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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Ambrose nodded and smiled a little bit more. So basically, the whole school was run by the family. He let out a soft little laugh and headed into the room, being stopped by a gorgeous man.

Gabriel smiled warmly at the other, giving him a small bow of his head. "hello, Ambrose. I'm Gabriel. I put together all the items you will need to get along well in the potions class. I'm here if you have questions." He gave the otehr the folder full of papers and everything else and smiled once more. "Also, I do not mind staying after to help you learn something. So .. Relax."

he stared at him for quite a while, just utterly amazed at the gorgeous man. Wow. Just ... Wow. Nodding, he turned and blushed his way back to a seat.
Mosi laughed at the boy's reaction to Gabriel and patted his shoulder again before moving off to have breakfast with Rune and Calder. It was nice to see that the boy was adjusting well and felt comfortable in the presence of family, even if he didn't really know that family yet. They must be intimidating.
At the end of his classes, Ambrose went in search of Mosi. He smiled when he spotted the feminine male. He made his way over to where he was, head tilted to the side lightly with interest. "hello Mosi." He said simply, arms wrapped around the books he had against his chest. "How were the rest of your classes?"
He was surprised, really, that Ambrose had sought him out after classes. Mosi thought that the male would want to spend time with his father. Still, he wasn't disappointed, either. "Hello, Ambrose. They went well. But I think I should be asking you that question, as it was your first day, not mine."
Ambrose smiled warmly and nodded. "They went well." He admitted, laughing gently. "I ... am surprised that it seems most teachers are related to Tomias." He laughed again and turned on his heel to begin walking backward. His eyes staying with the male that was now in front of him, smiling a bit more.
"You will find that within Tomias' circle, everyone is related to him in some way." Sadly, Mosi wasn't kidding at all. He began to walk with the boy, chatting about his classes and if the rest of his day, aside from class, had gone well. "What after school activities are you planning on joining?"
Ambrose laughed lightly, nodding a little bit. That was... interesting? He shook his head before continuing to walk beside the man. His hands wrapped around the strap of his bag while he listened to his day. "Um.. I'm not sure. There are some things that are interesting, but nothing has really struck me as what I want to do." He then turned to look at him, quite happy he was the same eye-level as he was. Little taller in the platforms, but that was beside the point. "Any suggestions?"
Suggestions? Mosi thought for a minute. "Well, Relic has a sewing club... There's a dueling club and a glee club..." He listed a few more clubs for Ambrose to choose from. "I'd suggest for you the dueling club. You're a wizard and it will teach you to use your conduit well. And it will help you get up to speed in Defense, too."
"Oh?" he honestly thought that all of the ideas sounded great. He wanted to take them all! But then the dueling did seem to be the best. He grinned and nodded. "I like that idea. I'm not too small to be in it?" Yes. he had been shunned for things before. Like any sports at his other schools. Not outwardly, but the other players did. It was really annoying.
"The youngest students at Prometheus are eleven. Everyone is permitted to join any club they'd like." He smiled and entered Tomias' office after a knock. "Picking up strays again, Uncle Tomias?" Yes, okay, the man was technically his great-uncle, but just calling him 'uncle' was easier.
Tomias lifted his head as he looked up at him. He arched a brow as he listened to his words. "Really? Have you seen the two your grandfather has now? Oh! The one should be here. Isn't he? Meh." he shrugged and batted a hand in the air absently. He then smiled as he saw the little cutie behind his nephew. "Rosie! Come on in." He laughed and straightened up a little bit more. "Ignore anything Mosi's told you about me. I'm a perfect angel."

Ambrose laughed lightly while stepping into the room, fussing with the bottom of his shirt a bit. "He has not said anything really."
He laughed. "That's because my mother told me that if I had nothing nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all." Mosi stuck his tongue out at Tomias and then shrugged. "The little rat bit you. I'm not stupid enough to go near him until he's well trained! I'm surprised you were, really." He gave a shrug then mussed Ambrose's hair before saying goodbye to both.
Tomias rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean to! The brat ate my popcorn. I'm shocked he's still living after eating Rune's chocolate." he wrinkled his nose before turning to look at his son. "It's your Uncle Rune's latest strays he brought home. The one's trying to nibble away at his being. It's quite funny..."

ambrose nodded a few times, just not sure what to say. He then turned to Mosi with a pleading look of 'don't leave'
He laughed at that. "I'm surprised he's alive after touching the chocolate." Shrugging, Mosi said his goodbyes. "I promised Mom that I'd be there for dinner tonight." He was half way to the door when Mosi turned around to ask Tomias a question. "Will Relic be back tomorrow?" It wasn't that he didn't enjoy teaching, he just liked having a plan in advance.
Tomias nodded to the other's words. "I believe so. Why? Was Ambrose too much to handle? I can beat him if need be." He winked at the boy, hoping to help show he was only kidding.
He laughed. "No. Ambrose was a joy to teach. I was asking because if he was not, then I would return home tonight. But since he is, I think I will stay at Mom's and Dad's for the night." He smiled and bowed a little before turning to Ambrose. "Your father knows how to get a hold of me if you have any questions regarding your training."
Ambrose smiled and nodded. Turning back to Tomias, he gave him a little smile as well. The two were soon engulfed in conversation of how the day went. What he did. Everything of that sort. It was actually quite nice to be able to speak with him, and especially about magic. He was so used to only using magic when no one could see him that it was a new experience to openly use everything.
Mosi was at the school every few days. He enjoyed being at Prometheus, and sitting in on his uncles' classes. He missed being a student sometimes. He didn't miss the homework, though. The pink-haired man also made it a point to check in on Ambrose every time he was at the school. He'd taken a liking to the boy and wanted to look after him as often as he could.
Ambrose made his way through the halls. Eyes sparkling as he did so. He looked from one room to the other before finally spotting the pinkette talking with his grandfather. "mosi!" He said cheerfully, making his way into the room and smiling even more. "I have two tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet... Do you want to come with me?"
Mosi greeted Ambrose cheerfully. But before he could ask how his classes were going or the clubs he'd chosen to join, the invitation was extended and Mosi was a bit flustered with it. Not only was Ambrose much younger than he was, he was also (sort of) his student...sometimes. He bit his lip and looked to Tomias for help...or advice...or an answer.
Tomias looked from one to the other, finding this to be far too amusing. He smiled, staring at his nephew before he shrugged a little bit. "Just don't get my son drunk and take advantage of him."

Ambrose went wide-eyed and beet red "n-no! no ... um... not. Not like that..." He stated, his whole face quite red at the moment as he stared at the two. "I mean as f-friends... I have not really made a friend I would want to go with s-so I ... I thought of you."
Sticking his tongue out at Tomias, Mosi turned to accept the invitation from Ambrose. "I would love to accompany you to the ballet, thank you." But something else struck him now-the comment that Ambrose had yet to make friends. Mosi questioned this, and if it was because any of the other boys had been teasing him, or being mean in general. He couldn't help but feel protective over the boy who had seemed to latch onto him from day one.
Ambrose smiled warmly and nodded to the acceptance. "Thank you." He said simply and looked up at him a little bit more. He sighed softly and shook his head a little more. "I made people to talk to... Just none are interesting to do more than that." He clarified. He was not that much of an outcast. He was Tomias' son. How could he not be social? He was not a s sexually social as he was, not even close, but that was beside the point.

"So... The ballet is Friday. . . Will you drive? I ... can't so... Is that all right?"
"Ah." So long as the boy was not being cast out by his peers, then there wasn't much else to do about the situation. He laughed a little and shook his head. "No. I think I'll meet you there-you can walk, yes?" Mosi was teasing, of course. "I will meet you here after your last class on Friday and we shall go. I'm sure your Uncle Relic will be sure to have an appropriate outfit here for you to change into." Well, he supposed that Relic was his uncle, too, but that was beside the point.
Ambrose squealed lightly. "Yay!" He giggled and hugged the other excitedly. "Kay! bye!" He then turned on his heel and began to rush out of the room, skipping forward as he did so. Ooh. He was so happy right now. His mismatched eyes were sparkling as he did so.

Tomias blinked a few times before slowly turning to look at Mosi. "He was supposed to go to lunch with me." he stated, a pout to his lips as he looked over at his nephew.
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