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It Can't Be Real(Distain2003+Anjeru)

She playfully growled. "Don't even think about it," she warned, nipping his neck as his nipped and kissed her own. The young woman was already frustrated and if he did that again, she was bound to actually to become a little mad at him. "You think I'm kidding? I swear I will kick your butt," she added a moment later, even as they made their way back to the bedroom. They were still wet, dripping droplets on the floor as they went, somewhat distracted by each other as they moved.
He moved to lay her down on the bed hooking her legs on his shoulders he reached down entering her slowly. He let out a loud groan as he pressed into her and began rolling his hips slowly into her. His eyes locked onto her's groaning loudly as she felt amazing he knew it would not be long at this point after teasing her twice.
Amelia squeaked as he plopped her back onto the bed, letting out a long, very deep moan as he pressed his length inside of her very wet and hot center. She managed to look back into his eyes for a moment, before she had to drop her head back as he began to roll his hips, pulling out and pushing back into her. Already the pleasure was building up in her due to the orgasm he had pushed off twice now. The frustration had put her at her limit and even though they'd just started, she was already full of pleasure, moaning and rolling her hips back against his own, her center clenching down on him each time he moved within her.
He let out a deep groan as she griped and ground onto him. He had begun working with rapid and firm thrusts into her he knew her body could handle it now and he knew she loved it a bit harder and faster. He smiled and bit his lip to stifle his groans as he continued to rock into her his hands taking her's holding them above her head as he folded her back with his shoulders.
"Oooh," she moaned loud in delight as he stopped holding back. He began to thrust harder and faster, the way that she had grown to like. And then, even more so when he pinned her arms above her head. Something about Stephen being a little dominant over here was such a turn on to Amelia and she voiced her appreciation. However, due to his extrenious teasing from before, she could not hold off her orgasm for long. And she didn't. It came a moment later, so hard and unexpected, swift. She arched her back and pressed into him, giving a loud cry as white spots burst across her vision.
Stephen continued to buck into her firmly pressing her legs even further back his head leaning in to kiss her softly as he gave her lips a pecking kiss. His body continued to buck into her as he groaned in his approval of her powerful orgasm. He closed his eyes just enjoying the way she felt and the noises she made. He was a bit surprised as she was much louder this time then ever before apparently his teasing had worked.
The release of her pent up orgasmic frustration was such a relief, she almost wanted to weep from the pleasure of it. She moaned and kissed him back, her breasts heaving as she panted, trying to catch her breath even as they continued to come together again and again. It had gotten to the point that Stephen's stamina and her own managed to allow them to last for hours. And it did, an hour passed and they were still going. Amelia was reaching her 6th or 7th orgasm(she'd lost count somewhere). Panting beneath him as they pressed together, her center milking at him, clenching and unclenching, wringing him for all he was worth.
Stephen loved the feelings he was getting from her as they lasted for so long and changed positions several times. It had not taken him long to build his stamina back up with her and he knew she loved it. Now reaching her 6th orgasm, he could count from memory every orgasm she had had to this point with him not just this time but every time. He could no longer contain himself and setting there his fangs buried into her neck enjoying the last of his meal from her veins he erupted into her groaning loudly as he called her name and professed his love for her. After a few moments of heavy grinding and deep passionate kissing he pulled from her and moved to lay next to her.

"Was it worth the teasing?" He smiled looking at her kissing her cheek lightly finally having the chance and the focus to ask her how that first orgasm was. "Did it live up to the teasing and denial?"
He was right, it was the 6th, though it was really hard after awhile to keep track as they tended to blend together due to the intense pleasure. She exploded at the same time that he did, the orgasm's blending together as they both cried out. Finally, it died down and Stephen pulled out to lay beside her. Panting, she curled into his arms, a soft sheen of perspiration causing her to gleam palely in the room's light.

"P-perfect," she managed to gasp out as she laid against him. "Completely amazing," she added. She kissed his cheek back and then lingered on his lips for a moment. Tiredly, she shut her eyes and laid her head against his shoulder.
He let out a happy groan waiting until she was fully asleep before replacing himself with a pillow. He had some work to do before he had readied her to leave. He smiled setting out a suit case and placed a little over a thousand dollars worth of yen inside. He went down below decks and hoisted her car up to the deck telling the crew that the blood stained upholstery was to be changed and the car returned before noon. Once back inside he set an alarm for noon figuring that would give her a good 9 hours of sleep. He smiled leaving a note on the alarm for her so she would know what to do.

Good morning my love. Everything is ready there is $1200 in yen in one of your suitcases pack some cloths and take them to the address your car's gps gives you. Once there check in under the name Nathan Marks tell them you are my fiance and i will be there tonight to fix everything up. Then the remainder of the day is yours to do as you wish I will meet you in the lobby at 10. Your car is repaired and waiting for you above decks have a great time i already miss you. He simply signed it the love of your life and then crawled back into bed with her before going to sleep for the day.
The alarm went off exactly at noon as Stephen had intended. "Ugh," Amelia groaned and rolled over, coming up against Stephen'd 'dead' body. He was cold and utterly still. That used to freak her out, but in the weeks they had been together, she had gotten used to it. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his cold lips, then slipped out of bed.

After a shower, she found the note and smiled. Then walked over to the dresser and fished out some clothes- a red bra with gold leaves, a matching pair of panties, a black shirt with a low cut neckline and flowing black sleeves and a black sash to tie around just under her breasts, and a black leather skirt. She dressed in all that, tied the sash to sinch her waist, then slid on some thigh length black socks, her heeled boots, and then a pair of earrings that were a black feather. She left her auburn hair to curl waywardly to frame her delicate face.

She gathered her suitcase and the money, before heading upstairs. The sunlight was bright and she spent a moment basking in it, before throwing her bag back into the fixed car. A moment was spent admiring her gift again before climbing into it.

Once everything was set, she was allowed to pull her car off the boat and out onto Japan's deck. It was such a strange realization that she was actually in Japan. Parking for a moment, she sifted through her cd's before putting in Giragumesh and letting the heavy rock japanese band play over her speakers. Then she double checked her gps and left the dock.

As she drove to the address that Stephen had put in, she couldn't help but get more and more excited. In fact, she got antsy, tapping the foot not on the gas and drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. Eventually she to the front of a very, very nice, large, and fantastic looking hotel. A young japanese man came around as she climbed out and took her keys, handing her a ticket, saying he would take good care of her car. She nodded and pulled out her suitcase, shut the trunk, then headed inside.

It was almost like stepping into a new world. It had to the best hotel she had ever soon. It wouldn't surprise her if this hotel housed high up business japanese men, like CEO's and presidents. It made her a little nervous as she made her way to the lobby desk, the very nice lobby desk, with a very attractive woman standing behind it. She was about Amelia's height, with jet black hair, pale skin, black eyes, and a very alluring figure. And her smile could make someone keel, she noted when the woman smiled friendly to her.

"How can I help you, miss?" the woman asked, surprising her when she spoke in english. Not that she should be too surprised. More and more Americans had been heading to Japan over the years.

"Ah...yes, I'm checking in. Nathan Marks," she said. The woman typed something in and then looked up. "I'm his fiancee," she added, showing the woman the extravagent ring on her left hand.

"Ah! Congratulations!" she replied with a smile, typing something else in, before turning and grabbing her a card key. A gold one, like, the only one of that color. Is it special or something? Amelia wondered. The woman came back and handed her the card. "There you go, you're all checked in. Here's your cardkey. The 32nd key in the elevator is seperate from the rest and needs a card key to access it. Use this card key in the elevator and it will let you up," she said with a smile. "Don't hesitate to call down to service if you require anything."

Amelia nodded and took the key. "Thank-you." She walked to the elevator with her bag and stepped inside, sliding the card into the card reader under the 32nd floor's button. As soon as she did, the button lit up and she began to ascend to her and Stephen's room. When she stepped out, she about fell over onto the floor out of shock.

"This is not a hotel room!" she exclaimed as she looked over the 'hotel room'. "This is like a luxury apartment!" And indeed it was. It was a large livingroom with plush, elegant couches and chairs. A glass coffee table. Expensive lamps and plants. A very large tv, a kitchen with marble counters. The bathroom was the same, with marble counter tops, a fucking hot tub for a bath, a shower, and toilet. The bed room was no less shocking with a huge bed covered in silk sheets, the same lamps as the livingroom, a decorative fireplace, and two cherry oak dressers.

Amelia set her bag on the bed and shook her head with a small laugh. "I'm used to the vampire thing, but this is going to take some getting used to," she murmured as she moved to the window, full room window same as the livingroom, that gave her an astounding view of the city. "I want to go look around, but I'd rather do it with Stephen...nnn," she seemed to mull over it a moment, before hopping around and heading back out with the money Stephen had given her.

The hours passed quickly, too quickly, and at 9:30 that night, Amelia was coming back into the room, setting a few bags down on the floor beside the bed. She hadn't bought much, just a few books she had not been able to find thus far in the US, and some artist pens that professional manga-ka's used; mainly just a few things she couldn't get at home. She let out a sigh and stretched, the shirt lifting high enough for a peek of her belly button before she righted it and checked the clock. Twenty minutes until she had to meet her love in the lobby.

She walked into the kitchen, the heels of her boots clicking across the plush white carpet, before then the tiles of the kitchen floor. She got herself a glass of water, then another, hydrating herself since she just realized she hadn't drank anything all day. After a final glass, she set it down and left the room, taking the elevator down to the lobby. She stepped out, walking out a little as her blue eyes scanned for Stephen. Vaguely, she wondered what he would think of her appearance. This was really the first time she had purposely dressed up for him, to tempt him and please him. It made her smile as she waited.
For the first time in a long time Stephen had not slept well, the moment she left the bed he began to have dreams about missing her and losing her. There was nothing he could do to break them either vampires do not wake from bad dreams. He took a deep breath as he sat up looking around his brain forgeting she was gone fore a moment. He let out a sad sigh before getting out of bed and moving to the dresser staring into it trying to decide what to wear.

He finally gave up trying to figure out what wear and went to take a shower. After 10 minuets he walked back into the room finishing drying himself off. He had 2 suitcases fully packed for himself and one packed for her in the car but he did not know what to wear today. He grumbled and finally decided to wear a suit. The black coat with deep red pin stripes sat on him perfectly as did the silk shirt underneath, it was the same colors just inverted. He always like the way he looked in black and red he smiled running his fingers threw his hair to push the strands from his face.

He walked out onto the deck telling speaking to the crew for a few long minuets paying each of them handsomely for there time on his ship, and giving them another months pay so that they could stay and enjoy japan. They had all grown used to the way Stephen ran his business and there was almost always one that decided not follow him again. Stephen got into the black Jaguar that he loved so dearly and pulled out of the docks. It was 9:55 when Stephen got out of the car at the hotel telling the boy he did not need his car moved but tipping him as though he had. He stood in the lobby facing the door waiting patiently for her to arrive hoping she had a wonderful day.
Amelia's icy blues saw him come in and she about had to pick up her jaw from the floor. Not only was he in a suit that accented his handsomeness, but the mixed colors of red and black also highlighted him well, just like black did for her. With a small smile, she tucked a stray auburn curl behind her small ear, the action causing the small black feather earring to swing a bit.

The heels of her boots began to clack across the floor of the lobby, her thigh high socks covering all but a small bit of pale skin between where they technically started and the leather skirt techincally ended. The silk material of her shirt and flowing sleeves shifted as she walked, the deep 'v' allowing a generous view of her pale, ample bosom. Her scar was also visible - she was only able to show it because of the way Stephen lavished so much loving affection upon it. Her hips stopped their sway as she now stood in front of him with a smile.
Stephen made no attempt to hide his eyes movements to look her up and down. He gave a approving nod and smiled looking at her again. Once she was there he stepped forwards and kissed her softly his hands resting on her waist. " You look absolutely amazing, I love those boots on you. " He smiled kissing her again before turning and offering her his arm. "There is a traditional restaurant around here that is open late. How do you feel about having a nice meal together?"

He smiled leading her out to the car opening the door hoping she would not have to much trouble with her leather skirt against the soft leather interior. He moved quickly around to his side of the car getting in and pulling the pair back out onto the road. He was only being polite when he asked if she would like a nice dinner he was already headed that way.
She smiled and kissed him back each time that he gave her a kiss. A soft nod was his answer as she followed him, sliding into the passenger seat of his absolutely beautiful, sleek car. She loved that car, but not nearly as much as she was in love with its driver. She relaxed back in the seat after buckling herself in, sending him a soft smile. She couldn't believe she was here with him, in the one place of the world she'd desperately wanted to see before she died(though, that wasn't a likely thing to happen now that she had met Stephen). "I missed you," she said.
"I missed you to my love every moment you where gone." He smiled pulling up to the vallet getting out handing him the keys tipping him to ensure a safe parking space. Once they where inside Stephen bribed the hostess to say they where on the list giving her a playfully flirty wink as he pointed to an empty name on the reservation list. She nodded and seated them in a dark corner all to themselves.

Once they where seated she handed them menu's which Stephen never opened. He did not speak Japanese so it would do him no good. "Do you speak the language enough to order my love or shall i allow the chief to choose? " He smiled reaching over running his hand over hers and down her arm a bit at the small table. Stephen thought this place would be more traditional but he was not going to complain he did not want to force her take off those boots and then put them back on.
When they came into the resturaunt, Amelia subconsciously stretched out her legs when they were seated. She zipped down one boot, then the other, sliding them off and setting them on the floor by the wall since they were in the dark corner table. She had always remembered that in general places of tradition in japan, it was considered polite to either take off your shoes, or to take off your shoes and wear wabaki - slippers that places, like schools, often provided. Once she had her stocking-clad feet shoeless, she moved sat on her knees since the table was waist level if they sat on their knees on the mats.

"Well, what do you like out of oriental food?" she inquired as she opened the menu to look at its contents. There was a significant menu for sushi and fish oriented dishes. Chow-mein, udon bowls, miso soup, ramen.
Stephen smiled slipping his shoes off setting it them under the table near the wall like she did. He noticed several people still had there shoes on when he walked in and was not going to press the issue if she chose not to. "I usually just order what ever the chief's favorite is i am not a picky eater in quality restaurants. " He smiled taking a sip of the rice wine that they brought over to drink smiling as it tasted quite good.

"You can order what ever you like for you and what ever you want to try for me. We can share our meals if you like. " He smiled leaning over the table kissing her hand, his never leaving her continuing to rub and caress her skin.
Amelia noticed too that a good number of patrons did have their shoes on, but some of them didn't either. In all the years since tradition had set, people were allowed more and more choices in their preferences. Though, still some females of high distinguishable families were still married off by their fathers and such. So, Amelia just did what felt comfortable to her. She smiled as he caressed her arm, lifting his hand to kiss his palm softly.

"I'm partial to sushi myself. I got it a lot in Seattle, at Uwajimaya's oriental supermarket," she said as she shut the menu and set it down. "Udon bowls are delicious too, as are humbow- those are like bread buns filled with either a bean paste, or meat. Are you insterested in anything particular to try?"
"Order me what ever you like my love surprise me. " He smiled and as she kissed his hand he loved the way her lips felt against his skin more and more every time he felt them. He groaned happily as the waitress came over and waited for her order. Stephen grew silent and allowed her to order for him he had been doing everything and giving her few choices lately. He smiled happily taking another sip of the very tasty wine he rather liked this country already though he still preferred Italy.
Amelia studied the menu again for a moment and then closed it, smiling up a gentle smile to the waitress. She then proceeded to order their dishes in clear, fluent japanese. When she was done, she took both her and Stephen's menus and handed them to the waitress.

"Domou arigatou," she thanked the waitress and bowed her head politely. She took her own rice wine and sipped it, letting the delicious flavor wash over her tongue.
"Tomorrow most likely not long after we wake tomorrow we will have visitors. The elders of this area will expect me to check in and tell them why i am here. Do not fear they will mean us no harm they just need to know why a new vampire has entered the area. I am fairly certain they are talking to my boat crew as we speak. " He smiled softly as she ordered and took a sip of the wine. "You speak Japanese beautifully I am grateful to have a translator. "
"Alright, my love," she said. She would be a little intimidated around other vampires. It was still a weird notion that there was a good number of vampires in the world other than Stephen. It was going to be strange. "Are they okay with you being with a mortal?" she asked, curiously. She wasn't entirely sure as to the rules of the vampire society in her world. If there were any rules. She wasn't even entirely sure what to expect. Her hand raised her glass to her lips and she took another sip of the wine. Her free hand took Stephen's and she laced her fingers with his own, just happy to be able to feel his skin against her's.
"Once you carry my brand they wont touch you they wont even look down on you. I have no master i am an errant vampire I have no clan no ties. So if i ever chose to change you i will have no one to ask before i can do it. " HE smiled his hand still rubbing hers and her wrist just enjoying being close to her.
"Ah, I see," she smiled as he rubbed her wrist, just enjoying the feel of his touch on her skin. When he mentioned the brand, her brows raised and she nodded. "We were supposed to do that tonight, weren't we?" she asked. If she remembered correctly, it was supposed to be tonight, because they were on new land. The waitress came back with wood tray filled with all kinds of different sushi. She politely laid it on the table and smiled, before retreating away long enough to bring Amelia her eggdrop soup, setting it on the table in front of her. She smiled and thanked the waitress before she left. "The sushi is a mix- there's tuna, crab, eel, shrimp." She explained to him as she took one off the tray with a pair of chopsticks, dropping it into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully and smiled. "I believe I got the eel. You can usually tell by the way each looks, but I really haven't paid that much attention to how they look because I really like them all."
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