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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"I understand I just wish you would choose better times to test me. "He spoke softly feeling like the magical night they had already had was lost or ruined.
"well i didn't know now was a bad time to talk to you" she said softly/ She once agained moved closer to him wrapping her arms around him "i love you"
"Now was a fine time to talk to me. I just wish you had not brought up certain things after such a affectionate moment. Forget it happened. Lets just get some sleep. "He slipped his arms around her holding her close just wanting to go to bed and forget the last 10 minuets had happened.
Nia bit her lip a moment. She began to kiss his neck. nipping and sucking on the flesh there. and she moved away to kiss his lips there was a red mark on his neck. She kissed deeply passionately. Her body pressed tight to him. It was if the past 10 mins never happen.
Docis smiled looking at her kissing her cheek groaning happily. "I love the way your lips feel on my skin. " He spoke softly giving her a light squeeze. "The way you feel against my skin. "
"i love kissing your skin. I love being pressed tight to you" Nia kisses his nose and then rested against the pillows. she began to want him again.
He smiled placing his hand back on her bottom giving it a light squeeze. He remained silent kissing her cheek softly taking a deep breath. "Get some sleep love before something else happens. "
"well the other i want to happen is for you to be inside me again" Her small hand move to touch his manhood just gently gliding over it.
He groaned softly as she touched him taking a deep breath relaxing. He smiled closing his eyes as he grew under her had. "What are you planning on doing to get that to happen?" He groaned softly kissing and nibbling on her neck taking a deep breath.
Nia smiled, she was a little shocked that he didn't tell her she needed her rest. That it would not be wise for them to be together a second time with her body still being a little weak "mmm i don't know" Her hand kept gently touching him, she knew very little about how to please a man.
"Perhaps you should figure out a way to get what you want. " He smirked at her knowing this was the only way he could resist her even a little bit.
Nia bit her lip a little thinking. Gently her hand wrapped around him giving a soft squeeze to his memeber not knowing if that would work.
He gave her a soft kiss on the neck kissing and nibbling fighting to hold back a soft groan as she gripped him. "Just do what you think i might like and we will see how it feels men are simple in that area. "
He groaned softly as she slipped up and down him his shaft still moist from there previous love making. "I take it you are not going to go to sleep until i pleasure you again. " He smiled his hand began to kneed her bottom lightly his other had resting on her breast doing the same.
"nope because you did not do a good job tiring me out the first time." Nia teased and almost challenged him to tire her out this time.
He pinched her nipple lightly giving it a soft tug. His fingers slipped down her body to between her legs rubbing her clit lightly. "Shame. "
Nia let out a soft moan enjoying the feeling of him playing with her body all she could is moan softly while squeezing his member
He continued to rub her clit firmly smiling watching her face. "I think i will have to dream something up so i can satisfy you like i failed to do last time. " He smiled rubbing harder and faster on her clit.
Nia gasped softly as he played with her. "you statisfied me the last time, you just didn't tire me out in fact you made me fill more alive."
Docis smiled and continued rubbing her groaning softly holding her bottom squeezing firmly. He smiled looking at her kissing her cheek lightly nibbling on her neck as he rubbed her faster. "I see then maybe we should not make love again if it will only make you wake up more. "
Nia gave him another squeeze her hand slidding up and down his member but then her hand slid away he was working her body into a frenzy. She panted heavily. She shuddered a little "your right i will probably never sleep again if we keep this up, but i don't care i want you so badly" Part of what she was feeling was he body telling her it had enough but she pushed that aside she wanted more.
He smiled getting to his knees grabbing the pillows from the bed mounding them up. His hands moved her gently so her waist was laying on the pillows her ass high in the air. "Lets see how you feel about this position. " He smiled parting her lips slipping his finger deep into her from behind.
Nia watched him move and wanted to pull him back down to her. But before she had the chance he had pulled her up and moved her the way he wanted her. she felt funny with how he moved her. but then sighed happily as he pushed his finger into her.
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