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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

"No that is just the most important. " He chuckled kissing her softly his hand gripping her side as his tongue flicked and teased over her lips.
Docis smiled and laid back looking up at her smiling brightly. " So is that a yes? " He chuckled looking into her eyes winking playfully at her.
"Good. " He smiled taking a deep breath relaxing his hand rubbing over her spine the fact she was his and she wanted him so much made him to excited to sleep just yet.
Nia sighed as she tried to go to sleep but it was useless. "alright i can't sleep yet. how about we meet each other half way, how we just talk, that way i am sort of resting"
"Sounds fine to me what would you like to talk about? " He laughed looking into her eyes tracing his fingers up and down her spine he was glad the blanket blocked his view of her body or he would take her again.
"No i have no family they all died long ago. " He said calmly seeming to hold little to no remorse for there deaths. He looked at her smiling as his hand moved and rested on her bottom just holding it lightly.
"well you just deciced one day you just want to help people or was there another reason behind it?" Nia did not find his answer to be any help
"My family died i wanted to prevent that from happening again. " He spoke softly giving her bottom a light squeeze hoping to distract her constant questioning.
NIa sighed "there you go putting up your road blocks again" She couldn't help but call him out on what he was doing, all she was trying to do was get to know him better but he seem to stop her right away.
"I am just tired that's all. " He looked at her frowning hoping she was not to mad. " Sorry ask away anything you like. "
"i will when i am ready." Nia tried not to sound angry but in truth she was frustrated. Just when the two started to really get into to thinks it came to a grinding halt again.
He turned on his side looking at her taking a deep breath. "Lets talk. Please. " He could tell she was upset and that mad e him sad.
Nia looked at him part of her want to tell him no to go to sleep, but part of her didn't want to have an agrument. she choose not to argue, "alright what do you want to talk about?" leaving it in his court so that she would not upset him with her questions
"I don't know why don't you pick up where you left off. " He spoke softly giving her a peck of a kiss on the cheek laying down looking into her eyes.
Nia sighed she did not want to ask the question again because it upset him. But yet she wanted to know the answer she wanted to know about his past "well you know the question i last asked. I will understand if you do not wish to tell me"
"I did answer it. I told you my family died i wanted to help other not have that problem. " He spoke softly looking at her shrugging lightly.
"who died, you parents, your sibling, maybe your wife and children, what did they die of, a few details into your past would not hurt, i mean you know my mine, hell you faced mine. I just want to know you Docis" Her frustration now clear in her voice. She sat up as she spoke worked into a little bit of a frenzy.
"My mother died in a storm with no doctor to fix her wounds we lost her. My father was sick for years and died a slow painful death. I have no siblings and have never been in love before. "
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