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That feel when...

TFW your current partners are such incredibly talented writers that you have extremely high standards for new partners.

I'm totally with you there, Xana. Sometimes I think I've been spoiled by the ones I have/had and wonder how I got so lucky! xd

That feel when you toss something into a post, thinking it no big deal, and wake up to three messages from your partner telling you how much she loved it. Knowing her infectious enthusiasm will have you smiling all day as she determines to use the dice-bot to decide the fortunes of chance (and subsequent plot direction) and runs off to figure out how it works!!
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That feeling when...

You want to write, but nothing's happening with the few stories you have due to RL, none of the active request threads grab you because they're looking for things you don't want to write, and you don't put up a request thread because you know you're time-poor for writing anyway.
That feeling when you're running on empty and trying to force replies out with a muse that's tapped-out. Forcing out what I can, but I hope the weekend is a bit better, as I've acquired quite the backlog... And I have so many good RPs to reply to! I want to do them justice.
That feeling when you were planning to reply to a different story, and then you get a response that makes you scrap those plans and respond right away.
That feeling when it takes you five times longer to come up with a title and decide on character names than it does for you to write the starter post to pop them into. I'm still thinking!

That feeling when you stop bumping your threads because you feel you're at your absolute limit with stories. Then, in the next few days, receive more compatible approaches from people you'd love to write with than you've had in the twelve months prior and your brain does mental gymnastics, trying everything in it's power to convince you that, yes, you can take on one...two...three more!
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That feel when you're told you've totally nailed the 'asshole' role of your character.

Well, they do say it's easier to write what you know :)
That feeling when you reread an old, abandoned rp and you remember all the plans that never materialized. Guess I have to write it out on my own. :(
Or you pick it up adn try it again! And again and again if you have to, until you find the right person to write it with and get it done!
So you pick up a modified version of it!

Harder, sure, but not impossible. I've no doubt you'd ahve the writing choips to be able to make it work Xana!
That feeling when you finally find the right rp style but then you realize that you need to be buzzed from your pain meds to do it.
That feel when someone you've known on the site for four years or so says,

"Hey, maybe we should write together sometime,"

and you go,

"Damn, that sounds like a good idea. Why hasn't either of us thought of it before?"
TFW your current RP partners are awesome and you wake to a potential new one with some cool ideas that make you consider playing a male character for the first time in a long time.​
That feel when you spend time to create an interesting world for you and your partner but soon realize that the only person who cares is you
TFW you write 1000+ words of rp posts, but you got ahead of yourself, and only end up using 250 in a post. :oops:

Lol, Xana, the number of times I've done that with you and our stories. Deleted six paragraphs of contextual filler that would have bored you to tears - but that I needed to get out of my head and onto the page first - before hitting the submit button!

That feel when you look at your active stories list and realise how incredibly fortunate you are to have the amount of consistently reliable, long-term partners you do. Somehow, seven have managed to put up with me for more than a year with three over or closing in on five!
That feel when you wake up in the morning to reread the final post you wrote for the evening and it's shite, but the feeling of disappointing yourself urges you to change gears towards more passionate writing.

Ugh... the worst, when it sounds good to your sleepy mind and then you re read, that’s one really nice thing about Discord, being able to go back and edit at anytime.
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@SoftWhispers sorry, not sure I follow. 😅 what do you mean that's a nice thing about Discord?, on Discord you write less trash posts when you're tired but being stubborn?

You can edit discord posts at any time, whereas BMR has a 15 minute limit for editing PM’s and then your shame is permanent.

Edited my post for clarity. (Ironic)
That feeling when you realize that something funny you wrote in an rp cracks you up every time you read it because you could actually see it happening to you in real life.
When you have pages of RP with someone and they just leave without warning despite your hard work and positive relation, yet they still visit the forum.
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