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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Kitiara just shook her head then spoke, "N....No... We have to move fast though. There is just something there... I don't know what it is. Its dark aura just startled me is all. It is suffocating." After that she was continuing on so that they could get downstairs and she was speaking, "Start working on freeing the gods, I'll head towards the portal. The moment the portal is destroyed, the magic keeping them from leaving once the cage door is open will vanish." "The golden haired one is by the portal. I'm pretty sure anyways." Lilith spoke to them both mentally which had Kitiara looking off in that general direction. Yeah she could see that now.
Liam took a bracket her wore of it held a dark obsidian stone in it and he placed it on her wrist “ any and all injuries you sustain will be transferred to me with this so do not take it off until we get back to the castle”
"N...No. It is fine. I don't want to see you get hurt." Kitiara spoke and went to take the bracelet off and give it back to him.
Kitiara hesitated for a moment before she was giving a nod of her head then spoke, "Okay. Just remember, warn me when the necklace starts to get warm. It is in indication that the time magic is unraveling. Perhaps have another ten minutes or so. My sister and brother are far better at this than I am...." With that she was pointing off towards the gods before she was looking off towards where the portal was at, and giving a light smile when Lilith was commenting something mentally. She had left her a trail to follow it seemed. Her own magic was clinging to random objects to keep her on the right path. After that she was taking off down the hallway, following those magical traces.
Kitiara made her way down the hallway, although was pausing for a brief moment in time at the growl from somewhere. The damn creature it seemed, although it was farther away. And she was approaching the area where the portal was at, although this is when she noticed that only the magic from the god was there, and the portal. Wait no it seemed like the creature was within the room as well. Damn it. A small breath fell from her lips before she was cautiously walking into the room, keeping a close eye on the creature's aura. There was the god, closest to her in a cage. Seemed like the time magic had in fact frozen him, so she was crouching next to him and reaching out to touch him gently, unfreezing him.
The male blinked and then looked at her but said nothing as he could hear the creature in the room with them. Jace waited fore her to break the other portal so that way he could get to work on reclaiming all the souls stolen Rome him and the others
Right now it seemed like the creature was prowling around near the portal, which wasn't going to make things easy at all, so she was taking to getting the cage door opened up. After that she was rising to her feet once again and reaching out to Asya, stating that she needed to borrow one of her men. "As you wish my dear." was the response and a new portal was opening up a distance away from her, so that if any enemies weren't aware she was there, they wouldn't attack her when the knight of purgatory spawned in. No it would do well for keeping the damn creature distracted, at least she hoped so anyways. Her grip on the dagger was tight and she found that she was actually shaking a bit. Why was it so familiar feeling? And she was certain that the magic was going to fade soon as well.
Jace placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled he had seen the bracelet and that told him that Liam trusted the female he then motioned to the portal to get her focused so she could close it and they could do what they needed to clear the souls out of there.
Kitiara was quite startled by the male touching her shoulder but was giving a nod before she spoke in a light voice, "Waiting. Until that creature isn't near it." With that she was looking towards the knight who was speaking something and she was giving a nod before darting off towards the portal, leaving the knight to deal with creature. Destroy the portal. She was almost terrified to see what this vision was going to bring her, but she was destroying the portal anyways.
Oh that vision definitely wasn't something that she liked at all. The dagger was falling out of her hand as though it had gotten to hot to hold, and she was just holding her hand to her chest. Oh that creature was definitely going to be something difficult to deal with. It was a collection of very pissed off souls that wanted revenge, and they were going to stop at nothing until they could obtain it. Kitiara was just giving a small headshake before she was taking a step backwards, not even realizing that the god was there. Not until she collided with him. "That creature..... All those poor souls....." she whispered.
"we will handle it if they are souls we can calm them and offer to either let them take their revenge on the person who did this to them or give them peace and let them move on" Jace felt the other gods start to awaken and then looked over when Liam came in and mentioned a necklace getting warm
Kitiara was speaking, "These souls... they have been angry for a long period of time. I am unsure if they truly know why they are wanting revenge." Her attention did turn towards Liam as he came in and mentioned the necklace getting warm. This had her going over and taking it from him, before giving him back his bracelet. "Release." she spoke and the time magic that was around that area was breaking apart, and just disappearing. She was wrapping her arms around herself tightly, and was just shifting to keep her balance. "Now... to just deal with the enemy troops and eventually the leader."
Jace looked at her and chuckled "you leave the souls to us it is well past time we collect what is ours and as for that man you will need to freeze him in place to take him out" that would mean either time Magic or Tayla's freeze song whichever they felt would work better in the long run
Kitiara just tilted her head for a moment then she spoke, "Perhaps that is the only course of action. We shall see." She was glancing over towards the knight who had managed to down the creature and the knight was speaking, "It would appear that the man is marching closer to the demon realm. Belial has fallen to. I guess some of this man's creatures are faster than he thought." Kitiara was giving a faint nod before she spoke, "Tell your queen to go there. She will be able to buy some time." After that she was turning around before walking over to Liam and Jace, grabbing their hands and drawing them with her.
Jace looked at the two an then at Liam "take care both of you and steer clear of all the souls when we start reclaiming them we wouldn't want to accidentally take one of yours and you, my dear need to have Liam bring you for a visit I have someone there who won't shut up until she sees you" Jace then joined the other death gods and they all vanished heading out to different sections of the area and started to claim their stolen souls
Kitiara tilted her head for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "We can at least try and stay clear of the souls. No promises though. They still fight and listen to the words of this man. There is no stopping them." She was curious about what Jace was talking about when he mentioned going to visit but she was giving a nod. Yeah she could do that, after this situation was taken care. "Seems like that man has retreated a bit. He isn't happy at all. He looked down on Asya."
Jace nodded his head "for now they listen soon they will be ours" is voice floated to them and soon the souls would be vanishing making a clear path for them to close the rest of the portals. Liam moved with Kit to close the rest before thing got even more interesting knowing full well that the gods of death were pissed
Kitiara just nodded before she was heading off towards the next portal so that they could get it destroyed. She wasn't at all shocked to Asya come up besides them, skidding in front of them, her spear being used back block a sword that came out of nowhere. Asya was looking over before she spoke, "Well I think you guys pissed him off as well." "As much as you did?" Kitiara questioned which had the other female pausing for a moment before she spoke, "No I think I pissed him off more than that. I stole some important things from him." After that she was vanishing away once again.
Liam shook his head and then chuckled "damn my mate is hot" Liam loved that she was stubborn and powerful so it didn't feel like he was the only one with power plus they got on so well.
"And dangerous when you piss her off." Kitiara was idly commenting before she was pushing some of her hair out of her face. Although soon enough they had arrived at the final portal, and it seemed like the gods were there. Along with their enemy. The male looked seriously annoyed but had a grin on his lips. "Not going to work just so you know." Kitiara cooed as she walked forward and was wrapping her arms around one of the gods, just leaning around them as she looked towards the man. Jace it seemed. Nope she wasnt getting any closer at that point in time.
Jace looked at them and smiled "don't worry little one he won't risk angering a bunch of gods and while we won't act unless we absolutely have too if he goes after one of you he will be declairing war against us and that won't be good for him"
"Probably what he wants to do." Kitiara was commented before she was glancing over as the man who was speaking something, a grin on his lips. Kitiara was frowning before she was letting go of Jace and taking a couple of steps away. "We have to get to the portal. Now." She spoke in a sharp voice before she was darting forward, easily avoiding a few of the enemies. Those that had auras. Thankfully Lilith was popping in to safe her from a couple that did have auras.
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