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Grief and Disgrace make good bedfellows ( Lady Luna and Wolvenrogue)

"Don't." Nelly said in a hushed voice as she pulled the robe closed. She didn't want anyone to see her breasts but him.
Since he had only been teasing , he did not push the matter. When they got to the sunny side of the deck he found a chair and sat down to enjoy it.
Nelly looked around the deck. "Why did we stop? Can't we go back? I'm not..." she became quiet when a group of people walked past. When they got far enough away, she whispered. "I'm not dressed."
"What's the matter? " Robert teased. "No one is staring. If anyone is even noticing us it is the older women, and they are only noticing Elizabeth. Have you not noticed how they tilt their heads and say Awwwe...Don't you like the warm sun on you?"
Nelly blushed lightly and fidgeted in her seat. Of course he was right but she was still nervous. What if another gust of wind came along and someone saw this time? The thought made her grab both ends of the robe and tightly pull it closed. "I.. I do. The sun is nice but..." she fidgeted in her seat. "Please?"
"Alright," he said "I guess I have teased you enough. Hold on to the buggy" with that they finished their little promenade around the deck. when they had circled back around , he opened the Cabin door and pushed her back in.
Nelly nodded and held onto the buggy. Once they were back in the cabin, she let out a sigh of relief. She was glad to be back with her dignity still in tact.
"Should we have a bath before dinner? " he asked. "They will fill the tub once a day for us or would you like it before bed? "
"A bath sounds really nice right now. Let's get one before dinner... Do they have any kind of activities to do on this trip?" Nelly asked as she turned the wheelchair to face him.
" Well there is a stage show after dinner if you want to eat in the dining room and are up to it with Elizabeth, or we can have dinner in the cabin again. Think about what you would like to do. I will order the bath filled. You might as well stay in your robe. " Robert went down the corridor to find the steward and arrange for the bath.
"Alright. I'll be waiting." Nelly wheeled herself over to the window to look at the scenery while she waited. The baby was sound asleep so she just let her rest.
Robert came back after a few minutes. "I did some checking and they have a mother's lounge off the main dining room in case you need to nurse so it will probably work if you want to attend the show. They are having a Magician tonight. "
Nelly was glad to hear that there was a place she could go to nurse in private. Hearing that a magician would be the show tonight excited her. "That sounds like it will be fun. Yes, let's go please." She said as she wheeled herself over to him. "Did you also find someone to fetch the bath water?"
"Alright." Nelly looked at their lunch which had now cooled, but she was still hungry since her lunch had been interrupted so she didn't care. She wheeled herself over to the table and went back to eating.
He was glad to see her eating and when the steward arrived with the tub and water. he told her to keep eating and to drink her milk while the tub was prepared.
Nelly didn't have any problems complying with what he told her to do. When the tub was finished being filled with water, she had just about finished her food. She quickly put the last two bites in her mouth and gulped down the last of her milk. Then she went to the tub, wanting to get in while the water was still warm.
Just as she had settled into the tub, Elizabeth woke up and started to cry. "You stay there " Robert said and went to the carriage to get her. He quickly realized that she had a soiled diaper and leaving her a moment dipped a cloth in the warm tub to moisten it and grabbed a clean diaper. He carefully removed the dirty diaper and and cleaned her up with the moist cloth, then he got an idea. "Do you think we could giver he a real bath since you are right there in the warm tub? " He asked.
Nelly quickly put her arms up. "Don't you put her in here! My mother told me that warm water relaxes babies too much and they will most likely pee in the tub.... Maybe after I'm out of the tub I could hold her in the water and you could wash her, but I don't want to chance being peed on in the bath."
Robert put a diaper on his little girl and sat in a chair holding her while he let Nelly take a bath in luxury. The steward had brought fancy perfumed soaps for her to use. To his surprise Elizabeth curled up in his arm and fell back asleep. , so he laid her back in the crib and moved to the tub to wash Nelly's back and shoulders for her.
Nelly happily let him wash her. It felt very soothing and relaxing to have him do so. "Don't you want a bath as well? We always share the bath at home." She scooted over to make room for him in the bath. "Please join me."
"Alright," he said " I just thought that with all the fancy soap and all you might want the tub to yourself but since you asked. "
He stripped off his clothes and joined her in the tub. He grabbed a bar of plain soap though not wanting to smell of lilacs.
Nelly giggled and moved so she was on his lap in the tub. "Maybe before I would have said yes, but I've kind of gotten used to having someone in the tub with me. Feels kind of nice, don't you think?"
" Yes indeed! " he said as he wrapped her in his arms and cupped a breast in each hand. Her nipples just naturally fell between his thumb and finger and he began gently rolling them, and squeezing them cause a bit of milk to drip in the water.
Nelly moaned softly as he played with her nipples. It made her squirm and splash a little water out of the nub. "No it's getting in the bath water." She said in a small shy voice.
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