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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I feel a bit strange i do not mind the idea of getting you pregnant. I just don't to tarnish your image. " He spoke softly wanting to make an honest woman out of her.
Nia looked at him for a long moment with a soft smile on her face "well that is sweet but i will only want you to marry me because you love me and you want me to be yours. Not because i get pregnant. If i get pregnant and we are not married i don't care what people will say, if i did i would not have slept with you in the first place."
He smiled slipping his hand onto her inner thigh smiling kissing her cheek. "That's fine then lets get you cleaned up so i can hear you play!" He smiled giving her inner thigh a light squeeze.
"well you won't get me to hear play if you keep squeezing my thigh like that." Nia kissed him quickly and then began to wash herself "you are sure Namir will not mind?"
"I am sure besides he has a show coming soon I am certain he will want he will want you to perform. " He smiled his hand crept higher his hand nearly touching her womanhood as he squeeze a defiant look on his face.
Nia stopped washing herself when she felt his and climbing higher "so i guess you have decided against going to the threater" Nia teased softly.
"No i have just decided against going after a long slow bath. " He smiled his hand kneading the flesh of her thigh. He smiled looking into her eyes his hand rubbing her lower back lightly staring into her eyes.
Nia enjoyed the feeling of his hand rubbing her thigh he body was already wanting more "but the water in the bath is already getting colder, you wouldn't me getting sicker would?" Nia asked with an innocent smile
Docis smiled lifting his foot turning on the hot water for a few moments warming the water before turning it off again. "You where saying?"
Nia so he was smarter than she thought "well maybe i don't want to sit in here anymore maybe i no longer enjoy the company" With a playful smile she rose from the water and stepped out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body before play walking towards the door.
"Okay get dressed and ill take you to the theater. " He smirked if she was going to play games he was going to play them right back. He stood draining the water drying off following her out the door to the bedroom.
Nia was a little shocked that he would not play into her hands. "well maybe i don't want you to come to the theater with me, because i know you will just laugh at me"
"I have neglected my duties there long enough. " He smirked smacking her bottom lightly as he got dressed in a nice suit. "Myself and Namir share management. I handle the money he handles the acts. " He smiled back at her as he got dressed.
"you never told me that i thought you the town doctor" Nia took a seat on the bed wondering how much she still did not know about her beloved docis.
"I am the town doctor I help Namir with his theater. Namir and i have been traveling together for decades. " He smiled setting down next to her patting her lower back lightly kissing her cheek. He smiled leaning back onto his elbows watching her smiling.
Nia turned to look at him a piece of her hair falling in face as she "what other secrets are you keeping from me?" Nia asked softly with a smile on her face.
"None that i can think of at the moment. " He chuckled patting her side looking into her eyes chuckling brightly. "Are you going to get dressed or not? " He laughed softly pinching her side lightly smiling.
Nia leaned in and kissed him "i suppose so." She then moved from the bed and dressed in the dress he had bought her yesterday. "alright all dressed"
He smirked he loved the fact she was not wearing anything under the dress. It played into his hands perfectly. "Okay off we go." He smiled standing up placing his hand on her bottom as he lead her from the house. His hand moved to her side as they walked down the street keeping her close to his side.
Nia walked down the road to the theater with him. this was the first time she really stopped and looked the building. She realized that it was probably the biggest theater ever built. Nia hoped that Namir at the theater so she could thank him for all that he has done for her.
Docis kept his eyes watching constantly he was not going to let her out of his sight. He knew Thomas wanted her back and may try to have her kidnapped. He lead her into the theater and up to the piano smiling brightly as he pulled out the bench. "Play as long as you like. "
Nia smiled as he lead her to the bench and she took her place infront of the piano. her finger went right away to caressing the keys as if say hello to dear friends. Before she began playing she turned to look at him suddenly feeling embarrassed "alright, but why don;t you go take care of what you need to take care of you can come get me when you are ready to return home."
Docis chuckled and turned walking over to the stage door leaving it open he slipped a few feet down the hall and disappeared into a room. He shouted back to her chuckling. "Enjoy yourself! "
Nia stroked the first few keys going over what she would play first. She just a slower easier song fearing her fingers would forget how to play. But they didn't they gild over the keys and soon her song turned more complected, and fast but still graceful and elegant.
Docis gathered his things on a slip of board and sat down in the door way on a chair silently. He watched her work the keys as he ran the numbers threw his head. It was the perfect way to work.
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