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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

At the squeeze, the male figured that was a good sign that she was not completely protestant about this. So, his hand slid over to her knee, trailing over the flesh before slowly moving up her thigh. Taking his time, he moved up the flesh and over to her hip. Resting there while teasing the fabric that was there. Pulling at it and tracing his fingers along the band. He slowly slid his hand up to her stomach, gently moving down her torso once more.

His fingers slipped beneath the fabric before stopping instantly. His fingers trailed over the flesh there before pulling back in utter horror. He fumbled away and fell onto the ground. Eyes wide while his jaw kept flapping like a fish. "Y-you're... You're a-a guy!"
Moaning, his back arched again, hands roaming a bit further as Hamlet's did. Connor whimpered when hands slipped beneath his panties and his hips arched up...until there wasn't contact there anymore. Looking up and leaning up on his elbows, the brunette cocked his head to the side while looking down at Hamlet on the floor. "Duh?" He thought he knew!
"Eh?" He stared up at him, completely and utterly shocked about that fact. He had no idea that SHE was a HE! "But... but ... No..." He shook his head a few times and pushed his form back to rest against the wall a little bit more. "I... and you... and ... penis..." He shook his head a few more times, his hands coming to cover his face as he buried his face into his lap. This could not be happening. It just could not. He really liked her... but ... she was a he!
Shaking his head, Connor slipped down onto the floor and sat beside the other but facing him. "I...I thought everyone knew. I mean. That I'm like Daddy. I just. Like pretty clothes and shirts fit better with these." He thrust out his chest before reaching into his shirt and pulling out the inserts that gave him his breasts. "I... You don't like me now." He sniffled a little at the thought, unable to help the hurt that was beginning to well in his chest. What did it matter what was between his legs! Connor stood. "Just. Go away."
Hamlet stayed where he was, staring at the other for a while before he quickly shook his head "no no! Um no..." His brows furrowed as he tried to just think about what was going on in his head. "I ... still like you um... I just..." he pushed his hand through his hair, taking in a deep breath to try and calm down a little bit more. "Um ... Just. Hold on. um. one second." He rubbed at his face a bit and looked up at the male that was there. Man. It -- Connor was a man. Is a man.

"I ... still like you. It ... confuses me more." Yea. His daddy tended to be the one to not like males with other males. It was very frowned upon, beaten out of him, and he could not completely process this. "S-sorry. I'll leave." At that, just giving up, he stood up and began to make his way out of the room, whole being quite shaky.
Connor turned around. "You're lying!" he accused, unable to understand. Connor had never faced hate just because he was a man, or that he liked men. He'd been very lucky. "Liking someone isn't confusing! You like them or you don't, whether they have a penis or not!" He didn't understand why it was so difficult.
Hamlet stopped, turning to look at the male that was speaking to him. He turned and stared at him for a while, brows furrowing together as he did so. "YES! It IS more difficult than that!" He called out, his arms crossing over his lower torso and he gripped his torso tightly, feeling far too disturbed right now. "I ... I can't like some guy! It ... it doesn't matter if ... if I ... like you myself it ... I juts um... I can't. Okay? I just can't..."
"Then go away!" Connor really had to restrain himself from throwing something at Hamlet at that moment. "You're being an asshole so get out!" There wasn't much else that he could say without repeating himself, and his throat was a bit tight anyway, so he probably couldn't have talked even if he wanted to.
Hamlet parted his lips, really really wanting to defend himself. Tell him that that was not the case! But, he just, could not. Turning on his heel, he made his way out of the bedroom and quickly to the other side where his room was. He needed to get away from him. He would not make the situation better, and he needed to wrap his mind around everything.
Connor then began to throw a few things, mostly his decorative pillows, before exiting his room and seeking out...someone. His father, Tanner, Calder, Rune... Anyone who would give him comfort. Well, maybe not Rune then. He ran into Calder first, and without a word the brunette threw himself at the blond. "He...he was m-mean to me!"

Surprised, to say the least, Calder looked down to find his arms full of Connor. He was just barely able to make out the words. "Huh?" He made the male calm down before retelling the story and when he had, he was enraged. How could someone treat another like that? Well he knew-he'd been treated like that through his life-but that wasn't the point. "Come on. We'll go find your father."
Rune perked up as he listened to the other blubber to his husband. Staring at the two, his brow lifted in question as he soon glared at the other. "What?" He growled out, turning on his heel and he rushed down the hall to go find where that damned asshole was. He was NOT happy at this kid. He was going to kill him. With his own bare hands.

Storming into the room, the pissed-off male instantly began to wale into the pathetic excuse of flesh. Throwing him against everything and beating him up fairly well. He soon had him slammed against a wall, his hand wrapped around his neck and growling as he glared at him. "Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't kill your worthless piece of ass?!"

Hamlet choked and kicked as the other gripped his neck. His hands wrapped around the other's wrist as he looked up at him, panting heavily. Why? ... why?! "BECAUSE I'M GAY!"
Knowing exactly what his husband was going to do, Calder was quick to guide Connor away from that end of the house. Relic would likely be in his sewing room, anyway. The blond deposited the male to his father and went to meet with his husband-he wanted a piece of Hamlet, too. He intended to prove to the man that Rune would appear as a teddy bear compared to what he would do to him! But he walked in on the end of it, and was a bit disappointed. Despite himself, he was curious to hear this. He reached forward and put a hand on Rune's wrist, guiding it away from Hamlet's throat. "You'd better explain, and then apologize to Connor. I cannot guarantee you will have a job after this... Or balls."
Rune unwillingly let his hand be pulled away. His arms crossed over his lower torso while he impatiently waited for the other to explain before he could kill him completely. He was NOT happy with him right now. Not at all.

Hamlet gasped as he pressed his form against the wall for support. His hand came to rest against his neck, rubbing it absently while he looked up at the two in front of him. He chewed his bottom lip a little bit before he took in a deep breath. "It ..I know you're not going to understand. My parents. They are very, very religious. They try and try to have more boys. My parents only ever wanted a son. Someone to carry on their name. And ... They got me. They have been beating it into me ever since I can remember that being a homosexual is bad. Gay, Lesbian, bi, transgendered, cross-dressing ... Whatever. It was all sinning. Evil. Condemning. And ... I believed that. Until I was fourteen. Met Thom... got really close to him. My father beat me so hard, I was in the hospital for a month." He slowly began to sink against the wall, staring in front of him. "My father will literally kill me. And i know it's no reason to get angry at Connor, and I will apologize."
Calder listened, but was skeptical. "Rune can read minds. If there's anything you're lying about, fess up now." He was angry and hurt and frustrated. He really, really wanted to punch the male in front of them. "And on that note: Why did you not fess up when you met us? It's quite obvious that we have children, you ass!"
Hamlet arched a brow as he stared at the man. "Because for the past twenty years, I've been repressing it! I ... I haven't even looked at another man since I was in the hospital. I just ... can't handle it. Obviously. I know that my father will kill me. He really will. So I suppose it doesn't matter what happens..."
Unable to contain the frustration, the blond reached forward and smacked Hamlet on the side of the head. He felt a little better after that, and especially when his husband confirmed that the male was telling the truth. "Clean up. Talk to Connor. We'll...decide what to do with you." He wasn't sure that Hamlet was a fit for their family-what would stop him from reverting back? But they couldn't let him go back to his family if they would truly harm him, either. After the male left the room, Calder turned to his lover and rested his head on the man's chest. "Well?"
Hamlet quickly ran out of the room, looking truly beat up. He was bleeding and bruised, but did not care about it. Finding Relic and Connor, he froze for a moment. "Apologizing!" He stated before cowering a bit. "Let me talk... Then you can beat me?" He needed to at least be living to apologize to him. After quite the bit of glaring. Relic did step to teh side to let him go through. The man moved over to where the other was, falling in front of him and sighing. "I know 'sorry' is not enough. It um... It's not you. You're beautiful, Connor. You really are. I just ... it's complicated and I will tell you if you want me to, but you did not, do not, deserve to be treated like that. You are a lovely person inside and out, and I just ... am pathetic."

Rune turned to the other and sighed heavily. Kissing the top of his head, he nuzzled into the blond locks absently. "He's telling the truth. So ... Would we really be any better than that asshole of a father if we kick him out? How about probation. I can't just let some homo go off being a homophobe. We should keep him here. ONE more chance. Make him be the queer he wants to be. When in doubt, I'll just beat teh snot out of his father."
Ooh. That made him feel better. He sighed softly, relaxing against the bed and he looked over at the other. His eyes stayed with him and he really did like that answer. He fussed with the food, chewing on the delicious chicken [that i totally want now], he sighed. "I ... really would like to try dating you again. I won't have to worry about my father freaking out over me being gay now so ... Maybe in a little while, when you're ready, we can go on a proper date? I'll even wear a skirto r leather pants if oyu want."
He shrugged while picking bits off of the cookie to eat. "You were really mean, and I don't know that I want to be friends with someone who possesses the ability to be that mean." Connor stood up, and paused as if he wanted to say something else. He didn't, though, and instead just walked out of the room to find Calder to take him home.

A few days passed. Calder and Rune were back and forth to the hospital, and after Hamlet had come back the blond was running around the house to cook and try to keep everyone happy. But neither Hamlet nor Connor were happy, and that caused him a great deal of stress, though he wasn't sure why. The blond was in the middle of cooking dinner when the pain struck. Calder yelled out and crumbled to the floor, holding onto his stomach, confused and in pain.
Hamlet was not the happiest right now. He was glad that Calder and Rune let him stay. Let him still take care of their children. They were adorable. He loved the two. He currently had Neville on his hip while Bella was being a good girl and actually sleeping like he wanted her to. Them both to. He sighed and stopped when he heard the yell from Connor. Quickly rushing into the room, he scrambled beside him. "Calder?!" He set Neville onto the ground, being sure he was safe while looking at the man a little more, feeling horrible. "RUNE!"

The ravenette came rushing down the stairs and skidded over to where Calder was. "Calder! What's the matter?" he asked, scooping him up with a simple "Thank you" to Hamlet before pulling his love into his arms. "What's wrong?" He held the man against his form, pathetically trying to think of what to do.
Calder clung to his husband, in too much pain to realize how he had gotten there. "I--oww!" The blond whimpered pathetically while trying to pull his knees up to his chest, hoping to get rid of some of the pain that was ripping through his body, and especially his lower abdomen. "I...I think I need Jup--" He grunted with another wave of pain. "Jupiter." He whimpered again and nuzzled into his husband's neck for comfort.
He nodded, quickly moving into their bedroom. He sat onto the bed, holding him against his chest and taking up the phone. If hteo ther wanted to get off his lap he could, but he was not going to move him. He did not want to have him gone. Taking up the phone, he placed it to his ear and instantly called Jupiter. "HERE! Now. Calder's in pain."
He didn't move, gaining some comfort from his lover. And then there was a gush, and an intense wave of pain, and when he looked down, a lot of blood. And then he wasn't aware of anything for...well he wasn't sure how long he'd passed out for. The blond groaned, his belly still in pain, but nothing like what it had been from the last that he remembered. And there was no blood. Had it been just a dream then? The blond tried to sit up but couldn't. "Rune?" Calder's voice was weak and he reached out with his mind, too.
Rune had changed everything. Washed his husband. Himself. Jupiter came over. Gave the bad news. And he told him he would actually tell Calder. Sitting beside the blond, he pulled back to look down at him wit ha soft sigh. "Calder..." he began, kissing the other's lips softly before he sighed. "you ... miscarried."
Miscarried? It took a long minute for the news to set in and when it did, Calder curled up on his side, his face in his husband's thigh, and cried. How could this have happened? Of course, per haps it was for the best... The child was not his lover's, and it would have made for a very awkward situation. And they also were going to lift the spells after this, too. But that didn't make it hurt less.
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