honest-I'm not." The blond let it drop at that, stepping away to take Rune's hand and allowed his lover to lead him through the school towards the apartment.

They ran into Sergei on the way, the Russian backing up with wide eyes as he saw them coming. Calder let go of Rune's hand for a moment to approach the cautious man with a friendly smile. "I promise-he won't hurt you," he offered.

Sergei was still very nervous, but he'd spoken to Calder in class a few times, and trusted that he was a nice person. "I... I just... Em... Sorry." He wasn't sure if he was directing the apology to Calder or to Rune or to both. "I was am just on my way to seeing Gabriel." His English suffered when he was nervous. "And Tania."
Rune arched a brow at the other that they ran into. He looked him over and smiled a little bit more. He was cute. No wonder Gabriel liked him so much. He laughed softly and walked toward him with a gentle smiled to his lips. He smirked as he looked at the other, holding up a single forefinger. "You two... Stay." He said, a mischievous look glinted through his ice blue eyes as he ran off back toward the school to search for his little nephew.

He easily found the man's room - having been there once or twice - and knocked on the door. "Gabriel! We have your boyfriend and we're taking him hostage!" He yelled, the door instantly flying open with a wide-eyed Gabriel there. Rune laughed softly, kissing the man's cheek before he peeked inside. Where was that little Tani-- ah! He bounced past the other who looked even more confused. He picked up the little pup, taking her leash,a toy, a few snacks and he then turned to look at Gabriel. "We ran into Sergei on our way to our apartment... So you two are coming over for tea." He stated, only getting a more lost look from the other. He shrugged and walked past him.

Gabriel blinked a few times, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. He remained quiet all the while, until they got to where the two were. He moved over to Sergei, lookin concerned as ever. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders and he hugged him against his chest. "Are you okay?" He whispered softly, knowing how jumpy Rune made him.​
Sergei couldn't help the raised eyebrow at Rune telling him and Calder to stay where they were. He looked at the blond, who shrugged. "I trust him with my life Sergei-with good reason. You don't have to be afraid of him." Calder smiled a little and Sergei nodded as they made small talk. New people still made him nervous, and the Russian was more glad than ever to see Gabriel and to cling to him for a moment. He knew now that he would be safe, and he nodded that he was alright after a few more minutes of hugging.

"My... Em... Speaking is... плох." He couldn't think of the word 'bad', and it would likely take hours for him to return to what had become his norm. It helped, however, that he saw Tania in Rune's arms, and the Russian didn't think twice about going over to the man and taking his pup into his arms, cuddling her as he had taken to doing and speaking to her in Russian, telling her what a good girl she was and how pretty she was. It took a full minute for realization to dawn. "Where we are going?"
Rune gladly let the other take the puppy from his arms, smiling all the more. He held onto the toys to help the other out, not wanting to overload the poor little Russian. He walked over to his little blond, kissing his cheek before he moved and laced his fingers with his. His other arm held all the toys and treats and he glanced back to the two, smiling a bit more. "To our apartment. It'll be fun. Tea and crumpets." He chuckled lightly and made his way toward the apartment building. It was little less than a half hour until they would get to the apartment complex.

Gabriel smiled warmly, petting Tania and then his arm wrapped around the man's waist. "It'll be fine. Rune seems mean, but he secretly is not." He whispered, kissing Sergei on the temple before following behind the two, admittedly a litle curious about what the apartment looked like.​
Nodding, Sergei followed only because Gabriel was. He still wasn't sure that he liked Rune, but he hadn't tried to hurt or kill him or Tania so the redhead supposed that he was alright. Still, his dark glow didn't put him at ease at all.

Calder hung close to Rune, still not okay with what had happened earlier. The blond did, though take part of the armload that his lover had, tucking the treats under his free arm and holding a few toys in his free hand. It was easy and always enjoyable to get to the apartment, and he was looking forward to showing off his kitchen, which he'd fully stocked with gadgets and spices and seasonings. Calder had even set up a fresh little herb garden on the terrace.
Rune waited for the two to get into the room and elevator, putting the key in and turning before he poked the number of the floor. He kissed Calder's cheek before the elevator arrived at their penthouse. He took the key out and walked into the apartment, making sure that the other two followed afterward. "Make yourselves at hom." He said and then finally released Calder's hand to walk to the nearby coffee table, placing the toys and treats on the table before he straightened and stretched his arms above his head. He groaned softly, pushing off his converse while heading toward the kitchen to bother Calder about tea-time.

Gabriel wrapped an arm around the other's waist and made his way into the penthouse, eyes wide as he looked over everything. Wow. The twins definitely lived life to the fullest. He smiled and turned to look at Sergei, kissing his cheek softly as a form of comfort. "You okay?" He whispered gently into his ear, kissing his cheek again to try and ease him if he was not.

Giggling could be heard from the other bedroom as a beaming and naked Relic stumbled out of the room with a grin plastered to his face as he laughed toward the kitchen. He stopped though, seeing the others there and he blinked a few times. Glancing to the time, his eyes once more turned back to the others - luckily for Sergei and Gabriel, the counter top blocked anything below his naval ring. He looked over the others a bit more and laughed. "Shouldn't you ... be at school?"​
Leaning into the warm embrace of Gabriel, Sergei let his eyes close. It was overwhelming to be in a new place with two people whose aura scared him half to death. Being with Gabriel, though, it made it a little more tolerable. He nodded. "With you," the Russian whispered back before bending to set Tania on the floor to sniff out her new surroundings. She wasn't like Sergei at all-she loved to explore and she did so without any sort of shyness to her actions.

Looking up, Calder snorted. "Shouldn't you be dressed?" he retorted, shaking his head at his lover's twin. "I mean, I don't mind you running around with no clothes but with guests here?" The blond tsked a little at the other man. "Have some taste!" He laughed a little and shooed Relic back into the room to dress with a wave of his hand as he set about making tea and coffee. "The mugs are in the cupboard over the fridge," he mentioned to Rune. "Will you pull six out?" He bustled around easily, very obviously in his element.
Relic glanced down to his form, letting out a nervous little laugh. "Well ... I had not planned to get dressed until after I played with the whipped cream..." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the man before he turned, giggling, and ran back into the room he came out of, tackling Tanner back to the bed with a firm kiss to his lips. He then hopped off the bed, taking the blonde's hand to drag him out of over to the shower. They should be getting dressed and ready anyway. Staying in bed the whole day soudned lovely, but not with guests.

Gabriel smiled lightly as he looked over at Tania sniffing around, wanting to be sure she would not pee anywhere. She had gotten better. Now she whines when she wants to go out to use the bathroom - or whatever the Russian word was - and she stopped chewing up so much in his place. He liked to have her there. That and having Tania with him made Sergei visit even more frequently. He kissed the redhead once more before looking over at Relic, blushing instantly. His uncles ... were so strange. Then again, Grandma Andrea has been one to run around naked without caring either.

Rune nodded, walking past Relic and kissing his cheek on th way to the cupboard. He got out the mug and lined them up nicely on the counter before he turned to look at the other two, smiling lightly. "How do you two like the place?" He asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet and resisting hte urge to start humming with his utter amusement and enjoyment of the apartment. Ah, he loved ith ere. That and Calder was much more at ease in this apartment than he was in the dorms. And he was closer to his brother. and ... and ... so much more!​
Tanner groaned at being pulled out of bed, and he wrapped himself around Relic as they made their way into the shower. He had to admit that he felt grimy and dirty from not having showered yet, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to go another round or two with Relic before actually entertaining the thought of getting out of their lovely new bed! But his lover was right-there were guests in the apartment and that meant that sex wasn't appropriate.

Showered and dressed, they exited their bedroom, greeting everyone warmly.

Sergei hung back and clung to Gabriel. He wasn't sure how to feel. Having one twin near was bad enough. Both of them... It was very overwhelming. "I... I think I will take Tania out to ванная комната... Em... Walk." He hadn't meant to let the Russian phrase slip, but was nervous and couldn't help it. He swept up his little pup and turned to Tanner, the only one who wasn't too threatening and not busy helping Calder. "You will show me how to work the... Em..." The redhead blushed when he forgot the English word for elevator, and he struggled for a minute before it clicked. "The lift?"
Relic pulled on a short skirt and then a simple long sleeved black shirt with a red tee with red designs over that one. He headed out into the living room He took in a deep breath, his arms stretched above his head as he bounced over to where Calder was. He smiled happily, swaying frmo heel to toe as he looked over the man. "Need any help?"

Rune glanced over to Sergei, pouting as he did so. He stared at the elevator for a moment before his eyes sparkled and he grinne.d "Ee! No! You must stay. . . Hold on!" He ran past the others, apparently completely forgetting the conversation with Calder beforehand. He made his way into the elevator, impatiently riding it down and disappearing for a few minutes. He soon came back up with the blond from before, pulling him into the apartment and bouncing upon his bottom feet excitedly. 'Lookie!" He chimed over to Relic.

The ravenette perked up, glancing over to Scott and he smiled warmly, waving lightly to the man. "Hey." was all he said before going back. Truthfully, he never liked the man at all. He never told Rune, nor showed it, but he just kept to what he was doing, hoping that the man would eventually go away.

Rune sighed contently, patting the top of the blond's head as he looked over at Calder, smiling lightly. "I figured he can have some tea before he heads out.'​
Stay? Why must he stay? Sergei was very confused, and he sat back on the sofa next to Gabriel, leaning into the man with his head on his shoulder, pouting ever so slightly. He needed to get out, even if it was only for a few minutes to walk Tania. When the new man walked in, though, Sergei backed away even from his boyfriend. The Russian pressed his back into the corner of the sofa as far as it would go, holding his pup to his chest protectively, fear emanating off of him in waves.

Calder wasn't happy either, and he showed it. The presence that the man brought wasn't welcome in what he was working hard to create as his home and it was evil like that that had made him have to leave the place that he'd called home for two years. The blond was furious with his lover for disregarding his feelings, no matter how silly Rune thought that they were, so completely. The blond set the tea down, lips in a tight line, as he walked to Sergei and offered the poor, frightened man a hand. "Come on. We'll go walk Tania together." He gave a soft smile to the redhead, encouraging him to take the offer.

When he did, the blond lead him into the elevator. The doors couldn't close soon enough for either of them.
Rune blinked a few times before he hopped over to the elevator, just managing to stop the doors with his hand. He sighed heavily and shookhis head, pouting a little bit. "Please, give him a chance." He said and pulled him back into the apartment. He placed a kiss to the blond's lips, obvlivious to everything else. He wanted the other to at least give him a shot at proving he was not some evil scumbag or sort. He wrapped his arms around Calder, hugging him tightly and beaming all the more. "Please."​
Calder, for the first time since meeting Rune, attempted to pull away from him. He was hurt and mad and upset that Rune would bring someone into their happy little space when it was so apparent that he wasn't welcome. The blond shook his head, pulling the other into the elevator with himself and Sergei, quickly pressing the button for the first floor.

"Rune he's not good. And it hurt me that you brought him here. It doesn't matter why I don't like him--I don't. I don't want to not feel safe here, either." The elevator hit the first floor and the blond pecked a kiss to his lover's cheek before exiting the elevator, heading outside for some fresh air.

Sergei watched, not knowing what to do or say, but as Calder left, it was apparent that the blond man was at least a slight empath, and the man in front of him didn't realize. "His glow," he offered. "His glow is black... Death." The Russian tried to word it so that Rune might understand better. "Yours," he tried. "Yours is dark. Some black and very angry red. But blue is there, and green. They are the good glows. Gabriel is green-always green." The redhead stopped to think, but knew that he had to say more to get the other to realize. "I... Em... My childhood was... Well, bad. Very bad. In... Em... Secret? Rape and death and abuse by many men for long, long time. They were bad men... But none of their glows were only black." He stepped out of the elevator, but turned back for one last thing. "Calder-he knows. I do not think he sees what I see, but he feels. You should trust him. He loves you." Sergei left to go outside then, Tania wiggling in his arms, whimpering that she needed to be walked.
Rune listened to the other, blinking a few times as he did so. Black? Black really was never good. He slowly walked out of the elevator with him, following after both him and his lover as he did so. Sergei agreed too? ANd he thought that Calder had some other sort of power. He caught up with Calder, taking a hold of the other's hand and he pulled him to his form. "Stop ... Let me talk." He said simply, glancing over to Sergei and then once more back to the man. He let his hand fall back to his side and kept his eyes to the other. "I am sorry I doubted you, okay? Sergei is shuddering in his skin at Scott ... I will ... kick him out and never see him again." He smiled weakly and his eyes kept to the other. "I understand if you need time from me for being an asshole ... but I understand now."

In the meantime, Valerius happily made his way down the street, his hand linked with Julien's and a smile plastered to his lips. He may or may not have skipped classes to spend the day with Julien. He just wanted to be with him. He nuzzled into the man's shoulder before spotting a familiar patch of red hair. "Sergei?" He questioned, seeing the man and his golden eyes traveled along the other's form. He released Julien's hand to head to where the little Russian was. Theyh ad a few classes together, so they wound up becoming quick friends. The little Russian rambled something about liking his aura. He moved in front of him and then glanced to the pup. "Oh! Is this Tania?" He had heard about the puppy, yet never seen her yet. Heh ad wanted to, too.

The elevator came down a nd a frustrated blond exited. He walked into the steet, not looking to the right, rather the left where Calder and Rune went. "Rune! What's this? Gone soft on me now?"​
Looking up when his hand was taken, Calder's eyes were sad with the betrayal. He understood that Rune didn't get it, but he couldn't help the way he felt. "We'll talk about it, okay?" Leaning up, the blond pressed a kiss to his lover's lips before nudging him back inside. "Please get him out of there? Please?" Begging at this point most certainly wasn't beneath him, even though he knew that he likely wouldn't have to. He stiffened with the voice, instinctively taking several steps closer to Rune.

Julien didn't know about dropping in on Rune and Calder, but Val wanted to walk and so the dark haired man indulged his love. He greeted Sergei with a warm smile, receiving a not-so-sure one in return and Julien realized that this was the student who saw aura's. He would tread lightly, then. Teivel found Tania and sniffed, not sure of the pup but quickly found yet another friend and Julien only shook his head. But the voice stopped him, and he took a hold of Val, quickly pulling him up and close to him.

"Il y a danger."

Teivel perked up and came in front of Julien and Val, quickly on alert. "Why is he here?" he questioned Rune and Calder, trying to keep the small horned male behind him.
Scott arched a brow and turned to look at Julien, a smirk pulling to his lips. "Julien ol' boy." He said, chuckling darkly as he turned on his heel and looked over at the man, smirking even more. "It's been ages, hasn't it? Well, only a year or two really... all that running must be tiring." He said, his true personality coming out.

Valerius blinked a few times as he was shoved behind the other. He slowly peeked past his love and froze. He did not like that guy. Aside for the man's tone in which he spoke to his Julien, there was something else about him he did not like.

The blonde perked up when he saw the horned man come out from behindJulien, chuckling all the more. "Ah ... The one that go away." He smirked and began to walk toward them.

Unluckily for Scott, Rune was between him and the couple before he could even take another step. "Don't." He warned, glaring at the other. It was very easy to read what happened in his past. While he had not known what happened to Valerius beforehand, he knew now and he did not want Scott anywhere near him. In fact, he really wanted to rip his head off, but he figured that justice was better for them all, right? The blond did not get another word out before rune's hand snapped forward at the center of his neck, hitting a pressure point and he watched the other fall to the floor - knocked out. He growled under his breath before clearing his throat - he did not want to scare Sergei any more.

He looked over to Calder, smiling lightly. "Hold the tea for me." He winked before looking back to the couple behind him. "I'm dropping him off in Ireland for when you head there." He said, lifting the other onto his shoulder and he took a step from Valerius and Julien, his wings spreading from his back and a second later, up into the sky he went - resisting the urge to drop the man in the ocean.​
"It's been much too short," he insisted to Scott, keeping a firm hold on Valerius. He said nothing else-to say he was glad to see him would tip the blond off that Val knew who he was and police had been contacted, and it would confuse his poor love dearly. No, the Frenchman didn't want that at all. He was glad for Rune's intervention, and Julien only pulled Val into a full hug once they were both out of sight. "We'll contact the police tonight and I'll arrange a trip out there early next week." He'd been putting off the trip purely out of his dislike of flying, knowing that if he could get away with another week he'd be lucky. Now... Now he knew that there was no choice.

The aftermath of Rune's interactions with Scott were tremendous. Sergei was shaking like a leaf, and wouldn't allow anyone to touch him. Julien looked at Calder for help. "Your... um... familiar. Can you send him for Gabriel? He's in my apartment." Nodding, Julien gave the instruction to his little Thallus, who had now returned it its usual form and temperament. Teivel ran off to do Julien's bidding.

Calder tried in vain to comfort Sergei. "He didn't hurt him, Sergei..."

"I know."

"If Rune didn't do that, that man would have hurt Julien and Val."

"I know." The Russian took several deep breaths. "I will be okay. Please. Take Tania for her for her to do ванная комната? Em... Walk." Calder nodded, taking the leash and he moved at a very slow pace with the pup, who had seemed to do her business in the midst of all the drama.
Gabriel was down the stairs, yes, stairs, within moments. He ran out onto the sidewalk and moved over to Sergei. His arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling the redhead into his form and he placed a kiss to his temple. "Shh ... calm down." he whispered, hugging him and his hand began to trail over the man's back, trying to soothe him a little more. He was shaking far too much. He did not know what happened, only what Teivel told him. sure, the little familiar may have told him more, but all Gabriel managed to hear was 'Sergei is shaking' and he was off to his side. [Or whatever it was that Teivel does]

Valerius blinked a few times before he let out a nervous little laugh. He looked up at him, smiling weakly. "Um ... D... Do you... um ... want my ... company?" He asked softly and he straightened just a little more. He looked to Sergei and his heart broke just a bit. Kissing Julien lighlty, he slowly walked toward the redhead, stopping a foot or so away." S... Sergei um ... Please ... Rune is not b-bad ... He is just scary... He would not hurt the ones he cares about ... He protects innocents. That is at least what Raphael has told me many times." He laughed nervously, blushing horribly as he tried to think about just whath e could do to ease the other's troubles.​
Sergei couldn't help the sigh of utter relief that he felt when Gabriel was near, and even more so when he was pulled into the hug. The Russian wrapped his arms around his love's waist and buried his face deep within the man's neck and breathed deeply. The shaking halted little by little until he was fully relaxed within Gabriel's arms.

When Val spoke, Sergei looked over to him, quickly analyzing his aura and realizing that he rather liked Valerius's "glow". It was soft and pastel filled, but very bright and it had many "good" colors. He nodded to the words. "I know. I just... I know." The redhead smiled and nuzzled into Gabriel's chest further.

Moving into the middle of the group, Calder began to head back upstairs. He looked over his shoulder, encouraging everyone to come along. There was plenty of room and tea for everyone, and it would do them all some good to relax.

"Only if you wish to join me, Valerius," Julien answered. He didn't want to bring Val back to Ireland if it would create bad feelings and sadness within his lovely little horned partner. The dark haired man kissed the side of one of the horns and lead them both upstairs, grateful for the tea.
Valerius nodded when Sergei seemed to calm down a bit. He turned and walked over to Julien, hearing his words and he smiled lightly. He laced his fingers with the other's and then began to follow the others to the elevator. "I do not mind, Julien. I went back for Christmas and it is not bad ... B... Besides ... I do not know how long ... how long you would be gone and w-well I ... do not wish to be away from you ... for so long." His tone eventually fell into a whisper and he buried his blushing face into the other's shoulder and scooted closer to him.

Gabriel kissed Sergei a few more times before following Calder into the elevator. His arms kept around the other and he kissed him a bit more until he felt that he was truly okay. He relaxed a bit when the doors opened, following the blond out into the apartment that was there. Yea, this place still did not surprise him. He knew the twins and well, his parents were quite up there in their wealth as well.

Valerius on the other hand was floored. His jaw dropped and his golden eyes were wide. "This is where you live? It... It is gorgeous!" His hand lifted to rest upon his lips, pushing off his shoes since he did not wish to get anything muddy or dirty or .... Wow. His eyes were traveling over everything and he definitely was not used to extravigant things such as this. Even when he had gone to Atlantis, he was floored. His family had a bit of money, but most of the earnings went to charities and to help others out. They were not in debt or anything, but neverl ike this.

Relic perked up when he saw the elevator open, a gasp coming to his lips. He jumped off the couch and ran toward Valerius, pulling the other into a strong hug, nuzzling into one of his little horns. "Oooh ... I'm so sorry, Val! I never knew." He said gently and continued to nuzzle into the shocked, and now confused, horned male.​
Calder was amused by Val's reaction, because he'd had the same one when he'd first seen the place. "Rune insisted," he answered with a little shrug before moving over to his kitchen to get more mugs and sugar and lemon, and to boil more water. Tanner moved in to help, grabbing boxes of crackers and cookies from cupboards and setting them out onto beautiful platters expertly. Perhaps they'd have to go into a cookie or pastry selling business together. The blond threw that idea out the window quickly, though. He enjoyed baking for himself and loved ones. He didn't want it to become a chore.

Both blonds were sure that everyone was settled before settling in to have a cup of tea themselves. Tanner sat next to Relic, arm around his lover's shoulders. Sergei was curled up into Gabriel's side, content with his head to rest on the other man's shoulder with Tania on his lap, who was more than happy to let her daddy rub her ears. Julien had pulled Valerius into his lap, wanting to be close with the other. His hand rested over the horned male's belly, while his lips pressed to the back of his neck, pecking kisses there every so often. Teivel laid at their feet, sleeping quietly.

Calder was at a loss of what to say. It was rare that he was around so many people, especially those that he didn't know very well.
Relic looked around and sighed softly. Such an awkward moment. He sipped his tea a bit before he moved to rest it on the table, straightening and clapping his hands together quite loudly - even more so since it was so quiet. "SO! Who wants to play spin the bottle?" He asked, really just trying to break the tension and whatnot. He hated that. So, so very much.

Valerius slowly turned his head to look at Relic, blushing horribly and his hands shook just slightly. He rested his tea in his lap and cleared his throat a little nervously. Was he serious? He really did not know. He knew Relic liked to play with people, but was this one of those times, or was he actually serious? For once, he wished Rune was back here. He knew his twin well enough. Although, he may make the situation worse. Sigh...​
Calder looked over to poor Val and smiled a little at him. "He's joking. Tanner would have smacked him by now if he wasn't." The blond stood up and moved towards the stereo to turn on some music so that at least it wouldn't be completely silent in the apartment. The noise seemed to awaken both Teivel and Tania, who moved towards the center of the room to play with each other. All in all, the afternoon was nice, but Calder began to worry about Rune. He'd left hours ago and still wasn't back. Ireland was a long way away, and the blond couldn't help but think that perhaps his lover had gotten too tired to make it across the ocean, or something equally as horrible.
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