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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune sighed heavily. Trailing his fingers through the other's hair, he tried to calm him a little bit more. "I'm sorry sweetie." he whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to his head, nuzzling into his head a little bit more before he relaxed against him a bit more. "I know you're sad. Not sure if I should be irked since it was Relic's ... but, it would be difficult and complicated." he kissed his head once more, sighing heavily. "You can go fuck Relic again if you want?"
While he knew that Rune was trying to lighten the mood, it rubbed Calder the wrong way. The blond pulled away from his husband and turned his back to him. He couldn't find humor in the situation. At least, not just yet. "Can I just be alone please?" His voice was stiff, much like the rest of him.
Rune actually gave his husband time. He wound up sitting outside of the bedroom, refusing to move. He stayed there, arms crossed over his torso with his long legs stretched out. He kept his mind well open to hearing the thoughts of his love. he would be there if he needed him. If he thought of doing something that would be bad. Or if he got too depressed, or lonely. Hmm... Standing up, the man disappeared for a while, still concentrating on his lover.

After a good fifteen minutes, Relic slowly came into the room with a little knock. The male peeked inside and he looked over at where Calder was, smiling weakly to the man there. "Calder ..."
Calder was thankful that Rune kept his distance. He was aware of the man's presence in his head, but that was okay. He just needed physical space. He was surprised by the knock at the door, though a bit more calm when he saw that it was Relic. Somehow, right now, that was better than it being Rune since it was Relic's child, too. "I-- I'm sorry Relic."
Relic sighed heavily and shook his head. "Sweetie. It's not your fault." he walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and he pulled him against his form, kissing the top of his head. "It's fine. It wasn't meant to be." He smiled weakly and sat down beside him, looking up at him with a comforting smile to his lips. "I am not mad, or anything. Yes. I'm a bit bummed, but well ... It's going to be all right." he kissed his lips faintly, pulling back to look up at him with a soft sigh. "Okay?"
"I...I know." The blond let his head fall to the side and onto Relic's shoulder. He still felt responsible though. He felt like he shouldn't have stressed and should have rested like Rune had kept telling him to do. Calder sighed and sat like that for a few more minutes before pulling away. "You can tell Rune he can come in if he doesn't try to make a joke of it...if he just sits with me, really." He knew that they would eventually have to talk about it, but Calder wasn't ready for that just yet.
relic pouted. "Aww. And I liked comforting you.' He smiled, kissing his lips lightly before he moved to kneel in front of him so that he could look up and into his eyes. "Just. Smile a little bit. Kay? Everything will work out." Leaning up, he kissed him once more before leaving to retrieve the man's husband.

Moving into teh room, Rune sighed. Wrapping his arms around the man's form, he pulled him against his chest and kissed his cheek lightly. "Want to sleep?"
He smiled and kissed Relic. "I know. But my husband gets rather jealous sometimes." While waiting for Rune to come into the bathroom, Calder stood up and dried off, grateful that he did so that he could hug his lover tightly. He rested his head on the man's chest and locked his arms around Rune's waist, just allowing himself to be held. "Yeah..." He was whispering, not sure of himself to talk right then. "Just... Can we reverse it?" he asked, hoping the spell wasn't as complicated to break as it had been to cast.
Rune smiled lightly. "I'm one step ahead of you, sweetie." He whispered, leading him into the bedroom. "Once you're feeling better, we can reverse it. Well. I'll talk with jupiter tomorrow, see if he thinks you're healthy enough for it, and then we will."
Tilting his head up, Calder nuzzled into Rune's neck with a little nod in answer. He was a bit disappointed that they couldn't do it right away-he wanted to just mourn it all at once-but understood. "Take me to bed?" He pressed a kiss to his husband's chest and then rested his head there until Rune started to move towards the bedroom. The blond followed and crawled into bed, curling up on his side and under the covers to burrow in for the rest of the day.
While it was a little depressing to no longer have the ability to bear their own children, they both agreed it was for the better. It was going to be good for them. The two babies were very good. They really were adorable and it was good to be able to spend lots of time with them. Hamlet was still used, but it was nice to just have him as more of a stand-by.

Rune was strolling through the streets, hands shoved into his back pockets while he made his way back from walking. he just needed to get a bit of fresh air, and well, chocolate. He swung the little bag around in his hands... until it almost connected with some kid that was moping about in front of him.

The boy was just strolling through the streets, his broom pathetically dragging behind him with a black cat following behind that. Rune stared for a while before he slowly moved to where the boy was, tilting his head to the side. "You okay?"
Peeking his head out of the little alley on the side of the road, Ryuu saw a really scary man. But he was holding a bag from the sweet shop he'd been chased out of on numerous occasions. The little blond licked his lips as he thought about what was in the bag, and calculated the easiest way to get a hold of the treats. Oh well that was nice-the boy with the broom was distracting him! Ryuu scuttled out and quickly snatched the bag out of the man's hand and raced off for his life, not daring to look back.
The poor, poor little blond. Rune on normal occasions, had super-fast reflexes. When one takes his chocolate? It was worse. Instantly, his hand wrapped around the back of the boy's neck, pulling him right back to where he was. Turning the blond so that he could look down at him, he arched a brow. "Where are you going with my candy, little one?" He prodded the other's chest a bit, stopping the teen next to him from going anywhere as well.

"You both are strays?"
Ryuu tried to fight, kicking his little legs out as far as they would go, and only reaching air with about six inches between his feet and the man's shins. "To eat it!" he yelled, brows furrowing together to try and intimidate the man who was holding onto him. He kicked again to try and get away, but didn't succeed and instead tried to wiggle away with a little less success. "Lemme go!"
rune sighed and shook his head a little bit. "Always in pairs..." he sighed heavily and flicked the little blond boy on the nose. "Stop that kicking." he then shoved the little thing under his arm like a football and turned to the teen beside him. "Okay. Come with me..." He sighed and began to lead the way forward, stopping and turning back to the teen who was frozen. "Your cat can come too. And I promise I'm not some pedo who's going to do anything." And yers. He was ignoring the little boy under his arm. He actually missed having a big house full of kids. It was always nice...
He kicked harder when put under the man's arms...until he realized that he was still holding the bag of candy. Ryuu wasted no time in digging in and shoving a large piece of chocolate into his mouth. Yumm! The blond no longer paid any attention to where he was being brought or how he was being held. He had chocolate. Ryuu ate another piece, and then another in quick succession.
Moving into the large mansion, he searched for his husband before spotting him. Setting the little boy beneath his arm onto the counter beside him, he kissed the blond's cheek. "I found strays." He stated and then turned to look at the other boy that he mostly-made follow him home.

"What're your names anyway?" he asked, looking at the other for now.

"Astrophel." He stated, the cat currently curling around his legs while he rested the broom between his feet. "Sirs... If you don't mind me asking... Why am I here?"
Ryuu didn't care that he was set down as he continued to eat the candy in the bag. He didn't notice the blond walk in, or listen to anything going on.

Kissing his husband, Calder shook his head. "They do seem to find you, don't they?" He looked at the teen and smiled. "Because my husband has a habit of taking in stray children and adopting them. We'll have to fix up a couple of the rooms." He began planning when he realized the younger boy on the counter. "Spoiling your dinner, 'eh?" Ryuu finally looked up and shrugged.

Rune stared at the kid before he looked at the bag. "Oi!" he pouted and tugged the bag out of his hand, quickly taking the last bit of candy and shoving it into his mouth "I should eat you!" He grumbled a few times before looking over to the teen. "Not literally. I'm not some creepy cannibal." he shrugged and then poked his husband's side a little bit. "This is Calder, I'm Rune. If you don't really want to stay, at the very least, we offer you a warm place to sleep. Get cleaned up. Maybe some new clothes..."
"HEY! Give me that back!" Ryuu went to swipe at the bag only to see the last bit of chocolate shoved into the man's mouth. He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Ass" was mumbled under his breath while he pouted more.

Calder laughed out loud and ruffled the kid's hair. "Well, we can't let the little one with no name leave, but I suppose if you don't wish to stay, Astrophel, then it is up to you. Our first three children were found and adopted in quite the same way, though. In fact, I think Rune is banned from walking down the street."
Rune stuck his tongue out at the little blond before his attention turned to Calder. He arched a brow, grumbling a bit as he did so. "I don't know why kids like me." he murmured, a bit annoyed at the moment. He sighed heavily. "I'm showering." Turning on his heel, the man went off and up the stairs, needing to just cool down a bit.

Astrophel watched the man leave before he turned to look at the blond who spoke. "If ... it is all right with you, I do not mind staying... As long as you do not mind Jizelle staying, too." He then turned to the little boy on the counter, interest to his features. "What is your name?"
"Well I wouldn't very well kick a cute cat out. I've kept Rune around for the last...Forever." He wasn't going to do the math. He didn't know if he could truly remember, either. It didn't matter. He smiled and patted the teen's shoulder. "Sit. I'm in the middle of making dinner and then we will get you some clean clothes and the beds made."

Looking up Ryuu poked his tongue out at Rune's retreating back, ignoring Calder's warning that Rune probably saw him. He shrugged at the other boy. "Ryuu. Will your cat eat me?"
Astro arched a brow. Looking at the boy for a moment, he shook his head. Turning to look down at the cat that was already curled around his feet -- now that he was sitting. He smiled and looked back over at the little boy. "No. She never would harm anyone." He admitted, scooping her up and onto his lap, trailing his fingers along the spine of the car, the lovely little ting purring in contentment and nuzzling into his chest. "Would you like to pet her?"
Studying the animal closely, he shook his head. He didn't like animals very much. The ones he met on the streets were not very nice anyway. He levitated down from the counter and went off through the house. He lived there so he could explore all he wanted. At least, that was what Ryuu told himself. He poked his head into various rooms, including the master bedroom. His mouth formed a perfect "O" at the size of the bed. "OH! I CALL THIS ROOM!" He took a running leap onto the bed.
Stepping into the room, a pair of pajama pants hugging his hips as Rune stared at the other. He arched a brow at the kid and snorted. "On my grave." He stated while he wanted over to where the kid was. "This is my room." he stated, hands resting on his hips as he kept his eyes to the male that was in front of him. "You can have a different one. not this one."
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