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@Revnarh, you are a font of fun facts! lol

You can remove melted wax from fabrics by placing a paper towel directly on the area of fabric affected, and passing an iron low heat on it for perhaps 20-30 seconds (well, until all the wax is transferred to the paper towel).
Interesting! I'd have never thought of that!
In most adult humans, the length of the sleep cycle - where you go from a light sleep to deep REM sleep and back into a light sleep - lasts from 3 to 4 hours. A person normally requires 2 complete cycles to get what is considered a "good night's sleep", while waking in the middle of a cycle can ruin the body's sleep rhythm. This can help to explain why one person can feel completely refreshed after 6 hours' sleep while another person can get 8 hours and still feel tired, and also why you can be awake after 4 hours of sleep and feel just fine.
To this day, there's no firm scientific theory on WHY we need sleep. We understand roughly what happens to the brain, and there are several known facts as to what happens to the brain and the body WHILE we sleep, and how it all helps our body functions, but we still have only hypothesis on why sleep is necessary at all and no firm conclusions.
Due to their highly-specific diet (they can only eat Eucalyptus leaves), Koalas spend approximately 20 hours a day sleeping as their bodies digest their intake to extract the energy necessary for their 4 hours of eating and movement.
Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, whereas dogs only have about ten.
The Hulk was supposed to be pasty gray. Originally, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby intended the Hulk to be gray. But the printing press kept having trouble with the Hulk's color and he kept coming out green. So he only spent the first few issues of his comic being gray.
Bar code scanners read the white space between the black lines rather than the black lines themselves.
In the entirety of the Dune saga, there is only one sentient race/species: Humans.
The reason the John Wick series of movies is titled "John Wick" is because Keanu Reeves could not remember the project's original name "Scorn" when excitedly discussing the project with the press. Since he was hyping up the project outside of official promotional work, and basically for free while doing pressers and promotions for other movies none of the producers saw fit to admonish him, soon the media had picked up on the name John Wick, and the marketing team figured it'd be cheaper to change the movie's name to "John Wick" rather than go through the work of correcting every outlet Keanu spoke with on what the name actually was.
Insects don't breathe through their mouths. Instead they intake oxygen through openings found on their thorax or abdomen called spiracles.
Cats can drink seawater! Their kidneys are able to filter salt out of water, something humans can't do.
Giant Pandas eat approximately 28 pounds of bamboo a day – that's over 5 tons per year.
come on you can't share a giant panda fun fact without sharing the giant panda fun fact--

there is giant panda porn, for giant pandas. because they are so terrible at procreation that humans decided to try to help. oh, and they get extra exercise around their mating seasons so the males of their species actually have enough upper body strength to climb on top :LOL:
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In the TV show Scrubs, the characters John Dorian, Chris Turk and Molly Clock were named after the three doctors who consulted on/for the show.
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