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Comfort Games?


Dragon Admirer
Aug 18, 2020
US CST (Chicago)
What games do you find yourself returning to because it feels good?

I’ve been coming back to Outer Worlds more. FTL has a wonderful soundtrack with enough RNG to make each run feel good. The original KH1/KH2 games have so many nostalgic memories stapled to them. I’m also hype for the FFCC rerelease in two weeks.
I know it's a bit silly, but when I feel down and need something calming and not too stressful, I will play Stardew Valley
More recently, Subnautica. Just... swimming, collecting materials, exploring the seafloor. Water's nice.
Slay the spire is pretty comforting,, except when dealing with heavy maths which is rare. Past that, my comfort games are/were the story of seasons games on the 3DS and now rune factory IV on the switch. Anything that doesn't require twitch reflexes, really.
What games do you find yourself returning to because it feels good?

I’ve been coming back to Outer Worlds more. FTL has a wonderful soundtrack with enough RNG to make each run feel good. The original KH1/KH2 games have so many nostalgic memories stapled to them. I’m also hype for the FFCC rerelease in two weeks.

Oh my gosh I love Outer Worlds! I keep feel like going back to it, especially with new DLC coming.

With me it's Fallout 4 even though there's a lot I don't like about it, along with Torchlight 2 and Enter the Breach.
Have you tried two point hospital, @RedRose? I bought it, I've yet to play it but I got it because it reminded me of Theme Hospital, I just need to find the time to try it out.
At this point, Warframe is probably one of my best unwinding games, especially if I have something on in the background while I do it. I've been playing the game long enough that a lot of the movement is on autopilot, so there isn't a lot of active thinking when I do missions.
Dark Souls 1-3 and BloodBorne, South Park Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole.

Also vintage games like Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Super Mario World & 64.
Kind of depends on what comfort I need. If I want something familiar but that can still give me a fresh experience, I go with a Pokemon game. If I want nostalgia mixed with intense optimism, Kingdom Hearts. If I just really need to blow off steam and deal with anger issues though, then Warframe or a Warriors game does the trick.
Depends on why I need comfort.

If I'm stuck it's sim and low-key survival games, things that can occupy my brain almost completely but without too much anxiety. Starbound, Cooking Simulator, Houseflipper, Banished, Medieval Dynasty, Subnautica, Satisfactory, Viscera Cleanup Detail, maybe Minecraft depending on modpack. Things that I can put most of my focus on but not so much that I can't chew on a problem in the background.

If I'm having high anxiety or panic attacks, somewhat ironically I'll go for horror games. At least that way I'm in control of the panic response. Fatal Frame is my big Comfort Game for this, but Dread Out, Visage, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Phasmophobia if my friends are about. Anything that gives me an actual reason to be feeling scared and panicky.

If I need to lose a couple hours, then it's strategy games. Civilization, Crusader Kings, Stellaris... games that eat up my attention and make me want to keep playing. If I absolutely cannot live in my own head right now, that's what I'll go to.

If I'm having big No Thoughts Head Empty hours then it's something super simple I can mill through without needing to think but still feel accomplished. Puzzle Quest and Stardew Valley, Story of Seasons, or Pumpkin Days are my big ones for this but anything in the same vein. Low pressure and forgiving games I can take my time with.
Tetris Effect is another one for me now. I'm not a super high-level Tetris master, but playing on endless and just zenning out to the music and visuals while stacking those tetrominoes? Puts my mind right. In fact, I should probably go pop that on right now.
Kind of embarrassed to admit this... uhm.

The Her Interactive Nancy Drew games. They're really solid point and clicks...
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