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Soul Eater Ultimate (MysteriousD & GuardianAngel)

“Maybe you need to fight fire with fire.”

“Zip it!” Diego said a bit louder than he intended before seeing Crona come at them and Maka block.

“You’re just like it. That little one I still do not know how to interact with,” Crona said as she knocked them on their ass.

As they were on their butts, Diego found himself back in the room. On one side was his side... it represented his class yet also eccentricity. Yet on the other side was darkness, something not seen yet it scared him.

Only a faint light came and it was from his shadow.

Both were dressed in suits. Lavish suits. They were actually charro suits. Diego’s was black and red, lookin formal and representing his pride in his Mexican heritage.

The other know was white and red and looked wrong. He was like a ghost.

“Reason ain’t working here. Fight fire with Fire. Madness with madness,” he said.

“No, I’m not going to! It’d hurt Maka!” Diego yelled back. The shadow just laughed.

“Well then... come in then,” the shadow said, smiling as he sat in the shadows and a door opened.

“W-Wait, no...” Diego said as he would see Maka coming in. He wondered how she’d react. Granted, their souls linked to it, but here... this was in his mind... here she’d see it...
Maka wasn't expected to getting knocked on her ass, but she was getting to her feet quickly enough. No she couldn't stay on the ground for long, but that comment of fighting fire with fire that Diego had made. Well that was an idea, but that meant fighting madness with madness. They didn't have to deal with the madness.... not that she knew of anyways.

As she was physically avoiding attacks, mentally she was stepping into the room that the pair were in, wearing the same dress and shoes that she had been wearing at the dance.

"Hey Diego." she spoke after a moment in time.

Yes she was confused with what was going on, but she had been listening to the conversation. She had heard the comment about fighting madness with madness.

Maka gave a gentle smile before she spoke, "We aren't getting anywhere right now. If this can give us the upper hand, then we need to try."

Obviously she was willing to fight madness with madness, she was willing to try even if she got hurt in the process. And there was a hope that her anti-demon wavelength would help stop her from falling far into the darkness.
Diego was shivering, heck he was beginning to tear up yet when he saw her soft smile and heard her gentle voice, he relaxed.

"I am scared... ever since I was a kid. But you're my partner... I told you almost everything," Diego said before he grabbed Maka's hand in a moment of intimacy and vulnerability. "One last thing I did not tell you was... him," Diego said. The shadow looked a bit surprised on what Diego was doing.

"He is... the part of me I fear. Every bad day, every bad and scary and angry thought... all of the things I hated... rolled into him," Diego announced as Maka would see. The part that Diego hid from the world and from himself. Even the introductory was still vague yet in the darkness, she could see the shape of him.

Diego's face was full of shame... of self-loathing...

"I wasn't always like this. During the fight with Crona, black blood got into us... and something appeared. Some agent of the Black Blood... it sensed the latent madness in Diego and tried to awaken it... but I ate him instead. It's why the Black Blood is so different," Diego's shadow explained before putting on some melancholic piano music.

"What do you think, Maka? I am the part that your partner hides. You think you knew him, well he was different. Alot crazier and a bit more different he was. He just suppressed alot of his rougher edges for you. And I became the result," the shadow said. "But now there's danger... you willing to handle it... or do you have a plan? After all, you mentioned you sensed something in Crona," the shadow said, sinking into the armchair in his dark half of the room. Only thing that had light were some lanterns hanging with fire that provided surprisingly little light.
"Everybody has that side of them that they hide away, everybody has some part of them that they don't want others to see." Maka spoke after a moment in time. She was pretty sure that her side that she hide away was her carefree and childish side, considering one rarely saw her like that.

Her attention was going towards the shadow that was there and just listening to it speak, explaining that it hadn't been like this all the time. That it was because of the black blood, and how this locked away Diego had swallowed that madness.

Maka really didn't care who the real Diego was, he was still her friend and partner, regardless of this being. She was giving a small shake of her head before she spoke, "I do know him. He is who he is, regardless of what you have to say. Because you are a side that can easily be erased. As for the danger, yes I am willing to handle it. As you said, we have to fight fire with fire, madness wit madness. There is no other choice at this point in time."
"Well, I suppose you aren't wrong there, but he's been doing this for quite a long time," Diego's shadow said before they saw Maka turn to Diego. Diego wiped his tears and relaxed some more. He was not sure if Maka fully understood what was it that lay there or if it could be contained. The shadow meanwhile would chuckle a bit. "I'm here as long as the Black Blood is," he said gleefully. "All right then," Diego's shadow said.

Diego squeezed and hugged Maka. "I'll keep you from drowning.

When Crona would strike Maka, she'd be deflected.

The Black Blood was activated.

Maka was now in madness mode while Diego hold on to keep her from succumbing.
Maka looked towards Diego before she was speaking, "I trust you."

With that she was turning her focus back towards the real world, although she seemed to almost zone out a little bit.

After being attacked, only to deflect that attack, Maka found herself laughing, although who knew exactly why she was laughing. That was just the madness speaking at that point in time.

She swayed as if she were drunk, a crazed look in her eyes as she was swinging at Crona. Although compared to before, her moves were a lot harder to read. Faster, more unpredictable.
"Damn it... this is nuts!" Diego said, resisting from being dragged into the madness. "Come on Maka, do what you gotta," Diego added, referring to how Maka said she was going to do something by syncing with Crona's soul or something. He was not sure though given how damaged the poor guy was, he was severely lacking in being treated with empathy.

"I'M IN CONTROL NOW!" Diego's shadow said as it grew darker and darker still.

Crona was defending against Maka now, being a bit more afraid now.

"N-no! I am!" Diego said as he tried synching with Maka's soul harder.

Then things got interesting...

Over in the swirling sea where Maka laid, she would see her soul glow brilliantly with fire... but that was because it was linked to Diego's own, a bright brilliant fire. In the room, the lanterns glowed brightly and the Shadow looked surprised as he was melting. Diego was tapping further into the rage and passion. For a brief moment, Maka would be able to feel that connection. Diego's suppressed emotions like passion and ecstasy and so on. But it carried through like light...

Revealing the violet soul of Crona...

"What is this?! What did he do?!" Medusa would say, surprised that the Black Blood wavelength would be warped like that. "That's Diego. You don't get it, do you Medusa? He was always onto you... and furthermore, he might be a bit prone to madness like Stein can be... but he's different than most," Spirit commented through the scythe as Stein took advantage of Medusa's shock to use Soul Force on her.
No this was something that Maka was going to win! She was going to find a way to save this boy! And without falling into madness herself!

Now she was the one that was on the attack, and Crona had fallen back into a defensive state. There was still that hint of craziness in Maka's eyes, but for the most part she was still there. Her soul was floating in a swirling sea, but thankfully her own Anti-Demon Wavelength was helping her as well, so it wasn't Diego completely keeping them drowning in madness.

But currently, Maka was just floating in darkness like water. She could see what her body was doing, how it was reacting, and honestly it was something almost embarrassing, considering that wasn't something that she would usually do. But floating there in that darkness, after the violet soul was revealed, she could also see something near her. A different colored soul, a soul that she was drawing closer to herself.

Now instead of being in that darkness, she was in what resembled a desert with blue sky, and in the distance there was a purple haired child. A child that looked a lot like Crona, and they were currently drawing a circle in the sand with a stick.
"What the hell is with this kid?!" Ragnarok said, but not at Maka, but at the scythe... at Diego, who suddenly began glowing a bit red. But in the same sense heated metal would.

Diego felt like he was losing himself in the madness, but as things went in a daze and he remained center, he also felt like that shadow was also struggling. What the hell was going on?! But he took a breath and he focused... He increased his frequency with Maka more and proceeded to go and follow her...

He saw a beach...

He saw a younger Maka, having recognized her, though also erasing a sand circle drawn by what looked like Crona.

"Just a kid... beneath it all... a scared child..." Crona he did not know if they were a boy, girl, in-between or neither. Hard to tell. But he did understand one thing... they needed help.

"The wind would've blown the line anyway," Diego said, interrupting Crona and Maka as Crona saw the circle gone. He was not there, but they could hear his voice. "Don't be afraid of the outside world. There's scary stuff yes... but also really nice stuff... if you do not how to interact with the stuff... we'll help you," he shouted.

And when Maka was ready, he began to pull her out, but because of close they were, she could probably feel the intensity of the heat of his soul... something buried deep beneath.

But he pulled her out of the madness... he'd always be with her.

When he came to, he saw Crona begin flipping out, their Black Blood acting as porcupine quills. Diego looked to his meister.

"I know you wanna hug him... but you should probably do it from behind," Diego suggested to Maka.
Maka was speaking with Crona in a soft voice, assuring her that the outside world wasn't that scary, that they would help him deal with it. That she would protect him from the scary stuff.

It wasn't long before Maka seemed ready for Diego to begin to pull her out of the madness, so that she could go to Crona in the real world, and help the poor child, who seemed to be flipping out and the black blood was coming out as porcupine quills.

The heat she could feel but that was something that she was going to ignore at that point in time. Right now she had to help Crona, and then she had to continue on, they still had a job to do.

The blonde was managing to get up behind Crona and was wrapping her arms around him from behind, and just speaking, "Don't be afraid."
Crona froze a bit and the spikes stopped, allowing Diego to go and bring in a hug. He felt his soul resonate with Maka's and with Crona's. After the hug, Diego got off and looked to Crona. When Maka did so, he did the same. Extending the hand of friendship.

Diego could not help but smile in relief at seeing the meister open up and tearing up. However, the sweet moment was interrupted by Ragnarok coming out. "What do you want with Crona?" he asked before Diego just grabbed him. "Befriend them. They need our help," Diego mentioned pointedly before he went into a slapfight with the black blood weapon.

And then a familiar YAHOO! was heard as someone was sent flying into the wall behind them.

It was a witch, some sort of frog witch. Her gut was electrified for a bit before she vomited something. It was a weird snake thing. "What is that?" Diego asked before Ragnarok grabbed it. "One of Lady Medusa's snakes. She stuck it inside her and one of those Mizune sisters. She used it on Eruka to get her to do Medusa's bidding," Ragnarok explained nonchalantly, holding onto the thing.

"So that's what she meant by being forced," another familiar voice said as Tsubaki and Black Star caught on. "That witch was pretty strong though once I got her tadpole, I caught her off-guard to use the Black Star Big Bang on her," he said with a smile. "Looks like your Soul Force trick managed to actually force the snake out of her body. Good work Black Star," Diego commented before he saw Kid come back on his skateboard, dragging a very beaten werewolf.

"His eyes were mismatched and the ball and chain... it was unsymmetrical," Kid said, clenching his fist before also setting aside the briefcase. "We caught them before they could go half-way. Your decision to go immediately turned out to be beneficial," Kid said to Diego. "So, the Kishin is still on lockdown. Good," he said before relaxing and then sensed someone coming.

"How? HOW?!"

Diego turned and was rewarded to see the dumbstruck look on Medusa, having managed to escape briefly from Spirit and Stein.

"End of the line, witch," Diego said before transforming into his scythe for Maka to use.
Maka looked towards Crona with a gentle smile before she spoke, "Crona, lets be friends. I'll help you fight off your fears, and I'll protect you from danger." With that she was holding out her hand towards the boy so that she could help him to his feet, considering Diego was dealing with Ragnarok at that point in time. A slapfight it seemed. "We don't want to hurt Crona, we want to befriend him, help him, show him that the world isn't that scary." Maka told the black blood weapon in a gentle voice.

Soon enough she was looking over towards the loud "yahoo" that had been heard, and soon enough a witch was flying towards them, and the female was throwing something up. A snake by the looks of it, and it was soon explained by that of Ragnarok, who had picked it up. And it seemed like that of Black Star and Tsubaki were arriving as well, soon enough Kid seemed to be coming up.

He was complaining about how Free had been unsymmetrical. But it was good that they had managed to stop them from getting to where the Kishin was trapped, so it was still trapped.

This news seemed to shock Medusa, who had somehow managed to get away from that of Stein and Spirit. A bit of a shock to be honest, but it was what it was. Maka was soon enough grabbing a hold of Diego was grabbing ahold of him after he had taken to his weapon form.
"I think Spirit and Stein is following her, so let's just go and keep her occupied," Diego told Maka before he saw the others. "Help protect Crona!" Diego told Black Star and Kid before he was with Maka to attack Medusa.

"Ready, partner?" Diego told her and when she was ready, they began resonating their Souls. Now, perhaps a little more confident and without the concern of getting Crona, they were not going into Madness and thus, it was ready for the Witch Hunter.

And as Spirit and Stein chased behind her, Diego got an idea.

"We attack at the same time and slice her like scissors," he suggested to Maka.
"Yeah I'm ready." Maka spoke after a moment in time she was allowing her soul to resonate with that of Diego. There was the passioniate feeling once again but there was also calmness. Somehow she didn't feel afraid at that point in time, she didn't feel like she was going to fall.

"Witch Hunter." she spoke in a low voice and the scythe in her hands was taking on the shape of the Scythemeister attack, without hesitation, without fail. There was nothing but confidence at that point in time.

Behind Medusa, she could see the elder Meister and his weapon running up behind, and she giving a nod to Diego's suggestion. Yeah that would work out well.
Without fear of madness, there was just the passion, the intensity, and the determination, all focused between the two of them. "We got this, Maka, always," Diego told her with a determined grin. The Witch Hunter blade appeared before it changed color to a more fiery one. "This is our power, Medusa!" Diego shouted as he synced his soul with Maka some more.

When Maka would go to swing at Medusa, Stein would hit Medusa in the back with Soul Force to stun her. As she turned around, Stein would swing Spirit at her and at the same time, the two scythe meisters would hit Medusa, slicing her in half. A large fire appears at the cut and seemed to burn her body. It looked like she was gone.

Unknown to them, Medusa took the form a small snake to escape, fleeing for her life... She needed to find a body to possess.

"That was awesome!" Black Star noted with a smile.
Maka was giving a nod of her head before she was moving forward so that she could attack Medusa, swinging at her. Just as she was doing this it seemed like Professor Stein was using his Soul Force to stun her. Honestly Maka was a bit startled by what occurred when both of their attacks make contact with the witch, how she was being sliced in half and then her body was just seeming to burst into flames.

With that it seemed like Medusa was gone. Which was definitely a huge success for everybody. The Kishin hadn't been freed, two witches had been defeated, the immortal werewolf Free had been stopped.
"We did it!" Diego said laughing as he turned back to a human before he went and hugged Maka. Everyone began celebrating and cheering. Free and Erika had been captured, Medusa had been seemingly slain and they even had a new friend.

As they were heading back, Diego found Maka's white dress shoes and gave them back to her before they would go to Death's office. They would also see Blair looking triumphant as she was dragging a defeated witch, Mizune, behind her.

"Looks like we did awesome!" he said with a smile. The party would continue for them though Diego looked to Maka. "Wanna continue the party or head back home?" he asked her as he saw that Death and the Thompson sisters went inside, followed by Black Star and Tsubaki. Crona and Ragnarok meanwhile were escorted by Spirit and Stein to see Lord Death, to confiscate all the human souls that Ragnarok ate.
Maka was giving a grin before she was hugging Diego back. Yes they had done it! They had stopped the witch Medua and they had prevented the Kishin from being freed! Although she was certain that other witches would possibly try and free the Kishin, there was no doubt in her mind. But they could try all they wanted, they would be stopped.

Heading back resulted in Maka's shoes being located and she was actually taking them, and slipping them on. Soon enough she found herself standing in Death's office along with the others. Seemed like Blair was there as well, and Maka found herself grateful that the monster cat was alright.

"I say we continue the party." Maka spoke after a moment in time before looking towards the others who had gone back inside, obviously they were going to continue the party as well. With that she was running after the others as well, although she was looking back over towards where Crona was being lead off to see Lord Death so that the human souls that had been consumed could be regained.
Diego felt a little exhausted, but after everything that had happened, he was also in a mood of elation as well. Diego paused a bit to see his meister chase after their friends. He just sighed and swooned a bit, admiring the incredible awesome person Maka was before he ran so he could catch up to her and walk by her side.

With their victory, the party was now completely in full swing. Diego smiled as he saw Spirit and Stein actually laughing their butts in glee while alot of people went to congratulate the team that pretty much stopped one of the most dangerous witches. While Free the Wolf was way too maimed by Kid to enjoy the festivities and thus confined to medical arrest, Eruka was at the party pretty much under the watch of the staff.

"Well, this is alot of fun," Diego commented while he was dancing with Maka. "Though we will need a new school nurse."
Maka just looked around at everybody before she was giving a slight smile to everybody. It seemed like even Eruka was at the party, despite the fact that she was a witch, although it did seem like even she was letting loose a bit. She seemed to be dancing a little bit at that point in time. Although Free wasn't there, probably because he had been a bit to maimed by that of Kid to be able to join them, so he was confined to the infirmary.

She did look towards Diego when he mentioned that they needed a school nurse before she spoke, "We do, although... I'm sure Lord Death as something planned."
"Yeah, definitely," Diego said as he saw the party begin slowing down a bit. Some of the students began heading back to the apartment. Given everything that had happened, they got a couple of days off, especially the seven of them. "We did it... we helped save the day," Diego told Maka softly as he was slow dancing with her. When he finished, he paused before he yawned. "We ought be heading back to the apartment. We need to rest," he said to her with a smile as he stretched.

He offered his arm for her to take though he still had a faint blush. How did she think of him he wondered?
Maka just added, "Besides it isn't our job to hire people for the school. I just hope that the new school nurse isn't like our last one was." Yeah she was talking about Medusa. The woman had been there just to gain information, she hadn't really cared about them. Hopefully the new one wasn't going to be like that at all. With that she was giving a nod of her head when he mentioned getting back to the apartment. Yeah that was a good idea. They had the next number of days, nobody had to worry about school. Thankfully.
Diego escorted his partner over back to their apartment. It was a long day after all and they won a great battle. "I'll be taking a shower before bed," Diego said to Maka before he went to his room. Having undressed himself, he then went to take a good shower. To wash the stress away and to relax. He remained conflicted in regards to the feelings toward his meister, but he would have to learn to live with them, even if she would never return them romantically.

Practice that fake smile. You've always done it

Granted, it would do little with how perceptive Maka was...

He sighed once more before he stepped out of the shower and would head to bed.
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Maka followed after him so that they could get back to the apartment. She definitely had to agree with the notion of a shower. That sounded absolutely wonderful at that point in time. Although she would allow her partner to go and shower first, then she would shower. This had her going off to her room so that she could pull out her pajamas. She sat on the edge of her bed before she was just falling backwards, staring up at the ceiling.

Was she at all shocked when the cat form of Blair seemed to be walking up to her? Not at all. This had her scratching her behind the ears a bit before she was just looking at the cat.

"What do I do, Blair? I feel weird around Diego." Maka breathed, before she was giving a small sigh. "And he hides behind a fake smile all the time." Yet again... lately she had been doing the same thing. Hell she had felt like she was hiding behind a fake Maka in general, trying to be less gloomy. She didn't feel like herself.

When she heard the shower shut off she was getting up so that she could go and shower as well. Downfalls of an apartment with only one bathroom, and roommates being opposite genders.
Blair would likely roll her eyes a little at how oblivious her friend could be, but at the same time, Maka lacked a maternal figure to discuss this with and given what she had heard about the former Mrs. Albarn, she was not an attentive nor very romantic partner. "You need to relax and talk to him more. If you like more than a friend, just tell him. Or are you finally getting those funny feelings?" Blair asked her, giggling at her light teasing at imagining Maka dealing with feelings of lust.

"And you need to relax. I know you're smiling even though you're not happy, but why are you not happy?" she asked her insecure friend. Blair did get off and prepare to head out for her own rest.

"Follow your heart. Good night Maka," Blair told Maka with a catty smile.
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