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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Azraella was sitting down next to Seras after the woman gestured for her to sit next to her. "My dear. Would you like to become a member of our staff at the mansion? You could become a cook, one of the housekeepers, a gardener, whatever you wish. You would be provided with a roof over your head naturally, you would get paid for your time and work. And you would get protection, you wouldn't be forced to do anything you didn't want to do. Of course, you can think it over." Seras spoke to the female in a soft voice, putting that offer out there for her. This had Azraella giving a slow nod, although it was more of a nod that she would think about it. Honestly after the last few years.... even just being able to do as she wished was a bit strange, with how cruel her former master had been.
Ed was settled in next to Azazel as he always did so that he could watch to make sure that they were all safe and sound during the show. while they were doing their own things Tala was doing her routine on the high wire while taking great care not to lose footing.
Seras just watched the show for a moment in time although she was looking over towards Azraella for a moment in time when the female was mumbling something under her breath. "What was that dear?" she questioned. This had the human looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Oh umm...." With that she was just shaking her head before she was speaking more softly, "Somebody is approaching. A supernatural." This had Seras raising an eyebrow before she was tilting her head a bit. A human that could sense the supernaturals, now that was unusual.
Azazel looked at her sharply his eyes gentle but a small pendant formed around her neck. this would hide her gifts from everyone there but his and Sera's but it would also mask that she was human as well since they couldn't guard her twenty-four seven.
Azraella didn't even seem to notice the look at all, nope she had found herself distracted by the performance. It seemed like the silly clowns were out at that point in time, the performance before the intermission. There was a faint smile on her lips, and for the first time in a few years, she didn't feel like she had to be afraid. It was just like old times. Just out having fun, although she couldn't really say with friends... since she wasn't really sure if she could trust these people or not.
Tala walked out of the tent with a cloak on and headed back to the manor all without changing from her performance clothes. Tala normally wore clothes that were baggy and hid her figure rather well but the outfits she wore when performing were skin tight and left little to the imagination on how she looked under her clothes. Tala even normally avoided makeup but they became a necessary evil at times.
Who would have figured that waiting in Tala's room was Atticus. "Didn't I tell you, that you weren't allowed to leave the manor. I'm tired of you sneaking behind my back. But starting today, I have already sent the paperwork, that was suppose to be sent a while ago, to the council. As of now you are free, but since you have not re-signed on as staff, I will actually have to ask you to pack up your stuff and move from this room. This room is needed for staff and actual performers that have signed on as performers with me, and didn't go behind my back." Atticus spoke after a moment in time. More or less he was telling her that she would have to move to a different wing of the mansion where he allowed guests to stay.
Tala looked at him and then shrugged "I'll be out of your hair in less than thirty minutes" with that she took the cloak off and laid it on the bed before walking into the bathroom so she could change. for having lived there her whole life her room was bare of things or momentoes that most people had.
"If you wanted to be a performer. All you had to do was come to me when you turned eighteen and talk to me about it. Tell me that that was what you wanted to do." Atticus spoke after a moment in time, his arms folded across his chest. She had no excuses whatsoever. No he didn't allow anybody under eighteen perform, otherwise if they got injured he was more liable. Now if they got hurt, it was still his responsibility to make sure that they were okay, but they got hurt on their own accord. And when people that lived with him turned eighteen, when he gave them their official freedom, since they were considered adults, he proposed a offer to them. They could continue to live with him at the mansion as one of his staff, they could become one of the performers, if they absolutely wanted they could do both, or they could leave. Even as "slaves" they had been paid, although since it wasn't cool for slaves to get paid, he had money set aside in vaults for them all. Their wages from all of the work they did, and should they decide to leave, that money was handed over to them. Otherwise if they wanted to stay he would either give them their money, or continue to hold onto it for safe keeping.
Not like anybody could get into his vault without his permission anyways, it was heavily protected by magic. And should that magic be dispelled, he would sense it, not to mention Seras' charms would come to one of them. They were always keeping an eye on it for him as well.
Tala swung around and looked at him sharply "And you would have said no like you always have just for example, when I was five and I asked to learn to ride a bike you said no that I could get hurt and again when I was eight and asked to learn to ice skate you said no once again and when I was ten and asked to learn to play the violin, you said it was a waste of my time and your money and then there was when I turned sixteen when I asked if I could learn to drive you said no so what in our history would have made me think you would have agreed to let me perform" Tala was done playing nice she had asked over the years for things and he had always said no to her.
Atticus looked towards her for a moment in time before he spoke, "I at least came to realize that I was an asshole, but I have certain rules for a reason. There are some things that I don't allow anybody to do, to protect them. Under eighteen you are seen as a slave by everybody else, except for here. Here I only have staff. Sure I buy people all the time as slaves but that is to protect them." With that he was just shaking his head before he was turning to leave the room, no he didn't want to talk anymore. And he could feel that familiar pain of a migraine coming on. Man this was going to be a long day, especially since the last time he had gotten one of these damn migraines the pain had been so unbearable he really couldn't do anything all day.
"Atticus, go lie down." Seras spoke as she suddenly seemed to appear and was giving him a bottle of pills, sending him on his way. After that she was walking into the room and sitting on the edge of Tala's bed before she was telling her to sit down. "Listen. The reason why Atticus has been so protective is because of the second family. Because of that same man that was here earlier, Azraella's former master. He took a very strong interest in you when you were younger, I'm not sure why though. Addy has been afraid to leave you alone, in fear he would come around. And if you speak to Azraella, that man... he wasn't kind to his slaves. At all. I know my brother's ways are unorthodox and strange but sometimes, it is just best to ask why. And had you talked to Atticus about joining the performers, he would have let you. He was upset that you had gone behind his back sure but he had let it go, and waited for you to come and talk to him about it. He wanted you to admit it before he said anything." Seras spoke after a moment in time, her voice soft. She was fiddling with her engagement ring for a brief moment in time before she was poking a finger into Tala's chest lightly before she spoke, "But now, other than that, I need you to listen to what else I say. In a few hours a few very deadly demon lords will be coming to visit. It is very important that you make sure that you are acting as.... well a slave since that is how they will see you. Don't be joking around like you guys usually do, make sure you are dressed in the proper attire. This message is being passed on to everybody for their own safety. These lords.... they aren't to mess with. If you look at them wrong, speak to them wrong.... they will not hesitate to kill you."
"I was told to leave so I will be gone by then" Tala looked at her lightly " I may have been a slave but he could have come up with excuses or given rules like when other demons were visiting I couldn't ride or practice and had to behave like a slave would but no he went out of his way to be overprotective I never asked to leave the grounds so I would have been safe from the male" Tala was more than aware of how evil the man was and she knew from a young age that he needed to be avoided
"Tala. Even within the mansion.... one isn't safe from him." Seras spoke after a moment in time before she was getting to her feet although she was tilting her head for a brief moment in time, listening to something one of her contracted spirits had to say. This had her letting out a slow breath of air before she mumbled, "Oh perfect just what we need. That fucking cunt showing up here." Who was she talking about? The daughter of the first family, who was constantly trying to ruin the relationship between herself and Azazel.
Tala chuckled a little "have fun with her" Tala wasn't worried about having to deal with her as she was leaving since the male was currently being held and punished by the prince for his treatment of his slaves. "oh and you may want to keep her away from your brother she mentioned the last time she was here that if she couldn't split you two up she would get with your brother and make your life a living hell and since he doesn't have a mate she figured he will fall for her"
"I would love to see her try. Atticus hates her guts." Seras spoke after a moment in time before she was giving a faint chuckle before drifting off out of the room so that she could go and find Azazel, hopefully before the daughter of the first family got to him. But honestly, she was absolutely beautiful, a lot more beautiful than Seras. Beautiful jet black hair, almost emerald green eyes, a perfect body. She was more like an angel from heaven than a demon.

"There you are Azazel." the black haired woman cooed as she came up behind the male and wrapped her arms around him. Justice circled around him before she purred, "Have you reconsidered my offer? My family can give you so much more." Who would have figured that she would be moving up closer to him and wrapping her arms around him, and kissing him straight on the lips just as Seras was walking up as well. Man what a shock that was to Seras, and probably to Azazel. A random kiss like that usually left a person stunned and unsure what to do at first.
Azazel froze for a moment before he shoved her away from him and then moved over to Seras's side "and as I have told you time and time again I am engaged to be married" Azazel was more than a little annoyed with the women because of her action.
"You would truly turn down me.... the daughter of the first family for some low born noble." Justice spoke in a rather harsh tone. And this is where the ugly side of her seemed to come out. It wasn't long before Seras felt the warmth from her charm and soon enough Asya was appearing between the pair of them and the irate woman. She seemed to be completely ignoring Justice as she was reporting to Azazel and Seras that all those that had been at the mansion of the second lord were safe and sound now. They had been helped, and now they had been taken to safe places, away from there. "Seriously, be quiet. I was speaking." Asya spoke as her eyes flickered towards that of Justice, and all of a sudden Justice would find that while she was talking, no sound came out.
Azazel held and hand over his mouth to keep from laughing at what happened to her. Azazel then leaned down and whispered in Seras's ear "if she insists on staying here I say that we get your brother to play along and have him pretend to be either dating or sleeping with one of the staff" Azazel had made it so no one could leave just yet as he didn't want anyone to just up and vanish
"That would only result in Justice spreading rumors about Atticus. You know it is frowned upon for a noble to sleep or date a staff member. A slave in her eyes." Seras spoke in a low voice. Who would have figured that Asya would be eavesdropping, although that was pretty normal for her. "He can be mine." was all the woman said after a moment in time which had Seras looking up. Oh now that would be rich, very rich. Asya was royalty herself, although from a different branch of hell. She was princess of purgatory, in which Azazel and his family didn't rule over, but they had very friendly relations with.
Azazel looked at her and then at Seras " let's talk more once this annoying woman is no longer around us" Azazel could tall she was already trying to listen in on their conversation and he didn't like it
Seras looked at Azazel for a brief moment in time before she was looking at Asya then spoke, "Kindly show our esteemed guest to the entry room." "As you wish." Asya cooed before she was going over to Justice and steering her out of the room, which had Seras giving a faint giggle.
Azazel shook his head "damn bitch ca n't seem to get it through her head that I am engaged to you and happily so" Azazel wanted to kill the woman but unless she physically attacked him or Seras he had no grounds to hurt her
Seras just looked at him for a moment in time although there was a sad look on her features although she spoke, "Because she feels like she is entitled because of who her parents are, and it helps that the council is on her side. And slowly more people side with her, eventually.... it would just be better to give in." It wasn't long before Asya was returning and stating that the annoyance had been dealt with, and she was reassuring them both that she hadn't harmed the annoying woman, just scolded her a bit. "I love you Asya." Seras spoke with a soft giggle.
"my life my choice and I choose and still chose you love" Azazel kissed her head and then wrapped his arms around her "ok we will have to go see my parents but I am betting if we marry with family and the head of the council who is on our side that we can get the first family and the rest of the council to lay off" Azazel wasn't going to give her up at all hell be damned
Seras looked at him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "You were talking about moving the wedding forward. Oh and there was something else that I wanted to tell you. Another reason you can't just abandon me." With that she was wrapping her arms around his neck, and just moved close to him.
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