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「σανγυινε 」|| 1x1 with DarkMudkip ||

Inside was dimly lit with four batter powered lanterns in each corner of the small room, in the center Yukimura was heavily chained in place, a thick bamboo rod placed between his teeth and fastened into his mouth. Blood dripped from his teeth, biting down so hard the bamboo was cracked. Heavy boat chains were wrapped around his chest and secured to the ground, shackles around his wrists and ankles, connected to the walls and floor at several points. Blood dripped from his eyes, which were horribly blood shot, and wide open, letting out another muffled growl when the door opened.
Her eyes widened slowly and she braved to move down into the makeshift prison, "O-Of could I not see it sooner...? The medicine should have been my first clue..." She muttered numbly.
His fangs were dug deeply into the wood of the bamboo gag, biting down so hard his gums bled. He stared at Akihime with wide eyes full of delirium, bloodshot to the point the entirety of his sclera were deep red; hungry eyes. All of the chains that held him were steel, even the cuffs of the shackles were made of thick steel, but the chains keeping him to the ground were made of silver, pure by the looks of it.
He only stared back at her with those hunger-crazed eyes, pulling hard on the chains and letting out a muffled scream, saliva dripping from his mouth and down his chin.
"You need to feed, don't you? You've probably been starved for so long, you're going crazy..." She said, "My blood won't be very good for you...but I want to help.." She said gently and moved closer to try and remove the bamboo.
He lunged for her as far as he could, but didn’t get much closer, choking and growling, desperate to get closer to Akihime- the only source of blood in sight.
She flinched a little and tried to reach the ties for the gag.
"Hey, hey! You don't want to do that!" A voice called and someone quickly grabbed the back of Akihime's shirt and yanked her back,
Yukimura only struggled more, lunging again and again, screaming and growling behind the gag, rage in his eyes as Akihime was dragged back up the stairs and out of the small concrete room.
"Why are you people torturing him?! I demand his release!" She hissed. Sasuke made a noise.
"Can't do that. He's all that's left." He replied. Akihime looked confused and taken aback.
"All that's left...?"
“Akihime-sama.” Neither of the two heard her approach, but she stood in the doorway with a frown, showing Amaya had considered Akihime’s time to say goodbye spent.
"A-Ama..." Akihime looked desperate, "I-I can't leave, Yukimura, he...he's one of us! They're keeping him here and starving him, he's crazed!"
"That's not what we're doing.." Sasuke said, "It's for his own good."
“It’s none of our business. You’ve mettled too much with the humans, it’s time to return home.” She said firmly.
Amaya pressed her lips together to form a thin line, silent for a good couple seconds before she spoke. “I’ll see what I can do, but don’t be surprised if your father ends up showing up here himself.”
Amaya frowned and let Akihime hug her, standing awkwardly in the barn doorway. “I hope these few more days will benefit you.” She said, her tone defeated.
"I will take whatever punishment father has planned, I swear! I won't forget how kind you are, Ama!" She said. Sasuke sighed and rested his hands behind his head.
" vampires are so strange.."
“Says the human keeping a vampire for a pet.” Amaya said, turning her cold gaze onto him. “It isn’t any of my concern, but why?”
Amaya studied him briefly, then turned to leave. “I’ll return home and inform your father, do spend your time wisely.” She said to Akihime, then started off for where she had parked the car.
Amaya only stopped once to bow to Akihime before continuing off, the only noises that could be heard being the muffled screams from Yukimura in the cellar beneath them.
"Come on, let's get you home. I have to go find a new vampire proof lock." Sasuke said as he walked off. Akihime moved to follow but looked back at the trap door before going back to try and help Yukimura.
Yukimura picked his head up when Akihime came back down, his desperately hungry eyes watching her every move.
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