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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

It was beginning to get out of hand, the RC supressants were doing little to stop the kakuja from nearly killing Jin. Mitsunari was beginning to run out of ideas.
Jin did her best to fight the transformation, but it always overpowered her. Jin ground her teeth, the angry red veins around her left eye growing larger as her kakuja slowly started to form. She was sparring with Mitsunari again, trying to push her limits, trying to increase the time she could increase using her kakuja. “Mitsunari-sosakan... I’m at my limit..”
Jin shook her head in uncertainty, feeling the barbed protrusions crawling up her back. “I will try.” She said, trying to focus on controlling her Kagune before she lost full control.
He watched quietly, ready to subdue her if he needed to. She was getting more and more unpredictable, and he knew it wasn't her doing. Kakuja were equally as unpredictable.
Jin struggles with herself for a moment, then dropped to a knee clutching her face as more spikes burst forward from her back. “I-It’s no use...! I-I’ll need more suppressant!”
Each shot hit her square in the chest, but moments later, she was on her feet again and in a dead sprint for Mitsunari. The look in her eyes showed she was gone once more, her tails twisting behind her in preparations to attack him.
He took a stance, hand hovering over his odachi, before he gave one swift lightning fast slash and sheathed his quinque with a click. Jin's head flung to the floor from the momentum her body had from the sprint she had made to get to him.
Her kagune broke apart immediately, body collapsing to the floor in a heap at his feet as her head rolled backward. Her hair scattered around her, cut along with her neck. It wouldn’t kill her, not right away anyway, but the research and development lab needed to make her a stronger suppressant if she wanted to keep her head.
Mitsunari moved out of the room and informed the researchers, who were horrified to hear what he had to do to subdue her. But they cleaned her up anyway and moved to let her heal in her room.
Jin woke with disappointment, knowing Mitsunari had to use lethal force to subdue her once again. She was failing miserably to control herself, and every time she failed, it only further solidified her feelings that she needed to be put down.
“How long was I out this time..?” Jin asked groggily, her body feeling heavy, and neck stiff.
This didn’t bring Jin any joy. “So I’m assuming even the new sedatives had little affect on me, huh?” She murmured, finding her wrists and ankles to be secured to the bed. “Is Mitsunari-sosakan uninjured?”
"Yes! He is safe and unharmed but very concerned about your progress! He has requested we try and make something much stronger to help counteract the kakuja." She replied.
Jin nodded in agreement, looking back up at the ceiling. “Please do..” She requested softly.
Jin always had to choke down her meal, knowing it more than likely didn’t contain human flesh, but the fact that it was something that simulated such bothered her deeply. She ate as she was asked of though, doing her best to work with the CCG.
It felt like an endless cycle of training and eating and resting that she didn't really know how much time had passed.
"Kawabe-sosakan," the young woman entered her room, "you have a guest.."
Jin looked up from the book she had, having been given many amenities while locked up as to keep her from going stir crazy. “A guest?” She asked, taking her glasses off and rubbing her tired eyes.
She nodded and stepped aside to let the person in. Kojurou stepped in slowly, as if he wasn't fully prepared. He wasn't, regardless of how much he psyched himself up.
"I'll leave you two alone.." She said and left quietly.
Jin looked to Kojurou with wide eyes, then quickly turned her head away to hide her constantly active kakugan. It was shameful for anyone to see her like that, let alone Kojurou. She had been in such a pitiful state before she died, she had given away their only child, and now she was a monster, surely he hated her?
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