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The Sea Jewel (JohnizBeast and NightSorceress)

As Kai walked down the stairs Tidas was waiting at the bottom of it for her. "Moving slow today darling?" He said teasing her before working his way up the stairs to meet her. He then took her had and prepared to escort Kai to the dinning room.
she smiled at him. “I just feel a little tired this morning is all. I guess if you would stop interrupting my baths I might be able to relax” she teased him kissing him on the lips, she giggled slightly but then winced. That cause the pain in her stomach to feel worst. She tried to hide it though she didn’t want Tidas to worry.
Tidas frowned at her reply, he was always worried about Kai especially since she was pregnant. It wouldn't be stretching it to far to say he was a little over protective even. He was about to say something, though that was until he saw her wince. That made him pick her up in his arms, there was no way she would be able to hide that from his eyes. No he watched her to closely. "Tell me what's wrong right now" Tidas said as he cradled her in his arms.
The way he suddenly picked her up made her pain worst she let out a little yelp. “It’s nothing, I just pulled a muscle I think” she explain though the pain was clear in her eyes. “I think I just need to move around a bit, laying in bed all night made me stiffer”
Tidas sighed as she said that she just pulled a muscle "Pulled a muscle huh?" is all he could say to her. Then as she mentioned needed to move around he gently sat her down at the bottom of the stairs. "How about before breakfast we go out to the beach side and see if the water makes you feel better?" Tidas asked.
She was thankful when he put her down the pain was still there but it wasn’t as sharp. When he said they should go to the water, she wanted to scream yes but then she remembered what his mother said about focusing on her family and not return to the water. She slowly shook her head. “No we should just eat and go see what books have come in to port we dont want to miss any good ones, I will be fine” she smiled through the pain.
Tidas sighed at her reply and said "No, we are going to stay here for the day. I just have a bad feeling... I want to make sure you are safe here with me and the castle staff." Though he had a bad feeling, it was something he sad often every time Kai showed anytime of something being wrong.
She touched his cheek. “You worry to much” she leaned and kissed him. “Really you have been looking forward to the books arriving for weeks. We shouldn’t ruin our plans for just some silly pains. Besides we will be in port if there is anything wrong there is a doctor right there” she didn’t want to disappoint him.
Tidas nodded and said "Fine... we will go to the port but you are going to eat first". With that Tidas took Kai's hand and made sure to slowly walk with her to the dinning room where they where going to eat breakfast.
She smiled when he gave in to her. She felt a little better knowing he would get first choice of the books. She loved sitting in the library reading with him. She walked with him towards the dinning room. “You know I just have a build muscle, I am not made out of glass, you dont have to walk so slowly” she giggled but it cost her, the pain in her stomach flailed up again.
As she told him that she wasn't made out of glass he blushed a bit, realizing he probably was babying her. "I know that... I just wanted to be careful that all" He replied again. Though he realized that her giggling had come to an abrupt end. He wanted to say something but he didn't want to seem crazy, so he just pulled out the chair for her to sit in. "here you go darling, just sit down and get some food in your tummy. Maybe that will make you feel better" He told her.
She took a seat “I know and your sweet for wanting to make sure I was ok” she smiled she knew she had to keep her excitement down a bit. She didn’t want to hurt herself more. “I think eating something will help. “ She took a bite of her food. “But then we should get to the port right away” she was going to eat it when the pain got suddenly worse she dropped her fork and held her stomach.
Tidas began to sit down and was happy she agreed to with him and said "Good now eat up, your eating for two right now". Though before Tidas could even take his first bite Kai was hunched over in pain once again. This time Tidas stood up and put his hand on Kai's shoulder and said "Thats it, what is going on I have never seen you like this Kai... your scaring me, you know how much I worry about you. Now tell me whats going on"
Kai was in so much pain now she didnt even register her words right away. She hunched holding her stomach, tears clear in eyes. She drew a deep breath trying to stop the pain like she did before but she couldn’t. “ I dont know it feels like something is ripping from inside of me” the pain clear in her voice.
At her words TIdas began to panic, he quickly called for nurses for the servants to get the nurses. "Hurry! Get anyone and everyone!" Tidas shouted. Soon nurses came rushing in to Kai, along with priestess who began to heal her preemtively. The head nurse of the castle came up to her and said "Tell me exactly where and what is happening"
Kai hated all this fuss but she knew she needed help. They pain was just to much. As the nurse approached her she looked at her. “It’s my hurts pretty bad, like something is being ripped from inside it” she didn’t even have a clear mind enough to think it could have been the baby.
The nurse nodded and said "Lets take her up to the room and lay her on the bed" Tidas then picked Rose up in his arms and rushed up the stairs with in his arms before resting her on the bed. The nurses soon followed and then said "Tidas please leave will we handle this, no offense prince but your worry and overbearing will get in the way. If you care about her you will let us work" Tidas looked angry for a second, though he knew their words where true. So he left the room and let the nurses and priestess work with Kai for he didn't know how long as he waited outside the room pacing.
Kai didnt want him to leave. for one he was the only to truly know what she was. But she was also scarred. She didn;t know what to think or say. She just knew she was in pain. And he was her comfort when she was in pain. She lay on the bed alone and afraid, she knew the face but she didn;t know the women.
The head nurse took Kai's hand and said "Don't worry princess I know your afraid, I know this is scary. We are all here to support you no matter what so just trust us, your not alone" As she talk to Kai the nurses began to examine her while the priestess using healing and numbing magic on her.
She closed her eyes as the woman spoke to her. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t she had to be strong, she didn’t know what was going on but she knew had to be strong. “Thank You” said softly as she opened her eyes. Tears still hung in them. Because of the priestesses numbing magic she didn’t even realize that she was now bleeding between her legs.
"Your welcome my princess" She replied. Though as the Kai started to bleed the nurses began to panic. They new what was happening and they told the head nurse and she nodded. "Kai.. right now you are probably having a miscarriage.. we are going to do our best to make sure you are okay but there is not much we can do about the baby" The nurse told her still holding her hand.
Kai looked panic she sat straight up. Shaking her head, “NO! I cant be!” Tears streamed from her eyes, her mind in shock she was shaking her head quickly. She struggled to get up even though she didn’t know what that would mean, she was just panicking now.
As she shot up the nurses forced her back down. The nurse then turned to the priestess and said "Put her to sleep for a bit". The priestess nodded then used her magic to cast a sleep spell on Kai so she would fall into a deep sleep so they could work on her.
She was looking for a way out, her tears streaming down her face. She felt hands holding her down, and then her body felt tired, like she was unable to fight any more. As she yawned “tell Tidas...i am sorry.” She soon fell to sleep. It was deep and she wouldnt know what was happening.
While Kai slept the nurses and priest treated her for the miscarriage. Making sure to clean her off as well. When Tidas was told he burst into tears, he couldn't believe what had happened and felt it was his fault. As Kai slept, Tidas made sure not to leave the room. He didn't want her to be alone when she awoke. Though as he did, Tidas began to drink. When Rose awoke it would be night time and she would find Tidas crying at her bed side with an empty bottle in his hand saying he was sorry over and over.
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