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Corrupt a Wish

Granted but you can never put weight back on even if you become dangerously underweight, if you exercise you can't build muscle and when you eat you gain almost no nutrition.

I wish I could sleep without insomnia!
Get your pillow ready because your wish is granted! Now you fall asleep in a few seconds and sleep until fully rested.
However, during the day, you spontaneously take naps, and you can't be awakened until you recover from fatigue.

Few more about sleeping and I'm changing my name to Morpheus

I wish I stopped procrastinating.
Granted. You never put anything off to a later time again. Ever. Nothing. Everything is done right then and there, or at the exact appointed time. Until you die from exhaustion.

I wish I had a better singing voice.
Granted. Only now, you sing everything that comes out of your mouth. Loudly. (but at least you're in tune!)

I wish I could write quicker, and as a job instead of having to leave my house to work.
Granted! You receive a mysterious quill that helps you focus and gather your thoughts quickly. You even get commissions for dark-themed stories that pay very well.
However, every published or sold text finds its way into reality – and you can't get rid of the quill or its powers.

Well, since I died from a lack of procrastination, I wish to possess a young and good-looking body.
Granted. You now posses the beautiful, and young, body of a dog. It’s perfectly breed to be aesthetically pleasing and win all of the pet shows and they’re less than three years young. Didn’t say the body had to be human 😉

I wish I could heal from any sort of damage/disease.
Granted! You receive a mysterious quill that helps you focus and gather your thoughts quickly. You even get commissions for dark-themed stories that pay very well.
However, every published or sold text finds its way into reality – and you can't get rid of the quill or its powers.
Wait hold up that's a plot. There's a sick story in there somewhere.

Granted. You now posses the beautiful, and young, body of a dog. It’s perfectly breed to be aesthetically pleasing and win all of the pet shows and they’re less than three years young. Didn’t say the body had to be human 😉

I wish I could heal from any sort of damage/disease.
Congratulations, you can heal from any sickness, disease, damage, or otherwise harmful condition. In fact, your body heals so well, that you barely even age. You remain your current age and appearance for centuries.

Your friends and loved ones beg for your anti-aging secrets initially, but eventually become suspicious when fifty years pass and you've barely changed a day. They abandon you. Several churches try to exorcise you. Forming relationships with people in the year 3030 proves challenging, as you remember a time now immemorial where you made a wish on a forum that changed everything.

You age past the expiration of the human race. Your body heals any damage or affliction imparted on it—by the world or yourself. The blind eternities take you and you find out that there is no god. Only endlessness. The void of space has no oxygen and you can't breathe, but your lungs refuse to decay, regenerating only to suffer another agonizing collapse.



I wish video games were balanced around my specific power fantasy.
Granted. You now posses the beautiful, and young, body of a dog. It’s perfectly breed to be aesthetically pleasing and win all of the pet shows and they’re less than three years young. Didn’t say the body had to be human 😉

I wish I could heal from any sort of damage/disease.

Touché! Fortunately, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're dog" ;)

Wait hold up that's a plot. There's a sick story in there somewhere.
Use at will, I won't mind. ;)

Granted! However, everyone else has to play at the same power fantasy level, which leads to stagnation, a player exodus, and the collapse of the gaming industry. Thanks! :mad:

The dog is happy by default, so I wish for the next person's wish to be reversed and doubled! 🙃
Congratulations, you can heal from any sickness, disease, damage, or otherwise harmful condition. In fact, your body heals so well, that you barely even age. You remain your current age and appearance for centuries.

Your friends and loved ones beg for your anti-aging secrets initially, but eventually become suspicious when fifty years pass and you've barely changed a day. They abandon you. Several churches try to exorcise you. Forming relationships with people in the year 3030 proves challenging, as you remember a time now immemorial where you made a wish on a forum that changed everything.

You age past the expiration of the human race. Your body heals any damage or affliction imparted on it—by the world or yourself. The blind eternities take you and you find out that there is no god. Only endlessness. The void of space has no oxygen and you can't breathe, but your lungs refuse to decay, regenerating only to suffer another agonizing collapse.



The dog is happy by default, so I wish for the next person's wish to be reversed and doubled! 🙃
Granted! The next...oh...oh that’s me 😓

I was going to wish for the ability to control time & space. But in reverse that means I can’t control time & space but x2 means time & space become inverse for me. If I travel forward I go forward in time and the same for vice versa if I travel backward. But space simply passes by me without me doing anything...damn that sucks.

Quick someone make another wish!
I have no idea what just happened, so...I wish to not be confused by what just happened. :)
Granted. I will now confuse you further on what happened. I dehsiw ot lortnoc ecaps & emit os daetsni I saw decrof ot etpurroc ym nwo hsiw dna ekam ti x2 esrow. oS I edam ti os taht emit & ecaps erew tes esrevni rof em. dnatsrednU won?

Phew…glad that’s over. I wish I can read an entire book just by holding my palm against it for a few seconds.
Granted, but you don't fully process the information until 24 hours later and your body is frozen during that time.

I wish I could make money by doing absolutely nothing.
Congratulations. You’ve invested all of your money in a high yield annual percentage account. Which accrues $100 every month. Unfortunately the term is for when you retire plus another twenty years. Withdrawing sooner than that will incur a massive fee which pretty much negates all of the gains.

I wish I could have telekinesis.
Granted, but as soon as you finish telepathically moving an object everything snaps back to what it was like before you moved it as if it never happened to begin with.

I wish I could fly!
That’s actually awesome. I could fuck with people’s heads by making them think they’re going mad when I move something. That’s somewhat of a parallel and neutral twist. Less useful but the possibilities of mind fuckery are so valuable.

Granted. You can now fly as high as your arms can reach and go as fast as your legs can take you.

I wish I could have infinite insane reflexes.
Granted. This does not, however, come with the ability to control the extent of your reaction distance, so you kill yourself the first time a fly lands on your forehead.

I wish I could communicate fluently in Sign Language (ASL, AusLan...whatever it's called on your country).
Granted! You get gloves that, when worn, allow you to fluently communicate in sign language. Unfortunately, these single-finger gloves are indestructible.
edit: Oh, wait! I have an alternative. When you sign, your hands start glowing to the point where you make everyone around you blind.

I wish I had an unrestricted free pass, so I could attend concerts, theaters, planes etc., with a free seat always waiting for me
Granted. Unfortunately, the Free Seat you are allocated is always in the back where you cannot see or hear a damned thing.

I wish I was more of a People Person.
Congratulations. Everyone now loves to chat with you because they have great conversations with you. Unfortunately this means you get little time to yourself now because even you phone dings when no one is around. Good luck juggling the influx of people.

I wish I could type with my mind instead of the keyboard.
Granted. Unfortunately you never have an idea worth typiing again.

I wish my clients were easier to deal with.
Granted. Your clients become the most likable, easy-going people you have and will ever meet. Unfortunately, their requests tear out your soul (but they're just so nice about it!).

I wish I could always get a good night's sleep.
Granted. You now sleep for eight hours straight. You cannot wake up earlier nor can you take naps anymore. It is literally impossible to wake you up for your beauty sleep. You also go to sleep the moment you feel tired to recharge.

I wish I could own a copy of all of the history books in the world.
Granted. All of them are in ancient dead languages no one understands anymore.

I wish I never had to pay bills ever again without being homeless or dead…
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