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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

Docis smiled handing her the bag with his things smiling looking at her giving her a grin. "I bought you these gifts you could put them on and show me what they look like on you. " He laughed looking into her eyes smiling staring at her chuckling.
Nia looked at him with shock. "you didn't have to give me a gift. You done so much for as it is." Nia went over to him and kissed him. then she took the bag and disappeared into the bathroom to put on the clothes wanting to surprise it.

Nia first saw the form fitting dress and the sexy under clothes and she smiled. Putting them on. she took an extra few moments to adjust the top because it was made to give her breast a booste and made to look as if they were about to spill out from the dress. then she did her hair and slowly open the door standing in the frame.
Docis shook his head smiling look at her smiling brightly. "You look amazing. " He smiled walking over to her kissing her cheek.
Nia blushed and moved from the door way. "thank you" She wrapped her arms around him. She felt like a new woman. Free to feel beautiful and the dress her bought certainly made her feel that way.
"You are going to be the talk of the town sexiest piano player in town." He chuckled softly giving her a soft kiss his hands running over her sides.
Nia shook her head "no i'm not." Nia blushed more. She was glad to see he liked the dress. She wondered if he was going to like what was underneath it.
"I Lets go to dinner? " He smiled kissing her cheek turning and leading her from the house again taking her to a small restaurant in town.
Docis sat them down and ordered his favorite meal for both of them knowing that it was what the cook was the best at making. "Your going to love this its quite good. Do you drink wine?"
Docis ordered a bottle of wine for them as well reaching across the table to take her hand holding it lightly. "I am going to have to crack you out of a shell aren't i."
"yes perhaps you will have to. But i can't believe you will be able to, i mean a man your age unmarried, i think you just as much of a hermit as i was" Nia teased has she threaded her fingers with his.
"Trust me my dear i have seen a good many things traveling with namir. " He smiled rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
Nia smiled "perhaps we can have Namir and his wife over for diner one night. I was taught to cook, one of the few things i was allowed to do, so i can cook us a meal. But i would very much like to get to know him better because he seems so dear to you"
"More like i am dear to him. That would be fine except we would need to eat there. His wife is confined to her home. Perhaps after she has her child. " He smiled as their dinner was delivered to them docis smiled and began eating.
"She is pregnant and she lost her last child so for the safety of the baby we have her on bed rest. I am certain she will be delighted to come out of her home once she has the baby. "
Nia nodded "i am sure she would be" Nia smiled and began to eat. Think of her own confinement and how not it was to finally be free
He smiled and ate slowly his eyes never leaving her he could not believe that this beautiful young woman wanted to be with him.
Nia eat slowly enjoying her first meal in a restaurant. Nia's eyes were locked on his as they ate. She couldn't believe how luck she was be here with him. Nia finished her meal and looked at him "thank you for bring me here it was wonderful"
"Did you enjoy your first wine? " He smiled taking the bottle filling her glass again ordering something for desert. He knew she was healthy enough to have a few drinks as long as they did not get carried away.
"That is the wine darling that is what it is meant to do. " He chuckled softly having another sip leaning back watching her waiting for her to finish her last glass before they left.
Nia sipped her glass.She thought this was a wonderful night. It took her a little bit of time to finish her glass but she did smiling at him softly.
Docis smiled and helped her from the car leading her out and to his home. "You look amazing have i told you that lately? " He smiled looking at her smiling brightly kissing her cheek.
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