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R rated questions

I had never considered it before, given it any thought. It looks like it could be quite fun though~
Though it's definitely something to be done with a small group at least.

Have you ever done self bondage while masturbating? How exactly?
I have never done anything related with bondage, altough experimentation is always possible, so i wouldn't say no to it, just so i can give it a try.

In your opnion, what is the biggest age gap you are comfortable having with someone, in terms of a lover? (Example: You are comfortable with having a lover that is 23 years older than you, but any more than that and you would feel uncomfortable, or do you think its to old and Vice versa.)
really depends on what age you are at the time. if I was 18 maybe 30 years older. But If i were 35 to 40 only 10 to 15 years older. I have my standards and thats tits that don't sag to your knees just yet

If You could stop time and go any place in the world and fuck anyone you wanted because of course they are frozen in time and can't even see you...who would you fuck and where.
Probably a bunch of my bitchy colleagues. I'd finger bang them until they pop, and then unfreeze them all simultaneously.
>Omea wa mo, cum daro
(You already came.)

If you got yourself a threesome, would you prefer your partners to be submissive, or dominant? Perhaps one submissive, the other dominant? What would be the most enjoyable pairing for you?
Personally, considering I'm mostly used with being the sub, I would prefer being the dom in the threesome, and the other two would be submissive. The most enjoyable pairing in terms of well gender would be two lesbians submissive females. Altough if I had to pick another thing, I think having two older lesbian female doms would be quite enjoyable, but only if they lean to the more gentle and sweet side.

So I'd like to ask, when does clingness becomes a problem? Like what are the actions that show that someone is way to cling with you and they should chill a bit.
Personally, considering I'm mostly used with being the sub, I would prefer being the dom in the threesome, and the other two would be submissive. The most enjoyable pairing in terms of well gender would be two lesbians submissive females. Altough if I had to pick another thing, I think having two older lesbian female doms would be quite enjoyable, but only if they lean to the more gentle and sweet side.

So I'd like to ask, when does clingness becomes a problem? Like what are the actions that show that someone is way to cling with you and they should chill a bit.

When you are being so terribly clingy that you can't exist without the other person, you get an emotional rush by even just the touch or the fact that the other person talks to you, and you constantly bother them even after the other person has had enough and asks you to stop.

Have you ever wished you could romantically kiss a family member or relative?
Ummm I once, it's embarrassing but my boyfriend once fingered me on a plane....not in the bathroom either, it was an overnight flight and I asked him to do it.

What's the most embarrassing moment you've been fingered?
The most embarrassing was probably the first time, to be honest...
It was in a hotel room in france, the very night that I turned 15. With my (current!) girlfriend.

Have you ever done an erotic dance for someone, or asked someone to do one for you?
Of course. She has the sexy moves down pat. Mine was more of a cave man mating dance... yeah.

This is another good question, I pass it along with the following Mod: Did you ask them to entertain a fetish of yours while they did?
Well in roleplays? sometimes I have been gagged and bound, not the most fun thing in my opnion.

IRL? well unless I get alot of my fetish while being gagged and bounded, I don't think I would do it willingly.

Question: How big was the biggest post someone sent to you in a roleplay session? and was it so big that you disliked it?
Well in roleplays? sometimes I have been gagged and bound, not the most fun thing in my opnion.

IRL? well unless I get alot of my fetish while being gagged and bounded, I don't think I would do it willingly.

Question: How big was the biggest post someone sent to you in a roleplay session? and was it so big that you disliked it?
It was almost two pages and yes I didn’t like it I felt a little intimidated and afraid I would not meet their standards

Do you prefer sexual or non sexual rp
I prefer sexual Rps. Altough recently i have taken an interest in doing non sexual ones, but personally i'm more experienced with sexual ones, and well they are more enticing to do. I suppose the sexual part and the whole roleplay around the more sexual nature of it is the most enticing thing and it feels like the "bang" of the RP.

Question: Have you ever made a character purely for the lols (Like a complete joke character). But you liked its concept/personality so much that you ended up writing a more complex and fleshed out background/character traits for it?
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At least 15 times. The favorite would be the archetypical doddering old grumpy wizard character, and his goose familiar.

Do you like darker RPs, and if so what advice would you give someone who is new to the experience?
I love dark roleplays~ the main advice I'd give someone is to pick a character that suit she scene. Preferably even make an original character just for the scene.

Question: What is the darkest fantasy that you have ever orgasmed to?
The one where a professional mistress works my length with her long black opera gloves, as I am restrained, smearing around the lipstick marks she made there earlier.

She does this as she forces me to watch as her team of professional lesbian surgeons, dressed in fetish latex medical gear, work on her scumbag ex husband, as he is kept awake, unanesthitised, for the entireity of the "procedures".

"I will be a loving, faithful, and caring life companion to you. But know this; If you ever betray me as that animal has, you will force my hand to do the same to you..."

Same question :D
Hmm, I think something involving me and a tentacle creature. It's a little plant based thing that seems rather harmless, yet eager to satisfy. Curious, I let it pleasure me and after I orgasm it seems to grow bigger. At first, I am delighted and excited, but things soon spiral. Each orgasm feeds the creature and before long escape is impossible. Eventually, I pass out from exhaustion.

After a while, I awaken. I realise a tentacle is still in my mouth, feeding me sap. Even more surprisingly I realise that I feel oddly refreshed, though the vast size of the tentacle creature frightens me. It appears to have taken over the forest I found it in and, in the distance, I can hear other screams of pleasure. I realise that there is now no escape, but death by exhaustion. That is until a tentacle smears sap over a previous wound and it heals before my eyes. With horror I realise that this is my fate; to feed the creature forever, with no hope of escape or death.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever masturbated to?
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