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It Can't Be Real(Distain2003+Anjeru)

She shook her head, a soft shiver coarsing her body as he kept his eyes locked on her, his hands slowly pulling her panties from her body. It was true that she was tired, but the way he was disrobing her was putting sleep on the back burner to simmer for later. "I would much rather spend all day in bed with you...preferably naked," she said lowly, in an almost seductive tone that even surprised herself. She rubbed Her smooth leg against his hip, with a curved little smile on her lips. "What do you think about that?" the same sexy tone asking him a moment later as her leg rubbed against him.
He smiled pressing his lips silently into her inner thigh as he drug kisses along her inner thigh as his hands slowly pushed her top up. He smiled and growled a bit as his head disappeared into her leather skirt his lips pressing into her womanhood. He groaned as he loved the way she tasted so terribly much his hands finally getting his her top up as far as he could reach before beginning to slip behind her towards the clasp of her bra as his tongue played across her lips.
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Amelia dropped her head back as he dragged kisses up her sensitive thighs, biting back soft moans until she felt his lips against her most intimate part. She gasped and tried her hardest to fight the urge to press her hips up, to press her womanly core closer to his mouth. His hands pushed up her shirt, up above her breasts and now he was trying to undo the clasp. She reached back and undid it herself to save him some trouble, before she let out a moan, shuddering against him as he touched her core lips, and tasted her. She loved when paid attention to her this way because he did such a good job, no great job, when he did it.
Stephen's lips began planting soft light kisses on the area around her core his hands stretching up to slip her shirt and bra off before moving to her breasts to massage them lightly. He let a finger flick slowly over and roll around against her hardening nipples. Her skin felt amazing against his and the shiver that went down his spine when she would moan was addicting. After several minuets of what could only be described as him worshiping her woman hood, kissing the area, licking the area, but never once passing the edge entrance of her lips. His hands continued to play and tease her breasts the entire time, until they left and slowly slipped down her body his finger tips dragging. Once they reached the top of her skirt and undid it quickly as he began kissing his way back down her inner thigh the one he had neglected on his entrance.
Amelia was panting by the time he was sliding her skirt down and off of her legs, his teasing having driven the once tired girl into a highly aroused state. "Stephen..." she moaned his name, dropping her head back. Her nipples were still hard and tingling, her core wet and aching. She didn't think she could take anymore teasing. "Please, I can't take anymore teasing..." she said softly, for his worship on her womanly center had driven her a little crazy with simple please. She dragged her fingers through his hair on a moan as he kissed down the leg he had neglected before.
He smiled brightly looking at as he pealed her skirt down and off leaving her in just her heels he smiled. "Now this is a very sexy look for you!" He smiled and moved up unbuttoning his shirt taking a deep breath pressing his lips against her stomach. He could tell something was different about the way her blood tasted lately but he could not place that or the new sent of her blood. He groaned happily as he kissed and nibbled on her stomach and lower ribs as he slipped his shirt off. He his kisses made there way to her breasts kissing every single inch of her breast nipping her nipples when kissing them.
Amelia blushed as he commented about how she looked with nothing but her heels on. It was embarassing, honestly, but if he found it sexy, she wouldn't discourage it. She loved driving him crazy, but it was the exact opposite right now, as far as she could tell. He was the one driving her crazy. Her hands helped pull his shirt from him, almost hastily so, moaning as he kissed and paid attentions to her already tingling, rigid nipples. "Please, Stephen, I don't want to wait," she gasped out as the shirt fell off his body. "I want you now." Her fingers scraped down her chest and she began to undo his pants, just wanting him so badly, aching for him, she thought she may die from it "Please."
"Remember my love everything worth doing is worth taking your time and doing well. " He smiled and continued pouring attention over her breasts with his lips and tongue. He smiled looking up at her as he gave one a bit of a light bite and soft tug growling playfully as she pushed his pants down. He smiled standing up taking them off as well as his shoes and socks. "Do you want me to take you here on the couch or shall we make love somewhere else? "He smiled leaning down pressing his lips into her kissing her deeply.
She pouted as he told her, in his own way, to be patient. She didn't want to be patient, damnit! For some reason or another, she was feeling especially needy for him, and she didn't want to wait. More moans were given to him in reward as he continued to lavish upon her breasts, an occassional squirm as the pleasure pulsed all the way down to her womanhood. Especially when he playfully bit and tugged; it coursed through her, sudden and hot, and she actually whimpered. He stood then and finished removing his clothes, asking her something before leaning down and kissing her deeply. She returned it gladly, enjoying it, tangling their tongues together before she realized what he'd asked her. Slowly, reluctantly, she broke the kiss to peer up innocently at him. "I don't really care where at the moment, do you?"
He smiled and turned her to lay them down taking a deep breath and kissing her gain. He smiled and looked into her eyes as he reached down guiding himself into her. He groaned feeling her hot, wet walls gripping him tightly. "Every single time it feels as amazing as the first time. " He groaned softly pressing his lips into hers firmly kissing her deeply as he began rolling his hips into her slowly.
"Ah god,," she moaned deep and loud as he pushed deep within her core, it gripping him hotly and tightly. "I know what you mean," she gasped in agreement, clutching to his shoulders as he began to roll his hips. Each push made her cry out in joy and pleasure, her legs lifting somewhat to wrap around and bring his hips closer to her, pushing, or rather, pulling him deeper into her each time they came together passionately. Her head dropped back and she bit her lip, her body shuddering in pleasure.
"You know one of these days i am actually going to finish what i start down there and not make love to you. " He groaned softly he smiled pressing his lips against hers as he rocked into her a bit faster he grunted as he rolled into her breathing deeply. His lips pressed into hers his tongue delving into her lips to dance with hers. He could do this with her all day he just loved the passion they shared together.
It was about three hours later that she was almost at her limit. Having had at least reached the double digits in orgasms, she was sure. He'd gotten so good at figuring out exactly where to touch her, where to push, and how hard and how long. He was also an expert now at teasing her just before she released, knowing it was coming, almost before she did. "Stephen," she whimpered out his name, clutching his shoulder deathly tight, feeling almost like she was going to lose her mind admist so much pleasure.
He groaned loudly as he pressed himself into her grinding his hips into her waist. He was close to his limit himself though his body was both begging him to continue and begging him to stop. He groaned softly as he looked into her eyes. "Amelia i love you so much. " He groaned loudly as he bucked into her more aggressively wanting so badly to make her come one last time before he lost it. "I am close my love are you?" Wanting to come together as he loved that feeling so much.
He was thrusting harder now, faster, like he always did right before he lost. Like, he was desperately reaching for that climatic peak. His words made her shudder and she moaned deeply, dropping her head back. "Yes!" She cried it out just before she shattered for the billionth time, her walls right and squeezing, milking at him hard and flooding him so wetly with her juices. "Ah god, Stephen!" she almost screamed his name this time, arching into him, loving this, loving him, loving everything that they did together. "I love you!"
Stephen slipped down his fangs diving into her neck to take the last of the blood he so desperately needed as she came. She could hear him groaning her name threw her neck as he pressed hard into her and filled her with his seed again. He smiled as he pressed into her kissing her neck closing the wounds from his fangs as he pulled back. "I love you more then anything. " The sun had came up while they were making love Stephen smiled looking at her she had been up so long. "Lets get you into bed before it gets to early. " He smiled pulling from her slowly taking her in his arms carrying her to the bed laying her down on the large silk covered bed.
By the time he was carrying her to the bed, the poor girl was almost unconscious. She snuggled into his arms with a tired groan and kissed the side of his neck. He laid her on the bed and as soon as he laid down beside her, as soon as his arms were around her, she dozed off and fell asleep against him. She'd been so exhausted lately and she couldn't figure out why, but all she knew was that now that she'd gotten her time to make love to Stephen, she just wanted to sleep in his arms. And dream of him again, as she had for so many nights now.
Stephen smiled and kissed her cheek softly as she fell asleep, he chuckled softly. "Poor thing you must be exhausted. " He smiled closing his eyes her blood had kept him awake for so long but now it had failed him he was going to be asleep in no time. It did not take long before he had drifted off closing his eyes smiling the entire night just enjoying a being next to the love of his life.
Just as Stephen had been thinking of her blood tasting different, she woke up, feeling kind of...different. Still exhausted for one, even though it was a good ten hours later. Like, she hadn't slept at all. And she felt a little sick to her stomach. She groaned and slowly sat up, holding her head for a second. It was still light out, she noticed, so she decided to just lay back for a moment beside Stephen's very still and lifeless body. She let out a breath and laid there for a moment, before her stomach rolled and she felt like she was going to heave. So, she jumped up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom. Nothing happened though and after a moment of sitting there, the nausea pased. Letting out a grateful sigh, she got ready for a shower and then took a rather lengthy one, enjoying the spray of the hot water over her skin.
The absence of her body caused him to to wake early the sun had not quite gone down when he sat up groaning. His head hurt slightly something from yesterday had made him feel a bit off. He knew he would have a long night ahead of him dealing with this cities council. He stood moving to suit cases that had yet to be unpacked. He pulled out another suit matching the one he had worn yesterday but with red replaced by the blue. He was moving slowly his head still feeling cloudy from what ever had gotten to him last night.
Amelia yawned as she stepped out of the shower after turning off the now luke warm spray. The shower had helped a little, but she still felt rather tired. Her small hands wrapped the towel around her body and she came into the bedroom, the only part of her dripping was her still slightly wet, dark auburn lockes. She seemed a little out of it as she moved to her bag and fished through it for some clothes. She slid on a pair of form fitting black jeans, though she frowned as she had a bit of trouble buttoning them, but eventualy got it. Letting the towel fall off to the bed now, she put on a black bra and then a long sleeved black shirt of cotton. She then picked up the towel and diligently began to dry her wet hair as she sat back on the bed.
Stephen walked over and stole a quick kiss as she came out and then went into the shower to clean up. He took a much quicker shower then her he did not have long and he knew that some times the vampire council would move around during the day in blacked out cars. Once he came out dried off and completely nude he began getting dressed. "Are you okay you look a bit off. Is something bothering you?" He thought perhaps something was bothering her maybe the months of no sun had started to get to her.
"Huh?" She had finished drying her hair and was sitting on the bed when he spoke to her. "Oh, yea. I'm fine. Just tired..." she murmured as she got up from the bed and walked herself to the kitchen, getting a glass of water, then another. "What time is your council supposed to be here?" she asked softly once she was done with getting some water, walking back into the room a little tiredly as he dressed. She picked up a brush and gently began to comb out the only slightly damp strands of her hair.
"They could be here at any minuet i have no appointment with them but they will be here some time today. You are more then welcome to stay in here and either sow or read i see you bought some new books yesterday. " He smiled walking over to her slipping his arms around her kissing her neck the smell of her blood caught his attention again. " Are you sure your okay you are not acting it if you are. " He spoke softly holding her close his hand began to run up to her cheek rubbing her cheek bone tenderly.
"Mm," she nuzzled his hand as he gently stroked her cheek. Pressing a soft kiss to the palm of his hand as she turned her head. Then she nodded softly. "I think so. Maybe I got the flu or something. I'm just tired and feel a little sick," she reassured him as she finished brushing out her hair now and set the brush down back on the dresser. "Why do you ask?" she inquired as she looked up at him now curiously. She really didn't think she was acting so different.
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