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Who are you, really? (Wei_Tian & Nepharian)

"I do, Emily." was the reply.
He took another sip of his coffee, emptying the cup.

"And why? Well... for the simple reason of me being able to understand, sense and use magic."
Would she believe him? Few had... many hadn't...
As he answered her question, at first she thought he was bullshitting her. After he stated that he could use magic, her eyebrow raised again. Downing her tea, she leaned back and crossed her arms just above her bust. She was studying his face, trying to find any hint of him lying.

"Could you show me your magic? If I see it...then I'd definitely believe in it." she answered. Checkmate, time to see if he was being truthful or not.
He smiled at that.
Of course she wanted proof.
Just like others before her.

"Very well." he said and leaned a bit forward.
A small display would do no harm, and even if the girl went around and told everyone, nobody was like to believe her.

"Watch closely." he said... and then his eyes changed.
The steely grey became a molten golden, slightly glowing with mysterious power. As if he was something entirely else than an actual, human being.
The way this looked, there was no way it could be a simple trick.

After a mere two seconds, his eyes changed back to normal.
As his eyes changed from steely grey to the molten golden color, she could feel something in the air. Her feelings were torn, part of her was relieved that she had another magic user nearby, but the other part of her was somewhat apprehensive on why a magic user would be teaching mythology. Was he trying to get humans to learn about them? Also, why was he showing his magic so freely?

"So...are you in the human world to study how much humans know of magic?" she asked. After all, that was her purpose here. It just sucked that the professor was not human. She would possibly have to leave soon to go find another university to start the process all over.
"Oh trust me, humans know almost nothing about magic." he said and leaned back again.
"I am here mainly for... personal gains. And if I find some price worthy of it, to educate truly."

Her reaction differed from everyone elses. She was strangely calm.about what she had seen.
Was she perhaps not human after all?
He wondered...
Personal gains? Emily was super confused now.

"I guess I shouldn't ask any more questions..." she finally managed to say, even though her head was full of questions. If he was not here for the same reason she was, then she wanted to keep herself hidden for as long as possible.

"Could you show me more magic? Perhaps somewhere else?" she asked curiously. Changing eye color was one thing. She wanted to grasp what type of magic he had, to see if she could figure out what he was, without asking.
"Hah, well... it's not a problem. I am not easily offended." he said with a small smile.
She was curious though. He could see that in her eyes.

And she confirmed it a mere moment later.

This was the question that had netted him the other girls, and Eran smiled at the thought.
"I'll gladly show you more, but we will have to go somewhere more private indeed. My office is possible, unless you have something else in mind."
"Ah...your office is fine." she answered as she moved to get out of the booth. She saw the barista give her a sly smile and she could not help but blush lightly. She knew she was in for a huge interrogation later tonight in the dorms.

"I guess you'll have to lead the way now." she admitted. After all, she only knew where his classroom was. She had no idea on where his office was. The one downside of the school was that they had professor offices scattered throughout the campus. So, he may teach in one building, but his office may be on the opposite side of the campus. It seemed like only the tenured professors had offices near their classrooms.
"Right then. My office it is."

He got up as well, brushing his shirt off, though it was already clean and neat.
Eran smiled at her and gestured for her to follow him.

His office was nowhere near his classroom, but instead located in the least used building on the whole campus - which was of course by his own request.
He didn't plan on Emily to be the only one in this school... though she seemed like a very, very good start for sure.

When they arrived, he unlocked the door and opened it for her.
The office was a lot bigger than needed - an old classroom perhaps.
There was a desk by one of the walls, on which rested stacks of paper and a few, leatherbound books.

There was also a simple couch as well as a closed suitcase containing his belongings.
All in all, the office wasn't much.

"Welcome to my humble abode."
As she followed him to his office, she stayed as close to him as possible, to avoid the boys from her dorm.

When they arrived at his office, she was surprised at the size of it. Most of the offices she had seen for professors were just slightly bigger than a cubicle. But, here he had an office as big as a classroom. "Abode? Are you going to live here instead of in a staff apartment?" she asked curiously. It seemed odd that he would rather stay in an office than in an apartment, but, she guessed that he had his reasons. Was he a dragon and wanted to stretch out into his normal form?
"I don't need a fancy apartment. It's easier for me to submerge myself in my studies here. It just feels more... right, if that makes any sense." he said and let his gaze wander the room.
He then closed the door behind them.

"I guess it does seem odd though... heh, but I am a rather strange guy, if I have to be honest!" he smiled at her.
More than a few things about him were certainly odd... from his teaching subject to his way of living, and of course... his little obsession.
When he gave his reasons, Emily could only give a small nod. Slowly, she walked over to the couch and took a seat. "It makes sense. This side of campus is pretty vacant. No one around to see someone using magic. Outside of that, I don't see you as being strange. Mysterious, yes. But not strange." she answered as she leaned back on the couch, once again showing her midriff.

"So, Professor, what kind of magic can you use?" she asked curiously as she turned to look at him. Her eyes definitely showing the curiosity she had.
Oh, she would come to think of him as strange... of that, he was certain.
The others had, so why should she be any different in that regard?

His gaze went to her midriff again as she leaned back on the couch - and this time, he made no attempt at hiding it.

"I can use many kinds." he said and shifted his gaze to meet her eyes.
"Creation... destruction... binding... healing... among others."
As his gaze shifted to her midriff, a small smirk came to her face. Then, when he started to list off the types of magic he could use, her eyes took on a challenging look. "Ah. So, you can use a lot." she offered.

"But, I am still not convinced with your eyes changing color. I mean, they could be contacts." she added. "I need better proof of this magic. Perhaps some sort of binding magic?" she asked. Depending on how humans did it, it was easy to destruct things and to make things appear. Since she wasn't hurt, healing magic was out of the question. The only option left that she could experience was binding.
He noticed the small smirk, and he knew it had been because of where his gaze had wandered.
Was she perhaps attracted to him...? Or was she simply completely aware of her own beauty?

It mattered very little in the end...

Eran listened to her words, and smiled a bit. This was a first... she actually suggested the use of binding magic.
"Alright then... " he said, and made a small wave with his hand.

Immediately, a shimmering light appeared around both Emily's wrists, and they were forced together in front of her.
As the shimmering light appeared around each of her wrists and forced them to meet in front of her, she gazed down at the light. Honestly, it felt comforting being near the warmth of magic. And with it being this, she could clearly tell it was not some human mechanism. So, he had been truthful. And surprisingly, even though her wrists were bound, she did not feel any fear or apprehension towards him or what may come.

"I am surprised that a magic user would be so willing so show magic to a human. What if I were to go tell others about your ability?" she asked. Did he believe that the humans would not believe her?
...and that might be because she did not know what was going to happen.

Eran smiled calmly at her words, and shook his head slowly.
"Who would believe you?" he simply asked. And it was that simple... because he did not yet know what she was!

He took a few steps towards her, moving closer...
"Are you not afraid, now that I've bound you like this...? I could, in theory, do whatever I want to you right now."
The question was asked calmly, but it did give a hint of desire from him...
Well, he was right there. No human would believe her. As he took a few steps closer, she stood up from the couch and looked him in the eyes, even now, her eyes were not showing fear.

"Still not afraid." she answered simply. If she needed to, she was sure that she knew something to get out of his binding. But, it was the look of desire in his eyes that also eased the apprehension away. Was he interested in her? Slowly, she took a step towards him and her smirk returned, trying to egg him on. "Is there something I should be afraid of?" she asked.
Oh, he liked this girl already... she was brave!
She was the first one to react like this, even stepping closer to him...

"Well..." he said and smiled calmly at her.
"I might have a thing for nice, flat, vulnerable midsections... such as the one you are showing off so prettily."
When he admitted his preference for the nice flat vulnerable midsections, she could not help but give a small laugh. "You already made that clear during class." she offered. She might not be too experienced when it came to sexual things, but she knew there were a few kinks involving stomachs. Only, she didn't know if his was a kink, or if it was just a visual preference.

"So...why do you like these types of midsections?" she asked curiously, taking another step towards him and not breaking eye contact. Now, it would appear that she wasn't brave, just naive and clueless.
Naïve and clueless were not that bad either, in his mind.
Eran smiled a bit at her words.
So she had noticed during class... she was quite perceptive!

"Why? Hmm... it's a beautiful part of the body. And immensely nice to touch... soft and smooth, vulnerable..." he said, not caring how taboo this situation was at all.
"It is also the perfect area for someone who enjoys inflicting pain."
Even as he was talking, especially about inflicting pain, she could not feel any ill intent from him. Emily decided that she would stop moving towards him. Just in case he was hiding any ill intent too well.

"So, are you one who likes to inflict pain on someone else?" she asked. "If so, then how?" she added. Was he a serial killer with a good mask?
No matter what, it surprised him a little bit that she didn't try to excuse herself... to get away...
But at the same time, it was highly interesting.

Her question too... and he replied with a challenging smile:
"I am... and as to how... well... you could try."
As he admitted that he indeed was one who liked to inflict pain, the look in her eye never wavered. When he responded to the second half of her question by offering to try, she tilted her head slightly.

"Hm. Aren't you being suggestive?" she asked sarcastically/ "As long as it doesn't kill me, I'm always up for learning new things...professor." she answered. Even though she had a mask of being calm, her brain was on high alert, ready to kick her elven instincts into high gear if needed to escape the binding and to flee.
"I am indeed." he admitted, apparently not phased by It at all.
Her next words surprised him, and he raised an eyebrow slightly.

She was willing to...? But perhaps she had misunderstood... this would teach her no magic.
"I'm not sure you will get what you want out of it... but if you are willing, then raise your hands above your head, and bare yourself to me."
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