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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She opened her own coffee and took a sip. “Kinda..? Like we can drink coffee, but if coffee is the only thing we consume we’ll still starve from lack of nutrition. And other than that, we only really eat one thing... Meat. Eating too much isn’t great for you, same with eating too little.”
She looked down at her coffee. “But putting it like that makes it seem like you’re just cattle or something..” She said quietly. She remembered the talks she had with her father, that humans were lower than them, and it was no more sad for them to kill and eat a human than for humans to kill and eat a cow.
"Well, to a ghoul, we are..." He replied, "It's doesn't seem fair but it's the way of things..." He told her, "I may not seem like cattle but I'm sure any other human is.."
Megohime didn’t reapond, she didn’t know how to tell Masamune that he was right, to her, other humans were simply cattle. Nothing more than an animal to be raised for consumption, all except for him and Doves. “You should eat, you look a little pale.”
He took her hand gently, "Hey..." He moved to look at her face, "It's alright...I don't think any less of you for following the way of things...I happen to enjoy the favouritism." He smiled.
“You’re such an idiot.” She said with a soft smile, lacing her fingers through his, glad to be spending time with him.

((Move to Aki or Chika~?))
((To Chika!))

"Blissfully yours though~" He grinned.

Motochika was struggling not to rip chunks out of Nana with her in such a state. He was so hungry, he had been focusing on helping her that he had neglected himself. With a sigh of frustration, he madr sure his door was locked before heading out to go to his least favorite place for food; Chisai Hakuga - Little Faded Moth. An odd name for a Ghoul oriented restaurant but it kept the Doves away. When he entered, the maitre d stood quaking.
"D...Do you have a reservation?"
"Ne, ne, Kasuga-chan. I'll handle him." Akihime smiled as she moved over, "Ohayo, Chika-kun~"
"Food. Now." Motochika growled. She smiled and pressed against him.
"Such a brute~ I haven't seen you in so long and this is how you greet me~?" She purred. He glared down at her.
"Hello. Bring me food." He reiterated. She bit her lip and moved away.
"I'll have you placed in the VIP room~ your visit will bring in so many guests~"
Nana’s condition had improved greatly since taking her to Kanou, but she still required shots of morphine every so often to keep her from crying in pain. Kanou said it wouldn’t be long before he could wean her off of them, but recommended she stay on them for the time being if he didn’t want to hear her crying all night. She was an easy meal, hardly a fight off the drugs, and on them, well, he would probably be able to help himself to what he wanted. He needed to stop think like that, otherwise he really would end up eating her.
He sat down at the table Akihime showed him to and watched her pour him a glass of blood, A Positive from the smell.
"Would you like lean meat or fatty meat today, Chika-kun~?" She asked. Nana seemed rather lean - no, stop. Don't think like that.
"Fatty..." He huffed. Akihime bowed her head and left him in peace.
The thoughts wouldn’t stop, and as his stomach growled, they only got worse. Nana’s lips looked soft and plump, and her skin was definitely soft, he had wiped enough tears and soup off her face to be sure of that.
He gnashed his teeth together and swallowed down the blood. He didn't want to think about her like that. He couldn't. He cared about her.
"Here you go~" Akihime set the flesh in front of him and he tore into it like he was starved. Akihime bit her finger, face flushed.
The world around him seemed to fade away as he ate his plate of meat, nice and bloody. He had to focus on the fatty meat, just the fattiness of it.
It wasn’t Nana.
Her smiling face flashed in his head, her mind words in his ears.
”Thank you, Motochika.”
“You’re cute..”
“I’m grateful that I owe you my life..”
He stopped halfway before setting it down, "I'm not hungry anymore..."
"Haa~? The Western Ogre, that could eat his own weight in human flesh, not hungry~?" She mocked. He lowered his gaze.
"I have a lot on my mind.." He replied.
Motochika had never lost a fight with a Ghoul, had gone against countless Doves and had killed even more humans for food, so why? Why was this one woman able to make Motochika so weak? Why was she able to bring him to his knees so easily? He couldn’t get her face out of his head, her kind smiles, her polite demeanor, even after he had stolen her away and broken her legs. Why did she not hate him and call him a monster?
He stood and dropped some money on the table, "Feed it to someone who needs it." He said and headed out, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. She followed him, smiling brightly.
"Bai-bai~!" She sang after him.
Motochika had a mission that night, handed down to him from the top brass, show some Doves a good time. It was risky huskiness, but they were sticking their noses places they didn’t belong, and were getting information that wasn’t for them.
He had returned long enough to get his mask and make sure Nana was ok, he gave her her dosage of morphine before he left and made sure to lock up again before going out to give these pesky investigators a taste of their own medicine.
Nana would be out for hours, hardly noticing when Motochika came back next. She opened her eyes slightly, blinking and then squinting at the harsh light from him turning it on. She only closed her eyes again, far too tired and out of it to care.
"Nana..." He sounded slurred, tired, before she heard a loud thud on the floor beside her. He got the shit kicked out of him good, they ambushed him and nearly managed to take him out. But there was no way he was going to leave Nana alone with no one to care for her. So he pushed himself passed his limit to get back to her.
It took Nana a moment, but she slowly stirred from the bed, sitting up. “Motochika..?” She looked around for him before finding him on the floor. “Motochika!!” She fell out of bed, having to crawl her way over to him, her movements slow from the drug. “Motochika, what happened..!?” She touched his shoulder gently, looking him over in horror, he was absolutely covered in blood.
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He felt something drip onto his face, then he finally registered Nana was trying to flip him onto his back, tears streaming down her face. “What do I do? Do you have any here?” She asked, lower lip trembling. Was she crying over him?
He expected her to kick him away, to be disgusted and to leave him to die on the floor, but that’s not what he got at all.
“You can have some..” She said gently. “If it’ll keep you from dying... then take some of mine..”
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