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Hungry Like The Wolf (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Ulric practically swallowed his food, even throwing on seconds for him to eat. Sylas had forgotten how the curse affected him.
When the sun started to dip behind the horizon, Ulric became near violent; he had ripped a branch off a tree he had been using to brace himself. "S-Stay here. I'll be back." He growled.
Sylas swallowed hard and nodded as he watched Ulric leave. He moved into the cart and quickly changed into his old clothes, ones he didn't particularly care about anymore.
He could hear Ulric groaning in agony as his bones broke and reformed into his lupine form, the change happening as quickly as his body allowed.
Sylas decided it might be best to do what Ulric said this time, and waited by the fire. His heart was pounding.
Soon the soft whines stopped and Ulric lumbered out of the brush, shaking the leaves from his fur. He took a deep breath through his nose and sighed, "God, I feel so much better."
"I-I.. Well yes! I-I guess I just wanted to confirm.. You certainly seem to be much more relaxed..!" Sylas said, staring up at Ulric.
He moved and nuzzled him gently, "Aye, much more relaxed. But now, being so close to such a vulnerable prey, I'm feeling something else."
Ukric snarled now in his throat, moving to trap Sylas between him and the grass, "The need to fuck, morsel."
He snarled louder and grabbed Sylas' shirt in his teeth, giving a firm tug and ripping the fabric easily.
He dragged his tongue slowly up his chest and up his neck to his ear, where he gave a low growl, "Moan for me, little morsel."
He gave a noise of satisfaction as his claws ripped up Sylas' trousers, pulling them off easily, "You planned for me to do this, hm?"
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