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Quae Questum Orbitae (World of the Elements)

You can cast all of your spells three times a day for now, but you have your weapons too and can still summon your creatures to even things out a llittle bit. The tutorial has no restrictions except that a summoned creature can't help you twice in the same fight after it got defeated. You have to be more careful from now on or else you have to wait a whole day (inside the game) before you can summon the previously defeated creature again. Tokens are an exception, but they can only be used infinite times and have a limit depending on their size, but more about that later.
I really do need to write those down.

I have made a list. Is this accurate?

Character: Asphodel
Appearance: human with golden angel-like wings
Classes: mage and ninja
Jobs: healer and weaver
Elements: nature and darkness

Items: beach sand, lightning rod that can absorb electricity and release it (currently 3 uses or 1 strong lightning bolt)
Spells: acid rain, frozen flame, aquatic jet
Summns: crystal golem, ice spears, earth spiders
Character: Asphodel
Appearance: human with golden angel-like wings
Classes: mage and ninja
Jobs: healer and weaver
Elements: nature and darkness

Weapons: shuriken thrower (shoots normal ones and shadow), three kunai, five smoke bombs, lightning rod (absorbs electricity and release it; currently 3 loads or 1 strong lightning bolt)

Gear: a medikit, sewing tools, a basic survival kit, light armor or clothes, a backpack of holding, water bottle of the infinite lake, some rations of food, climbing gear, a bottle with a strange liquid inside, a book that makes all your spells stronger as long as you are holding it

spells: heal light wounds, fireball, acidic lightning, acidic rain, frozen flame, ice spears, aquatic jet

summon: Stone spider, crystal golem, the unknown creature, shadow-cat

Abilities: talking to plants, weak telekinesis

You used the crystal sand from the beach in the tutorial to defeat the boss. I think that should be all of it.


Kyle Fackrel
Wings of a Coualt, Horn of a Unicorn, legs of a Cecaelia, Base attractive human male, standing about 6'1 300lbs.
Elements: Water, Thunder, Air
Class: Erudite, Witch
Job: Healer, Jewelcrafter

Kyle Fackrel

You made some pretty good choices. Let's see...since water is your main element you can obviously breath under water (either by using gills or the skin on your entire body) and see like you were on land. Thunder being your second element makes you immune to being paralyzed by electrical based attacks/spells while they hurt you like everybody else instead of dealing increased damage to you. Having air as your third element makes you able to use aerokinesis.

The only weapon you will get for now is a trident that can shoot jets of hot or cold water. The first one can cook your enemies alive while the second one freezes them. You can combine them once per fight to create a water-tornado. The rest of your starter set includes a set of clothes or light armor of your choice, a backpack of holding, water bottle of the infinite lake, some rations of food, a basical survival kit, a medikit and a set for crafting jewels (you can't use what you create, but you can sell or trade it).

Being a witch allows you to chose a helpful familiar who you can summon at any time. You don't start with any spells since I don't know which I should give you.

You start your tutorial inside a mountain filled with tunnels like a gigantic anthil. There are two pathways in front of you and both have a symbol carved above them. The right one looks like a flame while the left one is a sword. Which way do you go?
Kyle will go toward the flame. While he is unsure of what the symbols me he reasons that if there is some sort of fire based threat his trident would be best able to defend him against that.
The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with holes here and there in a hall-like floor. The sound of gas can be heard passing through pipes and flames come out of at least one hole in random intervals, but sometimes there are two or three flames comming out at once. You can go back and take the other path or try to get to the other side of this trap.
Before he sets tentacle in that room Kyle uses his aerokinesis to attempt to hold back the gas leaving a clear way to travel. If he cannot he will go back and try the other way. In case, there is some mechanism to turn this off.
Being a psionic helps you to control the air inside the pipes through the holes in the long hallway and make it safe enough for you to continue forward. Doing this clogs the system though and causes an explosion behind you so you can't go back and take the other path any longer thanks to all the rubble blocking your way. There is a fork with three entrances in front of you after you walked for a while. A strange smell comes out of the middle one, you can see a strange fog in the distance of the right path and the third looks like there are a lot of weird webs all over the walls. Which one do you want to take?
Go toward the fog Water being his main element he is interested in what properties this mist might have which he can later duplicate.
You can't see anything inside the thick fog, but you can hear something that sounds like footsteps in the far distance. There is muddy water on the ground like in a swamp which means that you can just swim in it or at least glide over the surface. Two blind crocodiles ith rocks instead of skin on their bodies are swimming towards you silently in an attempt to ambush you from two different directions, but they aren't very silent. What will you do to get out of this situation alive?
If they are blind they probably move by sound or vibrations in the water so I am going to stay very still for the time being I am going to use aerokinesis to move the fog out away from me increasing my own visibility. I am then going to activate my trident and expel cool water in a path from me to see if that causes the crocs to change direction attempting to cause them to attack each other.
That plan would have worked didn't they have a good sense of smell to find out where you are standing. The two rock crocodiles are still walking towards you and it doesn't look like they would attack each other. They are working together to increase their chances of catching any prey.
OOC: I still only have aerokinesis and that water trident is that water forceful enough to do damage? Both of which came from my chosen elements. I can only do so much with what I have.

Kyle takes to the air and lands further away from them after which he uses his control over air to move his sent elsewhere he dips this into the water so it makes noise and his sent follows that.

Next he begins to disperse the fog so he can see better.
You can find the out of character chat here.

Don't worry, you'll be stronger at the end of the tutorial. ;)

The crocodiles fall for your trick this time and walk away from you. The path is now clear, but you can still go back and a different route or continue forwards. Manipulating the fog to make it go away by using your kinetical powers gives you weak aquakinesis, the ability to manipulate water with your thoughts.

Walking the path forwards leads you to an island of mangrove trees inside the swamp. There is the frame of a door standing in the middle of the island. On it are runes carved into the wood. Somewhere in the distance are two pathways leading to different rooms.


Name: Talidor

Age: 20

Appearance: The legs and tiny horns of a goat, tail of a succubus. Human body arms and head, though male, very femmine looking. Long black hair, large dark blue eyes, standing at 5'10. Wears white robes with a yellow sash that holds them together.

Element/s: Light, Earth, Darkness

Jobs: Priest and Companion for hire (Companion for hire because he is very much a secondary character with his healing powers and summoning of back up creatures. Not THAT type of companion for hire....well maybe if you pay enough.)

Class: Cleric and Summoner.

Having light as your first element allows you to shoot laser beams from your eyes and to see in complete darkness thanks to your third element. Having earth as your second element makes you tougher than you look which means that you get only half physical damage.

Your weapons will be a mace that can create earth quakes whenever you want and a bow that shoots arrows made out of light or darkness. Inside your starter set is a set of clothes or light armor of your choice, a backpack of holding, a water bottle of the infinite lake, some rations of food, a basical survival kit, a medikit and three bottles filled with holy water.

You can chose between one weak version of kinesis: umbrakinesis (shadows), luminokinesis (earth) or terrakinesis (earth) which will allow you to manipulate an element with your mind.

Studying holly magic while serving in a church in the past made you able to learn the following spells: heal small wounds, ray of holly light (undead and demonic creatures take more damage from it), angelic wings and hope of god (a buff that makes you stronger as well as faster for a few minutes).

Note: I can change this anytime whenever you want when your character is a different kind of cleric. Maybe I should a background to the character creation...

As a summoner you are able to summon creatures to your side to aid you in battle. But since you just started your journey you have to pick one, lesser elementals or forest animals.

Before your tutorial starts I have to ask whether you like riddles or not.
The runes are glowing faintly from one side to the other, one rune at a time like a wave. You can hear a feint voice inside the door frame, but can't make out what it is saying to you. Do you go closer to it or use one of the two pathways?
The whispering voice in your head gets louder the closer you get to the door frame eith the glowing runes on it. A swirling portal appears in front t of you all of the sudden. Do you want to enter it or chose a pathway?
Is this RP still open? I'm am interested i n joining and I have a few questions. How many things can I mix into my char and how many jobs and classes?

You walk for a long while that seems like an eternity to you, but it only takes you a few minutes to reach a new place. This was the shortest pathway so far and at the end is a treasure chest waiting for you. Will you open it, go back to where you came from to chose the right pass, go even further back or do something else?

Samuel, did you take a look at the start post on the first page of this thread? Everything you need to know is explained there. You can even find the out of character thread for further questions in it, it's in the blue text at the top.
I will use my Areokenisis to attempt to check for traps and if there are none then open it with same power.
It appears that there are no traps around the treasure chest, but opening reveals that there is a mimic who looks like a girl in a chest in front of you. Do you want to fight the monster, run away, try talking to her or do something else?
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