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Medieval Fun Time Land (Anyone can join)

Lena sighed, realizing that Michon was doing that annoying thing again where he actually had a good point. She disentangled herself from the sword, a few minor cuts closing up due to the healing spells in play, and scooched back from it to be safer, not realizing that she'd scooched dangerously close to Michon. She barely registered what was going on anyway since she was stoned out of her mind.
Shiana was now literally, like a bitch in heat. She moaned as loud as she could while she pressed herself against the elf so he could fuck her better. Moaning and groaning was the only thing she could do right now. Shiana wasn't able to talk without her conciousness, but she was still able to make noise. Her body was now more sensitive than it was before, especially her two holes, nipples and clitoris. Shiana came hard thanks to her sensitiveness which made the walls of her pussy contract around Ras's cock like it wanted to milk his semen out of him.

The only abilities that looked like she was able to use magic were her natural changeling abilities like changing her appearance, shifting her shape and seperating her conciousness from her body. She had heard and read a lot about magic though and knew different spells from the basic fireball to expand breasts by filling them with milk which ended in lactation. Shiana couldn't remember anything right now though since her body was only running on instincts with sex as the dominating one right now. She could answer any questions about magic and her past after this was over and her conciousness was nack inside her body though.
Míchon hardly noticed Lena scoot closer to him. He was watching the sky through the trees, noticing that it had gotten dark while all the crap was being sorted out. Stargazing was a hobby of his. "Look at that... Away from any town, you can see so many stars..." he said, sighing. "It's beautiful."

Erica kept her hand on her belly as it started shrinking. She had another weird, queasy feeling radiate out from her middle. "I d-don't feel good..." she said. A moment later, she was squirming, trying to get out of Maddie's grip, an anxious, sickly look on her draconic features. Opening her mouth to say something was a bad idea; remnants of her last meal returned with a vengeance. Good thing she had just looked away to see if there was a safe spot to go. After puking her guts out (figuratively), she collapsed onto the ground.
Lena responded to Michon's stargazing by sprawling out and starting to snore loudly. It was actually kind of cute, in a ridiculous way.

Maddie was very glad that Erica had turned away and spewed in a safe direction. She held fast to the dragon girl's belly and kept channeling until it had shrunk down back to normal size. A few more seconds of channeling and she was convinced that there was no way that Erica could be pregnant, not after spending that much power on the reaction. As she pulled her hand away, she was glad that Erica had collapsed and couldn't see the burnt wreck of her left hand where she had channeled all the life energy. She quickly pulled her sleeve down to cover it so that no one would notice, and rummaged in her pack for a healing potion. Even though the stuff was poison to her, she kept a couple on hand for emergencies or for the occasional oddball moment like this. "Erica, here," she said, offering the flask with her unburnt hand. "This should help with how you're feeling."
The dragoness reached up and took the potion, uncorked it and took a sip. The magic liquid almost instantly helped her feel better. "Thanks, Maddie. I... I wouldn't have known what to do without you." Shakily, she got to her feet, then gave the necromancer a hug.

Míchon chuckled softly, looking over to Lena. As weird as the girl was, he really liked her. Gently placing a kiss on her forehead, he whispered a goodnight.
Maddie yelped as the hug took her by surprise, her injured hand being pressed between them painfully, but she returned the hug with her free hand to try and play it off like nothing was wrong. "S-sorry that I messed it up in the first place," she said. "You, um, might skip your next cycle. Or three. Just...don't worry if you're not going into heat as normal. It might be a while before you're ready again."
Because of their height difference, Maddie's face was smushed between Erica's breasts. Not that the dragoness cared. "At least I'm not pregnant," she sighed. "I don't care if I have to wait for my cycle to begin again." She glanced over to where Ras and Shiana were, then over to Lena and Míchon. The two elves sleeping made her feel tired. "I think we should call it a night..." She stretched, a few vertebrae popping back into place. "Maybe we could set a watch up, so that we're not amushed or anything."
"Um, I could take the first watch," Maddie offered. That would give her time to heal herself while no one was watching. "If you think you guys can trust me, that is." She tried not to sound too hopeful about that last bit. The ever-present threat of stoning, burning, or paladins in general had made Maddie a bit hesitant to trust as well.
Erica grinned, flashing her sharp teeth. "After what just happened, I'd trust you with my life, Maddie." She went over to the cart and rummaged through the cart and rummaged through its contents. "Ah, here we go," she said as she pulled out a few blankets. The dragoness tossed on in Ras's direction, not caring if he saw it or not, then went and placed one over Lena and Míchon. The dark elf muttered something in his sleep, scooting closer to the high elf girl and putting an arm across her midriff. Erica giggled softly at that. She returned to the cart, speading her blanket out and laying down on it. Her hand motioned towards the two elves. "Don't they make a cute couple?"
Ras noticed the blanket hit the ground but was much too preoccupied in another matter to care for ir all too much. He moaned as Shiana pressed into him, his cock reaching even deeper as he smacked her ass with a hand. Then, finally and with a mighty roar of a moan, he came inside the bitch in heat, filling her up with his seed and even having a bit overflow onto the dirt beneath them. After the load was spent, he collapsed on top of her, his cock still inside the fuck hole as he tried regaining his energy after two back to back fucks.
Lena ignored both the blanket and Michon's questing hand, snoring with blissful ignorance to the situation. A few minutes later she half-woke, still stoned and enjoying the buzz, and stripped off her top to get more comfortable. She still didn't realize who was sharing the blanket with her, just that whoever it was was warm, so she scooted herself back against him and drifted back to sleep in the little spoon position.

Taking up position a little ways from the group, Maddie sat on a big rock watching the road until she was sure everyone was asleep. She then pulled up the sleeve of her dress, wincing as she saw how much damage she'd done. "There's barely anything left," she lamented. Being dead meant that channeling life energy could have extreme consequences, and now she had to spend the next few hours fixing the problem. Using her free hand to channel death energy, she slowly started the process of healing herself. Despite the fact that she didn't normally register pain, this wound hurt terribly and she wondered for the first time if it had been worth it to save Erica. Yeah, she thought, it was totally worth it just to have a friend.
Míchon unconsciously adjusted his position for Lena when she moved, but his arm refound its position around the girl's waist comfortably. The dark elf never woke up, but scooted into the big spoon position.
(spooning intensifies)

Lena fidgeted in her sleep, having perhaps the splooshiest wet dream ever. "Mmmmmmm, boop," she moaned quietly, her subconscious running through scenarios that probably included a giant praying mantis or two. She began to unconsciously move her hips, gasping at the imagined sensations.
Míchon's hand had drifted down Lena's body and was resting right near her nether regions. Possibly causing her dream without even knowing it. Vaguely, he could feel someone's hips movng against his, and he started moving his in response.
Lena held advanced degrees in the field of Snuggology, and so her snuggles were seriously hardcore. Even with Michon's hand insinuating itself further into her privates, Lena didn't wake up. Her snores had been replaced with heavy breathing, and a quiet whimper escaped her lips as her drunken need hit another peak.
Míchon moved his hand around, fingering Lena's inner thigh, right up against her nethers. The dark elf's own dream was taking over, controlling his movements. He managed, still sleeping, to move her to where she was facing him, somehow managing to remove his clothes in the process. He pressed up against her, his grip moving to her hips.
Shiana's conciousness got back to her body and fused with her to become whole again. She came at the same time when Ras shot a huge load of cum into her wet snatch. Every last drop got absorbed by the changelings body and sent her into a state that could only a drug addict know after taking a little bit of every kind of drug. Shiana used her hair to get the semen that overfflowed her pussy and landed on the ground. She didn't like the idea of wasting cum, absorbing it right before she fell asleep. The blanket was still laying on the ground near the madman and the changeling. Shiana didn't care, all she wanted to do now was cuddling with Ras.

If she'd knew about what Maddie had done, hurting herself only to correct her error, then she'd have given her one of the bottles with the poison of the medusas snake-hair. When healing spells worked like poison and hurt the cute necromancer, than a lethal poison should be like a healing potion for her.
Being flipped over actually started to wake Lena up. And then there was the fact that there was definitely a penis poking her in her crotch. If her bottoms hadn't still been on, it would have been inside her doing gods knew how much damage. The realization that she'd nearly been sleep fucked startled her a bit, and prompted her to start shaking out the cobwebs. Then she realized who it was that was sleep-fucking her. Michon. Well that was just great. He seemed to still be asleep, so Lena started trying to slowly disentangle herself, hoping that she could avoid the shame of yet another rape if she didn't wake him. After all, nobody had to know if it didn't go any further, right?
Ras grinned and felt the changeling absorb the load with little issue, figuring that a cum addict receiving such a load would be extremely euphoric and high-inducing. He looked up to the sky and thanked his writer before cuddling up with her, warm despite the cool night air as he slowly started to fall asleep beside Shiana.

The bushes rustled silently as a lone figure rose from them, gazing at all the sleeping occupants of this group. The assassin laid eyes on the AFK cart and grinned inside his mask, which was formed into a black void, nothing of his face visible outside of his eyes. He snuck carefully over to said cart and rummaged through it, hoping that nobody saw and, if someone did, that the person wasn't able to counter shadow magic.
A delicate hand tugged on the assassin's shirt from behind, impertinently requesting his attention. When he turned, Maddie stared up at his shadow mask looking rather upset that this big jerk would come and try to ruin her first watch. After all, if she let anything bad happen then the others would probably go back to trying to smite her, and she was just starting to feel like she might have a home here.

"Scuse me mister, " she said quietly, not wanting to wake the others. "I can smell your soul and I don't like it." A soundless wave of black light pulsed outward from Maddie's whole body, the chill of the grave following as it passed through the intruder's body, taking a large measure of his life energy with it. The grass died in a circle around her feet, and the donkeys pulling the AFK cart seemed to lose a few pounds, their skin drawing tighter around their ribs.
Gale reacted to this pulse rather heavily. He was not expecting such a delicate looking female to have such a powerful spell at her disposal. He tried taking in breath but it would not come, himself falling to one knee. Soon, breathing returned, and he took a deep one. His eyes looked up to her and glared, his hand moving to grip the kunai on his waist. "How...are powerful?"
Míchon's grip tightened on Lena's hips. He pulled her closer, one hand dragging her bottoms off while the other held her hostage.

Erica woke, hearing Maddie talking with someone. She gripped the hilt of her sword, keeping it hidden for now as she lay there, pretending to be asleep. She was ready to protect her friends.
Lena couldn't believe how nimble Michon's hands were, even in his sleep. Her bottoms had been stripped easily, and she mentally kicked herself for wearing side-tie bikini armor. The head of Michon's cock slipped between her pussy lips, which were so wet from her dream that there was barely any resistance. It dipped deeper into her with each grind of his hips, and she finally realized she'd never resist the rape without waking him up. She froze, resigning herself to what was about to happen, feeling that it was worse to wake everyone up and have them see her being violated than to just suffer it in silence. At least she was wet this time, so it wouldn't hurt much. "Please finish quick," she whispered, shutting her eyes tight.

Maddie saw the assassin reaching for his blade, reacting with cold, clinical dispassion. "I have a condition," she said, and raised her hand to blast him with another powerful wave of death magic, drubbing the life out of nearby woodland critters and poisoning that patch of soil for years to come.
Gale was ready for this blast, as it was much more telegraphed than that of the first. Preferring to see what this girl could do, he dodged the blast somehow instead of attacking with a counter, his weapon still grpiped tightly into his hand. Utilizing some of his own magic, he shot a ball of shadow at her in an effort to blind her, not knowing about her ability to detect life energies and that such an effort was completely wasted.
The assassin was far quicker than Maddie had expected. Though his attempt to blind her with shadow magic was less than ideal, he still managed to dodge several more focused blasts which withered trees and prematurely aged one very unfortunate turtle. Death energy saturated the landscape, leaving progressively less and less cover for the assassin to hide behind, until a giant, undead mantis pounced on him from out of one of the few remaining bushes. "What's up bro!" it said, swinging its claws at him. "I need to crash on your couch for a while!"
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