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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

He smiled and let her in moving to kiss her cheek before leading her over to the couch to set down. "Did you see the night gowns i got you as well?" He smiled kissing her cheek snuggling into her.
Nia sat on the couch with him, leaning against him softly. "what, really!?" She seemed so happy at the thought. "but you didn't to buy me those, i mean i didn't need one right away i just wanted one"
"You have 2!" He chuckled kissing her cheek smiling brightly kissing her softly holding the kiss for some time.
Nia knew it must have cost him a great deal of money and she couldn't believe he would do that for her. She kissed him back gently. her arms resting around him.
His body screamed for him to rip off her dress but he knew he needed to go slow. He smiled as he kissed her deeply passionately slowly laying her down on the couch.
Docis was awaking a passion in her. Nia laid down kissing him deeply. For the first time she knew what she felt for him, she felt it clear as day. she loved him, she had fallen in love with this man. She feared though that he did not yet love her.
Docis groaned enjoying the kiss standing up slowly breaking it looking into her eyes. "I think we should get to to bed. "Why don't you go get ready, I .... I have to get something from my office. " He spoke softly biting his lip, his mind screaming no but his body and heart telling him to press forward.
Nia wanted to pull him back to her when he pulled away. But she didn't she laid there a moment staring up at him then she nodded and disappeared into the bed room. She entered the bathroom to change into the nightgowns he bought her. She pulled out the black one and changed into it. He brushed her hair but left it down. Then went into the bedroom and made the bed.
Docis went into his office and grabbed some protection slipping it into his pocket before coming out of the office and heading into the bedroom. "Ready for bed?" He said smiling as he walked into the room.
Nia nodded. She felt her body getting tired knowing it would be probably be good for her to rest and not push herself hard, but her heart was screaming. She wanted him so badly and she knew that he wanted her to. Nia climbed into bed waiting for him.
"Aww you got into bed with out me! I wanted to see how you looked in the nightie i bought you!" He pouted playfully leaning against the door unbuttoning his shirt slowly. "Would you mind if i did not sleep fully clothed tonight?"
"well maybe you will have to come here and see it" Nia said cutely. Nia then watched his start to unbutton his shirt her eyes fixed on him. "no i wouldn't mind" she said softly almost meekly.
"How much would you be comfortable with me wearing?" He chuckled slipping his shirt off he was still in very good shape for a man in his thirties years of hard work had saw to that. "Or should i say how little. " He laughed softly his eyes watching her.
Nia watch has his shirt came off. She was awful struck by his body. His body did not reflect his age. "i um, whatever you feel comfortable wearing." Her heart raced in her chest. Not knowing what to say. Or what to do for that matter.
Docis smiled as he could almost feel her eyes on him. He smirked and walked over to the bed undoing his pants as he walked. He smiled and pushed the covers off her slowly then ran his hand up her calf slowly. "I think you look wonderful in your nightie!" He smiled as his pants fell leaving him in just shorts.
Nia heart felt like it was going to race from her chest. It was beating so hard and so fast as she watched him undo his pants. when he started to pull down her covers she almost pulled them back feeling almost shy. But she didn't she just blushed as her heart raced.
"Did my little angel just lose her ability to speak? " He smiled leaning down pressing his lips tenderly into her calf rubbing it lightly.
"Can i ask you to do something for me and you have to promise to do it? " he smiled looking up at her kissing her calf up and down slowly.
Nia bit her lip "i can't promise anything until i know your request." Nia never liked breaking a promise, so she wanted to know the promise before she made it and didn't want to make it if it was impossible to keep.
"Let me go at my pace and do not ask me to rush. It is going to be hard but. I want you to enjoy this. " He smiled giving her calf a light squeeze before he moved to kiss her ever so tenderly.
Nia kissed him back and then broke the kiss "i can promise you that, because right now i am a littler nervous and afraid, and i am at loss for what to do." she explained softly. Letting him know how she felt seem to take some of the edge off what she was feeling.
"If you are certain you want to do this then just let me do it i promise i will walk you threw every bit of it. " He spoke softly as his hand began pushing her nightie up ever so slowly.
"Docis, i want this, no i want you, i want every part of you, and i don't care how afraid i am, my heart is screaming for you. I love you" Nia blurted out and then she froze "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to sound as if i am rushing you, i just can't help how i feel" Nia bit her lip hard afraid that she now ruined everything.
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