The Fan and the Domme [Machiavelli & FavoredFox]

Sep 19, 2016
Kansas City
Jason Aratelli was NOT the kind of guy you'd expect to send fanmail to an actress or entertainer.

Standing at 6'3", Jason was certainly tall and well-built, having swam competitively for the last four years of his college career, which he had just completed. With thick dark hair perpetually ruffled in the 'just rolled out of bed but still look good' style and dark, deep brown eyes, he certainly had his fair share of attention from the opposite sex. However, it didn't often work out, as girls always seemed to prefer the take-charge guys, and that simply wasn't the way Jason was. He preferred to let the lady have her way, in all things. Given his strong, lithe appearance, this often came as a disappointment to the aforementioned opposite sex.

And so it had been a long while since he had been on a date, having mostly given up on the dating scene entirely. With that came a loneliness he filled with hours of internet and television, returning to a love he had harbored for years: an actress by the name of Rosy. She was beautiful, confident, with the voice of a mythical siren. And so, figuring he had nothing to lose, he had sent in a brief bit of fanmail, just asking to meet her, chat with her. He didn't even want it to be in person, but if he could talk to this beautiful person who had gotten him through this rough time, perhaps he might be able to find a way to move back out into the world, become less lonely, and find someone right for him.

Little did he know that the fanmail would do just that, in a way. Just in a wildly unpredictable and seemingly impossible manner.
Fan mail was something that would never cease to amaze. At first it was just one every now and then, but as Rosy Keating's career grew, so did the number of letters delivered to her dressing rooms. Despite how much time it usually took, the lithe woman opened and read each and every one. She poured her heart and soul out to her fans every time she stepped out on stage, it felt wrong to ignore their attempts to do the same with her. So, every night she would curl up on her couch in the ware house she rented as a studio/apartment; the rooms sectioned off by hanging sheets. This particular career path didn't pay very well; and likely wouldn't for a while yet.

With a glass of wine on the side table, a warm blanket to keep out the draft, and a purring cat curled up against her knees; Rosy would read them. She loved them all; but, had to stop sending responses. It had too much to keep up with; and yet something about that name peeked her interest.

Jason Aratelli.

Where had she heard that name before? It bothered her for several days before she decided to send a reply... Just this once.

The young woman sat in the corner booth in the back of Cafe Latte. A quaint little coffee shop that was sparsely decorated with customers sitting at rounded tables, or in one of the stools lined along the counter where they ate pastries and conversed. It was filled with the scent of coffee beans and freshly baked beagles. It was delightful; and Rosy had closed her eyes to enjoy the casual atmosphere while awaiting her date. A hot cup of the life giving nectar was lifted to her pink painted lips to take and slow sip.

Her reply had been simple. An invitation to a date for breakfast, and see how the day went from there. Now and then, blue eyes flickered open and she stretched out of the booth to see the door. She didn't want to be missed, after all. She was 5'2", 5'3" if she strained hard enough. So she sunk down into nearly every seat she took.

"Oh, no thank you," the woman offered, waving her hand as the waitress offered to refill her mug.

As she left, Rosy plucked off the pinstripe fedora and set it down on the table. Slim fingers ran through crimson locks in a ruffle that had them falling into perfection. Then they moved to straighten the matching vest and skirt, before once more sliding around the hot cup, so she could sip the bitter liquid.
Jason had been rather stunned by the response to his fanmail. The letter had arrived and he had opened it with rather shy hesitation, unsure if he wanted to risk reading it. After all, it was likely a rejection - surely the growing star had better things to do than to meet a singular fan. But he had opened it, despite his fears, and as he read the words on the paper (handwritten and personal, adding to the seemingly impossible nature of this response) he felt like he was in a dream or trance. The words outline a date - place and time - and an offer to "see where things went from there".

The possibility thrilled him.

The morning arrived and the tall young man showered and dressed, a white button up shirt and simple black pants. Applying a sparing amount of his cologne, he checked his reflection, fingers running through his hair anxiously before grabbing his keys and heading out of his apartment, the door locking behind him.

It was a short walk to the cafe she had suggested, and he arrived in what felt like no time at all, a small ball of nervousness in his stomach. Stepping in through the door, his eyes scanned the interior of the cafe, practically lighting up when he spotted his date. With a small smile he crossed to the booth she was seated in, slipping into the seat across from her.

"Hi." He said with a small laugh. "I'm Jason." He said, wildly unsure of himself and how best to make introductions. And he certainly didn't want to start babbling about how stunned he was that all of this was happening. But it seemed only right to thank her. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting you, honestly. Thank you so much for replying." He added with a genuine smile.
That's how she knew that name! The moment the monster of a man stepped into the cafe her blue eyes widened into humorous spheres of recognition. She smoothed out her features before she could be seen, but the smile on her lips could not be pulled away. Rosy found herself lost in a flash-back of her first school play. A red headed Alice from Wonderland forgot her lines and nearly broke down into tears. It very likely could have been the end of her career before she'd even known it was wanted; but it wasn't. Instead, she'd caught a glimpse of the tallest student in her grade settled in the back as if to hide.

Jason stood above the crowed even when he was sitting, and being able to spot him out and focus on him gave her the peace of mind to remember her lines and complete the play without another hitch. He was always there, too. Even when she didn't need the help to remember her lines or keep calm on stage, he was always there for her to see.

When she came back to the present, her date had already slid into the booth opposite her. He really was a large man, and he looked even moreso in the company of such a small woman. "Hello Jason, it's good to finally meet you," she offered with an extended arm. "I've read many of your letters, it's nice to finally put a face to them." And so much more. His smile was warm, and she returned it. "I have to ask though; after so writing for so long, why did you choose now to ask to meet?"
Her question made him chuckle slightly, and he had to admit that knowing she had read all of his letters was flattering and pleasant, that she remembered him. That itself made his day, even as it was just beginning.

"Well. The answer isn't exactly flattering." He said with a soft smile. "I've been wildly unsuccessful with women and dating as of late. And, in general, I've been feeling rather alone and unhappy. Since I've followed you as a fan for most of my adult life, I couldn't really think of a better way to get myself back on track." He paused, unsure how to phrase his thoughts in a way that made sense. "I guess I thought that if I could get a date with you, then perhaps the issue wasn't with me." He laughed softly, giving her a slight glance. "Admittedly, you're much more attractive than any woman I've gone on a date with." He added almost shyly. "I figured that I had nothing to lose, right?"

A waitress approached and poured him a mug of coffee, which he accepted with a small smile and quiet "thank you". Returning his attention the petite redhead across from him, he asked, "So why did you agree to meet? You must get hundreds of requests to meet you, why me?"
"I guess that makes me your rebound girl," she teased lightly, the smile crinkling the corners of her eyes said as much. "By the end of the day, I hope you get your answer. I don't know much about you from anything other than your letters," and from old memories, however faded they may be. "But I don't think that there's anything wrong with you," she took another sip of her cooling coffee. The question directed at her had the woman tilting her head up to look at the ceiling while still able to see the man's face. "It was your name," she answered honestly.

Rosy leaned forward until he modestly sized breasts rested on the table as well as her elbows. "Something about it seemed so familiar, I just had to put a face to it. Besides," she looked over to the man behind the counter. He gave her a little wave, and settled Jason with a cold glare. "I don't have to worry about some psycho abduction from here. My friends are all really protective, especially knowing that I'm meeting a fan." She made a hand gesture and a barista began making her another cup of hot coffee.

"I'm guessing you know a lot about me. Favorite color is blue, animal is fox, food is chocolate chip waffles, ect." She'd answered all sorts of questions in magazines. "Tell me about you. Do you work? Go to school?"
Jason had to laugh as she called herself the rebound girl, because he could not, in a million years, have ever even thought that a possibility. Yet here he was, on a breakfast date with the hottest girl he had ever seen. "It's reassuring that you don't find anything wrong with me." he returned with a smile. "Well, your friends can stand down, though I doubt they will. I've not harmed another person nor broken a law in my life, except perhaps underage drinking." He said, trying to ignore the cold stare of the man who had given her a friendly wave. As she comment about how much he knew about her, he flushed slightly, as it was all very true. As she leaned forward he did his best to avoid looking down at her chest, assuming her pose was not intentional. Still, he wasn't completely oblivious to the view he was being given, nor the lovely young woman's assets as she spoke to him. Biting his lip for a moment, he thought carefully, then replied.

"Well, I just graduated, actually, and currently work for a computer firm. I do a lot of cybersecurity and such. It pays pretty damn well and I like it, so it's worked out well. My favorite color is a dark green, my favorite animal..." He paused, musing. "That's a more difficult one. I'm going to say a hawk, and my favorite food would definitely be barbecue chicken pizza." he finished with a smile. "Beyond that? I enjoy gaming, board games of video games. I'm a fan of plays and theatre. Obviously." He said with a chuckle, leaning back as he slowly relaxed into the conversation a bit more.
"They're more like my body guards, it's their job not to stand down. I don't think you're a bad guy, but walking into the trap of a crazed fan isn't something they're gonna let happen," she explained offhandedly. Granted, 'body guard' was a loose term. They weren't trainer per say, but they each had their skill sets and they were willing to keep her safe for a decent price.

She noticed his glance, and was surprised he didn't linger longer. Most men did, whether they realized it or not. Failing to keep the playful gleam from her eyes the woman shifted her arms and created more of a view of her cleavage. "Barbacue chicken pizza?" she asked with a scrunch of her nose, followed by the tip of her tongue sticking out teasingly. "That sounds like heart-burn waiting to happen."

Rosy's giggle was sweet and innocent and purposefully done in order to hide her intentions. "Those are all very interesting, and I really do mean that; but," her right heel was toed off, and her stocking clad foot poked at Jason's shin. "Would you tell me some more interesting things? Like..." The foot gradually rubbed up his shin and to the knee. "What fuels your dreams," she continued in a purr while rubbing that foot against his thigh and getting dangerously close to Jason's groin. "What makes your heart race?"
As her arms shifted, his eyes dared to dart further down, as if encouraged by her active motions. But as his eyes returned to her face after that look, he saw the playful look in her eye, and smiled slightly. She was definitely doing something. "It's delicious!" He laughed as she teased him for his favorite food, the scrunch of her nose and the pink tip of her tongue delightfully cute, in an adorable way that made him want to kiss her. An oddly forward move for him, and certainly not something he was brave enough to act upon just yet.

Her cute, sweet giggle was directly juxtaposed to the sudden and slow touch of her foot against his leg, a gentle caress up his leg, slowly over his knee, along the inner line of his thigh, moving dangerously close to a far more sensitive region. His eyes locked with hers slightly as she spoke, and his face flushed slightly, his heart already increasing in pace slightly, her teasing foot causing something to stir in him. Struck by an impulse, as desire to go all or nothing, he spoke.

"I..." He started, a little awkward in his speech, given the situation. "Well. What makes my heart race is... admittedly the kind of thing you're doing now." He laughed, his eyes flicking away from hers. "As for fueling my dreams, I don't know... I've always just wanted to make myself and those close to me happy." He admitted, putting a little bit of his submissive desires into a more subtle manner of speech. He considered just bluntly saying it, just telling her that he was a sub, that he liked to be tied up and teased. But everything seemed to be going to so well and it was all to easy to imagine this date ending the same way as all the others - with the girl being disappointed by his lack of dominance, failing to be the 'macho man' he appeared to be.
"Oh yeah?" she cooed. "Scoot up to the end of your seat, and spread those long legs for me." That teasing foot continued it's gentle rubbing. The arch of it cupped his thigh and created friction through his pants. She even went so far as allow her toes to curl curiously over his groin; mapping out his size with a clear excitement. "Me too, ya know? And that's a really nice dream. Do you have a lot of people close to you? Friends, family?" Rosy's tone suddenly turned quite conversational as the barista stopped by their table to deliver her fresh cup of coffee.

The sole of her foot pushed up and down the growing erection. She just had to find out how big this guy was below the belt; and she so hoped it was just as much of a monster as the sweet guy before her. After all, the bigger ones were always much more fun to...

"You mentioned playing games, right? What have you been playing a lot of recently?"
She was definitely coming on to him, flirting and toying with him in a way a girl never had. It made him more aroused than he thought possible, his erection growing to full size as he shifted forward as she asked, his legs spread. She would not be disappointed, with his member pressing against her exploring foot, clearly much longer and thicker than the average guy, probably one of the few sexual things that won him points with the ladies. That, and his talented tongue...

Her conversational tone as she played with him through his pants threw him off, but somehow the casual teasing was even hotter than if she had been talking sex while playing with him. "Not a lot, no. A few good friends from college, and my family lives out of state. But I love them, and see them when I can." He said, with soft pauses between words as her toes curled, her actions clearly getting to him and interfering with his thought process. He almost missed her question about games as her foot now rubbed the full length of him through his pants. "Well, I'm a fan of... strategy games... Civilization VI, mostly." He managed, one hand gripping the table slightly, his eyes meeting hers and trying to hide the desire and arousal in his own gaze. "But I also... like... online games... I've played League of Legends with some friends for a while, among... other things." His words almost flowed together, but since she would know exactly what to look for, he was certain she noticed every heavy breath between statements.

This was not what he had imagined this date to be like, but god damn, was he loving it. What the hell was going on? And where was it going?
"I used to play D.O.T.A. in high school," she offered kindly. The balls of her feet now began a quick pace of rubbing over the impressive length. Arousal attacked her as well, her body heating and her thighs pressing together to offer a bit of relief to her swelling labia. "It's a lot like League of Legends I think. I haven't played much of anything recently, I don't have a whole lot of time any more." She took another sip of her coffee as her foot retreated from its teasing.

Rosy looked genuinely interested in his responses. "I liked to play hard support. I got pretty good at pushing and pulling the creeps, but I wasn't very good at landing my ults," she hummed happily. Her stocking clad foot returned, this time with its twin. Together, they squeezed the trapped length between the instep. "Don't tell me your another hard carry?" she teased.
As her feet retreated, he breathed softly, taking a moment to clear his head. It didn't work particularly well, and it wasn't as if he wasn't enjoying what was going on here, it was just all so much, so fast! "Yeah, I hear it's very similar." He said with a smile. "And it's always fun to meet another gamer." He added, and almost gasped as both her feet moved back between his legs, his hard shaft squeezed between them. For a brief moment an imagine of him, bound on the floor, with her feet casually playing with his cock flashed through his mind. The thought made him throb against her soles.

Her comment managed to make him laugh despite the distraction however. "Mm. You read me easily." He said with a smirk, getting more relaxed into the situation and more willing to make a few jokes back at her. She might have guessed his playstyle easily, but she had also seemingly found his submissive tendencies with no trouble. Or perhaps he was just assuming she had. "I'm a tank, most times. The rest of my team usually jokes that it's only fitting, given my physique." He said with a chuckle, his hips shifting and rocking forward slightly, as if offering her better access.

"Soo, what other kinds of things do you fill your limited free time with?" He asked, both genuinely curious, as well as wondering if she would simply tease him more and more.
As they spoke her feet began a methodic back and forth stroking that continued unending and unchanging through their conversation. "Well, my time is mostly spent rehearsing or studying Broadway shows," or sending in auditions, practicing, costum designing. "My whole life centers around my work." Crinkles were created between pinched eyebrows as she pondered the question. It was a question she'd answered before, but that was for the cameras; and, seeing as she was already playing with his dick, this was nothing like the spot light.

Remembrance had her jumping, but only a bit. "My guilty pleasure is watching old, black and white horror movies," Rosy answered, leaning forward as if sharing a deep secret. "Honestly, anything newer scares me too much. I'm kind of a wuss!" The actress's laugh was honey sweet and made her eyes glow.

Then, in a low purr she added. "You can pop open that button, if you want. I wouldn't mind."
Jason did his best to focus on her and her words, despite her stroking his cock with her feet, a sensation that made his hips squirm slightly as his arousal throbbed. "I couldn't do that, personally." he said, and paused for a moment to avoid groaning mid-sentence. "I'm the opposite - while I like my work, I don't love it enough to always being doing something for it. I like to come home and leave work behind me." He said with a small smile. As she leaned forward, he did so as well, keeping up the mock secrecy of the moment.

"I'm a horror movie fan, occasionally, but I like some plot to my horror, so the old movies are sometimes better." He said with a laugh, her own sweet sound of amusement capturing his attention. Then she so seductively purred that next sentence to him, and there was no hesitation. One of his hands dropped under the table and unfastened the button at the top of his pants and even tugged down the zipper some for her, giving her more than enough slack to work with in his slacks.

"I feel as though there must be more to tell you about myself, but I'm finding it difficult to think of something." He said with a small smirk, shifting his hips and hot erection against her feet, as if to clarify the nature of his distraction. As if there were any doubt. He wasn't sure how long this could go on! Eventually she would either stop or he would cum, and he wasn't quite sure which would be the best route.
"I can see how that could be distracting," she cooed, legs pulling back just enough to let the cock bounce free, then wrapped the hot, hard length with her feet. The insteps created the perfect hole, and Rosy used it perfectly. Paying attention to the man's breath to gauge how close he was getting, the woman smiled while sipping her coffee. "So, I'll make it a little easier. I have a proposal for you," she started.

Silky toes curled over the head and rubbed back and forth over the tip. "I've been a little lonely too, but most guys can't keep up. I may be small, but I'm no push over; soooo," the word dragged on. "If you can stand to spend all day with me, I'll take you back to my place for a sleep over. It should go without saying, but I'll be playing with this the whole time."
Jason's hand clenched at the edge of the table slightly as her silky feet toyed with his exposed cock, one thin layer between her flesh and his. If it didn't feel so damn good, he'd have though that this was a dream. His eyes moved to hers as she spoke, and only lost focus slightly when her toes curled over the head of his throbbing dick. Her words sounded... impossibly good, impossibly thrilling, like everything else that had happened on this thrilling date. His breath shuddered slightly.

"I can't imagine why... I'd want... to say no." He breathed out, managing to keep the words somewhat steady as she played with him under the table. He loved the way she just declared that she'd be toying with his cock for the day. Like it was a plaything for her amusement. "Play with me all you want... Now I'm curious to see what you have in store." He said, giving her a smile that shifted into a soft groan.
Hearts filled bright blue eyes, and suddenly those teasing feet began to stroke his dick so fast it was obvious she was going to make him cum. "Then we'll eat breakfast here," again Rosy's voice seemed ignorant to the actions of her own body. "Head to a very lovely boutique, I can't help but feel you would look fantastic in a hat, but I'm not sure which kind. I know where to get an absolutely fantastic cubin sandwich for lunch," she began to trail off, doubting her date was even paying attention.

Rosy waited. She waited until her stockings were wet and Jason's face twisted in ecstasy; then pulled her feet away without preamble. Leaving his dick hanging on the edge. "But we'll get there when we get there. For now, would you mind ordering breakfast sandwiches for us?" The actress asked with the sugariest of tones. "You got my feet wet, I'd make squishy noises walking over there." That was a lie and she knew it, and she didn't care if Jason knew it. All he had to do was what ever he was told.
Her increased pace gave him no time to think about anything else, her words lost on him as she drove him quickly past teasing and on into orgasm, He let out a low groan, stifled so only she could hear, his ball tightening and his cock pulsing with pleasure. The tip of his exposed dick leaked with precum, all over her stockings, and he built right to the edge of cumming....

Then suddenly her feet pulled away, leaving him desperately squirming in his seat, cock throbbing with desire and arousal. His entire body was tense and shaking, right on the edge of cumming, so fucking close. How had she known? If they hadn't been in public, he probably would have groaned loudly in frustration, particularly as she began to speak, directing him to fetch them sandwiches. He knew she could easily get them herself, but he was certain she wanted to watch him stand in line at the counter with a rock-hard dick throbbing in his pants. But for this hot young woman, he'd do almost anything. Forcing his throbbing member back into his pants with a stifled moan, he stood, cock straining at the fabric, moving to the counter and ordering the sandwiches. He stood there awkwardly as he paid, trying to ignore the pulsing lust between his legs, with no success. When the platter was handed to him, along with a water, he quickly carried it to the table, eager to get his bulge out of the public eye.

Despite that all, the denial and slight humiliation, he was so fucking turned on. Everything about this was hot as hell, and he wanted more and more and more....
There was no sight more arousing than a man denied an orgasm he was sure he was about to have. How many times would she do that today? How many times could she trick him into believing his release was just a stroke away. Rubbing her thighs together the woman stifled a groan of desire. She was absolutely soaked. Their next destination would have to give them a little more privacy; so Jason could make her cum.

Rosy watched with great joy as her date stood from the table. With a dick that big, it was impossible to hide, and everyone who glanced at the tall man was sure to see it. He was a giant, of course everyone looked! The reactions ranged from disgusted to lustful. She was giggling when he slid back into the booth. "Thank you Jason, sit forward again, okay? When we finish eating we'll head out."

Once again her now wet feet returned to his groin. The left rubbed up along the clothed length, while the toes of her right searched out his sack. Once found she applied a little bit of pressure that gradually got stronger and stronger; and would continue until her leg was fully extended. "We'll have a lot of fun today. I'm really excited," she gushed before taking a big bite of her sandwich.
Jason certainly noticed the varying looks he got as he stood, exposed, with some being lusty stares and others being disgusted glances. But there was little he could do about it at this point, and he obediently retrieved their food and brought it to the giggling young lady who had so elegantly teased him.

She instructed him to sit forward again, no doubt so her feet could still reach him, and he slid to the edge of his seat without hesitation. So far, even being teased and denied had been hot and thrilling. He loved it. He loved how she so obviously liked to bring him right up to the edge and then stop. And, unsurprisingly, her feet returned, still damp with his precum, the sticky fluid that had leaked from him as she edged his massive cock. One caressed his length through the pants, keeping him terribly, tortuously hard, and the other slid under, finding his large balls and pressing slightly on them. He made a quiet grunting noise as she slowly increased the pressure, causing his hips to shift in discomfort. Why was having her foot slowly crushing those sensitive orbs making his cock throb wildly? Why was all of this so hot?

He too reached for a sandwich, smiling slightly as she excitedly chatted about the fun they were going to have. "If the rest of the day is anything like the last 30 minutes, I'm excited as well." He said with a laugh, beginning to eat his own breakfast. He mage sure to drink a good bit of his water, re-hydrating for what he suspected would be a long, yet exciting day.
Her leg extended fully, crushing that tender sack between her foot and the booth. Her toes curled and extended to painfully dig into his balls with little care for his comfort, and too much care in his discomfort. On the other hand, she was still showering the trapped length with attention. Her toes there curled as well, though cupped the head for a contrasting offer of pleasure. "We'll go to my favorite botique once we're done. I'm pretty good friends with the staff there," the dressing rooms would be perfect.

Rosy began to knead her feet in a habitual tick of thought, unconsiously squishing his balls even more. "Was there anything you wanted to do? You asked me out, so you have to have a place in mind, right?"
Jason bit his lip, a soft muffled groan of discomfort as she put such unpleasant and terrible pressure on the sensitive orbs between his legs, simultaneously working his shaft and soft head with the other foot, sending shivers of pleasure shooting through him. It was all he could do to remain quiet and not gasp and groan loudly for the whole coffee shop to hear. Her ability to cause such pain while also delivering such sweet pleasure already had him addicted to her. Her first two were met with slight nods as he tried to process her words through the sensations. But then she asked him a question, all the while increasing the movement of her feet between his legs.

"Well..." He gasped, trying not to pant and groan in sheer lust and discomfort. "I thought that... I'd be a gentleman... and take you to dinner. But... I'm not sure what you want... is a gentleman." He said, soft pauses between his words as he breathed slowly, as if trying to steady himself, though his little joke left a slight smile on his face.
"How sweet; I'd love to got out to dinner with you," she assured with a happy smile that crinkled her nose. Rosy found the odd scrunching to be an ugly flaw, others found it adorable. Being called 'rabbity' got old after a while. She didn't notice it now, though. Too much fun was being had beneath the table for her to care about something like that. Without preamble, her feet returned to the furious stroking that had nearly gotten him off just a few moments ago. "In return, you have to tell me when ever you're about to cum. Promise?"

The woman seemed to be testing that promise now, already trying to bring him to the edge she had no plans of pushing him over. "If you don't, I'll just go home. What fun is the game if the players don't follow the rules, right?"
There was that adorable nose-scrunch again. God, why was that so cute? Hell, how was she both hot and adorable? As she spoke her feet began to pump and stroke at his cock again, causing his hips to squirm and his teeth to bite at his lip. "I promise." He said with a little shudder, groaning quietly as she so expertly played with his dick with her feet. How ever did she get so masterfully good at this? And indeed she was beginning to test that promise, his hips shifting to press his cock closer to her feet, all the while suspecting that he would simply be denied that finishing touch once again.

"I'm... I'm close." He panted, his teeth clenching slightly on his lip as he groaned those words quietly. Even so, however, he managed another sentence. "I'll happily play whatever game you want."
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