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Icaruspop: Lust and Romance at Starlight Island - (Utsuho x StarMech)

As for Madusa she didn't even bother to react to his sudden change into battle pose. The only thing she did was take sip of her cup of coffee. "The only thing I'm here for is recovery." As she spoke the Huniebee vibrated again. All of information that Pit knew about Madusa and that she had two pink hearts.

"An ex-girlfriend?" Kyu asked.

"Silence you shameless leech!" Madusa glared at Kyu which made her jump from suddenly being yelled at from someone that shouldn't be able to see her. "I was able to revive myself, but I don't have the same strength as before. But enough about me, what was the lap dog of Paluneta doing with such a young human girl?"
"Of course not!!" Pit immediatly lashed at Kyu. "She is the goddess of the underworld and pretty much me and lady palutena's arch-enemy!! She has tried to kill me who knows how many times!!"

That's when he blinked twice in realization, "Wait, you can see her?" he asked Medusa.

The angel sighed in relief, lowering his stance. "Oh thank heavens. I was this close to really believe she was some kind of halucination. It's kinda nice having validation you're not just going crazy."

However the calm and friendlyness shifted back into concernt and distrust the moment Medusa spoke about him and Ruby. "Wouldn't you like to know..." He huffed, arms crossed and turning his eyes away from her. "For all I know, this could still be one of your schemes. Besides, even angels are allowed to make friends with people, you know."
"How the hell can you see me?"

"Even in this weaken body I'm still a Goddess and no fairy's simple minded tricks will fool me." Madusa had a sinister look on her face as glared at Kyu.

"I am both frighten and turned on right." Kyu added.

Madusa's gaze turn back Pit as he gotten defense about the girl. "Normally I wouldn't, but with that lusting beast following you around while you're dating that Ruby girl." Her grip around her cup tighten as her hair snakes started hiss and snap at Pit. "It would bring such great joy if I could tear off your wings and torture you the rest of your pitiful life!" Her hand crushed her own cup making the coffee burst out making a mess on the table she was at. She then let out a sigh as she began to clean the coffee off with some napkins. "Even if I wanted to I couldn't do anything to you, but you can't do anything to me either."
"Eeep!" Pit back away at the hissing Snakes. Only lowering his guard when the goddess of the underworld pointed up the important factor that was the magic surrounding the resort of Starlight Island. "Right...the magic stop anyone from harming eachother beyond just simple bruises..." He kept his cool, trying to appear that he wasn't intimidated.

"Oh thanks heavens...I didn't bring the Three Sacred Treasures with me or another high-power weapon. MEduse could have crushed me if she had her normal strength." Was however what he was thinking.

Clearing his throat he spoke to her, "Either way, I'm kind of stuck with Kyu here so there isn't much I can do. Still, that doesn't explain why the sudden interest. You still hate my guts after all..."

A moment of reflection, crossing his arms behind his head and tilting it slightly as a thought came out. "Then did help us incapacitating Hades for a I guess even so you're not as bad, Medusa..."
That eep made Madusa chuckled, then when he try to cool also made her laugh able to see into his eyes that she already gotten into his. Then he started questioning her interested his dating and even bring up her final moment against Hades. "Do you remember when I said I felt like Rapunzel waiting for her prince? Well a part of me wished for that to be true." She turn her gaze away from Pit as a light blush started to form on her face.

"I think she has the hots for you." Kyu whisper into his ear. "Try bring her a date. A little hate love good for you."
((Your post seems a bit wonky, maybe autocorrect giving you a bad hand?))

Pit's cheeks lightened at her words. Was Kyu, right? Was MEDUSA out of all people...having feelings or attraction for him!?

"I um..." The angel genuinely did not know how respond, face still reddened. He managed to collect his thoughts, taking things into perspective...

" did help us. And Is not like we can really battle eachother here; We're all in vacation here so..." Pit stuttered slightly, but then collected himself and said to Medusa, "We could hang out if you like..."
Madusa let out a sigh ready to hear Pit's rejection, but when he asked her to hang out with him she in shock. She just stared at Pit for a solid minute before replying to him. "Well I have no reason to reject your offer, but the fairy isn't invited." Madusa glared at Kyu.

"Fine fine I know when I'm not welcomed by the woman. See you later Pit, make sure you show her your snake." Kyu left the two on their own.

Later on Madusa taken Pit to a place called Hell blazer hot springs. "Welcome to the Hell blazer hot springs, if you like we can offer swimwear for you to borrow." A short pink hair with an accessory that look like a eye and next to it was a name tag for Satori. "No thanks, I brought my own bikini with." Madusa replied as the girl just stared at her for a moment before looking towards Pit.
Pit could feel her skin shivering at the mention of a bikini. His thoughts shifting into an image of how she'd look only for him to shake that thought away. What would Lady Palutena say if she saw him doing this with their sworn enemy? Well...Palutena was always super-forgiving; After all, Viridi had done terrible things and they still spoke with eachother...gods just seemed pretty loose when it comes to allegiances...

Still, she had always caused destrcion for fun! Was it right to be this forgiving with her...

Al these thoughts rushed to his head, but quickly snapped back to reality when asked about his choice of wear. "Um, some swimming trunks'd be nice..." He said. He usually went in with all and tunic, but that was when he always had to be ready for everything; This was a place of relaxation so he was gonna enjoy it as such.

He was handed a towel and his trunks and he quickly headed to the changing room to...well..change. He stepped out in some simply black swimming trunks before diving into the hot spring...

"Aaaaah~" Pit moaned in delight, "Hot springs are the beeest~"
Madusa had already gonna in the women's changing room leaving Pit with Satori. As Pit was left with his thoughts, Satori just third eye stared at him. "You know not everyone gets to have a second chance and those chances could change a person." She gave her advice to Pit as she handed him a towel and trunks for. "Enjoy the hot springs. Also you're welcome to bring any other women her at anytime Pit." She said with her eyes closed only to take a peek to see if he had any reactions to her words.

Once Pit had gotten in the water Madusa had joined in as well. "Mmmhhh~" she moaned alongside Pit. "I can see why you speak of high praise for these hot springs." She had a two piece bikini of the same color of her dress held together by some strings.
"Um...okay..." Pit said, a bit weirded out. "How did she know my name...I'm not magically wearing a name tag, right? Not last time I checked....that was kind of creepy..."

Not wanting to be more creeped out he quickly headed to the spring, to the point we were now.

Medusa's arrival did kind of took him by surprise; Having not read that this was a mixed gender's hot spring. His eyes immediately went down her figure.There was no denial that Medusa's body was divine, pun unintended. Many would be pulled off by the snake hair and diabolical demeanour but overal, her beauty rivalled if not was equal to Palutena's. Her pale skin seemed so smooth as droplets of water slowly scurred down her frame, making Pit's face light out brightly before quickly averting his gaze out of respect.

"Y-yeah....nothing beats a hot spring after a long day." Said the angel, allowing the warm water to let his worried drift away. This felt nice, and Medusa wasn't trying to kill him. In fact, she seemed to be genuinely be trying to be nice. And she was surprisingly cute when she did.

"You had a good idea coming here, Medusa. I gotta admit, I may been a bit to worried before." He admitted, stuttering for the next bit, "I-I mean, you did try to kill me before...many times...but now we don't have to worry about that. We can just hang out with no role of godhood status inbetween..."

Her reflective words gave out to an idea. "You know, I saw at the entrance you can order stuff to be delivered directly into the spring. Do you want anything to drink? My treat."
Madusa smirked to herself catching Pit checking out her body. Though he wasn't the only one enjoying the view. For someone who look quite young his body was kept. His visible abs and with the water cover over his chest gave it a shine to it. Madusa was finding herself getting lost thought as she kept staring at Pit. He was the perfect description of an angel.

"Truth be told I was also worried that I be rejected again." She said sadness could be heard from her voice. "I was rejected by the humans that were scared of the goddess of darkness and rejected by Palutena when I lashed out at the human. I was worry that you would've rejected me just like everyone else." Thing became silent. "I'm glad we can spend time with each without the conflict between the two of us"

She smiled when Pit brought up having drinks brought to them at the hot spring. "Alright I'll take a bloody Mary."
Pit just listened to her, letting her out her piece, much to his awe. Perhaps it was the heat of battle, but he always assumed a lot of his energies were well...much two-dimensional...well, they all were...NES sprites and all, but his point still stand...

"Well, someone has to do things different, right?" He said with a soft chuckle. He felt a bit awkward given the seriousness of the topic at hand, however the ordering of drinks added a necessary bit of levity. Soon their orders came: A Bloody Mary for Medusa and something called Tanooki Leaf Sake for Pit. IT all came on a wooden tray that perfectly remained above the surface of the water for them to pour their drinks in plastic cups.

Pit's cheeks were already reddened a glass in; Lightweight he was. Still he still remained aware of his surroundings.

"You know. I don't think I ever thank you for what you did, Medusa. Villain or not, you saved my bacon." Pit explained in a relaxed tone thanks to the drink and the hot spring. "If you hadn't hit Hades when you did I'd probably be finished then. Even Palutena was grateful!..."

"Things don't really need to be like this, tho. I mean...just cause you're the goddess of the underworld doesn't mean you have to be the bad guy. A world without the underworld'd probably result in as much chaos know, all about balance. Hades couldn't see that, but what about you?"

He chuckled a bit more with a goofy but endearing smile, "Man, I must be really cramping your day with all this talks, Sorry about that..."
"Thanks for being the one to be different, though it must come natural for you when it comes to being different." She try to break the tension letting a chuckle. Than her drink came, but unlike Pit she could handle the alcohol.

"You really don't have to thank me. The only thing I wanted at that time was for the his death using me as a pawn." Just thinking about Hades brought her great anger. She took a deep breath calming herself down. "I only saw the Underworld as just tools for me to use against everyone I hated. But now I don't know what to do now, I had planned to declare war against your goddess of light. Now I see it to be pointless."

When Pit started to blaming himself for ruining her day, Madusa turned Pit's face towards her own face. Before he could question her action Madusa gave a light kiss on his lips. "No, you been a great help listening to me complain about my problems." She than finished her drink and stood up from the water. Unnoticed to her the bottom of her bikini fallen off her letting Pit see her hairless pussy. "I'll be leaving now, take care of yourself." With that she left before Pit could say word to her.

Once Pit exited out the hot springs he would be greeted by Satori. "It must have been quite the view seeing Madusa's womanhood. We also have private hot springs for those those who like to bath nude. Please come again Pit."
Pit was about to be apologizing when Medusa's upped his chin to turn him to see her. Her monster-like hand brushed slightly against his soft skin, but did not hurt. His eyes stared directly into hers, a blush manifesting again upon his cheeks, which only increased its hue when her lips met his. They were so soft; so sweet. His ehart was pumping; Mind wishing it would have lasted longer.

And just like that she was gone, but not wthout giving him one last surprise as her bottoms were gone and his face went red staring down as her bare bottom and shaved pussy. Pit was left alone at the hot spring for a few more minutes, only for him to look down and at himself and curse. His erection now super stiffened after that...


Pit excited the establishment, fully dressed and yet face still red. He thanked Satori, despite still finding her strange knowledge creepy, but kept the idea of the naked hot spring room in mind for some future date.

His thoughts continued to linger on Medusa. It'd be one hell of an explanation to lady palutena. However, now his only worry was the growing bulge in his pants. He looked side to side. Realizing Kyu was shooed away by the dark goddess, and took the chance. Quickly,he rushed to a public bathroom, closing the stall, thankful that it was empty, and quickly pulling down his shorts and undergarments. His hardened cock popped out and Pit wasted no time in starting to rub it up and down.

He panted softly, closing his eyes to linger on the image of Medusa, something he still couldn't believe he was doing, but was enjoying so. "Ah...ahn..." He kept on polishing his rod, not counting that Kyu probably was not gonna respect privacy...
Though Kyu wasn't in sight of the two, yet she was able to keep an eye on them until they gonna in the Hell blazer hot springs. Everytime she tried to sneak in, but that Satori girl was able to know where she was. She spoke of things that had been thinking as if she could read her mind or something. So she just wait for either of two people to come out. She didn't see Madusa come out at all, but she did see Pit and follow him into public bathroom.

She floated over the stall able to peek in what was doing. This time she saw Pit whipping out his large boner. She stared at it in shock of the size of the thing amazed her for someone with his looks. She allowed him a moment to jerker off as floated into the stall. Kyu began rubbing her pussy through panties as she watched Pit stroke himself.
Pit continued to stroke himself unaware. Dry gasps kept escaping him, almost cute to the person who was currently watching, his hand fiercely rubbing against his prick with reckless abandon.

His mind kept switching between images; Between people. At first it was just Medusa; Thinking of that body, her face, that kiss....but then it added on the image or Ruby, who's cute yet pretty demeanor had managed to charm the young angel, pondering how she'd look in a much lewd scenario. Finally his vision focused on lady palutena, the one he always wished to have revealed his feelings to; The one who's figure he had peeked on in her private bath, a divine body that was away of his.

"Ahn...nngh!!" Biting softly upon his lower lib, Pit reached his limit, his cock throbbng before a rope of white see erupted from the tip. A feeling of release and pleasure engulfed him whole for a few seconds before vanishing. Dick still at half-mast but Pit was satisfied, panting softly.

"Guess...that's taken care of..." Said the angel before openng his eyes....and seeing Kyu....

"K-KYU!?" Eyes widened and jaw hit the floor in shock, pants still down as he exclaimed. "-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"
His gasping, the movement of his hand on his cock, and his cute face made her want to in pale herself on his thick arrow. It took all her will power to hold herself from ravishing the angel. Unlike Pit, Kyu's hand kept at a slow and steady pace as her eyes stayed on his member waiting for the climax..

When it looked liked he was about to cum Kyu lowered her head down in front of his with her mouth wide open. Once Pit's cock released his white gooey load it hit her on the left cheek up across her closed eye to her forehead then down to her tongue and in her.

She pulled herself away from Pit and wait for him to notice her. Once he has Kyu showed him the cum in her mouth playing with it for a moment before closed her mouth and swallowed it down. She open her mouth one last showing that their was no leftovers. "Just watching you jerking off your master sword." She said as if it wasn't a big deal cleaning her face with some toilet paper. "So how did your date go and what kind of girls were you thinking of?"
Pit was still shocked at Kyu's action, yet couldn't hep but blush at her cum soaked face and then her swallowing his angelic seed with no problems....

"Y-you were staring!? Great...another moment I'll never live down..." He buried his face in his hands, "And the date went well...and no nothing happened she just...kissed me...but it was just a small kiss that's all..."
"Live down? It not like I'm going to tell anyone that would be a dick move, besides you should be proud because I'm all hot and wet that I'm going need some me time at your place. You're welcome to watch me." She gave him a wink.

It was good to hear that the date went well, but only a kiss came out of it. "I'm calling bullshit! I highly doubt that something like a kiss would make you run into a bathroom so you could bust a nut! Now give me all the juicy details." She tossed the toilet paper away blocking the stall door.
"W-wait, you're not being serious...r-right?" The fact Pit actually pondered on the offering had me confounded.

Then Kyu continue to push to know more at how it went, at this point he kenw he couldn't avoid it. "It was a really good kiss, okay? And well...she was also not wearing any bikini bottoms...I-I never noticed Medusa had such a hot body before. Those two things got me hot and bothered enough..."

Kyu, despite her bluntness and snarkiness, was not being malicious. So he had no feeling of just lie to her. "Well...wehn I was...well, you know. I kind of also thought on Ruby too...and well, Lady Palutena as well...still my mind kept locking on Medusa for a long while..."

Curiosity struck and and he quickly took out the Huniebee to check on Medusa's status once more...
"I wouldn't make offers that I can't." She said pushing her panties aside showing her dripping wet pussy to Pit. Kyu listen to what happened on his date. "Wish I was there to see and anger can blind people from seeing what truly is in front of them. Though it can spies up bedroom."

Then came the girls he was masterubating to, the two that Kyu seen and the person that Pit keep bringing up. "You keep on bringing up Palutena so much that I want to meet her." When Pit look up on Madusa's status it show she had four hearts now. "Dang son whatever did it worked one more date and and you can well have the real thing. Normally I say wait until evening and take her to your place, but you showed that you got some balls on you. Date her anytime and then do her anywhere."
Pit gulped at the sight of Kyu's wet panties. She was so busy on the other girls he did forget Kyu was really attractive as well...

However, he shook his head. He didn't need the second hard boner right now. His focus shifted to Medusa's data. He felt so happy, not just because it meant he could go see Medusa again, but also cause it felt like he actually made a change in her...

And of course, cause he now was aware how hot she was. Not like he'd say out loud.

Kyu then bring up palutena. "Oh, hold on..." Sinking into his pocket, he took out a picture of him with the Goddess. "This is lady palutena if you wanted to know."
Kyu laughed when Pit gulped as she looked at the picture. Then she gone silent as her eyes widened when she saw the picture. This person in the picture look similar to her boss. Silently she pulled out her smartphone showing a picture of her. "My boss the goddess of love Venus."

She waited for a moment to let the picture sink in before putting her phone away. "Anyway I think we got enough time for one more girl. And know someone who can get use one."
Pit blinked in surprise. It was quite the weird sight. "Huh. They do look alike...." He said, but desided to not dwell on it much.

He rather focused on what Kyu was saying. "Sure, lead the way." He was getting used to this, he'd admit. I mean, it was still weird, but that could also be said about everything else in his life. He wondered who the love fairy had in mind, although another thought crossed me.

"Don't you think this is a bit...mean? I mean, going after so many girls; That kind of sounds dimissive of Medusa, or Ruby...or anyone if I'm just goign around wooing ladies..." He asked.
This was a first for Kyu. Most of the time no one ever question the method for find her clients some girls. "I normally just find my clients a few girls for them and they even found a couple on their own. It's up to them on what they want from the girls. It how I do my job normally." Now she was started to wonder if her method was the right way to find her clients Love. "It up to you if they just friends, booty calls, and who is your lover. Hell if you're feeling ballies you can go for the harem ending."

Soon the two would find themselves in front of a night club call In the Zone. Kyu changed herself to back when Pit first saw her. She was able get them through the bouncer a green blob creature name Lenny. They then gone up into one the VIP rooms.

"Kyu babe it good to see you!" "Zone Tan girlfriend how my favorite bitch doing." "Oh you know same old same old." The hugged one another as they talk. "So I see your next client is Nintendo's little angel boy. Come to see if I had some girls to offer."
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