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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Azazel chuckled and when she walked closer to him he pulled her into his lap "your suppose to be sleeping my love" Azazel wasn't going to scold her since she had been sleeping for a little while
"I had been sleeping but the sun is starting to set which means...." Seras started before she was sitting on his lap. This had Atticus chuckling before he was finishing her sentence, "The show begins soon."
Seras just rest her head on Azazel's shoulder for a moment in time as Atticus spoke, "The usual performers, except for Tala will not be there. Seras will be the ringleader tonight." This had Seras looking up before she gave a grin then cooed, "Oh."
Azazel looked at him "do you honestly blame her for lying to you Atticus from the time she could walk you were always over protective of her I remember when she asked to learn to ice skate you told her no because it was too dangerous"
Atticus just looked at him before he spoke, "That was then, since she turned eighteen I have loosened up a lot. I let her leave whenever she wishes, as long as she follows the rule that everybody else has to follow. Tell me when you are leaving. If she had just told me that she wanted to be a performer, I would have let it happen." With that he was getting to his feet and telling his sister that she should probably go and get ready.
"really she was ten when she asked you Atticus how could eight years change you that much you have always seen her as a daughter so I doubt you really loosened up" Azazel wondered if there was more then him thinking of her as a daughter going on in the male head
Atticus just looked towards him before he spoke, "Don't even pull this bullshit with me. Because you have done the same exact thing. You have gotten pissed off at servants doing stuff behind your back without them talking to you. You have complained to me about it time and time again. So you are no different than me." With that he was getting to his feet and leaving his office, telling Seras that she needed to hurry up and get ready, and that if anybody needed him he was going to be returning home to speak to their parents about something.
"your right that's why I can since I have been in your shoes and your sister showed me that all I was doing was instiling fear and not respect" Azazel then stood up and headed ot the office he had in in the mansion so he could work
"It isn't that hard to speak up." was all Atticus could say before he was taking to vanishing, not wanting to deal with any more of the drama at that point in time. While that happened Seras was giving Azazel a peck on the cheek before she was migrating off to her room so that she could get changed for the evening.
"Are you going to come to the show tonight?" Seras questioned as she walked into his office. Currently she wore her ringmaster outfit and was working on putting her hair up.
"most likely you know I like to watch" Azazel did enjoy watching the show no matter who the ringleader that evening was but he was also worried that someone would try to get retribution for the male being locked away and tormented for his crimes
Seras was giving a small smile before she spoke, "Alright. I have to go finish getting ready." With that she was drifting over to him and giving him a soft kiss, before backing away and vanishing.
Azazel kissed her back and then told her he would see her later that evening. while he was looking forward to some down time he knew they would have to act fast to stop the rumors spreading
With that Seras was turning and vanishing away back towards her room so that she could finish getting ready.
by the time it was time for the show Azazel was sitting in his normal spot well hidden from the others there but in full view of Seras and anyone else who was performing that evening.
Seras was waiting for a moment before she was appearing in the center of the ring in a poof of glitter at that point in time. "Welcome one and all to our glorious Circus. We have some very thrilling performances for you tonight. Now.... let the show begin!" she spoke out loud, a smile on her lips before magic was swirling around her and she was vanishing once again, and in her place was the first act of the night. The lion tamers.
Seras ended up appearing up next to Azazel and was curling close to him. Did she have to worry about playing ringleader for a while? Not at that point in time. The acts would kind of introduce the next act in their own way. The only time she would have to make an appearance again was the intermission, getting everybody back together after the intermission then at the very end of the show.
Azazel leaned over and whispered softly "she is here" Azazel had been keeping tabs on Tala and knew she wouldn't miss performing as there would be a blank space in the show otherwise
Seras looked for a moment in time before she spoke, "Brother isn't going to be happy that she left the house." But she personally wasn't going to complain about it, she really didn't care. And it seemed like Ed was there as well, along with the human girl from earlier. This had her summoning up a little magic and having it surround the female, keeping the fact that she was a human hidden.
"true but it is on your brother to reign in his staff" Azazel watched as the acts moved from one to another and when it was time for Tala to perform he let out a small whistle at the costume she had made for this one. instead of it being a full bodysuit with full arms and full legs this time it was a fitted dress while he was certain that the body part of it covered everything it was flowy and pale in color which made it stand out even more
"Brother is at that point, where if people don't start doing as they are told, he is going to shut down the circus for a while." Seras spoke after a moment in time, a small sigh on her lips. And this wasn't even to say that it was just Tala that he was having issues with. There were a few others that were always causing problems as well. It wasn't long before Ed and Azraella were coming up to sit near them, which was fine by her at that point in time. "Hello you two." she spoke with a smile. Usually Ed was sitting up by Azazel, since he could see everything from there, and be able to react to whatever happens if it happens.
Azazel nodded his head a bit but his mind was still on why she was suddenly acting out when she had always been the perfect worker and servant for her brother. Azazel couldn't help but wonder if there was more going on between the two of them then either of them knew or were letting on about.
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