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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime could feel the memory becoming cold, the colors fading, and her own answer muffled. She blinked and she was staring up at blinding lights again, the feeling in her hands and feet slowly returning, and the agony in her gut coming back to her attention. She let out a muffled noise, fresh tears pouring down her cheeks as the muscle relaxant started to wear off.
Megohime could only choke on the tube down her throat, able to slowly move her eyes to look at him, but he was blurry from her eyes being full of tears. The pain was unbearable, especially being so that she couldn’t scream or move at all.
She grunted when he pushed the needle into her eye, feeling an intense burning before her vision slowly receded to black. Time was starting to warp more for Megohime, feeling like she would blink and be in a different day.
There were times when she woke up that different parts of her body, like her arms and legs, felt numb and tingly. And upon closer examination, it was shown that she actually had some other ghoul's arms and legs sewn in place of hers.
Megohime wanted to scream when she found an arm other than hers attached to her body, but she hardly reacted, perhaps she was too far into shock to care?
She would be awake and conscious for most procedures, Matsunaga taking skin from her stomach and replacing it with another’s; she even woke once to find her leg severed above the knee, and Matsunaga preparing a leg that was definitely not her own for reattachment.
Megohime opened her mouth to speak, moved her lips, but nothing came out, only a harsh rasp. So the vocal cord transplant was a failure after all? Tears fell down her cheeks, and the realization finally hit her, he hadn’t been asking for any information for weeks, he was just doing as he pleased, having fun.
Megohime would’ve let out a sob if she could, but all that came out was a soft wheeze, a look of complete despair on her face
Megohime could hardly move her numb limbs, one arm severed at the elbow, awaiting a new arm, and the other that was severed at the shoulder hardly moved when she tried to move it to hit Matsunaga.
Megohime let out another wheeze of a wail, wanting to break away from the table and run, but she doubted her legs would even work.
Megohime was trying all that she could to try and stop what he was doing, to escape, even if it got her killed, she’d rather face death than endure anymore. Blood gushed from her mouth as she had chewed off her tongue for the third time that week, her teeth having grown back even though Matsunaga had removed them a few dozen times.
"Please stop struggling. If you keep this up, eventually you'll develop an immunity to the relaxants and I won't get anything done." He said dully.
Megohime refused to comply, only struggling more and tearing stitches, smearing blood across the table and letting out more quiet walls of despair.
He exhaled and let her have her fit, waiting for her to tire herself out. When she settled and whoozy from blood loss, Hisehide finished the last of his monsterous work; attaching a new arm, removing the vocal chords and taking out her red eyes and replacing them with the blue ones. Once that was finished, he tightened her restraints and left.
The buzz within the office was always at a constant, there was always work to be done, and papers to be filed. Quite a few people stayed late, and both Kojurou and Jin happened to be in that group of people that did so, so it wasn’t all that uncommon that they would often go out to eat together.
Kojurou had a crush on Jin since she arrived, that much was obvious, but he was going to finally find the nerve to ask her out. He was sitting across from her as they quietly enjoyed their food and he took a soft breath before clearing his throat gently, " was your work day today?"
Jin looked up from her food, still half tempted to pull out the work she had brought home with her. “Rather busy, Ghoul activity only seems to be on the rise, and we hardly have enough personnel to cover the wards of Tokyo alone.” She said with a soft sigh, brows furrowed slightly, like she was still thinking of other things as they spoke.
Jin frowned softly, Kojurou had seemed bothered by something ever since he was attacked in his own home. “Is everything alright, Katakura-sosakan?” She asked.
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