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Icaruspop: Lust and Romance at Starlight Island - (Utsuho x StarMech)

Kyu could feel his cock pulsating as it shot out all that cum. She could feel the hot jizz her behind and thighs able to feel it running down her legs. She held on to Pit as he shook probably would've fallen from his mind blowing orgasm he just had.

Once his penis started soften Kyu separatd her legs letting go of his member. She then began to wash both herself and Pit up of all sweat and cum on them. She later turn the water off bring them out of shower as she set Pit down on the toilet so he could recollect his mind as she dried herself off.

"So how was it? I mean it may not be the same as putting inside a woman, but it had felt to great letting out all that pent desires out of you." She said as she redressed herself.
Pit was regaining conscience fast. His face flushed as he averted eyes of Kyu. "I'm...sorry if I went overboard...or not overboard enough." He said stuttering. "I know you're very...f-free spirited, and I didn't know what to do...I had this need, but at the same ttime it didn't feel fair to me to just got at it with you while everyone else I have respected my boundaries deserve more than that.

He took a sigh before getting up. "My stuff is outside so I'll go change there. I...I did enjoy it a lot. Thanks, Kyu." With that the angel let the fairy dress up in peace.
Kyu remade silent as Pit spoke his mind. Some part of her felt bad for teasing the angel so much. Then when he amounted that he enjoyed it, Kyu couldn't help but smile to herself. "Anytime Pit." With that she gave him enough to dress himself.

"Alright Pit get your butt in gear. We got two girls Zone-Tan gave and we can check out the library see if you can catch either Yang's friend or the thief." The two blank profiles said one girl was at a diner and the other was at the battle sphere.
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Could her heart be beating just a tad bit faster? Who could tell for sure but her. Regardless, Pit got his stuff ready and with a nod, the two were on their way to the library. Curiosity did struck when she mentioned the particular purple-haired girl, so he had to ask. "By the way, how did it go with you and Zone-tan that night?"

Eventually, they arrived at the Starlight Library, a huge building filled to the brim with books, tomes and compendiums from all over the worlds. IF there was something readable from some world regardless of its content; It was here!.

Pit looked around, "Do we even know who this person looks like? Yang was never that specific about how the rest of her friends look like..."
"We made out for a bit, watched you hooking up with Yang, some lesbian action, then came the the tentacles. For a rape monster Lemmy is quite gentleman, well until he get really into it." This reminded Kyu something that Pit had taken. "Oh by the those panties you took should have gone to me, so fork them over."

Within the library there were several people in from the highschool bookworms to those who seemed to look like magic user. Even a few people were there for unknown reason. Finding this take a while or so they thought it would.

"Excuse me." Some had tapped Pit his shoulder. Turning around Pit would meet Blake Belladonna. "Are you the angel boy that Ruby and Yang were talking about?"

"Ooh I wouldn't mind getting this pussy."
Pit blushes at the mental image of Kyu and Zone-tan indulging in passionate sex. Powerful moans, breasts being groped and caressed, and slits rubbing fiercely agaianst eachother in mad scissoring, all of that filled his mind; Even the tentacles part made him awfully curious...

That's when the love fairy pointed out something he thought nobody noticed. "W-wait how did you--!? I mean, um...ugh, fine..."

Before stepping inside, the angel boy handed over the set of panties with a blushing face. Then they stepped in.

Pit was rather overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place and the people. He was not much of an avid would say it wasn't until recently he even learn how to read...but regardless, it was hard to know where to start.

Thankfully, it seems the mysterious girl found him rather than the other way around. Convinient. A pretty-looking catgirl, or faunus as Ruby and Yang called them, with long black hair, white and black top and nice curves.

Pit had to groan to the joke from Kyu, tho. "Really? That's the best you could come up with?" Of course Blake didn't heard that bit before our angelic ehro addressed her.

"Yeah, I'm the one. The name's Pit. You must be Blake, right? Yang spoke a lot about you!"
"If I didn't have them in my hands then somebody must have snuck them out." Kyu snatched the panties and sniffed them before putting them. "You got earn those panties."

"Yes I'm Blake. Ya Ruby and Yang told me and Weiss a bit about. Yang was worry about leaving you behind..." Blake paused for moment. "She said she saw a woman in a red dress had taken you out of the club."
Pit chuckled. "Oh no problem. I guess I did drink a little too much, but is just I was just having a good time. A friend helped me get to my room anyways, so it's fine."

After a short pause he was curious to know more about her. "So, I guess you like to come here often, right? Yang did mention she wanted to see you here when that whole deal with the stolen books happened. She spoke highly of you and a lot."
"Glad to hear that, Yang said the crowd there wasn't the nicest." Thing became silent for a moment before Pit had ask her a question. "I mostly come here because of the peace and quiet, guess Yang probably wanted to drag me out here." Blake blushed a little he Pit said Yang spoke of her.

"Right the guy who blamed Yang had lost his glasses. He said the person had similar hair to Yang." Then something crossed her mind. "So what bring here Pit?"
"Can I see those? I feel Yang deserves to get her name cleaned, specially with whoever this still on the loose. Still, I haven't see anyone else with the type of hair Yang has..." Pit said crossing his arms. Still he picked on to what Blake asked next.

"Well, I wanted to meet the rest of Team RWBY after Ruby told me how great of a group you four are. I guess you can call me a bit of a fan now, haha." He admitted. "And yeah, this place seems so serene, specially with so many people running around the island. So, what were you reading?"
"I had seen at least one person that look some like Yang from behind in the library several time. Though I never seen her face and she dress up like a witch." Blake laughed when he said he was a fan of RWBY. "If you like I could arrange a meeting with Weiss later if like."

He then asked about the book she had in her arms. "It a little embarrassing, but it romance novel called So lingers the ocean. 'The love that is far too pure for the main character, "me," and the fisherman, "you." An indubitable foray into inner peace at the skillful stroke of a pen'. It not really the kind of books I normally ready, but the librarian had suggested for me."
"I'll keep that in mind..." He said, trying to get an idea of how the thief looked like.

Regardless, he heard with attention at her description of the book. "Doesn't sound half bad. I do kind like nice love stories, I guess I'm a bit of a sap like that. I may check it out." Pit said with a soft chuckle. "How about we get soemthing to drink, just some iced tea or soda to drink while we are here, it's a hot day after all..."
"I going have to call for a raincheck, I promise Yang I would hang out with her." She then handed a piece of paper with her scroll's number on. "See you later Pit." And with that Blake left giving Pit a heart in his Huniebee for her.

"Well that seem to go well let go..." "Coming through!" Kyu was cut off when suddenly someone ran passed Pit. Pit would be able to catch a glimpse of this Person as she ran passed carrying a sack of books.
"Oh, okay..." Pit said waving as Blake then left in a hurry. He seemed a bit sad that he couldn't spend time with the pretty faunus, but at least he got her number, so it had to count for something...

Of course his thoughts changed when someone roughly bumped into him and pushed him down. "O-ow!! Hey..." His eyes glanced at the woman as she ran. A pile of books....long blond hair...witch dress....

"H-hey! Wait up!!" Pit exclaimed quickly rushing after the book thief.
Once she outside of the library and far away from the building she turned around waiting for this person catch up. "Need something?" She asked acting as if everything was normal.

"I don't know how much time is worth to you, but for a normal human every seconds counts. So make this quick ze."
Pit frowned, "How about for starters you explain what are you doing with all those books!"

Crossing his arms he kept a good look at the mysterious gal; Cute, but still culprit. "A friend of mine got in real trouble because they confused her with you. So why are you even stealing books?"
"Well I'm going to read them, I mean that what they for right." She just shrugged.

He did look quite handsome, but he was getting in her way. "Oh didn't know about that, tell when I going back there I'll let them know it was Marisa Kirisame borrowing those books." She than glared at him. "Hey I'm not stealing, I'm just borrowing them until I die." She grinned at Pit.
"That's not how it works!!!" Pit exclaimed back only to see she was already rushing away, much to the angel's annoyance.

"Ugh, that girl seems nuts..." He mumbled followed by a sigh, "But at least we have a name. We can at least try to show Yang's innocence..."
"Well if that all you're going ask, then I'll be taking my leave. Later winged kid." And with she sat her broom and fly off. Soon Pit's Huniebee vibrated showing that Marisa info was now inside the Huniebee as well

"Jeez you could have waited up!" Kyu had just caught with Pit by flying. "Man you're pretty quick on your feet. So did it go?"
"Not good. I mean I got her name, but she still made it off with the books. But at least we can tell the library about it?" Pit said.

He kenw he had to say it eventually, and so he didwhile blushing, "Besides...I...I can't really fly on my own so I couldn't catch her now..."

He started to walk slowly, taking a glance at his the Huniebee. "what do we do now?"
"Well I guess that something." She was in for a shock when she heard he couldn't fly. "Seriously that must really suck. I wouldn't know what life be like if I couldn't fly." She then pat him on shoulder. "If means anything to you they look beautiful."

Before Kyu could answer loud voice could be heard.

"BITCH!" "My hasn't your mummy ever teacher any manners or not to run around with scissors." "Sorry wasn't much of a mother's girl." Two voice could be heard and one the voice should sound familiar to Pit. Following the voices they would see a girl wielding what look like half of a scissor wearing a very skimpy dress. The other person was Bayonetta a woman that Pit should know. It seem to women were fighting one another.
Pit was taken by surprise by the complement. "Oh, thanks." And giving Kyu the warmest and kindest of smiles he said to her, "I also think your wings are super cute."

Were sparkles in the margins right now for her? Curse he complete adorableness!!

Regardless the moment was interrupted by a loud barrage of verbal confrontation. Insults and snark coming back and forth which caused Pit to quickly see which was the source of all the commotion. To his surprise it appeared to be some black haired girl alongside a familiar sight; The Umbra With Bayonetta.

While he never got to meet all of the Nintendo and other game heroes when it came to Smash, he had met her. A chill went up his spine as he shivered as memories of Bayonetta's constant teasing as well as just the natural nervousness that an angelic being'd feel at who is basically an Angel-Killer (although he was aware that the angels of her universe were much less...well...nice.) which almost made him wish he would have just walked away with Kyu.

Regardless, he knew a battle would be brewing if something wasn't done, verbal of course given the nature of the island but still, and so he approached the two ladies hoping to calm them down.

"Excuse me from bargin in but you seem to be causing a scene here. Can you tell me what happened?" He asked.
Though it like the younger of the two women was the only one attacking the other with blunt side of her weapon. Yet she was unable to land a hit as Bayonetta just kept on dodging. When Pit spoke up the younger woman ignore him, but Bayonetta did remember hearing as she shot the girl's weapon out of her hand disarming her for a moment.

"Well if it isn't the little angel. Here for another spanking or are just in the mood for a little pillow talk?" She made her way towards Pit using one of her guns to raise his head so their eyes meet. "I didn't know you were into that kind of and a sexy bitch like her." "I prefer that you didn't calling me such rude way." This made Kyu jump as Bayonetta glared her down.
((I expected a Kyu response to what Pit said about her, but this is fine too XD))

Pit couldn't help but blush when Bayonetta leaned over and spoke with him. The Witch always used that type of tone that could make any guy feel their body tremble. He was about to respond to Kyu's little tease when she was caught by the rave-haired woman; Somehow able to see her while invisible like Medusa did.

"Look, I-I don't want any trouble. I just wanted to know what was going on." The angel explained.
"Nor did I, but the little one seemed to take offense when I made a remark about her clothing." She paused for as the girl try to strike Bayonetta only for her point her gun behind her and shoot the weapon out her hands again. "It was more of school sailor uniform and less fanservice. But enough about me, what the deal with your friend?"

"I just helping Pit with the women, Love fairy work stuff."

"Oh really, because I do believe I heard talk of wings being beautiful and cute. Sounds to me you're mixing work and pleasure." Kyu turned her head blushing. She didn't make a remark about her wings being cute, but it did seem she was happy about it.
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