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It Can't Be Real(Distain2003+Anjeru)

He chuckles softly as she mused about the food in front of him. He smiled releasing her hand and taking up the chop sticks. His grip on them was not perfect but it was good enough to do the job. He only intended on eating one piece of each it was all he cared to eat. "Yes we have an appointment in 2 hours. " He spoke softly about the brand as he ate closing his eyes as he chewed enjoying the flavor of the quality food.
Her grip on the chopsticks was almost textbook perfect and she ate with them almost elegantly. Really, Amelia could almost put a natural to shame. Amelia had this talent, that, whatever she put her mind to doing, she almost ended up learning how to do it flawlessly. She grabbed another piece, this time what appeared be a seemingly normal california roll with crab. Setting it in her mouth, she chewed it with a smile, the simple roll being one of her favorites. Since the tray was an appetizer, there were two of each kind, allowing one for the each of them. Once she was done chewing, she set the chopsticks down and took a sip of the wine. "Is it painful?" she asked.
"Getting a tattoo? Or being changed? I do not have any tattoo's but i have been told they are not comfortable at all to get. As for changing... Yes extremely. " He said bluntly he was not going to hide it and sugar coat it. It was the second most painful thing he ever felt the first being the sun on his vampire skin. He began eating his main course slowly nibbling away taking a deep breath.
Her small white teeth nibbled her lower lip a moment. Not entirely worried about the tattoo. "How painful is...the change?" she asked. If one thing got Amelia into trouble in her life, it was her damn curiousity. She was the embodiment of why people say- You know, curiousity killed the cat. She, too, began to eat her main course when the waitress brought them the beef and lamb chowmein. She knew Stephen wasn't able to eat much of human food, but she tried to generally stick to food with meats. He seemed to enjoy meat still in the times they had gone to dinner, and when she had made him steak. She twirled the noodles around her chopsticks and took a thoughtful bite.
Stephen looked at her not wanting to explain it but figuring he owed her that much. Once he began to eat he glanced up at her only taking a few bites as he lost his appetite no mater how good the food was. " I ... I can only describe it as your blood being on fire. For hours and hours before you finally just slip into sleep and wake up feeling odd. That is the only way describe it. "
Amelia finished off her food, giving a satisfied sigh once she was finished. Not only had she forgotten to drink water, she apparently had forgotten to eat, too. Too caught up in the place she'd dreamed about for years. The place she had often dreamed of, her only escape from the dismal confines of her hospital bed. She studied him thoughtfully and smiled, reaching across to take his hand again. "You really don't want to do it to me, do you?" she asked, curious. He was probably torn. He didn't want to hurt her, but didn't want to lose her either.
"The thought of putting you threw all that pain... kills me but... the i could never stand losing you. " He spoke softly looking into her eyes grabbing his shoes paying and moving to stand up slowly. "Are you ready to go get your tattoo? " He smiled and put his shoes giving her a soft smile thanking the waitress and telling her to give his thanks to the chief.
Amelia nodded and smiled to the waitress. "Tatemo oishii ka tsunadesu. Domou arigato gozaimasu."* She bowed politely as she stood and zipped her boots back up, first the right, then the left. "Sutsu ka rigochie ni nauchatsude. Sayonara."** Was the last thing she said, as she took Stephen's hand and walked out of the nice restaurant with him beside her. "I think I'm ready," she admitted to him. It couldn't really be all that bad, she was sure. She went through a helluva beating, took an arrow in her arm, and a near rape. If she could do that, she could this tattoo she was sure, without much of a problem. As long as he was by her side.

(* It was delicious. Thank you very much.)

(** Thank-you for your hospitality. Goodbye.)
He smiled kissing her cheek as the left the restaurant taking a deep breath as they waited for their car. Once it arrived he tipped the valet and helped her into the car before moving around and getting in slowly. He drove her threw the city the lights of the city dancing of the hood of his black car playing in the contour's of the hood. He pulled into a small alley and stepped from the car smiling standing up it did not look like they where in commercial area at all. "This is the home of the best tattooist in Japan people come from all over the world for his art. " He smiled giving her a faint smiled hoping she would be more comfortable in his talented hands.
Amelia relaxed back in the seat of his car as they pulled out of the lot, heading towards wherever she would be getting his brand tattoo'd on her skin. It took a bit, though not horribly long before Stephen pulled the car to a stop in an alley, obviously outside the commercial district of the city. She stepped out of the car with him, taking his hand as her eyes rounded some in surprise. "In ALL of Japan?" she exclaimed. "You didn't have to do that for me, Stephen. Really. Thank-you though." With her heeled boots on, she didn't have to stand on her tip toes -though technically that is what heels do - to press a kiss to his lips.
"He is debate-ably the best tattoo artist in the world I figured if you wanted... We could put something pretty around your brand so that you did not just have this black symbol on your body. If you wanted something more feminine i would certainly understand. " He smiled leading her up the small stairs and knocked on the door of the old small appartment and older oriental man answered and nodded allowing them access into the room. "Please ... in" He spoke in broken English, the room looked like any tattoo parlor though it was obviously also a living room for him. Stephen lead her inside and gestured for her to look around and see if she liked any of the traditional tattoos he had on his wall.
Amelia followed him into the older asian man's home, taking a look around at what the professional had to offer in altering her brand to be a little more modern and feminine. She picked out a bordering one, almost- the brand would lay in the center, with what appeared to be a rose stem embracing it, the budding, blossoming rose blooming just to the right above the brand, drops of midnight dew adding interesting highlights. Once the whole design had been put together, she showed it to Stephen to see what he would think of it. With this design, the brand would still be obvious to his elders, but it would also keep the people of the normal, mortal world from questioning her about why she had been marked. It had an exotic mix of both his old world and her new world. "What do you think?" she asked softly, studying it.
"It looks wonderful. " He smiled as the older man worked to draw a it all in one place before he put out a mat on the floor. He told her in Japanese that he would be doing it free hand and that it would take a little over 2 hours. Stephen moved to sit indian style at the end of the mat placing a pillow on his legs. "Come lay down my love and undo your pants and push them down some. " He smiled looking up at her reaching up to take her hands.
From the general chit-chat she and the man had done, discussing the layout of the tattoo, he'd seen that she spoke Japanese well and understood it just as well. The artist seemed more at ease now that he realized he could speak in his natural tongue to her. He spoke to her about the length of time it would take and nodded her head as she took Stephen's hands. She knelt, then laid herself down, head resting on the pillow he'd placed upon his lap. Once she was laying flat, she undid the button of her leather skirt to push it down some, giving the artist access to her curved hip. She retained possession of Stephen's hand as the man set to work; the process was indeed a bit uncomfortable, but she was dead set on making it through it no matter the discomfort. For Stephen, she would do anything.
For the entire time Stephen held one hand the other ran over her forehead and threw her hair. Whispering reassuring words to her as her skin began taking repeated injections of ink. He smiled looking down at the mans hand he moved so smoothly following the lines of the tattoo that were only in his head. Stephen smiled as he placed the symbol on her stomach and the man drew it in making sure to get it perfect. After the 2 hours Stephen smiled brightly it looked amazing and he knew he had made the right choice.
Amelia simply kept her eyes closed as the process continued for the next two hours. The continued feel of Stephen's fingers sifting through the strands of her hair and his reassuring words- they soothed her enough to hold still. The constant jabs of the ink into her skin weren't comfortable, to say the least. By the time the two hour mark came around and the man was almost finished, she had a slight grimace on her face. Her hand was still holding to Stephen's pretty tightly, even as she centered herself enough to push off most of the discomfort. A few moments later, the man added the last touches, then sat up, studied it, and nodded. Said that he was all finished. Amelia let out a grateful breath and opened her eyes, lifting her head enough to look down at it. "H-how's it look to you?" she asked Stephen, a little wearyly.
"Almost as beautiful as the canvas its painted on. " He smiled leaning down with a groan and kissing her softly chuckling at the strange angle he just kissed her at. He reached into his jacket pocket and places some money on the floor next to the man as he put Vaseline on the tattoo and then wrapped tapped some cling wrap over it. Telling her she was done and standing up to put things away. Stephen stood up pulling her to her feet very carefully redoing her skirt so it would not fall off. "Was it bad?" He spoke softly slipping his arms around her taking a deep breath.
She let Stephen help her to her feet and fix the clasp of her skirt so that the leather material didn't slide off. When he pulled her into his arms, she paused a moment to think of how to answer his question. "I'm not sure, really. Definitely not comfortable. It's like someone is repeatedly jabbing a needle into your skin," she told him. "It wasn't anything I couldn't handle though." A soft smile touched her lip as she rested there for a moment in his arms. She pulled away after a moment to bow politely to the old man, saying she was very thankful for his talent. Her hand took Stephen's and she turned her blue gaze up to his. "Is it back to the room now? Which, by the way, that is not a hotel room. That's a luxury apartment," she felt the need to point it out, just because, rather enjoying when she could find moments to tease him.
"Well we can either go back to our room or see if we can catch some more of the town before day break." He spoke softly kissing her cheek as he lead her from the room and back down to the car. Laughing as she mentioned the appartment. "It is an appartment actually I rented it for a month. " He chuckled softly kissing her cheek wondering if he could get a tattoo he always assumed he would not be able to but had never tried.
Amelia chuckled as she slid back into the car with him, leaning back against the seat for a moment to think. "I'm not sure what would be open this late except for some bars," she mused. "And maybe some, like, all night theaters." She gave a soft yawn and relaxed back full, letting her eyes fall shut as they pulled from the alley. "I'll let you to decide what to do," she said, starting to doze off a little. She'd been up for awhile on a okay amount of sleep, but with the driving, checking in, exploring, dinner, and tattoo, she was beginning to become a tad tired.
He smiled kissing her cheek and then driving them back to the hotel he loved the way the lights danced on the hood. He smiled as he took a deep breath relaxing as he made his way threw the emptying streets. Once back at at the hotel he slipped from the car and over to her door handing the keys to the valet and helping her from the car. "Lets get you in bed. " He smiled kissing her cheek leading her up to their private elevator.
Amelia was a little less than half asleep by the time he pulled the car up to the front of the hotel. She yawned as he opened the door and helped her out of the car, her boots clicking as they their way to the elevator. Her slight form leaned against his the entire time up to their room, her eyes half shut. By the time they reached the apartment though, she was a little more awake, yawning softly as she sat to take the boots from her stocking clad legs.
Stephen smiled kneeling down before her as she took of her last boot his hands running up her thighs to the tops of her stockings. His lips found her new tattoo and pressed into it very very lightly just enough to show her his gratitude. He looked up at her as his nails drug down her thighs lightly his fingers peeling her stockings down past her knees to her ankle before he ran his fingernails dragging up her inner leg and back under her skirt to her pantie line before running along as much of her leg as he possibly could. He pressed his lips kissing her stomach looking up into her eyes. "I am glad you had such a lovely day. "
Amelia shivered softly as he drew the stocking from her long, pale legs and a soft noise as he pressed a kiss first to her tattoo, then to her stomach. She smiled in response and dragged her fingers through his hair, lifting his face enough so that she could lean down and press a long, lingering kiss to his lips. "Would have been better with you," she said with a smile. She never really liked being apart from him, especially since they'd spent the last month in constant contact with each other. Living on a boat would do that, really, there wasn't anywhere they could have gone, or would have. She loved being around him as much as she could.
"I am glad to hear that do you want me to set up an alarm so you can go out again?" He smiled as his hands curled up pressing firmly into the area around her womanhood as they slipped past and to the top slowly peeling her panties down. He knew she was to tired to make love but a little romantic disrobing would do her good. His eyes remained locked on hers as he pulled her panties down to her knees and then to her ankles.
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