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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

Amaya didn’t move a muscle, standing behind Yoshitsugu silently, knuckles white and a clear look of fear on her face. She wouldn’t be able to do much for Akihime.
"Let her up, Mitsunari. She will understand her wrong doings when we return home." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari let up on Akihime and she pushed herself up, dusting off her pants and blouse angrily.
Yukimura would return shortly, on foot this time, as to not leave the family truck up at the corner store. He looked scared, carrying only a small bag of clothing with him.
By the time he got back to the store, Akihime had been forced into the back of the car and was being glared at by Mitsunari.
"I'm so glad you agreed." Yoshitsugu said.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone again... I want to learn what I am.” He said softly, holding his bag tightly.
Yukimura nodded and Amaya took his bag, loading it into the trunk as he climbed into the car, sitting across from Mitsunari, offering her an apologetic glance.
Akihime only gave an equally apologetic smile before her gaze lowered again. Yoshitsugu sat beside Yukimura and tapped his cane against the floor to signal Amaya to drive.
The car carefully crept forward, moving smoothly down the road and away from the small town, the four of them sitting in deafening silence as they made their way back to the estate.
Yukimura almsot flinched when he spoke, looking over to Yoshitsugu and giving a stiff nod. “I am rather looking forward to learning about myself and who I am.”
Yukimura frowned, feeling a twinge of shame, for he had only just found out himself that he was a vampire.
It was a painful ride home, the only one doing the talking was mostly Yoshitsugu. When Amaya pulled up into the driveway, she parked and got out to open the door for Yoshitsugu.
Yukimura was terribly nervous, nodding and climbing out of the car, moving aside to let Akihime out and wait for her.
Yukimura offered a small smile and a nod, Amaya closing the door behind Akihime once she was out of the car.
They headed inside behind Yoshitsugu, who turned to Amaya once they entered the foyer, "Amaya, why don't you show our new guest to one of the spare rooms, let him get settled in~ I need to have a word with Akihime."
"F-Father..." Akihime looked scared, knowing full well what this "word" really was.
Amaya froze momentarily, looking to Yoshitsugu with wide eyes. “..You said..” She let out in a whisper, hands clenched into fists. Yukimura didn’t understand, looking from person to person in confusion.
"Do not disobey me, Amaya." Yoshitsugu stated before his eyes landed on Akihime, "Let's go." Akihime numbly followed Yoshitsugu up the stairs before looking back at Amaya.
Amaya watched as Yoshitsugu and Akihime started off down a separate hallway, fists clenched and teeth bared, shaking as she started to silently follow after Yoshitsugu rather than take Yukimura to the guest bedrooms.
“Get out of my way.” She growled lowly, taking a step up the stairs and trying to shoulder her way passed Mitsunari.
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