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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Hmm. He did a little calculating as to when his dress would be done. "Tonight! And...Oh! There's this little cafe in town that is decorated in very pretty blues. My dress is sure to stand out there!" Connor nodded with the decision. "Umm...eight o'clock?" he offered, doing some more math to figure out how long he'd need to get ready. Showered and dressed would take at least two hours with his hair!
Wow. She really was eager! That made him all the happier. "All right. I'll meet you at eight in the living room then." He smiled and bowed his head once more before turning on his heel to move off and go get ready. Or not spasm too much. He really was excited for this date. It would be grand!
Eight o'clock came way too fast, really, and Connor had to rush to be ready on time. But his dress looked perfect, and the pink shoes he'd bought matched perfectly! Coming down the stairs, Connor concentrated hard on not tripping and thankfully made it. He entered the living room, about ten minutes late, blushing softly. "Sorry I'm late."
Hamlet turned to look at the woman coming down the stairs, shaking his head a bit to the apology. "It is fine. You look beautiful." He smiled warmly, his eyes showing that he truly felt that. "Let's head out." He held his arm out for the woman, leading the way out of the house and began to walk to the cafe she told him about. He could drive, but that would involve asking to use the car, and that would - could - end up ugly. Besides, it was not too far. And if Connor wanted, they could get a taxi there and/or back.
Nodding, they left the house and began to walk down the street. The shoes were comfortable enough to walk and they would be sitting at dinner anyway. They chatted on the way, the brunette reaching out and linking their arms together as they walked. "Do you like my dress?" he asked, focusing on the one thing that he always focused on. "I kind of miss the photographers, don't you?" Connor chatted on and on, barely stopping as the waiter came to take their drink orders.
Hamlet nodded to his words. "I really do. It's very nice. I never would have thought you just finished it." He shrugged a little at the thought before he sat down across from her - after holding out her chair. She really did look beautiful. He oculd not help but to think that. "And no. Not really. I am not one much for photographers."
"Oh?" The brunette chewed on his bottom lip a little. "Why's that? They're always giving you attention and it gives you a chance to show off your gorgeous clothes! Oh and don't you like the skirt I made you?" Connor's mood was a real roller coaster, especially now that he realized he hadn't seen Hamlet wear the skirt at all since the on time after he'd made it. To know that hurt his feelings a little bit.
Hamlet stared at the other for a while. She definitely was a ball of energy. HE would give her that much easily. But he did not agree with her in the whole being in front of the press kinda thing. He really did not. He was a much more private person. Sighing softly, e shook his head a bit. "I do not want others to know my business when it is not theirs to know." He then perked up about the skirt, staring at her for a while before he sighed again. "I love the skirt. I really do ... It just is not ... me. I do not really like to wear them." Okay. Never had he had to wear one.
"But...But you look so good in a skirt! You should wear them more often!" To Connor, anything that looked good on you was your style and you should wear it. He didn't understand what Hamlet was saying, to be honest. "I'll make you a few more." That decided, the brunette nodded. Yes. It was obvious: The reason that Hamlet did not wear skirts was that he didn't have enough to last him a week.
"Eh?" Hamlet's eyes went wide and he stared at the woman, shaking his head quite a bit, "Nonono! No. Um... Honestly, I do not enjoy wearing skirts. Yours are beautiful, yes, however ... I am not comfortable in them, and if I am uncomfortable wearing them, that means that I will not feel good in them, and therefore, not look good in them. "Oh yes. Fashion-self-esteem Logic. Thank yoooou house full of sisters!
"O-oh..." He was disappointed with that answer. Connor chewed on his bottom lip a little bit in thought. "Oh!" The idea suddenly came to him. "I will make you a pair of leather pants! Yes! That way, you are not in a skirt, but you can show off your gorgeous legs!" He nodded to that fact and smiled when the waiter brought their food. Had they even ordered? Well it didn't matter much.
Hamlet could settle for leather pants. He still was not comfortable, but like HELL he was going to protest. It made that smile return to her lips, and that was what mattered. Smiling warmly, he nodded. "That sounds perfect." He stated as he took his food. He began to eat a bit of the meal before looking over to the other. He thought about it for a moment, before he figured he should at least suggest it. "You know .. If you want to make skirts, I do have sisters who I'm sure would love them, and better: Love to wear them."
Nodding enthusiastically, Connor was happy with that...for now. He would, sooner or later, see Hamlet in a skirt again because he was very good at getting what he wanted. "How many sisters do you have? How old are they? Do you know what sizes they are?" He asked many questions while they ate, not all of them about Hamlet's sisters. He liked to talk, and Connor found it very easy to keep up a conversation. They ordered dessert after they finished their dinner, Connor quite enjoying three of them.
Hamlet easily answered for the other, shrugging his shoulders with -probably a far too nonchalant- "Eight. Nine and ten on the way." to the number, and not knowing the other answers. He knew the vague of the others, but not the definites. He was glad to finish up the dessert with the woman. She really was adorable. Babbling about everything and that just made it better.

Smiling, he stood up and offered the woman his arm once more. "Shall we head back?"
Once more he nodded enthusiastically and took Hamlet's arm happily. He talked more as they strolled, never seeming to run out of things to talk about. Connor talked about his mother, and his search to find Relic, and his own past too. He asked questions here and there, listening intently to Hamlet's answers. It wasn't long until they were walking through the door of the house. "Thank you for dinner. And dessert." Connor smiled shyly.
Hamlet nodded while continuing to lead the way to the other's room. It was almost like walking him to his house! But ... the house he lived in. The boy's family lived in. Rune and Calder moved back in so that Relic and Tanner could help -- and Relic be closer to his child. Ugh. These men were... insane.

Putting those thoughts away, he stopped in front of her door, smiling warmly while turning to look at her. "You're very welcome. I had ... probably the best time I have had in a long time." Leaning down, he gently kissed her cheek, pulling away slowly, juuust in case the other wanted to stop him. He would not get too touchy-feely. Unless she initiated it in some way.
He giggled with the simple kiss, leaning up to peck another one to Hamlet's lips. He really liked this man, and Connor was always one to wear his heart-very proudly-on his sleeve. There was never a reason for him to hide his feelings, because he wasn't sensitive enough to be very hurt if they were not returned. "Would...would you like to come in?" he asked, blushing horribly with the invitation.
She was so cute! His eyes sparkled as he looked down at the other. She really was beautiful. Smiling warmly, he leaned forward to return the gentle peck. "Love to." He whispered back, straightening up to follow her into her room. He was almost a little scared to see what the room looked like. He could just see clothes everywhere -- picturing his sisters's rooms.
Giddy, Connor lead Hamlet into his room. There was a television on the dresser to the right when you walked in, but that was the only bulky item that was out in the open. He had figured out long ago that with as many clothes and shoes he had, it was in his best interest to keep organized. Connor sat on the edge of the bed and slid his behind to the middle of it, his legs straight out in front of him. "Daddy let me decorate it myself! Do you like it?"
Looking around when he moved inside, he nodded a little bit. "It looks very nice. I ... really do like it." He softly closed the door behind him and then walked over to where the male was. He moved over to the bed, sitting beside her and looking out at the room. "I like the purple." And why? It was his favorite color. He enjoyed it. A lot. Calming. Fun to say. Tends to look good with everything.
The knowledge that Hamlet liked his room made Connor giddy. He scooted closer to the other man so that their thighs were pressed together, which sent shivers up Connor's spine. He liked being close to the other man. "Oh I can go get some cookies from the kitchen?" For once, he was speechless and his insatiable sweet tooth was running rampant.
Hamlet looked up at the other, lashes fluttering against his cheeks as he kept his attention to the other. He smiled softly before leaning forward to gently brush his lips along hers. "I have a better idea." He admitted and kissed her lips once more, hoping she would get the hint, and not shove him away.
"O-" Connor returned the kiss easily, his arms wrapping around Hamlet's neck loosely. "Oh," he finished when the other pulled away to take a breath. The brunette laid back, tugging the other man with him so that he was half lying on top of him. He liked kissing. Connor liked even more the acts that kissing usually lead to. His fingers threaded up into Hamlet's hair a bit, Connor letting the other take the lead.
Moving on top of the female, he did not mind it at all. His lips gladly connected with hers, kissing her passionately. His hands slid along her slender form before once more resting on top of the mattress. He kissed her passionately for a while, his hips instinctively rocking into hers, groaning ever so softly as he did so. He really enjoyed kissing her already. Very soft lips. Very, very soft, and so very nice.
He gave a little moan, his back arching off of the bed a bit as he was kissed into oblivion. Connor's hands roamed over Hamlet's body, stopping before going below his waist...for now. Even though he could tell that Hamlet was enjoying himself, Connor didn't want to push things too quickly yet. And, really, he enjoyed when the other took control of the situation, anyway. Well, almost. After a few minutes, Connor got too impatient and his hands found Hamlet's rear end, giving it a strong squeeze.
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