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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Adri figured he was probably right. A phone call would probably just stress Annie out, if she was stressed right now. She watched the camera until the doors opened then put her phone in her purse with her lipgloss and ID.

She held Jake’s hand as they got into the car and cuddled up to him while the driver took off. She pointed at the sphere when they passed it. “Dana should do a fight there.” She said. “That would be cool. The graphic on the dome would be awesome.” She knew he wouldn’t be fighting there any time soon with his change in weight classes, but maybe one day for a title fight.

The club was just down the street so it didn’t take too long to get there. Adri had to be careful getting out of the car so she didn’t flash anyone, but she did it like an expert.

Paparazzi was already there congratulating Jake for the documentary and then Adri for the babies and her body. They weren’t allowed inside of the casino or the club so once they hit the doors they left them alone.

“I need a drink and a dance.” She told Jake and squeezed his hand.
"You can text later if you want to ease your mind. But just use it wisely." He smiled at her and kissed her shoulder. "Why aren't you so worried about O?" He teased.

Jake agreed the sphere would be a cool ventue. "That would be cool. We need to just go to a concert there too. Like we should have went when I think U2 was there." He snuggled back to her. "I'm excited to see what I can do in this new class." Jake new his time as a fighter was starting to dwindle. Most fighters retire before 40 but with the docu, he may have a something he can do after. As well as the gym and training.

"Dana told me tonight he may look into me doing an Ultimate Fighter. But it wouldn't be until you're done with your show. He thinks with the docu it will bring in more viewers." Jake was a piece in his game to get more money.

He got out and held his hand out to help Adri. The people congratulating them, he gave a small smile and nod, saying thank you.

Once inside, he looked at Adri. "I'll get us a drink. What would you like beautiful?" Luke and Amy were there already, both with a drink in hand, waving at Jake and Adri.
“Oh is with my parents. It’s different.” She told him.

“We should. But most of the bands they have lined up are for the weed smokers and acid takers. You can’t be around that. We can go to the movie though. Postcards From Earth, talk to some robots and enjoy a 4D experience.” She smiled.

She rolled her eyes at dealing with Dana. “Are you suing him for neglect for the Pereira fight?” She asked him. She knew he wasn’t but she wished he would. Last she heard there were lawyers that worked with NFL players reaching out about it. “You had a concussion that I wasn’t allowed to talk about and it got cut from the documentary along with my rant. I’m not his biggest fan. We don’t have to talk about it tonight, but we should talk about it.” She told him.

“A cocktail please.” She said and went to Luke and Amy. She said hello to them both and sat at the booth. She did check the camera to see if Oak was alright and she was fine now, so Adri was able to relax a bit. she put her phone away so she could talk to Amy and Luke about Greyson.
Jake nodded to them going to the other show. "I'm down with that. It could be fun to go out on the town just us. Or double date with Amy and Luke." He suggested.

His eyebrow raised when she asked about suing Dana. "Babe I can't sue my boss. I would be out of a job." Jake still had a scar from his eye. He knew Adri was still worried about getting hit in the same spot again. "What's to talk about with it?" He asked. "I know how you feel about it. It is what it is at this point." His hand rubbed her back. "I'm okay...."

Jake went to the bar and ordered a cocktail for her and a bourbon for himself. Amy asked how she was doing without the babies. "How do you feel about everything now being out?" She also asked as Jake waited for their drinks.
“I guess there is nothing to talk about then.” She said softly. If Jake didn’t see a problem, then why should she? She kissed him when he said he was okay. “Okay.” She said softly. She didn’t want to ruin the night. She smiled at him and kissed him again.

Adair made a face at Amy, “It feels weird. I miss them. I checked the cameras on the way here and Oakley was crying.” She laughed. “I was ready to go home, but I don’t want to ruin this night for Jake we are celebrating. He said I can send a text to Annie later.” She laughed some more.

“I know they’re in good hands. So I am not too worried about it, but I like being there when they cry.”
Jake knew Adri well enough to know that wasn't a good answer. She didn't want to just leave it. "But if you want to talk about it, I'll be happy to after we get back home. Deal?" He asked and kissed her back. "I just have a knew battle scar for you to kiss." He winked at her.

Amy laughed as Luke gave her a look. "Stop." She playfully smacked his arm. "We are mothers. We can't help it." She told him before looking at Adri. "I've checked on him too and get worried when he cries. I'm going to be worried for the rest of my life. I've just come to terms with it."

Jake grabbed the drinks and headed to the booth. He set Adris down in front of her before sliding in next to her. The music was fairly loud which made talking hard without yelling or talking closely to each other. "What did I miss?"
Adri smiled and nodded her head, “Sure.”

Adri nodded, she would come to terms with it too, but they were so little and they didn’t stay that little for long. She wanted to be there for every moment.

“Oakley stopped crying.” She told him and showed him the camera. Both babies were not in their rockers being soothed to sleep.

She took her drink and sipped on it, “Oh wow. That’s strong.” She laughed and coughed a bit. A couple of these and she’d forget she was ever worried about the twins being at home.
"I knew she would. As soon as she started to eat she'd be happy as a clam." He told her and smiled taking a sip of his bourbon. "Do you feel better at least?" He asked, resting his hand on her leg.

He chuckled at her. "It's also been awhile since you've had a drink too. But if they are going to make them and we aren't driving, may as well have them strong." He smiled at her.

Amy's eyes went wide, "Mine was strong too but sooo good." She took a sip. "We should leave the kids with their fathers and the two of us should get lunch and do some shopping soon now that you're moved and everything." Amy suggested.

"How do you think the docu went over with your mom?" Luke asked Amy and Jake both.

He shook his head. "I don't care. I'm over trying to please her. It is what it is at this point." He told her.
“I do feel better now. I’ll still send her a text before she goes to bed though.” She told him.

That was true. The last time she drank was new years when she didn’t know she was pregnant. These drinks were definitely going to hit her harder. And she was a lightweight beforehand.

“Yeah. She’s not easy to please.” Adri agreed softly and sipped on her drink again.

“I’m all for a girls day out Amy. Just let me know when and we can get away for a day. Maybe go to LA. Take a private jet so we can come back whenever we want.” She offered.

By the time she finished her drink she was feeling good. “I want to dance.” She told Jake. “And then I need a new drink.” She kissed his cheek.
"That's a good idea. I also don't think it's out of question to check in." He told her rubbing her leg and kissing her shoulder.

"Maybe we should have had Liam ro make sure we both get to our room okay. Maybe send me the info so I have it too...just in case." He told her smiling, giving her a bit of a hard time but also trying to plan ahead. Plus he wanted them to both have a good time. They both deserved it. Between working on the docu, the kids, and moving, they had a lot going on.

Jake was trying to have a relationship with his mother and it was better than it was but he was struggling and now her and his father were together, it made it harder. He had a great relationship with his dad but never saw the same with his mom as a possibility. He took another drink, not really wanting to talk more about it. Luke picked up on it and let it go. "You should be proud man. It was a good docu. I think you've inspired some people for sure." Jake thanked him. It meant a lot that Luke said that.

Amy loved the idea of going to LA. "I'd offer to make a weekend of it if you felt like you could leave the babies that long." Jake could handle the babies with some help from her Mom. Especially for a weekend. She deserved some time to go and have fun.

Jake got up and held his hand out to her. "Alright babe. Let's go." He took her to the dance floor and began dancing with her.
Adri sent Jake the hotel info and sent it to Liam with her location on so he could track them if they needed it. They had a driver, she was sure they’d make it back to their hotel alright, but making it to the room could be a challenge if they were both drunk.

“It really is a good doc. I think you will see how good it is when your fans watch it and give you their support as well.” She kissed his cheek and rubbed his knee.

Adri smiled and went to dance with her husband. Since it was the after party to his release there were a lot of people here for him. They gave him a quick congratulations or stopped him for a quick selfie on their way down to the dance floor.

The music was smooth and current. Stuff they could sway and grind too. She had to admit she missed going out with Jake and she was happy to be out. She turned to face him and gave him a soft kiss.

“I love you.” She mouthed since he wouldn’t be able to hear over the music.

The DJ slowed down his mix and switched the music to Jake’s walk out song. Three bottle girls dressed like ring side girls came out with sparklers. The first and third girl had Jake’s name on a sign with sparklers and the girl in the middle had a bucket of ice with a very fancy and expensive bottle of champagne for him.

The club went wild for Jake. Adri was just as surprised as he was so she didn’t know who did this for him.
Jake agreed once his fans watched it, he'd know how good it really was. "I'm sure some trolls will come out too. They always do." He was used to people trolling on him and even Adri. He'd be able to handle this too. It was part of the territory.

He stopped for pictures and thanked everyone who congratulated him. He felt bad to Adri that they kept getting stopped but they weren't just random fans, these were people he fought and trained with.

When she mouthed that she loved him, he smiled and kissed her softly. He mouthed it back as well. Then when they came out with a sign and cake for him, he looked at Adri, thinking it was from her.

He was thinking she was overdoing herself with all the surprises. But then her face kinda showed that she was just as surprised as him. "Do you know who did this?" He asked, leaning closer to her.
Adri shook her head, “I have no idea.” She said honestly and looked back at Luke and Amy but they didn’t seem like they did it either. Someone was a fan of them that was for sure.

It wasn’t until the DJ introduced his special friend Nick Jonas that it all clicked into place. Nick said he couldn’t come because he had some last minute shoot he had to film, but clearly he found the time to be here to support Jake.

Nick sang a couple songs for the crowd but when he was done he came down and congratulated Jake and kissed Adri on the cheek.

“I have an early flight back to LA, but I figured I could party the night away with you two. Sorry I missed the preview.” He told Jake.
Jake smiled when the DJ introduced Nick. Of course, that made more sense. He was glad he could make it even just to party. Jake danced with Adri as Nick sang his songs. "Did you know he was coming?" He asked her.

When Nick came down, he thanked him for the cake and for coming. "I'm glad you could make it man. Let's order some shots and get this party turned up a bit." He motioned for a waitress and asked for a round of shots for their booth and Nick. Jake danced with Adri until the shots came over and they went back to the table to take them. They were tequila and he didn't chase his with lime.

Jake had his arm around Adri and asked Nick about his filming and upcoming projects. Even though they were there for him, he still was interested in his friends and their projects.
Adri shook her head to Nick arriving. Her only surprise was the room and being away for the weekend.

She danced with Jake until the shots came and they went back to the booth. Adri had to chase hers with lime because she hated that burning feeling. And then she sipped on her drink to get that taste out of her mouth as well.

She listened to Jake and Nick talk and started to feel the alcohol in her system. When Nick asked about the babies, she showed him a picture of them sleeping. They were much bigger than the last time he saw them, only a few hours after they were born.

“Owen is going to be upset he missed Uncle Nick time.” Adri laughed. “Thank you for the drum set by the way. It’s his second favorite toy.” She said and made a face at him
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