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Icaruspop: Lust and Romance at Starlight Island - (Utsuho x StarMech)

"It's not like that." Pit clarified. Trying to help out Kyu here. "She is on the job, after all. And she is...w-well...helping me on that." The angel blushes, having revealed that tidbit to someone like Bayonetta.

"Still, Kyu has also been a pretty good friend." He also explained, but also in his mind he thought: "Wait...w-would it be Friends with Benefits, now? I mean...we did do that in the bathroom...better not to dwell on it"

He then focused in the matter at hand. Moving to where the other gal was, hoping he wouldn't get stabbed, he tried to calm her down. "Pleasure, fighting here is useless. There's no point to keep swinging that around, you'll just end up hurting yourself. Just calm down so we can talk this, okay?"
"Oh really now. By the looks on your faces tells a different story. Well whatever makes you sleep better."

Once the other girl reclaim her weapon she was about to strike again only pausing to listen the winged guy. "There's no way in hell I'm letting that bitch get away with what she said about Senketsu!" Yet again she just charged at Bayonetta once again.

Bayonetta just sighed as she stopped the ground with one foot. Suddenly the girl would find herself on a wooden horse and tied leaving the girl blushing as it dug into her crotch. "Look I apologise for what said about your clothing. Now if you be kindly calm down I'll let you go."

The girl glared at Bayonetta for moment before her clothes changed into into something less revealing. Then the wooden horse and binding vanished.
Pit blushes when the girl ws placed upon the wooden horse. Of course Bayonetta'd use such a thing a restrain.

However, it seems they finally stopped fighting, and so, as the young gal's clothing shifted into a less revealing fuku uniform, peace finally was achieved.

"Okay, now that everything is fine. Can someone explain me better in detail?" Asked the angel, before turning to the girl, "How about it,"
The girl let a huff. "Ryuko Matoi." She replied to Pit as she put away her weapon. She still seemed to look pissed. Once she said her name the Huniebee vibrated as one of the blank profiles was for Ryuko and another one appeared for Bayonetta.

"I only made a remark on clothing saying she should wear something more cute or sexy." This earn a glared from Ryuko. "I'm just saying you should look your best when you're on vacation. I'll make it up to you darling." Ryuko only let out sigh. "Then it settled. I'll buy the drinks, the three come along."

Later the group of women plus Pit gonna to the area where Zone-Tan club was. But this time they went into place called The gates of Hell. It was another bar owned by Rodin. "This is quite a group. A witch, a angel, a love fairy, and a school girl wearing living clothing." The large man said as he passed drinks to the group only Ryuko getting a cola.

"Jeez another person see me." Kyu letting her invisible down make Ryuko jump when pop out of nowhere.
Pit was a bit intimidated by the ambience of the bar, as well as how strong and scary Rodin looked. Still, he didn't seem malicious, just with a very cold tone. He lightened up after seeng Kyu all freaked out by her being seen again. "Bayonetta is an Umbra Witch. Given her magical abilities is not surprising she could see you."

He turned to face Ryuko to keep her calm, "Don't worry. She is a friend."
"Are all the people you know going to be able to see? Seriously this is going to take all the fun out my job." Kyu complained taking sip from her drink.

"I'm curious as to how someone like Pit end up with a love fairy. From what I've seen of him I wouldn't have thought such a erotic fairy would hang around a boy like him." Bayonetta looked at the two her finger circling around the the rim of her glass.

"Well he was going to be a one night stand, but let face it his romance sucked. So I made it my job to help the little guy with the women. Pit already has a line up of ladies."

"Oh turning the little boy into a man I see." The two women seem to hit it off as they talked to one another.

"The hell get myself into?" Ryuko mutter to herself.
Pit's light up brightly as Kyu just blurted that out. Quickly bringing his hands up and waving them in nervousness he tried to correct, "H-hey!! Look, she j-just descided to's pretty normal for someone to just f-feel lonely, right?"

The fact Bayonetta was smiling and loving every bit of it just made the angel even more embarrassed.

As they kept going, he just dug into his drink with a sigh. Turning his attention to Ryuko, "Um, say Ryuko. what's with that blade and the outfit? Seems you just changed how it looked on the fly..."
"If I wasn't around you would be moping back at that bar. You needed my help. This bitch needs another drink!"

Just like Pit Ryuko kept focused on her drink. Her eyes turned toward Pit when asked about her weapon and Senketsu. "Well it kind hard to explain. Senketsu my clothes is a living thing. With the glove on left let him draw some of my blood which let me transform. As for my blade."

Before Ryuko could say more, Rodin had some how gotten hold of her weapon as he examined I. "Look like it of hard life fiber. Seem to be modeled after half a scissor given wear the blade at." He than tossed the weapon back to Ryuko.

"They were last things I received from my dad before he was kill."
"That's harsh..." Pit said, rubbing the back of his head. Hard to really raise the mood from that, he had to admit.

"But, hey, maybe this is not the time to dwell on to that. You're in this tropical island, you're around good people...for the most part. There's no need to be sulking right now."
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