There are six players to do something... anything about the situation. Just a little help, because it is a first time I DM to you.
1.) What is the problem? Facts:
- The gnome shopkeeper said something, and literally thrusted his daughter at you.
- There is a secret entrance, possible a secondary to the mound that houses the Death's Door.
- Outside one of the more bloodthirsty and evil faction disturbs the peace of the street, and they are getting closer and closer.
2.) WitP II. Fiction until you do something:
- The gnome teen is a virgin/innocent, but also kind of the gnome equivalent of a Emo Gothic Dark Punk in Funk (not that easy to see, but it is supposed to be at least a teen in depression)
- The entrance into the mound is innocent-protected, or in other words, no virgins can go in. Theoretically that is whatstopped the Gnome from going in already.
- Her birthday is that day, (supposedly turning at least 15, but very possibly looking older a year or two)
- The tent is closed and protected in some way, at least from getting out that easily
3.) Side story:
- You are all drugged. This way or that, but every one of the present character is feeling the heat, so to say, the arousal, the lowered inhibitions... And as any Cleric or druid (half the party) could attest to, there is a Wisdom loss, quite heavy for some, not that obvious for others. [Basically you just lost all wisdom bonuses, and even got a negative one or two to any wisdom based rolls against seduction or anything sexually interesting or pleasurable.]
And a little situation control:
EVERYONE is in one small area, surrounded by your equipments, and a shopload of second hand colorful clothes.