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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"Uh huh," Pit smirked slyly. "Sure, Chi, whatever you say," he said, hands behind his head. He obviously struck a nerve, and that in itself was a small victory.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ugh she had let him make her mad but she just couldn't help herself. She really never did get over Pit's other could she when he just ended things for no stupid reason. Still, she would never, ever admit that. "Yeah, whatever I say. Remember that, Pit." Chi grumbled crankily before she turned around and started walking away.

"Where are you going, Chi? Not joining us for dinner?" Palutena asked after stopping in her tracks and looking back towards her.

"Nope, I can't have an appetite around his ugly face! Later!" Chi took off running and disappeared just as fast as she appeared earlier.

" definitely made her mad. You're really not good with girls, are you Pit?" Palutena smirked.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit sighed heavily, arms crossing. "Girls are stupid anyway," he grumbled. "Besides, none of them are ever as great as you are, Lady Palutena! You're the best ever!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well I am a Goddess...don't you think you ought to lower your standards just a little bit?" She teased as she ruffled her fingers through his hair playfully. She really could not appreciate him enough...after everything she put him through he was still one hundred percent loyal to her.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit flushed just a little, grinning faintly. "Of course not! Why would I lower my standards when you're around, Lady Palutena?" Pit wasn't quite sure what she was getting at anyway, what did that have to do with anything?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Because you'll never have any lady friends if you keep comparing them to me. I want you to have lady friends. It's healthy for you." Maybe she should just order him to find a girlfriend...that would probably be such a funny thing to see. But it would be for his own good. He didn't know what it meant to be just a normal boy doing normal things...all he knew was her and it made her feel slightly guilty.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"What's the difference?" Pit said curiously, hands still behind his head. "It's not like I don't have friends, y'know."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"The difference is this." Palutena moved over to embrace him, pressing his face directly into her bosom. "What do you feel when I do this, Pit?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Uh..." Well, the answer was obvious, considering that his erection had suddenly sprung and was now pressing quite predominately against her thigh. "...The feeling I need to feel this more often?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"..Right. Well that's the difference. Do you have any friends that make you feel this way?" Palutena asked him as she kept him in her embrace, looking down at him with a smile.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...I dunno," Pit mused innocently. "I guess I hadn't thought about it...Maybe I should I find out?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes, you should. That way you can feel this feeling more and actually do something about it." Palutena grinned as she slid her hand over his erection teasingly. She knew she shouldn't, but she really enjoyed seeing the look on his face when he was aroused.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit's eyes half lidded faintly, throbbing against her palm. "...But...isn't it okay with you?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I don't feel right doing that with you right now." Palutena told him as her hand trailed back up to his cheek. "You're precious to me...I love you a lot. But it's a platonic love from me raising you and guiding you for all these years. Sex is better with a different kind of love that's shared between you and your partner. I want you to experience that at least once in your life, Pit."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hm," Pit said, rubbing his head. "It's different, huh? I guess I never thought much about it..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You never thought much about it because you've been too busy helping me. And even now, you still are with these little games Dyntos is having us do. But I want you to know more than just..this. You're more than just my little chicken..." She smiled at him as she caressed his cheek affectionately. "I appreciate all the loyalty you give me, but you should live for yourself sometime too..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit's brow furrowed thoughtfully, arms crossing a moment despite her affectionate touch. "...But I'm happy with you," he decided. "Isn't that enough, Lady Palutena?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena looked into his eyes thoughtfully for a moment before smiling and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "If you're happy, then I suppose it's enough. I just feel bad for asking so much of you. You don't get a chance to do anything else or be anyone else, really..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Nah," Pit said, wings fluffed proudly. "I like being your Captain, Lady Palutena! That's why I'm here!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Oh yeah?" Palutena asked before a devious expression came over her face. "Say, you remember that really rare plant that I like to turn into a spice and put in my soup? The one that's really hard to get because it's on the peak of a mountain? The same mountain where that cute little baby dragon who's twice your size and really doesn't like you lives? I think I'm in the mood for that tonight."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I'm on it!" Pit said with determination, he needed something to distract himself from a painful erection, honestly. "That dragon won't even know I was there!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hopefully. Last time it gave you quite the run for your money." Palutena would just reward him later...but she had to think about what she wanted to do for him besides cook him something delicious. He was a good boy and she had teased him a little too much.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, y'know," Pit sniffed, rubbing under his nose with a grin. "I got cocky, not this time, though. You'll have the most delicious soup ever!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well this particular dragon has really good senses so just be as quiet as possible..and when you go up the mountain make sure your scent gets carried away from it, not towards it. Or it will smell you. I'll keep an eye on you in case you need help." She told him before ruffling his hair. Her little helper...she didn't mind if he was content but she could at least start doing more things for him.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I know, I know!" Pit huffed. "I can do it, Lady Palutena! I've done it a hundred times before!" Honestly!
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