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The Demons Slave (Lunar and Fluffy!!!!!!!)

A silent head nod, he understood that. He was a high ranking demon, his place would only be replaced upon his death. And Rose would not be the cause of that... hopefully.
A gentle brushing of a hair from her eye and he stood back up. Let her ask her question in the morning..... if she obeyed the rules of upstairs then nothing would be wrong in this house.
Art looked at him and nodded his head "be careful we are headed to another grand challenge several lower level demons have been challenging top teir demons recently" the last time this had happened the king of hell had set up a challenge.
"Again....." Averen snarled as he lead the genie out of his girls room. "I'll only leave if HE summons me.... That won't happen unless there is a grand war. So." Back downstair and to his study he led the magic being. "I will stay out of this for now, but thank you for the update from down below Art."
"I'll deal with it when it comes up." The list of jobs he needed to do was long, and that human was still in his basement to be killed.....a later time.... Now it was paperwork.
And he was here most of the day, not realizing it when Rose finally woke again. He didnt know how far back Art erased her memories... would it still be wise to show his face to her??
Art had returned home but left a stone fore him and was updating him through that on all that was going on. it would be around the time Rose woke up that he would be getting notified that the king had summoned ALL noble level demons back to the demon realm and to the grand hall in the castle
The news made the demons eye twitch. Real bad twitch. Claws were flexed, and teeth rolled to show his demonic fangs. Great...... now what was he supposed to do? Slapping the rock across his desk in just pure annoyance, Averen called for Rose- for a cleaning and to talk to her.
Annoyed fingers tapped on his cheek as he watched the maid come in to his office; leaning on his empty desk. "First; how do you feel?" He offered kind words, not knowing what she knew any more. Only after a response would he..... inquire to his problem. The un tapping hand gestured to the mess he had made in a silent, mere motioning question of 'can you clean this?'*

*in other words just kinda pointed to the mess on the floor and was hoping she would catch the drift of you need to clean this.....but politely. Not a direct finger point- think open palm up hand and moved it to the side of the mess.*
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