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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He held his hand up to try and stop the tirade, but it didn't work until finally the boy shut up on his own. "That wasn't what I meant." He sighed and sat on the odeman across from the seat where Ambrose was sitting. "What I meant was: Are you here because you need a place to stay? Are you here because you're in some sort of trouble and need help? Are you here because your mother is not well and need help?"
Ambrose shook his head to his words. "No. Mom's ... past needing help. I honestly just wanted to meet my father. I know that he had nothing to do with my creation other than ... genetics, but I just ... wanted to meet him. See what kind of man he is. I didn't even think about the life he could be living. I'm sorry, for that. I forgot that he was probably off and married by now... Though seeing that he is married to a man, I get why Mom never went after him." he let out a soft 'heh' before blushing and staring back at his lap.
Nodding, Nikkos stood. "You two should spend some time together then. I'll start dinner." He patted the boy's head and kissed Tomias on the way out of the room to the kitchen. The brunette began to get dinner together. Roast beef and mashed potatoes and carrots and gravy and salad. It took close to two hours to put together, but when the table was set, Nikkos called Tomias and Ambrose in to eat.
The two did spend most of the time talking. With Mias, there really never were awkward silences, so that was something the teen was thankful for. He happily babbled about his family. Talking about the four kids they had. The family that lived next doors. On either side of them. Promised to show them off later. Probably much later before they could scare him off.

At the beckon, the man grinned and hopped to his feet. "come on!" He took the boy's hand and began to lead him to the kitchen. Letting him sit, he plopped down next to his love, kissing his cheek before taking in a deep breath. 'mm... smells delicious."
He leaned into the kiss and smiled, giving a soft thanks to his husband. Plates were piled high with the food and passed around. "So did you two have a nice conversation?" Nikkos was feeling better about the boy now that he knew his history and how he had come to have Tomias as a father. He seemed nice enough, anyway.
Ambrose looked over at the man, form straightening up and he smiled warmly. "Yes. He was telling me about your children." He stated with a little laugh. "I would love to meet them one of these days. Honestly, I would." He took a bite of the food, his eyes sparkled and grinned a bit more. "It's delicious!"
"Well. Dario and Jack have moved to Australia quite some time ago, but both visit home. Next time we have a large-and I do mean large-family gathering, Tomias will be sure to invite you." The brunette gave the male a small smile and thanked him for his compliment while digging into his own dinner. They chatted through the meal, and as they were finishing up, Nikkos ask Ambrose whether or not he took after Tomias in his abilities, and if his mother had any as well.
Ambrose really was enjoying the meal. This had gone better than he thought it would have. He was so thankful for that. Very, very thankful. He smiled at the two before the question of abilities came up. He stared at the two for a moment before biting into his bottom lip a bit. "Mom was a witch... so I have those sort of magical bits in me, but I do not know about anything else yet. Mom says that it will take a while for anything other than those to fester. I may not have any. I'm not sure, really."
He nodded, processing the information. The brunette told the boy of Prometheus, and extended an invitation to him to attend the school if he wished to. "Perhaps being in that environment will coax your abilities out of you." It had for some of their students who had come into Prometheus with very weak abilities, and they were now some of their stronger students.
"Really?" he looked over at the two, eyes sparkling as he did so. He nodded furiously to his words. "I would love that!"
It only took a couple of weeks to get Ambrose set up at Prometheus and enrolled in classes. They weren't all about his powers-whatever they turned out to be-as he was only thirteen, but because he and Tomias ran the school, that offered Ambrose the opportunity to join some clubs after school if he chose to.
Ambrose was a little nervous. He really was. He was excited! Very very much so, but was still worried about this whole thing. He pulled his books against his chest, looking around nervously before spotting Tomias. He gasped. Straightening, he quickly ran to the man, taking a hold of his hand and he stopped him from going anywhere. Looking up at him with quite the pathetic look, just begging for something that was not strange.

Tomias laughed lightly. Kissing the top of the boy's head, he straightened a bit more. "Your first class is with Relic. He'll take good care of you. Kay?"
Mosi Konani walked into the class room and set his planners on the desk while looking over his class. He wasn't sure why Relic had asked him to take his class, but that didn't matter anyway. The bell rang and the pink-haired male called out for everyone to settle down. "There's a newbie?" he asked, looking around for the scared face he was sure he'd find in the crowd of students.
Ambrose sat toward the front right corner, fussing with the bottom of his lacy shirt. He stared at the desk for a moment before his face lifted. Eyes wide as he stared at the man that was in front of of him now. He kept his attention to him for a while before smiling lightly. "Um... Yes. That's me.'

Rune made his way into the room, heading over to his grandson with a smile. He ruffled his pink locks before turning to the rest of the class, hand still atop his head- damn short ones. "Here's the deal! Relic's ass hurts too much to get out of bed, so you now have Mr Konani as your teacher. Keep in mind, he is my grandson. You do anything, and I mean anything, to make him unhappy in the slightest, and you will not even be able to imagine what will happen to you. Got it?!"
Mosi just shook his head at his grandfather and pecked his cheek while standing on his tiptoes to do so, despite his black platform Mary Jane shoes. "Hmm? Oh. Yes. Ambrose, is it?" He waited for conformation before continuing. "Very well then. Have you studied defenses in your previous scho-- Oh. Oh I see here that you didn't." The rosy haired male was rifling through the papers on the teen. "Very well then. Follow along and see me after class."
Rune stared at the class for a few more moments before turning to Mosi. He pouted. Turning on his heel, he sighed and began to make his way out to go torture children in the school.

Ambrose perked up and shook his head a little bit. "I only now what my mother taught me. magic-wise. I've gone to school." And yes. He had to justify that. He did not want them thinking that he was some uneducated fool. He just did not now magic.
Mosi nodded and waved to Rune as he left the room.

Class went smoothly, the pink-haired man taking it easy on the kids. It wasn't that he didn't think they could handle anything else, just that he wanted them to actually absorb what he was saying along with the technique. As class was winding down, he called Ambrose to the front of the room. "How was class? Did you follow the lesson alright?"
Ambrose made his way up and over to the pinkette who seemed to not be too much taller than he was. he smiled lightly and nodded to his words. "Yes. I was fine. It was very interesting." He informed him with a little laugh passing his lips. "So ... You are Mr Lin's grandson?" He aske,d head tilting to the side with interest to his features.
"That's good. Do you have any questions?" Mosi began to pack up his things when the question was asked and nodded. "Yes. He and Calder adopted my mother and uncle and aunt when they were children." Hoisting his bag up onto his shoulder, Mosi began to walk, motioning the boy to follow him. "And you belong to...Tomias, yes? But not Nikkos." He ran the little lesson that his mother had given him through his head.
Ambrose perked up. Adoption. That makes a bit more sense. He nodded and began to follow him out of the room. While both attractive, he could not really see Mosi being genetically related to Rune. He did not even know what the man's children looked like. He was kind of scared to find out, honestly. "Yes. Tomias is my father." He informed him, his bag slung over his shoulder while he followed him out of the room. "Is... Is your family nice? They won't ... shun me or anything, right?"
Shun him? Mosi laughed and patted the boy on the shoulder. My grandparents regularly take in strays, and my cousins run an orphanage in Australia. And you're not the first of Tomias' children to show up on his door step out of the blue, either. Though I suppose you are-Dawn is his granddaughter, technically." He shrugged at the thought. "No. We're a mish-mosh of all sorts of people."
Ambrose relaxed with a soft sigh. His head lightly rested against the other's arm while he settled against him a bit more. Phew. That made him feel a little better now. "Thank you.' he whispered before looking up at him, smiling a little bit more as he did so. "The family is big, right?"
Big? "That's a very small word. Rune and Calder have twelve children, plus Hamlet-their nanny. Relic and Tanner have seven. Tomias and Nikkos have six plus you. Gideon and Pierce are married to Relic's and Tanner's twins-all one big relationship-and they have umpteen children as Pierce is part bunny and had eight children first time out of the gate..." Mosi continued to chatter on about the family, though he knew he was forgetting some here and there. There wasn't anyway to keep up with everyone off the top of your head!!
Ambrose was absolutely surprised. he had no idea a family could be that huge! Better yet, that apparently there were twins with two lovers. That definitely shocked him. He stared at the man for a while, just enthralled with the stories. He nodded a few times before he perked up a little bit. "so.. you're basically the only one without children?"
Thinking about it for a second, he shook his head. "Viktor and Devin don't have children." There were others but he couldn't go through the list again to find the names, and he said so. "Here's your next class. Gabriel teaches it-he's your father's brother. Very nice and very unlike Relic or Rune or even Tomias. You come find me if you have questions, okay?"
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