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marvel comics

  1. Pandamonium

    Fandom Search

    Winter Widow "I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking for permission." I am looking for a partner to play Natasha, and think they can play her well. You don't need to know everything about her, but I do want someone who knows the character well enough to play her properly...
  2. HeroSuperFanatic

    Mx Any [NSFW Images] The Muliebrous....Spider-Man!?

    Hello everyone! Today, I'm looking for a story based on gender transformation and futanari play out in the amazing setting of Marvel! I prefer the one getting transformed and I hope to find anybody who has knowledge on every heroine and villainess and are down to being futanaris. You don't have...
  3. Maxxor

    Mx Female Spider-Man X Black Cat (The hero turn father)

    Spiderman have been on and off. I actually got idea around the time either before or right when they DLC came out for Spiderman on the PS4. For the record I am not saying this idea takes place in that universe, but I also thing her look in there is fine as well, haha. In many universes we see...
  4. The Malefis

    Mx Any Salutations! Long term partners wanted! (NSFW pics and links included)

    Salutations, ladies, and gentlemen! Like my title? If you're like me and want to explore creating fun and unique pairings for comics, games, etc please have a look, if a pairing catches your eye send a PM my way, and let's see if we can workshop a story! All characters are over 17 and up per...
  5. Crossbones

    Marvel Trash [M/M][Discord]

    So, here's the highlights that are probably most important to everyone: → Female player looking to play the female in F/M pairings, or a male for M/M pairings. → I'm gonna be 35 this year. Please be 18+ at the very least. 21+ preferred. → My average posts run 2,000 to 5,000 characters. This...
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