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Icaruspop: Lust and Romance at Starlight Island - (Utsuho x StarMech)

Pit put it into thought. She did have a point, it was all up to him or the girls to see what would ebcome of this. Right now, he couldn't say for sure, he always had feelings for Lady palutena, but now...he was starting to feel something for Medusa, of all people, as well. Who knew who else he could end up falling for?

"I guess you're right." He admitted, "As long as nobody ends up getting hurt on sad, I guess we're not really doing anything bad here. I don't really know what will come from this, but might as well just see where this leads me, right?"

With that resolve...well...resolved. The two headed to a secluded club that Kyu apparently seemed to know very well. Despite being secluded within a couple of small dark alleys, it looked like it was in full boom. Pit was a bit surprised (and unsettled) by the green tentacle monster who was acting as the bouncer, but decided to just let it go as they went insice. The VIP Room itself looked pretty good. "Fancy." He said following a whistle, that's when a purple-haired beauty of dominating persona arrived, apparently knowing Kyu.

"Um, hey. I guess I don't have to really introduce myself then, you seem to know me too." Pit said, surprising everyone in the island appeared to be. He never considered much of a big deal, specially next to other Nintendo icons.

"So, should I stay at this room or...?"
"Trust me I have a large date base for franchise from games to animation." Zone Tan said as she was doing something on her phone. Suddenly the Huniebee vibrated now having two new girls, almost everything about them was blank besides where they were. "I also have this fire cracker at the club." With a press on her phone a TV came down from the ceiling show blonde hair girl at the bar counter. "Yang Xiao Long from RWBY, she gave Lemmy a hard time but nothing he couldn't handle. Said something about stolen books."

"She in a shitty mood, best bet would be to is make her laugh so say something stupid." Kyu added.

"Well I take it that was what you were looking for. Then here what I want in return." Zone-Tan press her phone again several TVs came down. This time showing women having sex with men, other women, and tentacles. "When you going to fuck one your girls brains out and you're here in the club I want you to take them to a VIP room so kind watch. Also if you hear this sound it means I want one or both of you for a booty call." A sound of came of Zone-Tan giggling came out of the Huniebee.

"Ok Pit you go get that hot bomb shell. I'll going spend sometime with Zone-Tan." Soon the girls clothes started fly everywhere with a pair of purple panties with Zone-Tan's logo hitting Pit's face as the began to make out.
Pit couldn't help but blush at the sight of all those girls in the monitors, moaning and gasping in pleasure. If this wasn't enough, as soon as the objective was set Kyu and Zone starting to madle make out with eachother, as dresses and purple sweaters flew by; Zone's panties even falling on top of him. He had to force himself to look away, his length concealed by hard as a rock. He did however took the panties and saved them in his hammerspace pocked...she wouldn't mind, r-right?

Either way he approached the one called Yang, taking a good look at her. She was really pretty, her hair almost like gold and her body quite smoking as well as a pretty face; But also she appeared pretty fierce. The angel sat next to her and, when the bartender passed by, asked for two drinks. He then slide one of them Yang's way as he said, "Hey there. You seemed kinda bummed so have a free drink on me."

When he heard the term RWBY, he immediatly picked up that she was part of Ruby's team; In fact, recalling a situation with books he was also able to guess that this was indeed her sister...

"Name's Pit by the way. A certain scythe-carrying girl mentioned me that someone was having a bad day. You're Ruby's sister, right? Name's Pit. What got you so down?"
Well Yang's vacation was starting off terrible. Still pissed off about what had happened through her day. Just before she could leave a drink had slide right in front of her. Turning to see who it was only to well a angel. Yang raised an eyebrow when he offered a free drink. Well she wasn't going to turn it down, but she kept her guard up not knowing what he was to. When he said Ruby's name Yang recalled her saying she had spent sometime with a winged boy.

"Yang Xiao Long. Well I was trying to meet up with one of my friends at the library before I got blamed for stealing like fifty books. Got hold in the police station saying I was the thief before Ruby was able to clear my name. Once gotten here some drunk asshole tried to get off by humping my leg. I was going to crush his junk, but that green thing held me off and throughout that guy. Then owner yelled at me making a scene."
"Geez, really sounds like you had a bad day." Pit said, "But don't let it drag you down. Believe me, I tend to have the most terrible luck, but I always find a way to bounce back. And you seem like the strong-type; I'm sure you can handle it."

Pit then chuckled. "I mean, I was once shot out of a cannon at like match 7, yet here I am..."

He took a pause to take a sip of his drink, "Also, if you ever find that real book thief, he better protect himSHELF. Heh, sorry for the pun; Couldn't resist."
"Ya no kidding." She said taking a sip of her drink as she listened to his little pep talk. She then gave him a questionable stare when he said he was shot out of a cannon. Once he made the pun Yang smiled.

"Oh once I find her, she better BOOK it or she in for a real Yang." She made two puns then began to laugh. It took her moment before she calmed down. "Thanks for that I need a good laugh."
"Heh, no problem." Pit smiled, "Better to see you smiling. You look great."

Another sip of his drink followed, cheeks already gaining a slight shade of pink. "So, how is it being a huntress. Ruby spoke a little about it, but then kind of got fixated on her weapon."

"You seem like the kind of gal that can handle anything."
Seeing his face turning a bit pink told Yang that he didn't know how to handle his drinks. "Better take it easy on the drinks, this crowd look like they eat cute boys like you up." She warned him. "It pretty great. You beat up Grimm, go on adventures, protect the peace, and that good." She up at nothing as remember some of her time with RWBY as finished her drink.

"Strawberry Sunrise. No ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas." She order a drink for herself. "Well can handle most thing on my own, but even sometimes I can't handle everything on my own. It make me glad that have my sister and two friends as teammates."
"I'm gonna drink responsibly. Besides, you're with me, and you ain't gonna take advantage of lil' ol me, are you?" Pit chuckled.

"Still, sounds you have a pretty tight team. Man, I'd love to see you in action someday. maybe some sparring. I may not look like it, but I'm quite skillful too."

The two kept talking for a while, just having fun. Yang was quite the fun gal to hang out with, and Pit was enjoying the night. He wasn't sure how far this'd take him with her, but either way he'd mark this night as a success.

((Basically, not sure on what else to say before moving the story along so up to you if things get friskier or not, or something that could embarrass either of them))
"Maybe I might you do have a Pitty face on you." She chuckled along with Pit

She raised an eyebrow when he asked to with them. "Ok we can do that or if you can get three other we can it a go r on four." She then handed him a note with her scroll's number. Soon it just became the two talking to one, though she did have to cut him off from the drinks only letting virgin ones. But all good thing must come to a end Yang left Pit giving a goodbye kiss on his cheek and getting a one heart for Yang in Huniebee.

"Come on champ it time get you back to your room." Kyu had gotten back now carrying him out the club. Pit seemed a little out of it, he most likely was drunk. Kyu was able to get him back to his room and lay him down on his bed. Kyu try to give him a goodnight kiss on the lips, but do to the of his breath she settled with kissing his forehead.

The next morning the first thing Pit would see was a naked Kyu. She sitting on the edge on his bed looking a porn magazine while using double ended dildo on her pussy.
"You were r-right Kyu...I am having so much fuuun~" Said the drunken Pit, wobbling along as she carried him out, "Hope you had fun with your lady friend toooo...Yang is so fun! And funny...and cool...and she's got such a great pair of...gauntlets..."

Eventually he was lead back into his room, thankfully Palutena appeared to be already sleeping in the next door over so noone'd question anything. The young-looking angel simply dropped to the bed and fell soundly asleep.

By mornign he woke up, abet a bit dizzy, yet luckily with no hangover....only to see the love fairy pleasuring herself in the edge of the bed with a dirty magazine. "K-Kyu!?!?!"
"Aahh aahh, morning Pit fuck ya" Kyu moan out when called out her name. She did promised that she let him watch her as she touched herself. She tossed the magazine aside landing on Pit's lap open on a picture of a red head woman. "Oh yes harder harder, I'm almost going going to ggaaahhh FUCK!" Using both of her hands the dildo rapidly in and out of her pussy. Soon she pulled the toy out and her pussy squirted from her orgasm.

Her body slide down off the bed and was sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide open. She took wet end of the dildo and began to lick her own pussy juice off of it. "That should make us even now drunk angel." She stood up gone into the bathroom tossing the dildo on the magazine. This time it was Kyu turn to take a shower, but unlike Pit she left the door wide open for him if he want to watch her or even join in.
Pit could only watch as Kyu continued to pleasure herself in front of him, his face red as a tomato. His sight didn't shift, he didn't even blink. Seeing her push that in and out, her moans...

And then she cliamxed hard, right in front of him. Was this what was awaiting him through this lan of hers?

Regardless, she headed to the bathroom. Pit, still blushing, only to look under the covers at the biggest case of morning wood he ever had. "Aw, damnit..." He groaned. Thanks to her, now he was super eager.

The Love Fairy went to shower, and as he heard the water run, the back of his mind urged to go see. He tried to fight it, but his instincts were winning...

"Damnit...oh Lady Palutena please forgive me..."

He got up from the bed and sneaked to the door, leaning as he slowly opened to take a peek.
As Kyu washed herself she started to ponder on what Pit was doing. She knew he had a hard on right now give the little show she put on so he either jerking off to porno mag she got from Zone-Tan or he was peeking on her will she was showing. The thought made her hands move on their own as began to squeeze her breasts. Then as she start to twisted one her tits one of her roamed her body only stoping on her clit. She teasing on the ideal that Pit maybe peeking on her.

She gasped and moaned losing control of herself. She couldn't take anymore. Kyu may not be aloud to have s x with right now, but she work around that. "Hey Pit if you like you're welcome to join in with."
Pit gulped, watching entrance as the love fairy caressed her body underneath the warm water. He knew peeking was wrong, that feeling this way should be wrong. Yet, his hardened member did not lie; He was enjoying the sights. Kyu's breasts may not be the biggest, but they were perky and lively, and her hips were curvaceous enough for a good balance.

He heard the imitation, about to stutter some more now that he had been found. But swallowing his fears, andchanting a few "This is gonna end badly"'s on his mind, Pit decided to venture into this risky choice and quickly undid his clothing and jumped into the shower with her.

"H-hey.." He said nervously. She could easily see his hard erection now.
Kyu eyes on were the on the doorway waiting for Pit walk in. She started to wonder he would even bother to give the invitation a second thought. Just before Kyu turned away Pit came in undressing himself and join her. Kyu was in a moment of disbelief that he actually came, but than she just smiled. "Hey Pit."

This was a treat for Kyu eyed his rigged chested letting hands touch them. She couldn't stop herself rubbing him. She then pressed her own body against his moving up and down.
Pit froze when her hands started to caress him. They felt so soft, still unable to fully adapt to her forwardness. How she could be so casual about this? This he could not understand...

Still it felt so good, that he let her keep going. Pt's blush seemed to remain while his eyes went all over her. The warm water sliding down her pretty frame, there was nowhere Pit didn't want to see. And then, she started to use that very same bod on him.

Up and down she went, barely missing his rod but brushing it slightly with her tummy. Pit's breathing became heavier. His hands trembled, not sure on what to do, so he let her continue to toy with him.
"I always wanted to try one of those Japanese soapland thing. Having someone lather my body by rubbing their own against." Kyu could everything from her nipples passing by each of the dividing lines of his muscles to his cock on her belly. The look on his face and his breathing told her that Pit wanted more.

Yet the way his hands shaked made her wonder how mucu he knows about sex. Sure he can rub one out, but with another person it a different ball game. "Come Pit no need to be nervous around me." She took one of his hands and placed it over her pussy "Just do what feels natural to you."

Kyu then wrapped her fingers around Pit's length as she began to move it up and down. Her other gonna behind Pit grabbing his butt giving it a squeeze before slapping it. Kyu giggled at the thought of Pit using one of her toys. "You know you're welcome to join Sugardust when she playing with her toys." Kyu eyes widened and her face turned bright red. Why did she used her last name?
Pit gasped and groaned. Her fingers around his length feeling so good; So different than when he did it. She also displayed some skill, rubbing against and stroking just right. She knew her stuff...


Kyu encouraged him to do more, and even mentioned toys for a future date. Pit did not answer with words, but his body did make his cock throb in her hand at the mention of it. He had to do something...

Pit's hands then suddenly acted, and with a fierce grab he held on to Kyu's rear; His fingers squeezing hard upon her buttocks. Pit lunged forward, instinct taking over, his lips smacked against hers while his weight pushed back and the two were now under the falling water. He held this hungry kiss, just unable to contain it...
Kyu could feel everything in her hand as she jerked his cock from the heat, the shape, and even the smallest movement. It seemed he like the ideal of joining her when she going to use her toys by how much his cock throbbed her hand.

Kyu gasped when Pit suddenly grabbing her ass and began to manhandled ber butt cheeks. Before she could say anything Pit lunged her at taking a kiss from her. She said hands in shock as he pulled her in the shower's water, though Kyu found herself given in as eyes closed and she wrapped her hands around his neck.

She was submitting to Pit as ravished her. All she could do was moan and return his kiss with her. Kyu knew she should stop before it any after this, but her body wanted it.
Feeling Kyu reciprocate the kiss just made Pit's cock throb even more. His hands kept groping and kneading her behind, her skin feeling so soft as he kept making out with her. The feeling of her tongue wrestling against kiss kept him fully engulfed in this passion.

His hands started to go and explore more. Caressing the hits, up the back and eventually one gripping her breast and massage it like dough. Kyu wasn't as busty as Medusa, Palutena or Yang, but they were so perky and lovable...

Before she could do something, Kyu felt his dick pushed between her legs. Rather than simply entering her, he rather kept it there rubbing against her labia while held tightly between her thighs. Pit broke the kiss hen he started to thrust forwards and backwards; The hardness rubbed against the love fairy's slit with a reckless and frantic pace. It was as if part of him still stopped him from going all in, but also unable to stop; Some kind of strange compromise.

It wasn't a very stylish thing, lacking any finesse. Pit humped as he kept his head resting upon her shoulder while gasping and groaning, even uttering her name softly in whimpers. It was like a puppy humping away in heat; It was adorable, but also super hot.

He kept going, rubbing against her thighs and labia, causing him to tremble in delight but not stopping his pace one bit. "Ahn...ahn...k...K-kyu....ahn..."
Kyu was writhering in Pit hands as it moved up her body as her tongue danced alongside his. She let a muffled gasp when his hand made breast as he began to play with it. She could feel his body's movement and it seemed he was ready thrust inside of her. Her body wait for his shaft to piece it way inside of Kyu's pussy...

Though it didn't happen. Once Pit separate away from her lips, Kyu gasped left breathless for a moment as she looked down seeing that he was humping between her thighs and her pussy lips. A part of her was disappointed, yet she was glad.

Kyu simply closed her legs trying to make it as tight for him. She placed her hand on his head stroking him as let out light moans. "That it Pit keep going."
Of course, that wasn't to say Kyu wasn't getting some pleasure out of this despite the angel not fucking her straight-up. Pit's cock brushed roughly against her pussy lips, sending fewer-paced yet still powerful jolts of pleasure through the love fairy's body.

This kept going. Their position, the running water pouring upon them, and the way Pit continued to gasp and call Kyu's name even in soft whispers; All of it added to the scene, making it even more sensual, even more exciting and made those brushed against the slit even more pleasurable.

"K-kyu....ahn...kyu..." He kept going, like in some sort of trance. All that passionate feelings coming out in a feverish wild act. Not just about Kyu, but in general; All those times he had to hide his pent up feelings for Palutena, all those nights where he had taken a peek of ehr at her bath only to feel guilty afterwards; his newfounds feelings for Medusa, Ruby and Yang...all of that coming to mind but still focusing on Kyu, her lewd antics, but also her personality in general having awoken a series of feelings within him...

He kept going, but the pink-haired lass could feel he was about to cum.
Kyu could feel his pressing up against her pussy as it move even brushing her clit from times. Though this may not be the most intense masturbating she had done, Kyu was still enjoying it as she gasped and moaned. She soon find found herself moving her pelvis alongside Pit's.

Kyu then began to suck on two of her fingers imagining them to be Pit's cock. She could feel all the twitching and throbbing his dick was making knowing he was ready cum. She pulled her hand away from her mouth and ran down his back until rest on his butt.

"I'm Cumming Pit!" Once she said the sent the two fingers into his tight little hole as she pressed her whole body into his. She held him as she had her orgasm squirting all over his cock.
Pit was coming close, rapidly fucking her thighs and netherlips like there was no tomorrow. His body resting against her while they both moaned under the shower. Their cries echoing through the bathroom with reckless abandon.

Kyu started to caress him down his back, feeling a pair of coated fingers in saliva that then found his way into his butt. She thrusted her fingers inside, hitting a soft point inside. Pit's eyes widened, even his wings perked and froze, a powerful shock of painful pleasure suddenly exploded inside of him, bringing him to the edge.

With a loud final cry, his cock erupted into a powerful geyser of cum, smeared her thighs, rear and a lot of the walls as a ton of white ropes started to spurt after the first shit.

The young angel panted, face red in embarassment and exhaustion, his face still resting on Kyu's shoulder while his body still trembled in the afterglow, wobbling every so slightly to keep himself standing up.

"Ahn...k-kyu..." He panted, somewhat out of it after such powerful orgasm.
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