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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

"You're so pushy.'s my bathroom too Adriana." He teased and gave her a kiss. "I'll be fast. You know me. I shower quick." He got his haircut and shave, held Owen for his haircut.

"You promise? I'm gonna hold you to the after party." Jake kissed her back and then as she helped Owen off the bed, he just watched her a moment and smiled cause he couldn't get over how much he loved her and their family.

The shower was quick like promised. Jake got out and took his stuff to the bedroom to finish getting ready. He picked out on of his favorite and nicest watch to wear. He put on his black pants and shirt.

When Adri asked if he liked it, he looked her over and couldn't speak for a second. "I love it. Damn you're sexy." He kissed her cheek. "I am one lucky man."

Jake grabbed his jacket from the bag in the closet. And put it on where she couldn't see him. "Well babe what do you think of the jacket?" In the right light, it sparkled a gold. He had no tie on but dress shoes. The sneakers would come out for the after party. The gold was for being champion and royalty. "Now this is my favorite part and may do the same for our wedding...." He opened the jacket to show her the inside lining where there were photos of Adri, Jake, and the kids. He smiled proudly. "Now I have my family with me the entire night." He took the jacket off to let her see all of the lining. It was a mixture of color and black and white photos. Their parents were in a couple pictures on the back. "I put them on my back cause they always have my back. You and the kids are over my heart." There were a few whole family pics with both her and his families too. Amy and her family. Even the dogs. Jake was just as proud of his jacket as he was the document.
Adri looked him over and nodded approvingly. “Oh yes. My baby looks good.” She walked over and put her hands on his hips. She gave him a very light kiss on the lips and reached behind him to squeeze his butt. “Mmm.” She laughed. “We might need a room on the strip.” She winked at him.

She looked at the lining and pointed out her favorite pictures. “I love it Boo.” She told him. “Even the dogs made the jacket.” She laughed. “Alright let’s take some pictures.” She told him and went with him downstairs.

The twins were dressed in all black with red socks. Oakley had a red bow on her head. Owen was dress almost like Jake but he had a T-shirt on with his black jacket and he got to wear red sneakers.

They took pictures alone, and then added Owen and then Owen and the babies together with them. It took about twenty minutes to get all the pictures she wanted. They would get edited and she would post them online. She set Oliver down before he decided to shit or throw up on her. But she kissed them both goodbye.

“You ready to see our car for the night?” She asked him. She was excited about this part. “I couldn’t remember which one you liked and I’m sorry for that. But I think you’ll still like it.” She smiled and walked him outside to the Vintage Rolls Royce waiting for them.
Jake asked her as she looked over the jacket. "Do you really like it? I know fashion isn't my thing but I wanted the colors to represent me and everything. Then have my family close to me. I may have the same designer do my wedding jacket if you approve." He gave her a small kiss.

"For awhile, our only child was Max. That explains why he's the protective big brother." They all would be lost without Max. He was a good loyal dog.

Jake enjoyed the family photos but also enjoyed some of just mama and papa. They were going to have a fun night and be young again for a bit. He kissed the twins bye and told them to be good. "Do not call her twenty times tonight Adriana Daniels..." He gave her a look.

He nodded. "Yeah I'm ready." He smiled. When the car rolled up he shook his head. "Wow. You did good baby. You did real good. We are gonna roll up in style. I don't think we can fit a car seat for Owen in here..." He teased and walked over to open the door for his wife, all smiles.

"You know there will be some outlets there wanting quick interviews and asking questions right?" He asked.
“I like it babe. I approve.” She laughed.

“I’m not going too.” She smacked Jake but told Alice to call her if she needed anything. The twins could be a lot when they were both upset but their longtime nanny had it covered. She knew the schedule and all the kids loved her.

“He’s not.” Adri agreed and got in the car. She buckled Owen in to the middle and put her own seatbelt on. “I know it’s not safe, but it’s one time. Mom and dad have a car seat and will be taking him home. It’s okay.” She rubbed the top of Owen’s head and smiled at him.

“Have you been practicing what you’re going to say?” She asked Jake. “You’re going to get stopped at like every camera for a quote. Who’s all there? ESPN, UFC, a few MMA magazines. They’ll care about you much more than they’ll care about us.” She laughed. It was a nice change of pace.
Jake gave her a look because he didn't entirely believe she'd not call at least a few times. He wouldn't mind her calling a time or two because it was the first time she actually left them for a long time with the nanny.

He nodded. "Alright. Let's hope my fans don't see him get our without a carseat." He teased. Jake trusted they'd be fine. Plus Owen loved being in the old fancy car just as much as Jake did.

Jake got in and sat with Owen between them. He shook his head. "I'll just say whatever comes to me. I do wonder if they will know we are married on the carpet from the rings or when that will come out. Should we not say anything unless they do...?"
“Okay. They’d have me arrested in a heartbeat. And then tied to a cross and burned like a witch.” She laughed. It wasn’t funny and it wasn’t far from the truth. “He’s buckled in. And we are right here. It’s fine.” She said softly.

“Let’s not say anything. It’ll make the surprises more fun when they watch doc.” She winked at him and rubbed the back of his head.

The ride there was smooth. Owen liked pointing at the different lights. Adri tried asking him questions to see what he would say but the answer always went off track. So he wouldn’t give anything away during an actual interview if someone tried.

There was a small line of cars to the red carpet and they wanted to get people cleared off of it for Jake and Adri. “You’re going to do great Boo.” She him a soft kiss and rubbed his cheek. She unbuckled Owen so he could climb out after Jake.
He gave her a look. "Not funny. Not wrong. But not funny." He gave her a peck. "I'll stop a car like Captain America if I have to."

Jake nodded. "The rings may give it away too. But I'm not taking mine off tonight." He shrugged. "I'm looking forward to not having to take it off in public actually."

Owen had no idea what the questions were about. He was just excited to be in the cool car going down the strip with the pretty lights. Jake was getting nervous. His leg moved a bit during the ride.

Jake kissed her back. "Thanks baby." When the car stopped, Jake got out when the door was opened. He fixed his jacket and smiled as cameras went off. He put his hand out for Owen then for Adri. Everyone was screaming there names. Owen smiled but wasn't sure what was going on. Jake squatted down. "Stay a hold of mommy or daddy the whole time, okay?"

Owen nodded and grabbed Adri's hand as they started heading up the red carpet.
Adri smiled at Owen and rubbed his hand. He was nervous but kept his smile. They warned him it would get loud for pictures. But he was photogenic little guy and loved having his picture taken. Once he got used to the noise he was all smiles.

They had a long carpet to walk towards the building. The first leg was all stop and pose. They hated pictures of Jake solo, Adri solo, and then the three of them together. Owen wasn’t going to be outdone so he posed for some pictures solo while Adri watched him.

The second leg of the carpet was stop and talk. Jake got pulled to the side to do an interview with the major players; UFC, ESPN, and Nickelodeon. Adri stopped to do an interview with people and UFC. People asked Owen a couple questions too but he got shy when the microphone was put in his face and hid behind Adri’s leg.

“You and Jake for the most part keep quiet about your private life. Why the documentary and why now?” Adri got asked.

“We have always been selective about what we say to the media. Jake wanted to do something on his terms and this was the best way. Jake has a good underdog story and I think his fans will enjoy learning about where he came from and why he’s fighting so hard.” Adri answered.

0and how is the wedding planning going? Any secrets you can tell?” People Magazine asked her.

“It’s going. We have the venue. We are both excited. It’s finally happening. I have a countdown on my phone. I can’t wait.” Adri laughed.
Jake stopped at UFC first. "Jake congratulations. It's been a long time coming we hear. How excited are you for everyone to finally see your finished story?"

"I'm really excited. Like you said it's been a long time coming. I'm also really nervous. It's my first time directing or producing so we will see if I have a career after fighting." He smiled.

"What is the biggest goal you want to accomplish with the documentary?" They asked.

"I want people who may be down on their luck of from a broken home or just in a bad situation know that isn't what defines you and you can still do whatever you want to in life. It's a lot of work. But you can do it and rise above it. I want people to watch this and have it make a difference in their life in some positive way." Jake told them with a few nods.

He showed off the inside of his jacket a bit but no pics of the babies or wedding could be seen.
Adri and Owen did a few more light hearted interviews and then met up with Jake. The more Owen walked the red carpet the more comfortable he got. He was still a little shy in front of the microphone.

UFC asked Owen if he had a future in wrestling and Owen nodded his head.

“Show them your muscles Baby Boo.” Adri told him and he flexed on his little jacket. She smiled and shook her head laughing.

“I was telling Jake I can barely watch him fight. I don’t know if I can watch Owen.” She laughed. She tickled Owen’s chin and blew him a kiss.

“There’s videos of you getting in the octagon and throwing a few punches. Maybe a future for you?”

Adri laughed and shook her head. “I fight with Jake and Luke, but they’re going at like two percent power. I couldn’t handle a real or celebrity fight.”
Jake smiled and watched Owen show them his muscles. "He's learned from the best. He's lucky to have an uncle who's a trainer and dad who fights." He rubbed his shoulder. "I'm going to let him decide if he wants to fight but he's alright got quick hands. And learns quickly. I think he will be successful in anything he decides to do."

"Adri could fight if she wanted to. She has a mean right jab. Especially if you don't see it coming." He chuckled. "I wouldn't know from experience but I know you could ask..." He joked and looked at Adri with a grin. "But if she were to fight, her manager would come after me..."

UFC asked Jake a last question. "We hear you're cutting weight to try fighting a different weight class. Why? Is one championship belt not enough?"

Jake shook his head. "No it's not. It's a small group of fighters who has been able to carry that title. I want to get to get into that group. Anyone can pack on weight and be successful. I want to cut and tone up. It's harder work. More intense training. I'm done yet. I still have a lot I want to accomplish." He told them. Some of the other fighters had arrived and UFC wanted to get photos of them and Jake. Then also, Luke and Amy.
Adri chuckled and shook her head, “Keep your mouth shut and you won’t get popped.” She said simply.

She took more pictures with Jake and Luke and Amy.she missed being out and taking pictures. Especially with Jake and now that Luke and Amy were around, they took Owen inside and Jake and Adri got a couple pictures alone. Their first official pictures as husband and wife to the public, even though the public didn’t know.

She squeezed Jake’s butt and they walked into the theatre. “Nervous baby?” She asked. There were a lot of fighters from the different weight classes and Jake’s weight class walking around and mingling. “I missed pictures.” She told him and gave him a kiss before the first fight came over to say hi to Jake.
Jake loved getting some time on the carpet with Adri. He kissed her cheek for a few pics and snuggled close to her. When she squeezed his butt, he smiled and gave her a look. "A little. I hope everyone likes it." It was going to be one thing how everyone at the premiere liked it, then the box office afterwards was the second test.

"You'll still love me if everyone hates it?" He asked softly and gave her a quick kiss before they headed inside. Jake chatted with some of the fighters and then found his parents and hugged them, thanking them for coming. They had gotten a few more pictures with them.

Jake, Adri and Owen's seats were front and center. His editing crew was always there to watch. The true professionals Jake thought. As the documentary started, he grabbed Adri's hand.
“Forever and always baby.” She promised and walked with him into the screening room. She rubbed his leg when the movie started and sat back and enjoyed the moment.

Owen being a toddler sat still for an hour and then he didn’t want to sit anymore. He bounced from Adri’s parents lap to Adri and Jake’s lap. She was starting to think his presence was a bad idea but eventually he got tired and settled. Right after this he was going home with her parents to spend the night.

The crowd seemed to enjoy it. The funny bits got laughs. The sad bits were heard out and listened too. When the twins and wedding were announced there was a whoop and applause in a form of congratulations. A group of people they trusted knew and were at the baby shower but a lot of people had no idea.

Adri squeezed Jake’s hand as the voice over explained what he wanted for his future. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
Jake sat there watching the documentary and was nervous of everyone's reactions. He tried to not focus on Owen moving around but felt like people could get annoyed with the kid, but he was his kid. Who cared.

His mother really struggled with the beginning with the old house. She felt bad about everything and looked at him with all the talk about wanting to burn it down. She looked back to the screen. Jake felt sick as he let the world into his darkest parts if his life.

Then they got to see the good too. When everyone cheered for the twins and wedding, he smiled and kissed Adri. "Best part of the whole thing." He told her.

His thumb, caressed hers. Jake was proud. Proud of his journey and where he had become. He was also proud of the documentary and where he was going. He thought about how he had this documentary for his kids to look back on how hard he worked for them.

After the documentary opened, everyone clapped and gave him a standing ovation but he had so much credit to give to his editors and creative team.
Adri smiled at Jake and rubbed his knee.

"We are so proud of you Boo." Adri told him as the documentary ended. "None of this would have been possible with out you. Enjoy your moment and shine." She told him and kissed him as the crowd stood around them. She stood and kissed him again.

She didn't think that this was possible. When she signed up to be his assistant, she never thought her life would end up like this but she was so glad it did. "Congratulations. I love you." She said.
Jake smiled at Adri. "Thanks baby." He kissed her back. He stood up and gave her a hug and kissed her back.

"I love you..." He took a few steps forward and turned around to address the crowd. "Wow. I don't know what to say with this reaction from all of you. I'm very blessed."

He looked down a second and then looked over the crowd. "I was nervous sharing my story but I knew it could help other people. I came from not having a lot to literally being broke and living out of my car and gyms to now being world champion. Soon to be in two weight classes..." He chuckled. "But it just shows that work hard and you can accomplish anything. I had a feeling it would have a good response from my family, friends, colleagues. The true test will be what the world thinks. I'm excited to find out." He smiled.

"I can't take all the credit for this masterpiece. Its my story but I had help telling it. From my wife. To my family. To the creative team. I can't thank any of you enough. I appreciate all you do and your help." He said and meant it all. It wouldn't have been what it was without them.

"Thank you all for coming out and supporting the documentary and myself. But let's go party!" He chuckled.
Adri smiled at Jake when he said it was time to party. She walked over to him and kissed his cheek. Her mom came over with her father and Owen. "Are you ready to party or do you want to nap?" She asked Owen and tickled his side.

"We might stay for an hour and then let you enjoy your parties." Maria said and gave Jake a big hug. "So proud of you." She told him and held his head still while she kissed his cheeks. A photographer got a few pictures of the moment.

His mother walked up and gave him a hug. Whether she enjoyed or didn't enjoy it was hard to tell but there was something tension. It showed a lot that she was trying to hide however she felt.

"We rode with them, so we leave when they do." She told Jake and squeezed his hand.

Adri didn't want him to settle on that. She wanted him to enjoy his party so she ushered him out when their father's got their moment with him.

Adri held his hand as they walked out into the rooftop patio where the party Dana was throwing. There was more applause and Owen raised his arms thinking it was for him.

Dana was by the entrance and when Jake walked in, he shook his hand and clapped him on the shoulder. He gave Adri a hug and kiss on the cheek and she gave Jake the side eye. He was acting like she didn't just express that she wasn't his biggest fan.

"How are the babies?" Dana asked.

"Growing like little champions." Adri smiled.

"And what about this guy? Ready for a title fight?" Dana asked Owen and playfully pulled his foot.

Owen hid his face shyly and kicked. "Careful. He does know how to throw a punch." Adri warned.

"So do you, I've heard." Dana chuckled and smiled at Jake.
Jake smiled at Maria when she told him she was proud of him. He hugged her back. "That's mom..." Her being proud of him meant a lot to him as if it was his own mother.

He saw his own mom walk up and smiled at her. It made him uneasy when he wasn't sure how she'd react. It was a lot to watch. She probably didn't know everything about his story. About staying in gyms and being homeless. Living out of his car. The fact she couldn't say anything about the documentary said a lot to Jake. He sighed a little as they walked away. His eyes moved to Adri. "Not even a comment about the way it was put together or creative aspect...nothing." He said softly.

Jake's fingers were laced with Adri's when they walked into the party. He couldn't help but chuckle at Owen thinking the party was for him. He looked good dressed up and was having fun. Jake held Owen as they walked in.

"And he learned to punch and kick from me..." Jake told Dana. "He may be ready in a few years. He's not too bad. He listens well."

"You definitely don't want to piss her off..." Jake told him and chuckled.

"Thanks for throwing the party. I'm ready to have some fun. O want to go dance?" Jake asked Owen and he nodded so Jake set him down and he went out to dance around. Both sets of parents watching him.

"Babe want a drin?" He asked Adri.
Adri squeezed his hand gently. She was here, her parents were here, his father was here. They all supported him more than he would know. His mother was a special subject that needed her own therapy to work through the demons she was facing.

She looked out at the crowd. She recognized most of the faces in attendance. Owen was happy dancing by himself. And there were multiple sets of eyes in him. But this wasn’t a party for kids. She didn’t want him going too far in his own.

She looked at Jake when he offered her a drink. Her first drink in months, she could do that. She nodded her head and walked with Jake to the bar. “I want a Drifter.“ She said and pointed to the special drink in offer named after Jake. “I wonder what it tastes like. A knock out blow to the face, maybe?” She teased.

“I have a surprise for you.“ She told him. “One I was very hesitant to bring forward because it means a night away from the babies.…” She said softly. “MGM offered you a room, so we don’t have to go home. It’s ours for the weekend. Comes with chips, dinner, spa, all the goodies. A shopping trip at Fashion show Mall, get you a new fancy watch.“ She smiled. “Well, the last part might not be included, but it’s yours if you want it. I packed all of our stuff. And it’s already in the room.“ She opened her small bag and showed him the room key.

“Maybe we can go to the Bellagio and watch the fountain. Like on our first date.” She smiled. That would be the perfect way to end the night. Just her and her champion. Her dream come true.
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Jake went with Adri to the bar, his hand seemed to hold hers or at least be on her back, or side. He wanted to be close because he wouldn't be there without her. Without her support. He grinned when she mentioned wanting his special drink. "I bet it's smooth going down with after kick..." He chuckled and ordered one himself.

He smiled at Adri when she mentioned his surprise. "You sure about this?" This was huge for her to be away from the babies this long. "I love you. I would love time alone just us." Jake kissed her slow and deeply. "I love you. Thank you for being so supportive of everything. It gives me motivation and drive. It means a lot." He told her softly, his thumb caressing her hand. "I have the best wife ever. And who's doing the showing at Fashion Show Mall?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Ooo I like that idea. We can go anywhere you want babe. But that sounds perfect." The bartender set their drinks on the bar. "Thanks man." Jake grabbed his phone and took some pics with Adri. He also got some of Owen dancing. After a moment, he just watched everyone having fun at his party. He felt really blessed.

"I'm curious who Dana is gonna give me. This could bring him a lot of money with the docu if it does well." He said softly to Adri.
Adri nodded her head to being sure about it. All of her babies were in good hands. And she wanted to drink and have some fun tonight. And if that meant a hang over in the morning she didn't want to wake up to baby cries. It was mom and dad's night off.

"I'm sure it will do well." She told him confidently and kissed his cheek. She wasn't sure how much Dana was getting out of Jake's project and she probably didn't want to know.

"Go mingle. I'll watch Owen." She said and sent him off to be congratulated by the party guests. Owen wrapped himself around Adria's leg as she walked around the party. Everyone wanted to know about the babies and how Owen was adjusting. He proudly said they were his babies, which was adorable.

After about an hour it was time for their parents and Owen to leave. They all said goodbye to Jake before heading out. Once Owen was gone, Adri stayed with Jake while he talked to Dana's guests. As the sun set the event turned more into a party. There was a party after this at a club for people to get drunk and rowdy the way UFC fighters loved to do.

She needed to change though, as cute as this dress was if she was going to a club she wanted something shorter and sexier.
When Adri nodded she was sure, Jake smiled. She deserved a night out and to have fun as well so he was glad she wanted to do that. She worked hard and took care of the kids. This wasn't just his night. "Good. I'm excited that we get a night to ourselves."

"Thanks babe. It's a little frustrating too that he's making money off of me even with this. But..." He shrugged, "I knew what I was signing up for."

Jake went and hung out with some family and then talked to some of his fellow fighters. Some of the guys asked about the show and him dropping weight. One commented that it seemed like he was never satisfied. "I'm proud of my accomplishments but if I don't keep setting goals, what's the point?"

When Owen was going to leave, he picked him up and gave him hugs and kisses. "Hey buddy, be good okay? Thanks for being here for my big day. It wouldn't have been the same..." He gave her parents hugs and thanked them too for coming. It meant a lot to him they were always so supportive.

Jake went with Adri to change. He took his jacket off to leave behind. He didnt want anything to happen to it and wanted to be able to move around better at the club.
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