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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi narrowed her eyes slightly at that, but she said nothing. She only stood there and waited for him to attack. Palutena wasn't sure what that meant....usually Chi had an response to anything and everything. Maybe she was actually going to get serious?
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit summoned his blades with a glimmer of light before he rushed forward, breaking them apart to swing at her. He'd show Lady Palutena that Chi wasn't good for the team!
RE: The Game of the Gods

A smile crept over Chi's face as he came at her. In one fluid movement she dodged gracefully, her hands still behind her back. "Cute," She purred softly. "About as cute as a snail with feathers."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"So you've actually been doing something," Pit snorted, spinning his blades. "I'm surprised. Why do you think you're good enough to join our side? You're not exactly 'Light' material."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Because I want to. I'm neither light nor dark and this side just happens to be the one I choose." Chi told him simply with a shrug of her shoulders. "I may not have had any fancy training like you, but I'm smart and that's why I'll always be one step ahead. On my own I might not be anything special, but I'm good support."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"We'll see about that," Pit mumbled, taking a half step forward to begin a flurry of blade swings. People often forgot that Pit was Captain of the Guard for a reason: he was an exceptional warrior, even if he didn't act like it.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi had a more difficult time avoiding his attacks when he was using both weapons. In fact, she could feel the blades grazing against her, cutting through the fabric of her robes. But still, she was waiting for the right moment, and when that moment came she finally summoned her staff and used it to block his blades. She was an angel she had some strength behind those twiggy arms of hers. "You're good close range. Much better than me." She complimented with a grin. "But I want to know how you are in a long range fight."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...When did you get that?" Pit frowned curiously, glancing at the staff. Oh boy...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"What? My laser staff?" She grinned at him. "Sometime last year. I found it..finders keepers." She told him with a wink as she pulled away from him, creating some space between them before she fired her staff at him.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit dodged in surprise, the beam slamming into the wall and exploding...before it effortlessly reformed from clouds. Okay...that wasn't something he wanted to feel. He connected his blades with a determined frown, sprinting forward as he let loose a trio of light arrows.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi dodged the first two arrows and blocked the last one with her staff. She then started to widen the distance between them as she let loose another charged shot. Her staff had a very long range, but it was difficult to aim. She was getting better at it though...and if he kept letting her move away from him she'd gain the advantage.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit dove over the energy blast, his heel sizzling jsut slightly as he took aim at Chi and pulled his bowstring back to let loose another arrow. Woo! Where did she learn all this!?
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena watched the two exchange blasts at one another from afar. If Chi had a different opponent, she would have definitely had the upper hand. But Pit had a lot of experience with this sort of it was only natural that she couldn't get a good shot on him.

"This is stupid," Chi muttered after a little while with a grin on her face. "You're good from far away too. I can't win against you if that's the case! I give up!" She knew when to admit defeat...if she couldn't win, she couldn't win. So disappointing, but it's nothing she didn't expect. She still had a long way to go to get better at this kind of thing.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"What?" Pit huffed. "Are you serious? That's your defense!? And you want to be on our team!? Lady Palutena!" he whined, turning to face her. "You can't be serious about this!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi just laughed, and Palutena was obviously amused because she was grinning from ear to ear. "I don't really see why not. Chi isn't the strongest but her strength lies within her speed and dexterity. And she's got good just have better reflexes. Still, against an opponent who is distracted, I can see her taking them out or weakening them from quite far away...I am with Chi on her earlier statement...she's good support. I think we have yet to fill that role, Pit. There are more things to fighting than strength, you know that. A smart girl wouldn't hurt the team."

"So there!" Chi remarked before sticking her tongue out at Pit playfully.
RE: The Game of the Gods

He sighed heavily, rubbing his head. "...If you say so, Lady Palutena," Pit grumbled, like a child who had his toy taken away. "...But don't make us look bad, Chi. I won't have you discredit Lady Palutena's scouting talent!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Worry about yourself, buddy. Don't let your other self kick your butt." Chi grinned as she moved over to him and stuck out her hand. "Truce, okay? I'm serious. I need you to watch my back and I'll watch yours." She had no shame, they were enemies before but she was willing to put that behind her. The question was, was he willing?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Okay," Pit said warily, shaking her hand. "...Deal, I guess. But don't get soft when you see your boyfriend or whatever, got it?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You don't listen, do you? He's my EX. Which means we're not together anymore. That's why I want to join you guys in the first place, it's totally pay back time!" Chi growled, folding her arms.

"What exactly did you two break up over?" Palutena asked curiously as she joined the two. That part was an issue...Chi may have wanted revenge right now but that might change if Pittoo worked his magic on her. So all that meant was that she just had to find another reason to have her stay on their side...

"I don't know, one day he just told me to leave him alone...he said he didn't want me around. So I left." Chi answered bitterly. After everything they had, too. He was such a jerk...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Huh," Pit said, arms crossing. "...Wonder if it was when Medusa, er..." Died? Killed? He didn't like tossing that out. "When we defeated her?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Makes sense, he did get really sour when Medusa got put in her place." Palutena said thoughtfully. "He even stood up Viridi, and..."

"Viridi? And just what was he doing with her?" Chi demanded as she narrowed her red eyes.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I thought he was your 'ex' boyfriend?" Pit said dryly. "What do you think happened?" Sheesh...some girls just never let go...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"He is!" Chi hissed, her wings ruffling in frustration. "And whatever...It's not like I actually care or anything."

"Well, if you don't care then there's no sense in explaining what happened between the two. Come on, Pit. Let's go make dinner." Palutena smiled at Chi before turning her back and starting to walk away. Chi gave her an exasperated look, but she was way too proud to ask Palutena what she knew. Ugh...that was going to bug her.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...How come you always say that when you actually do care?" Pit said innocently, following after Palutena. Girls were weird, he still didn't figure them out. Sometimes it felt like he actually knew what to do, and then other times...well, he had nothing.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi narrowed her eyes a brief moment before she started following them. "I don't know what you're talking about Pit. I said I didn't care and I meant it. I don't care what that guy does, I just found it strange that Viridi would actually pay him any mind whatsoever." Sometimes she wished she could just keep her mouth shut, but her pride was getting the best at her when it came to Pit...well both Pit's.
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