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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"How you feeling? " He smiled kissing her forehead brushing her hair back out of her face. He knew she was probably a bit sore.
"i am ok. i barly hurt at all" Nia smiled but she did hurt, not badly but she could feel more then she was letting on. And Nia didn't want to tell him she felt sick last night.
"Well lets get some food in you and then clean up. " He smiled kissing her cheek before pulling away from her heading over to the table setting down.
"Only until after i bathe then i am going to get dressed and take you to the theater. " He smiled eating slowly his eyes watching her.
Nia ate slowly and then looked up at him when he said he was taking her to the theater. "so doctor since i am able to go to the theater does that mean i am cured?"
"It means your going to be fine. But do not think you can go off doing anything you want. You have at least 2 or 3 days before i will declare you cured. " He smiled his foot reaching out rubbing her leg lightly sighing happily just enjoying feeling her skin against his. "I am going to follow you like a lost puppy until then."
Nia laughed "well fine but don't be suprised when i spend most of the time leading you to the bedroom" Her hand reached out to his she couldn't help noticing how he had changed in the past 24 hours, he went from pushing her away to drawing her closer.
"Why would you be dragging me to the bedroom? " He spoke softly looking into her eyes wondering if she was not feeling well if she was maybe they should not leave.
"well because the bedroom is where i have the most fun with you" Nia smile was huge on her face she almost laughed when he looked worried.
"Oh we can have fun other places why don't you wear what you wore last night today you might find a surprise in the theater. " He laughed softly getting up. "I am going to take a bath. " He smiled turning and walking into the bathroom.
Nis watched him head to the bathroom. biting her lip a moment want so baddly to join him but knew he probably just want to wash up. She rose from the table cleaning up breakfast for him.
Docis wondered if she would join him he dared not ask her to but hoped she would. His body craved her more and more with each day. Though he was worried about her having a child his mind raced if she was pregnant what was he going to do?
Nia cleaned the plates from their breakfast. Once she finished she entered the bedroom going to the bathroom door to see if he was still bathing.
Docis cleaned himself up then sank back into the water when Nia entered the room he smiled looking at her. "Hey beautiful what are you up to?"
Nia smiled as she watched him bath. She could he was thinking about something. "oh i just finished cleaning up the kitchen from the wonderful breakfast you made." Nia and thought she would be bold "now i was wondering if you could use some company?"
"Sure run some more hot water and jump in. The water was getting a bit cold i was about to get out. But if you join me i will stay for a while. " He smiled waving her over patting his leg lightly making the water swirl.
Nia smiled and did as he said she ran some more hot water filling the tub with warmth again. then she stripped of her clothes before gracefully stepping into the pool of hot water. she settled herself in front of him her arms wrapped around him. "Docis when i came in here you seemed to be in thought, you looked almost worried. what is the matter please tell me" she asked softly.
"Just contemplating things that have happened lately. Not just with you. " He smiled Namir always told him he thought to much. "I am prone to doing that from time to time. "He smiled moving her so she was setting on his thigh laying her side against him. "There more comfortable. "
"well i don't like to see that look on your face, and thing i can help you, or you want to talk about" Nia's hand gently cupped his face. her eyes showing she just wanted to help because she carried about him.
"It is nothing i promise i am just a worry wart. " He smiled puckering up to show her he wanted a kiss as he sank in the water down to his neck pulling her in more.
Nia sighed softly "but i was having so much fun kissing you" Nia made a face and then began to cleaning herself. "My love, are you still ok with not using protection when we make love, i mean you know how i feel, but what about you, i mean you can be honest with me don't feel like you have to feel the same way as i do"
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