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It Can't Be Real(Distain2003+Anjeru)

"Yeah, that is about right," she said as he lightly scratched the area with his fingernail. As he leaned back and closed his eyes, she couldn't help but lean forward and nibble with her teeth at the pale skin of his presented neck. Pressing gentle kisses there as well just for a moment, before leaning her head up. "Stephen, open your eyes and look at me. I want to tell you something important," she murmured.
"Yes love? What is it?" He opened his eyes looking into her's his hands gripping her waist again lightly. He was a bit worried but he did not think what she wanted to tell him was that bad just because of the way she said it. He smiled just loving staring into her eyes he could spend the next 100 years seated just like this watching her eyes.
"Good," she said once he opened his eyes. She slid her hands up and cupped his cheeks lovingly. Looking deep into his eyes, she smiled. "I know you're afraid of losing me, afraid that I'll grow old and that you'll have to watch me die." Softly, she shook her head. "But I've decided I want to be with you forever. I don't want to grow old and die, I don't ever want to be apart from you." Leaning down, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, lingering for just a moment before she lifted her head. "What I'm trying to say is, I want you to change me. Not necessarily right now, but if being with you forever means being like you, then I can do it. I want to do it."
He smiled brightly kissing her deeply passionately, he was not going to change her right now but knowing that should he ever need to she wanted him to made him happy. His eyes locked onto her's he had never changed anyone before not fully anyways he was not sure he was ready to but he would if she asked. "It means a lot to me that your willing to take on this just to be with me. I just hope that you are certain that it is what you want. "
"If it means I get to be with you forever, I'm sure," she said with a smile, returning a passionate kiss to his lips. She then laid her head on his shoulder and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. "I love you, Stephen," she murmured with a smile. "Being with you, even forever, won't be enough time for me." As weird as the words sounded, they were true. She felt like, no matter how much time they spent together, it was never going to be enough. She just hoped that he felt the same towards her, despite his warnings that no woman he's loved has lived more than 20 years. She would disprove that, she was stubborn enough to defy it.
He smiled kissing her neck smiling he licked it lightly giving a bright smile. "You can leave the boat early if you want to see the city during the day. I wont mind. I know there are probably some things you want to buy while we are here." He smiled taking a deep breath kissing her cheek he knew she should be able to enjoy her natural life and hope she would take the chance. Though he was not sure he liked the idea of sending her out into the city alone.
She beamed excitedly. "Really? I would love to!" Ever since she'd been little and confined to the hospital, her books that her friend had brought her had been her line to the outside world. The manga books had always been exciting, amazing, and had roused her curiousity of the land they were created in. She couldn't believe she'd be in Japan once the sun rose! "When shall we get married?" she asked him a moment later, a soft blush on her cheeks. She still couldn't believe that she was going to be his wife soon.
"I was thinking we would travel to a small town deep in japan that still vaguely resembled ancient japan and get married there. "He smiled kissing her cheek giving her a light hug taking a deep breath wishing he could go with her. "Please go enjoy the city i insist. I will call you when i get up and we can travel and see the night life together. Remind me to give you some yen before you we lay down. " He smiled figuring she would sleep with him and get up during the day and go out he was happy for her he wished he could take her back to his old home and show here the views of the coastline.
"Mmmkay, Stephen," she replied as she snuggled close to him, still straddling his lap as they sat on the couch. She honestly was so excited. Amelia couldn't wait; not only was she going to Japan, but she was going to be married to the love of her life there! It was all so unreal, in ways she thought it couldn't be real, but it was and she couldn't be happier. Stephen was her soulmate, her vampire, and she wouldn't change that for anything. "What should we do until then?"
"I am content just setting her until you want to go to bed I know how long its been since you woke up during the day. " He smiled kissing her cheek taking a deep breath he was sad that he would not be there the first time she saw japan but he wanted her to enjoy it and see her at its peek. He smiled glad she was so happy slipping his hands around behind her holding her close taking a deep breath.
At his words, she realized he was right. It had been awhile since she had been awake, or rather had woken up to meander about, during the daylight hours. She had almost adapted the life of a vampire in the month and week they'd spent together. It seemed so unreal that they had only been together for five weeks, and yet, it felt like she had been with him forever. She nuzzled his neck with her nose, before kissing the skin of it softly for the upteenth time tonight. "Mmm, so you just want to sit here?" she asked with a chuckle.
He let out a soft groan as she kissed his neck he had always loved the way it felt to have a woman kissing on his neck. "I would be just fine with setting here like this forever. I have nothing planned is there something you wanted to do?" He smiled slipping his hands behind her gripping her butt firmly giving it a hard squeeze. He did not care if they made love or not but he just wanted to hold her close and be happy with her knowing she was safe and healthy.
Amelia squeaked as he grasped her tight little behind in his hands. She blushed a little and nipped his neck; even though he had managed to get her to open up in the last few weeks, she was still self conscious about having his hands on her butt. She never could figure out why, she just didn't see why he liked her behind, she never had. "I didn't have anything in particular planned," she said, just leaning against his body this way. She just loved being able to be with him, even if they did or did not make love or fool around.
"Why don't we go out to the hot tub and watch the stars, once we get into port we wont be able to see them well for a while. " He smiled kissing her neck letting his fangs drag across it firmly but not hard enough to leave anything but a red mark. He smiled and gave her bum another firm squeeze he knew she did not understand his affection to it he though every thing about her was sexy and her bum was no different.
Amelia giggled and nodded her head. "Alright, sounds good to me," she said, shivering as he dragged his fangs across the skin of her neck. She nipped his neck back in response then dragged her tongue across the skin there. "You have to carry me up though," she said with a small giggle, lifting her head up from his neck so she wouldn't be tempted to tease him.
He kept his firm grip on her butt and pushed the pair up with one hand groaning softly as he did. His hand pressing her face back into his neck as he chuckled softly moving over to the stairs and began his assent. With in moments he had her up the stairs and out onto the back deck. Once there he simply hopped the pair into the water with a splash he stood here keeping most of her out of the water. "Your going to have to take off my shirt before i can put us in the water. "
Amelia smiled as he hand pressed her face back against his neck; it was like he knew she had been trying to resist the temptation of biting and nipping at the skin there. As he carried her up the stairs, she nibbled at his skin, enjoying any noises he'd make in response. Just as he enjoyed tormenting her, she enjoyed tormenting him just the same. It wasn't long before the were upstairs and as they came towards the hot tub, she expected him to put her down. He didn't though and simply hopped into the warm water.

She squeaked and clung to him, blinking up at him. "What are you doing? We're still dressed!" she said as the water lapped at them. She wasn't sure how she was going to take his shirt off but after a moment, she figured it out and found a way to slide the fabric off of him without falling into the water. The fabric she then threw over the side of the hot tub onto the deck.
"This is more fun! *He smiled slipping his hand between them undoing her pants he chuckled as he lifter her high into the air. Her crotch setting just above his chest with great care he slipped her pants down his hand gripping her butt holding her in the air. It was not long before her pants and panties where off and tossed to the side he set her down slowly and carefully in the water his hands gripping her shirt lifting up and off tossing it to the side smirking. "Now can you figure out how to get my shorts and boxers off with out soaking them. "
When she was down in the water without any of her clothes having gotten wet, she blinked and thought for a moment. The only way she could think of was to sit him down on the ledge and lift his legs out of the water to slide off his shorts and boxers without getting them soaked. Pursing her lips, she decided that was what she was going to do, or at least try. For all she knew, it wouldn't work. Not that it really mattered. The clothes could and would dry eventually, so if they did get wet, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

She put her hands to his chest gently and pushed him to sit on the ledge of the hot tub, lifting his legs up as she undid the button to his shorts, sliding them off and tossing them out like she had his shirt, before moving onto his boxers. The same happened with those. She then set his legs back into the water and gave a small smile.

"That works, I suppose." She said the words with a small grin. Sure, she hadn't done it with the same athletic and flare he had, but she had gotten it done regardless. He'd challenged her and she had managed to find a way to make it work; seemed to be a woman thing. Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn.
He smiled still setting down on the edge of the tub smiling reaching out pulling her to him. The seating area of the tub forcing her to kneel between his legs putting her chest even with his. "Congratulations what do you want as a reward? " He smiled kissing her softly letting out a soft groan as his hands wrapped around her holding her close. He knew tomorrow night was going to be a bit uncomfortable for her with it being when she would get her tattoo so he wanted to make tonight what ever she wanted it to be.
She squeaked as he hauled her against him but made no protest to it at all, loving being this close to him. Her bare breasts mashed against his chest and she smiled, pressing a kiss to the scar he now bore for her. "Mmm, I don't know. Did you have a reward in mind?" she questioned, lifting a brow in inquiry. Her auburn hair shifted just a bit in the slight breeze, brushing against her cheeks as she stared quite innocently up at him, wondering what it was that he had in store for her, though she knew it wouldn't be anything she wouldn't like.
He smiled and moved her back into the hot tub setting her down lightly. "Oh i did not have anything in mind. "He chuckled reaching down pushing a button on the hot tub the jets starting up one jet partially shot up into her womanhood the rest spraying hard against her clit. He chuckled softly at her reaction as he moved kneeling over her holding her in place kissing her deeply.
She chuckled when he said he didn't have anything in mind, but then the chuckle died and she gave a surprised squeak as the water shot at the most intimate part of her. She would have moved, but he seemed to expect that reaction from her and held her there, his lips descending onto her own. She made a noise against his lips, a half moan, half whimper. It felt strange but she couldn't deny that the spray hitting against her clit wasn't stimulating her. She wiggled a little in his arms, a soft blush on her face.
He broke the kiss and smiled watching her face wondering just how it felt. He had seen over the years women using shower heads to do what he was doing and wondering if this would be just as good or better. He chuckled staring into her eyes as he took her hands holding them softly."You enjoying this particular seat in the hot tub? " He chuckled he had seen a woman sit directly on the bubble jet before but he would not place here there for fear of hurting her.
She squirmed a little as he held her, the jets still attacking that intimate place of hers. "Ah! It's...s-strange but it feels good," she admitted softly, still red in the face from the way the jets were stimulating her. "I've n-never played with water spray like this," she admitted, starting to breathe a little more rapidly and squirmed again, gasping softly as the water hit her clit in a different angle. She shuddered and goosebumps traveled up her arms, despite the warm water. Her head dropped forward just a little, and then back as she bit her lip, unable to keep herself from squirming a bit.
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