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Who are you, really? (Wei_Tian & Nepharian)

When he mentioned that she might get what she wanted out of this, she gave another smirk. "Let me be the judge of that Professor." she retorted. After all, she wasn't wanting the knowledge of magic. That would only be an extra bonus to learn about someone else's magic. She just wanted to get closer to him to find out what his objective was.

Slowly, she raised her arms above her head, feeling her shirt move with it. Now, as she was standing there, her whole stomach was exposed. Feeling a little unsteady on her feet, she moved her feet so that they were parallel with her shoulders to give her a better sense of balance.
She actually did it... and he loved that.
He watched her cropped shirt rise further at the motion, now revealing her entire midriff.
The position was vulnerable, as if she was giving herself to him... and that was sexy.

While there was no visible change to the light surrounding her wrists, it would now be impossible for her to move her hands more than a few centimeters.
Such was his will... and his magic obeyed.

"Well then... I will let you judge." he said calmly.

He then reached out and ran his fingers across her bare stomach, more than eager to find out just how soft and vulnerable she would be...
As she stood there, she could feel the magic on her wrists change from being warm to being hot and almost unbearable. She had a feeling that he adjusted the magic binding to be more restricting. It threw her off a bit. But, she was not able to think about that for too long before she felt his fingers on her stomach, causing her breath to hitch a little.

Her parents had promised her to a son of village elders in the next forest over. After he went to war some time ago and was killed, no other male had been willing to accept her. She never had a chance to "bond" with her betrothed. So, outside of watching human videos or reading human literature, she was not used to any sort of intimate touch.
"So smooth... your skin is just like silk." he said, and smiled a bit at her.
She was so tempting as she stood there, unable to defendd herself or even cover her stomach from him...
This was indeed going to be enjoyable.

But... one step at a time.

"Let's find out how soft you are..."
He then placed a hand flat on her stomach, and pushed it slightly inwards...
When he pushed into her stomach, Emily could not help but let out a small noise. It wasn't that it hurt, just something she wasn't used to. Perhaps it hurt even more since her muscle mass in that area was pretty much non-existent now and it was mainly a small bit of fat covering the underlying muscle. Not too hard and not too soft. If anything, for most, her stomach would be the "Goldilocks Stomach".

"What...what are you planning to do?" she asked quietly.
Soft, as in weak and unable to resist what was going to happen.
That was what her stomach felt like - and that was something he really liked!

The girl had an amazing midriff - slim and slightly toned, and yet soft and vulnerable. It was nothing short of perfect.

Eran smiled at the small noise she made... would she be able to take what was about to happen?

"What am I planning to do...?" he repeated her words,
With that, he pulled his hand away from her, releasing the pressure, and closed it into a fist.

And then, he punched her in the stomach.

His fist went in right above her belly button, and even though the punch was not hard, she would definitely feel it.
And if she did not flex, his fist would even go in a bit deep - which would add to the pain as well as the very intense feeling...
Even though she saw it coming, she had no time to react. The moment his fist made contact, a small grunt came out of lips as the years of physical combat training took over as she flexed and stepped back slightly. Still feeling the burning sensation on her wrists, she could not easily move her hands to cradle her stomach.

But...even though she felt the pain, there was something else she was feeling. She could not put her finger on it. She decided to brush it off as being near too much magic in a while, even though that was definitely not the feeling and she knew it. "So, you're only going to go once?" she asked quietly. She figured that she would egg him on to see if she could experience this feeling again to try to pinpoint exactly what she was feeling.
Oh, it felt amazing... nothing less.
His fist against her bare stomach was incredibly intense to him - it was the one thing he had always loved. And she was gorgeous!

The girl's words surprised him though.
What was this now...? She was actually wanting more?

"Are you going to keep flexing?" he shot back with a challenging smile.
"Or do you dare take it while soft and vulnerable...?"
"Hm, give me a few shots and my instinct to flex and retreat may vanish." she retorted. Now, a challenging look was in her eye as she went back to making eye contact. From what she could tell, he wasn't giving a full punch, so it shouldn't hurt too bad if she didn't flex. It was just trying to rewrite her brain to ignore the years of physical combat training she had done in the village.

"So, how about it Professor. Want to see if I can take it without flexing?" she asked curiously as a small smirk came to her face. It had been a while since she felt this type of pain. Perhaps, it wouldn't be too bad to have him keep going.
"Oh, I was planning on that, in case you're not up for it initially." he said, smiling slightly at her.
What was it with this girl? This was really refreshing...!

"Maybe. Or maybe I just enjoy it more like that." he said, and sent his fist towards her again.
This time, he aimed for the upper part of the stomach - which was a way more painful experience for her. Especially if she did not flex.
Out of habit again, the moment his fist made contact with her stomach, she flexed and stepped back. Her leg briefly raised, as if she was ready to kick him. But, it soon lowered as she reined in that old habit. This punch hurt more than the first and she knew it landed in a different spot. So, he was aiming for her to feel the pain.

"I guess it is going to take a bit to stop me from flexing." she admitted. She was about to say something else when her eyes flicked to the door before a soft knock could be heard. Given the time, it was about the time of day where the mail was delivered to the professors offices. So, Emily could only assume it was a student-staff person delivering something for Eran.
What a treat this was!
Sure, she was flexing... but that made it into a fun little game. One that she was apparently in on.

"Well then... we better work on that." he said with amusement in his eyes.

And then, the party pooper.

Eran turned his head to look at the door.
"Alright then... I'm going to trust you. Get out of sight." he said and snapped his fingers, which immediately dispelled the binding magic.

He then went over to open the door, slightly curious as to who this might be.
As the binding magic released, Emily bolted over to a closet and climbed into it before quietly closing the door. As she sat there, she wondered why Eran wanted her to hide. Couldn't they just explain that she was there asking about class? It wasn't a minute more, that she was glad she hid.

Standing at the door was a 6 foot tall muscular built guy in his early twenties, probably on the football team. When the door opened, his eyes scanned the room, only to not see Emily, "Where is she?" he demanded. Though, his breath reeked of alcohol and pot. "I saw you two leave together from the Cafe and walk this way. What did you do with her?" he asked.

Hearing the male's voice, Emily tried to calm her breathing. Even though the closet door was solid, she was still afraid that the boy would hear. All she could do was hope that he would not do anything stupid towards Eran.
When he saw what awaited ourtside the door, Eran was not impressed.
The stench of alcohol and pot made him raise an eyebrow slightly, and he smiled a bit as the guy spoke.
So he had seen them leave the café together...?

"She...? I assume you mean miss Applebrook? She had a few questions about class, and we parted ways after leaving the café... not that it is any of your concern."
He decided to start out mildly.
There was no reason to treat the guy badly... not yet, at least.
As Eran gave his answer, the boy could only get more upset. "Bullshit! I saw her come here!" he roared. Obviously making it known that he either followed the two after the cafe, or he was bullshitting himself. "So, where is she?" he asked as he moved to step into the office.

Hearing the man-child yell again made Emily even more apprehensive than when he first got there. Why couldn't he just accept Eran's answer and leave? It was then, as she wished this all would end, that she felt a warmth within herself. Wishing this would all end, a magical force radiated from her heart and headed towards the boy before she heard him stammer as a faint glow appeared around his head.

"I'm...I'm sorry Professor. I must have been mistaken." he managed to say. This time, quietly, though his eyes were glazed over and void of any emotion. Without another word, he turned and left. His movement was more robotic and he was completely oblivious to the glow around his head and to the unnatural feeling coming from the closet.
Eran was just about to say something when he sensed the use of magic nearby... very nearby.
He raised an eyebrow slightly as the jock was mind-affected by the spell, and nodded silently as the guy left.
To be honest, he had been prepared to school the boy... but now, his mind was on different things indeed.

He closed the door, and turned around to look at the closet in which she was hiding.
"So it was you in the classroom..." he said, still calm and collected.
"It seems you either learned magic somewhere... or you are not actually a human."
Hearing the door close and then hearing Eran talk, Emily opened the closet and nodded. "Indeed, it was me. I didn't realize until the cafe that you knew magic." she offered. Slowly, she walked over to him and sighed. "I am not human either. I am only here, acting as a human to distinguish how much the humans know about magic and about magical races." she answered before she moved over and sat on the couch.

With a calming sigh, her ears suddenly became pointed and her facial bone structure became more narrow. "I am a Wood Elf, Professor. What are you?" she asked curiously as she turned to look at him. Curious to learn what he was.
A wood elf... what a surprise.
And she was trying to find out how much the humans knew about magic...?
"I must admit, you caught me by surprise... and that is something that almost never happens." he said with a small chuckle.
"Perhaps I have grown too comfortable here, among the humans."

He walked over to her, so that he stood in front of her as she sat there on the couch.
Looking at her with a calm gaze, he said: "What I am is not important. It is not a knowledge that you need."
When he admitted that she caught him by surprise, she could only give a small giggle. But, then he did not answer her. Looking up at him, she gave a small frown. "Are you sure? I am not here just for some social experiment." she retorted before she looked away. "How long have you been among the humans? Has anyone discovered your true identity yet?" she asked, looking back at him.

She had to admit, she was hurt that he did not disclose what he was, and it probably showed on her face. Her other curse about being with the humans was not having the mask anymore. Humans were very emotional and it was starting to rub off on her. But, why was Eran being so mysterious, even after knowing about her?
"So you are here to possibly investigate me...?" he said, slight humor in his voice.
That'd be fun... slightly annoying and potentially dangerous... but still comical.

He did notice her slightly hurt expression... but at the same time, if he did tell her what she was, it might get truly dangerous at some point.
If this girl went back to her people like the good little agent she maybe was, and told on him...
"None have discovered my real identity." he said.
"Not that it is of any concern to the elves."
"I'm only here to see how much the humans know about all of us. I am a delegate of the Wood Elves. There are delegations from all races here to do the same thing. I am only observing, that is it." she answered his first question. As he answered the second one, then mentioned that it was not any concern to the elves, she stood up and looked up into his eyes, " is a concern of mine." she offered gently.

With another frown, she turned and looked at the door. Her facial features returning to that of a human. "I guess I shall take my leave, Professor." she murmured as she headed towards the door. She had too much to think about, including why Eran was being so mysterious. It sucked, since she thought she might have been falling for him. But, perhaps it was not the best idea and it might be best to keep her distance.
It seemed strange that she took this to hear like that. Almost as if she personally wanted to know this... but the question circling around in his mind was... why?
Why on earth was she so interested in this?

As she headed towards the door, he turned calmly to look at her with a slight frown.
This girl was a mystery...

"...a dragon." he said then, deciding that taking the chance would be more interesting than dangerous.
It wasn't until she was close to the door when she heard him state he was a dragon. A small smile graced her lips. So, her half smart-assed hunch of him needing such a big space was correct. Turning, she looked at him, the smile still on her face. "Thank you for telling me Professor." she offered.

"I shall see you tomorrow for class. I still have more questions for you. May I just come here after class?" she asked curiously. She was so confused on many things, but thankfully that did not show on her face. But, she was starting to get a pounding headache. She couldn't tell if it was because she used magic for the first time in years, or if it was because of everything that she had been learning and trying to sort out.
He folded his arms across his chest and watched her with a small smile.
What an interesting girl...
Normally, he would not have let her go. But this situation was very different than the previous ones.

"Alright then, miss Applebrook." he said.
"You can come here after class."
Once she got the approval to come after class, she gave a small nod before she walked out of the office. Slowly, she started to head towards the dorms, but the headache only got worse. Looking around and after not seeing anyone, she put her hand to her head and murmured quietly. Her hands started to glow as she tried using magic to cure the headache to no avail.

When she reached the small wooded area, she walked off of the path and found a big tree. Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground and leaned back against the trunk and closed her eyes. She didn't think she used too much magic when she stopped that boy from doing anything rash to Eran. But, perhaps it was enough. With a small groan, she decided it would be best to nap. Hopefully, no one saw her here.
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