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Icaruspop: Lust and Romance at Starlight Island - (Utsuho x StarMech)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
"The Red Potion" Bar; Hours into the night...

Starlight Island was a very special place. A huge isle located across the multiversal ocean, where people from across multiple worlds, make the journey for relaxation, work, adventure and a good time. Sunny beaches, tons of different entreatment venues, and vast lush forests for the nature-types.

But right now, our story begins at a small but cozy bar known as The Red Potion. At this hour it seemed that there were just a handful of people inside, all immersed in their own lives. Amongst them was a particular young-looking angel currently sitting by the barstand....

This was Pit, who right now simply sighed as the Bartender, a Toad, handed him another drink. He had barely finished the first one and he could already feel himself tipsy. Pit had traveled to the island with his boss and goddess, Lady Palutena, for some well-earned R&R. Pit thought maybe, just maybe, time here could be the chance where he could finally spend more time with her; Tell her mroe about his feelings...

But he chickened out and soon enough, Palutena assumed Pit wanted his space; which wasn't far from the truth, but was not helping him after she met with some old acquaintances.

Pit just felt lonely in general, specially with the fairer sex. Despite his angelic looks, he was still a young man with needs and wants...but of course it wasn't like if luck was going to smile his way...
But luck seemed to smile as one woman came to sit next to the lonely angel. This was the love fairy Kyu, though right now she didn't look like a fairy using her human disguise. "Bartender get me a Mojito." She spoke and within moments the Toad gave her drink. Kyu eyes drifted towards Pit's direction.

He was her next person she going to help out in the love department. "Hey there cutie." Kyu called to Pit giving a moment to reply to her. She then taken the slice of lime on her glass and sucked on it for moment before placing it back on her glass. "My name is Kyu. Mind if ask for your name Angel?" She asked as the string strap of her red dress fallen off her should.
"Huh?" Pit turned around, head still somewhat buzzing and cheeks reddened. "Um, hey..."

"My name is Pit. Um...nice to meet you...?" He asked somewhat confused. Perhaps it was the drink, perhaps it was the lonelyness, or maybe he was that bad at it; But the seductive tone of Kyu flew completely over his head.

He was gonna need some work, yes...
The look on Kyu's face just said disappointed. His unawareness and the tone of unsureness in his voice. " Seriously a cute girl is trying to hit on and the best you could do is a nice to meet you." Yep he was going a lot of help from Kyu. She quickly drank her drink and stood up from her chair. "Listen Pit you definitely need help when comes to the women." She began walk out of the bar, but before she left. "Don't worry Pit I'll be visiting you later."

Later that night once Pit went back to his room and had fallen asleep he would be getting visit from Kyu. Though this time she definitely look like a fairy wearing what most people would called lingerie. "Oh Pit wakie wakie." Kyu whisper into his ear though it didn't seem to work. "I said get up!" She yelled at him and slapped his face. "Good evening Pit."
Pit was already pretty inebriated, barely really connecting what was going on or hearing. The woman simply left him to ride his sorrows for the few hours before he felt he needed to sleep. He headed back to his room at the hotel, one next to Palutena, but one of his own. He quickly took down the upper side of his clothing, mostly his toga and undershirt, to drop on the bed shirtless and only wearing some black boxers. He had a pretty good physique, being Palutena's captain of her guard and all, while also keeping that youthful appeal.

It didn't take long before he fell asleep. that's when Kyu returned, now in her fairy form, to wake him least she tried at first...

"Ngggh....five more minutes please..."

And then she slapped him.

"Oww!! H-hey what gives...huh?"

He still thought he was half-awake, seeing the lady fairy in such risque appeal make him rub his eyes. "Am I still asleep?" He pondered out loud, but after seeing her again his eyes widened before backing away in surprise, blushing brightly.

"W-who are you!?"
"None of that five more minutes bullshit." Everytime she tries to wake someone up she always seem to get asked for more time to sleep that it became a pet peeve. Once he was up Kyu gotten a good look at Pit's body and she wasn't disappoint. "Ooh la la, cute and a touch of buffness." Then came the question who she was, though she didn't find it annoying.

"How could you forget such a adorable face? It me Kyu"

She gave him a moment to recollect thoughts before she give him the news.

"You probably wondering why I'm here my little angel. Well you see I'm a love fairy and I'm here to help you your love life. You see it my job to help the little boys and girls hit it with ladies."

After explaining herself, Kyu let Pit have a chance to ask her questions only for her to ignore them. "Look just get your butt in gear and don't think you can get out of this because I'm going to with."
" mean the girl at the bar?" Pit asked still a bit sleepy, shaking it off quickly with a shake of his head. Not like she was super freaked out or anything, he had seen weirder...

However, his eyes kept looking at her wears, such sexy lingerie and body was already making Pit blush. "Wait, what do you even get out of helping me? And why me specifically?" He asked, arms crossed.
Kyu smirked to herself able to see Pit checking out her body. " Enjoying the view?" She ask wanting tease him a little. She rolled her eyes at the two questions he gave her. Really she wasn't going to answer the first question, but the second one. "How's that love life going for you?" She answered his question with another one.

"Right that why I'm here for you. Look just follow my advice and you be getting the ladies in no time. Normally this is the part where I give you a little tutorial, but seeing as this isn't a game we'll just skip to the part on where you should go to pick some girls."
Pit's face lit up when he was caught staring, quickly turning away from facing her. Regardless, he had one heck of a situation in his hands, but...could she be right? the way she sounded it seemed to be more about lust than anything...but he was lonely...

"Well...I guess I won't have much of a choice in this story, so alright. I'll go with this." Pit sighed. "But tutorials aside, how are we even gonna do this?"
"You won't regrets this." Kyu than tossed something that looked like a smartphone to Pit. "That there is the new improved Huniebee. That little guy will collect all the information of the girls you're going after and even show you where they are when they best available." She explained to Pit

"How are we even gonna do this?" She repeated his question.

"You got to go where the girls go, come on you got go find them yourself." She said pausing for his answer. " Good choice, though I was going to say that no matter what you said." She gave him one of her stock lines.

"Well come on get dressed and hurry up, those panties aren't going to remove themselves!"
"Geez, bossy much...?" Pit said a bit grumpy. Still, he eventually got up the bed, made his bed rather quickly and head to the shower.

He was to assume Kyu would wait for him to be done, but of course he didn't know much of her and her perverted tendencies. He reached the shower and quickly pulled down his boxers, his member popping out. Despite looking young, Pit had a rather...well...hung tool downwards. Quite impressive, as nobody'd assume just by looking at him.

He hopped in and turned up the shower, letting the warm water fall upon him. "ah..." He sighed in relief, still his mind wandered.

"This still feels like some sort of weird dream..." He said to himself, "Will I really be able to meet and win over some girls like this?...I don't have a choice, but still..."
Pit would have assumed wrong if he thought Kyu would respect his privacy. She could have just wait until the shower's water was turned on, then she could just barge right. But this time she want a good look of his equipment. "Alright Pit let see what kind of little devil you're hiding down there." She said quietly to herself as she open the door enough for to peek inside.

The first thing was Pit's butt. "I wonder if he like to try some of my toys once he loosen up." Soon her eyes widened once she saw his little devil. Her lips as if to say 'HOLY SHIT' though no sound came out of her mouth.

She sat there her sight glued to his not so little Pit. She wanted to just go in there and join him in the shower, but she held herself back. Kyu let out a sigh walking away from the bathroom door and sat on his bed. Right now she doing her love fairy job she have to wait until he gotten a few girls in his bed.
Pit washed his body for a while, unaware that the pervy fairy was watching, eventually drying off and getting his robes and garbs on. IT was no hot spring, but a warm shower always put him in an energetic mood.

He stepped out now fresh. "Alright then. I'll probably regret this later, but the plot is not gonna move with me slouching here. let's go!" He proclaimed with energy.
"Hell ya that spirit, let blow this joint!" Kyu yelled she then had Pit follow her. The two would find themselves at the park. Kyu started to look around a good girl to start out with. "Ha you missed!" Someone yelled. "Hey watch out!" That same person called out to Pit

Suddenly a blue of energy fly passed Pit's head. "You girls need to be more careful with danmagithings!" The girl yelled at several little girl who fled off giggling. The girl then made a B line to Pit.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! You see I was just minding my own business, then suddenly hit by a snowball and one girl was all like 'Hahaha I'm the strongest' and I was like 'You got lucky, I bet you couldn't do it a second time' and suddenly those girls started to rain down those glowing energy ball things and then... Then..."

The girl Ruby Rose need to catch her breath. "Please forgive me!"

"A innocent flower, I treasure those nights when I pluck them. Oh by the way if you wonder why they don't notice me it because I'm just part of your imagination... Just joking I'm using magic to make myself invisible." Kyu spoke up.
"Oh good, cause that ain't creepy and stalker-y in the slightest..." Pit whispered in sarcasm, unoticed by the newcomer Ruby....

However, the young angel quickly shifted focus on the raven-haired gal, waved his hands in front of him he tried to keep the lass calm. "Hey don't sweat it. Trust me when I say, projectiles flying at my face and me dodging them happens to me a lot in my line of work."

He was acting friendly. Well, not much as acting, rather he was always friendly. It was just how he was. "Still, snowballs in the middle of summer, that's new. Name's Pit by the way. Nice to meet you!"
"Oh that good to hear." Ruby let a sigh of relief hearing he was fine. "Ya one of those girls had somekind of ice semblance or something." She said thinking it was same kind of power were she came. "Oh right my name is Ruby Rose it nice to meet you Pit."

Ruby than stared at his wings for a moment then she looked back at him. "So you're a bird faunus or something."
"Faunus? Yeah, i think you got me confused..." Pit explained. "You see this place is home to a whole lot of stuff from multiple worlds, believe or not. I'm actually an angel. But whatever a faunus is, that's a pretty neat name." He chuckled a bit to that, trying to ponder how to approach the lass without sounding like a weirdo...then again, she acted pretty weird as well. She seemed pretty curious...

"You know, maybe it'd be better to explain without the ominous possibility of being bombarded by ice. How about we grab a bite to eat?"
"Oh right, I still haven't gotten use to the whole multiple people from different worlds." She explained herself as she rubbed the back of her head. Her eyes he said he was an angel as let a wow slip through her lips. "That sounds nice Pit." Suddenly a snowball passed by her barely grazing her nose. This surprised Ruby enough to make her lose balance leaving on one foot as she flared her arms around, she a letter to regain her balance. " I let you have this, but I'll be back!" She called out to the girls one more time.

"Nice going on getting your first date champ. Something tells me the best move would be to just be yourself for this girl and take her somewhere with good choices of sweets, best bet would be to take her to a coffee place or something. Trust me you'll be having her lips wrapped around your well hung little devil." Kyu spoke.
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"You really love to put things bluntly like that, do you?" Pit commented back to Kyu while blushing slightly. As much as he didn't want to admit it, the sight of a cutie like Ruby pleasuring him wasn't so bad...

Ahg! She was starting to get into his head. This was still a weird situation...

Regardless, he did have an idea of where to go. The young angel soon lead Ruby into a small but lovely cafe by the coast of the island. He had went to it on the first day of his arrival with lady palutena and the food was delightable, so he assumed Ruby'd enjoy it as well.

Now sitting by a table on the outskirts of the building, Pit ordered a series of sweet pastries for them to enjoy, now waiting their order. "So, Ruby. How did you get to this place?" He asked.
"Get use to them because they aren't going to stop anytime soon." Kyu replied to Pit's comment. She could see it on his face that he was using Ruby for one of his fantasy. "Something on your mind dirty bird?"

Once they sat down Ruby had scarfed down a few of baked goods. When he asked her a question she try speak, but her voice muffled with the food in her mouth. She took a sip of her chocolate caramel drink thing as she call it to wash it down. "Sorry about that. Well my sister said she won some tickets. So she brought me and the other members of team RWBY along. Ya I know it very confusing for the four use."
Pit decided not to answer Kyu's tease and simple continue to go with the flow of things. He was however surprised at Ruby's voracious appetite; Her to expect such a thing and cute girl'd be scarfing so many sweets like a maniac. Then again, he'd be guilty to do the same with some hamburgers of sweets too...

"Team RWBY. So are you part of some kind of combat team?" Pit asked curious, he leaned to the side to point a particular item that Ruby had dropped from her back to the side of her chair. "I mean, I don't know how things work in your world, but the huge red scythe kind of gave me that idea..."
"Well kinda, we're going to a special place that trains people to become huntsmen and huntresses." She said grabbing drinking. When Pit mentioned about Crescent Rose Ruby picked her weapon up and it started transform down to a more portable size. "It's also a sniper." She proclaimed smirking after showing off a bit of her baby ability.

"What about you Pit? What does an angel do at your world." She question him.
Pit's eyes went starry-eyed at both explanations. "That's so cool!" He proclaimed excited, "So you go around hunting things with a super-cool transforming weapon. Man, that sounds amazing."

He collected himself soon after, chuckling a bit in embarrassment. "W-well, I'm actually the captain of a whole squadron of centurion angels. My duty is protect the land and take care of our goddess, Lady Palutena. She is basically my boss, I guess..."

He then decides to show his weapon as well. He took out his bow and presented it to Ruby "I guess it's not as cool as a sniper-scythe but I was bestowed this blessed Bow, amongst some other weapons...but this is the one I use the most."

He took an archer stance, manifesting an energy arrow. "See? I can shoot energy arrows whenever I need to hit an enemy for afar, but also..." He then proceeded to dismiss the arrow and separate the bows into two short blades.

"I can turn them into blades for close combat!" Pit explained, pulling off a cool fighting pose as he did.
"Well something like that, though I'm still in trainin." She began to rubbed the back of her head. "Oh wow, it must pretty cool to command your own troops. I'm the leader of team RWBY, but I'm seen as more a friend then a boss."

When Pit was showing off his weapon it was Ruby's turn for her to go starry-eyed. "Man it must be cool fighting along side an army you trained." Suddenly something started to beeping. Ruby pulled out her scroll and once she checked why it was beeping her eyes widened. "Oh fudge, I got to go." She dash in a blink of an eye and in that same amount time she came back with a pen as started writing down some numbers on a napkin. " Here it my number to my scroll. I really had a nice time with you Pit. I got to go, my sister is being blamed for stealing several books. Let's meet up again later." With that she had two more sweets then she dashed off. When Pit looked at the numbers the Huniebee vibrated as it gotten all the information that Pit learned about Ruby and showed five hearts with one of them was pink.

"Nice going on your first date Pit." Two voice had said the same thing one of them was Kyu. The other one came from behind Pit. The person behind was the goddess of darkness Madusa.
"Well, I do end up doing most of the work myself tho. Centurions are mostly the first line of defense because their bodies are too weak, they get poofed in an instant but can be immediatly revived. But when it comes to a direct approach, I'm mostly on my own..." Pit explained.

However, their hanging out had to end as Ruby recieved a call. The young angel smiled at recieving her number, eager to meet with her again eventually. He looked down at the Huniebee with s smile, before proudly putting his hands on his hips.

"Thanks. I guess this wasn't so bad..." Pit smirked and replied to the two least until realizing it was TWO voices... "Wait what...?"

The angel turned around to find a shocking surprise. Eyes widened, he backed a few steps and exclaimed. "Medusa!?!"

He wasted no time in getting on in a battle position with his blades, a fierce look in his face. "What are you doing here, Medusa? Are you trying to cause havock around the Island? Or try to harm Lady paluneta? Well not on my wat--wait, how are you even here? Last time I remember, you kind of dissolved after you helped us against Hades...this seems like a strange break of continuity..."
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